Poems (Toke)/Evening hymn

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For works with similar titles, see Evening hymn.
4623797Poems — Evening hymnEmma Toke

O LORD Most High! with humble prayer
A little child implores Thy care,
To guard me through the long dark night,
From every danger and affright.

Oh! let Thy holy Angels keep
Their watch around me while I sleep;
For nothing bad can hurt me then,
Till light and morning come again.

For Jesu's sake, forgive me, Lord,
Each rebel thought and angry word;
And help me every day, to try
Some fault to cure, some sin to fly.

I am Thy child!—oh, keep me still,
Beneath thy care, from every ill;
And lead me on as Thou seest best,
With Thee at last to find my rest.


January 23, 1842,