Poems (Merrill)/God is Love and We shall Know

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4534852Poems — God is Love and We shall KnowClara A. Merrill

When the darkness seems to gather
O'er the dawn of hope and peace;
Like the storm-cloud towering upward
Which the wild winds e'er increase,—
And, like angry ocean billows
Fainting soul is fraught with woe;
And we're longing for our loved ones—
Does the Heavenly Father know?

Though He notes the fallen sparrow—
Does He heed the child who weeps—
Does He see my tears fast falling
O'er the grave where Sister sleeps?
When the bitter sob of anguish
Mingles with the earnest prayer;
Pleading for His love and comfort
Does the Heavenly Father care?

Will He in His loving wisdom
Send that sweet peace bye and bye—
When the eye can gaze far upward
To the brighter realms on high?
As the way-worn, weary pilgrim
Turns his footsteps toward the grave;
And 'neath load of sin he falleth—
Will the Heavenly Father save?

In that home where friends await us
Shall we know them when we meet—
Will they seem the same dear loved ones
That on earth we used to greet?—
Mystic thoughts—Ah! who can tell us
All that Fancy fain would know?
"God is Love" and "We shall know then"
Faith responds in answer low.