Poems (Toke)/New years sonnet

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by Emma Toke
New years sonnet
4623798Poems — New years sonnetEmma Toke
A HAPPY and a bright New Year to thee,
Mine own dear Love!—aye, and full many a one,
More blest than even those whose race is run,
Mayst thou in peace and safety live to see!
What our allotted span of life may be,
God only knows; and we can only pray,
That step by step, from sin and danger free,
His Hand may lead us on our earthly way.
This is a social time, a festal day,
When home-fires blaze, and kindred meet with ¢lee.
I can but think on loved ones far away,
And from the bed of sickness breathe for thee,
And those sweet babes who all our fondness share,
A wife's, a mother's warmest, holiest prayer!


January 1, 1842,