United States Statutes at Large/Volume 2/10th Congress

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The Tenth United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, consisting of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in Washington, D.C. from March 4, 1807 to March 4, 1809, during the seventh and eighth years of Thomas Jefferson's presidency. The apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives was based on the Second Census of the United States in 1800. Both chambers had an overwhelming Democratic-Republican majority.

Public Acts of Congress
(and session)
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1649451United States Statutes at Large, Volume 2 — Public Acts of the Tenth CongressUnited States Congress

1st Session


Public Laws



of the


Passed at the first session, which was begun and held at the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on Monday, the twenty-sixth day of October, 1807, and ended on the twenty-fifth day of April, 1808.

Thomas Jefferson, President; George Clinton, Vice President of the United States, and President of the Senate; Samuel Smith, President of the Senate pro tempore, from the 18th of April, 1808; J. B. Varnum, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

  Chapter Title Date
1 Chapter I. An Act making further appropriations for the support of the Navy of the United States, during the year one thousand eight hundred and seven. Nov. 24, 1807
2 Chapter II. An Act allowing an additional compensation to the Secretaries of the Mississippi, Indiana, Louisiana and Michigan Territories. Dec. 5, 1807
3 Chapter III. An Act to change the name of the district of Biddeford and Pepperelborough, in Massachusetts, to that of Saco. Dec. 15, 1807
4 Chapter IV. An Act to appropriate money for the providing of an additional number of Gun Boats. Dec. 18, 1807
5 Chapter V. An Act laying an Embargo on all ships and vessels in the ports and harbors of the United States. Dec. 22, 1807
6 Chapter VI. See Private Acts of the Tenth Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 7, 1808
7 Chapter VII. An Act supplementary to an act, intituled “An act for fortifying the ports and harbors of the United States, and for building Gun Boats.” Jan. 8, 1808
8 Chapter VIII. An Act supplementary to the act, intituled “An act laying an Embargo on all ships and vessels in the ports and harbors of the United States.” Jan. 9, 1808
9 Chapter IX. An Act extending the right of suffrage in the Mississippi territory; and for other purposes. Jan. 9, 1808
10 Chapter X. An Act supplementary to an act, intituled “An act regulating the grants of land, and providing for the disposal of the lands of the United States, south of the state of Tennessee.” Jan. 19, 1808
11 Chapter XI. An Act to revive and continue in force for a further time the first section of the act, intituled “An act further to protect the commerce and seamen of the United States against the Barbary powers.” Jan. 19, 1808
12 Chapter XII. An Act to provide for the payment of certain expenses incurred in the impeachment of Samuel Chase. Jan. 21, 1808
13 Chapter XIII. See Private Acts of the Tenth Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 21, 1808
14 Chapter XIV. An Act to continue in force for a limited time an act, intituled “An act continuing for a limited time the salaries of the officers of government therein mentioned.” Jan. 27, 1808
15 Chapter XV. An Act authorizing the erection of a bridge over the river Potomac, within the District of Columbia. Feb. 5, 1808
16 Chapter XVI. An Act to erect a Lighthouse on Point Judith, in the state of Rhode Island. Feb. 10, 1808
17 Chapter XVII. An Act making appropriations for the support of Government during the year one thousand eight hundred and eight. Feb. 10, 1808
18 Chapter XVIII. An Act making appropriations for the support of the Navy of the United States, during the year one thousand eight hundred and eight. Feb. 10, 1808
19 Chapter XIX. An Act to revive and continue certain causes and proceedings in the District Court of the District of Columbia. Feb. 10, 1808
20 Chapter XX. An Act making appropriations for carrying into effect certain Indian Treaties. Feb. 19, 1808
21 Chapter XXI. An Act to provide for the payment of certain expenses incurred in the inquiry into the conduct of John Smith, a Senator from the state of Ohio. Feb. 19, 1808
22 Chapter XXII. An Act making additional compensation to the Marshals for the Districts of North Carolina and New Jersey. Feb. 25, 1808
23 Chapter XXIII. See Private Acts of the Tenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 25, 1808
24 Chapter XXIV. An Act extending the right of suffrage in the Indiana territory. Feb. 26, 1808
25 Chapter XXV. An Act supplementary to the act intituled “An act to prohibit the importation of certain goods, wares and merchandise.” Feb. 27, 1808
26 Chapter XXVI. An Act making further provision for the disposal of the sections of land heretofore reserved for the future disposition of Congress. Feb. 29, 1808
27 Chapter XXVII. An Act making appropriation for the support of the Military establishment of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and eight. March 3, 1808
28 Chapter XXVIII. An Act to allow the importation of old copper, saltpetre and sulphur, free of duty. March 4, 1808
29 Chapter XXIX. An Act in further addition to an act intituled “An act to amend the judicial system of the United States.” March 9, 1808
30 Chapter XXX. An Act for extending the terms of credit on revenue bonds in certain cases, and for other purposes. March 10, 1808
31 Chapter XXXI. An Act for procuring an additional number of Arms, and for the purchase of saltpetre and sulphur. March 11, 1808
32 Chapter XXXII. See Private Acts of the Tenth Congress in Volume 6. March 11, 1808
33 Chapter XXXIII. An Act in addition to the act, intituled “An act supplementary to the act, intituled An act laying an embargo on all ships and vessels in the ports and harbors of the United States.” March 12, 1808
34 Chapter XXXIV. An Act remitting the duties payable on the importation of a monument to be erected in memory of the officers of the United States Navy, who fell during the attack made on the city of Tripoli, in the year one thousand eight hundred and four. March 13, 1808
35 Chapter XXXV. An Act for erecting a Lighthouse on the south point of the island of Sapelo, and for placing buoys and beacons in the shoals of the inlet leading to the town of Darien, and near the entrance of Ipswich harbor, near Plymouth harbor, before the harbor of Nantucket, and on the island of Tuckanuck, at or near the entrance of Connecticut river, and near the entrance of Great Egg Harbor river. March 17, 1808
36 Chapter XXXVI. See Private Acts of the Tenth Congress in Volume 6. March 18, 1808
37 Chapter XXXVII. An Act extending the time for issuing and locating military land warrants. March 21, 1808
38 Chapter XXXVIII. An Act to amend the act intituled “An act establishing circuit courts and abridging the jurisdiction of the district courts of the districts of Kentucky, Tennessee and Ohio.” March 22, 1808
39 Chapter XXXIX. An Act authorizing a detachment from the Militia of the United States. March 30, 1808
40 Chapter XL. An Act concerning the sale of the Lands of the United States, and for other purposes. March 31, 1808
41 Chapter XLI. An Act further to prolong the continuance of the Mint at Philadelphia. April 1, 1808
42 Chapter XLII. An Act authorizing the sale of public Arms. April 2, 1808
43 Chapter XLIII. An Act to raise for a limited time an additional military force. April 12, 1808
44 Chapter XLIV. An Act to authorize the transportation of certain documents by mail, free of postage. April 13, 1808
45 Chapter XLV. See Private Acts of the Tenth Congress in Volume 6. April 18, 1808
46 Chapter XLVI. An Act to continue in force, for a further time, an act intituled “An act for the more effectual preservation of peace in the ports and harbors of the United States, and in the waters under their jurisdiction.” April 19, 1808
47 Chapter XLVII. An Act to revive and continue in force “An act declaring the assent of Congress to certain acts of the states of Maryland and Georgia.” April 20, 1808
48 Chapter XLVIII. An Act concerning public contracts. April 21, 1808
49 Chapter XLIX. See Private Acts of the Tenth Congress in Volume 6. April 21, 1808
50 Chapter L. An Act for the establishment of a Turnpike Company in the county of Alexandria, in the District of Columbia. April 21, 1808
51 Chapter LI. An Act to continue in force an act intituled “An act to extend jurisdiction in certain cases to state judges and state courts; and for other purposes.” April 21, 1808
52 Chapter LII. An Act to authorize the President of the United States, under certain conditions, to suspend the operation of the act laying an embargo on all ships and vessels in the ports and harbors of the United States, and the several acts supplementary thereto. April 22, 1808
53 Chapter LIII. An Act to alter the time for the next meeting of Congress. April 22, 1808
54 Chapter LIV. See Private Acts of the Tenth Congress in Volume 6. April 22, 1808
55 Chapter LV. An Act making provision for arming and equipping the whole body of the Militia of the United States. April 22, 1808
56 Chapter LVI. An Act to establish certain post roads in the states of Georgia and Ohio. April 23, 1808
57 Chapter LVII. An Act making an appropriation to supply a deficiency in an appropriation for the support of government during the present year, and making an appropriation for defraying the expenses incident to the valuation of houses and lands, and the enumeration of slaves within the United States. April 23, 1808
58 Chapter LVIII. An Act concerning invalid pensioners. April 25, 1808
59 Chapter LIX. See Private Acts of the Tenth Congress in Volume 6. April 25, 1808
60 Chapter LX. An Act to authorize and empower the President of the United States to exchange certain lands, for other lands more suitable for fortification. April 25, 1808
61 Chapter LXI. An Act make Plymouth, in North Carolina, a port of entry; to change the name of the District of Nanjemoy to that of St. Mary’s, and to make Augusta, in the District of Maine, a port of delivery. April 25, 1808
62 Chapter LXII. An Act making appropriations for the support of an additional military force, for the year one thousand eight hundred and eight. April 25, 1808
63 Chapter LXIII. An Act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to pay to the comptroller of the treasury, in trust, the amount of certain bills drawn by John Armstrong, minister from the United States to the court of France, on [the] treasury of the United States. April 25, 1808
64 Chapter LXIV. See Private Acts of the Tenth Congress in Volume 6. April 25, 1808
65 Chapter LXV. An Act to make good a deficit in the appropriation of eighteen hundred and seven, for completing the public buildings, and for other purposes. April 25, 1808
66 Chapter LXVI. An Act in addition to the act intituled “An act laying an embargo on all ships and vessels in the ports and harbors of the United States,” and the several acts supplementary thereto, and for other purposes. April 25, 1808
67 Chapter LXVII. An Act supplemental to “An act regulating the grants of land in the territory of Michigan.” April 25, 1808

Public Resolution

Resolution Date
Resolution to authorize the disposition of certain charts of the coast of North Carolina. March 4, 1808

2nd Session


Public Laws



of the


Passed at the first session, which was begun and held at the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on Monday, the seventh day of November, 1808, and ended on the third day of March, 1809.

Thomas Jefferson, President; George Clinton, Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate; Stephen R. Bradley, President of the Senate pro tempore, from the 4th to the 7th of January, 1809; John Milledge, President of the Senate pro tempore, from January 30th, 1809; J. B. Varnum, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

  Chapter Title Date
1 Chapter I. An Act to authorize the transportation of a certain Message of the President of the United States, and documents accompanying the same. Nov. 18, 1808
2 Chapter II. See Private Acts of the Tenth Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 4, 1809
3 Chapter III. An Act authorizing the President of the United States to employ an additional number of revenue cutters. Jan. 6, 1809
4 Chapter IV. An Act authorizing the payment of certain pensions by the Secretary of War at the seat of government. Jan. 7, 1809
5 Chapter V. An Act to enforce and make more effectual an act intituled “An act laying an embargo on all ships and vessels in the ports and harbors of the United States,” and the several acts supplementary thereto. Jan. 9, 1809
6 Chapter VI. An Act to revive and continue in force, for a further time, the first section of the act, intituled “An act further to protect the commerce and seamen of the United States, against the Barbary powers.” Jan. 10, 1809
7 Chapter VII. See Private Acts of the Tenth Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 12, 1809
8 Chapter VIII. An Act authorizing the proprietors of squares and lots in the City of Washington, to have the same subdivided and admitted to record. Jan. 12, 1809
9 Chapter IX. An Act supplemental to an act intituled “An act for extending the terms of credit on revenue bonds in certain cases, and for other purposes.” Jan. 12, 1809
10 Chapter X. An Act to alter the time for the next meeting of Congress. Jan. 30, 1809
11 Chapter XI. An Act authorizing the employment of an additional naval force. Jan. 31, 1809
12 Chapter XII. See Private Acts of the Tenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 1, 1809
13 Chapter XIII. An Act for dividing the Indiana Territory into two separate governments. Feb. 3, 1809
14 Chapter XIV. An Act supplementary to the act, intituled “An act to amend the act, intituled An act establishing Circuit Courts, and abridging the jurisdiction of the District Courts of the districts of Kentucky, Tennessee and Ohio.” Feb. 4, 1809
15 Chapter XV. An Act making appropriations to complete the fortifications commenced for the security of seaport towns and harbors of the United States, and to defray the expense of deepening and extending to the river Mississippi, the canal of Carondelet. Feb. 10, 1809
16 Chapter XVI. An Act to revive and continue for a further time, the authority of the Commissioners of Kaskaskia. Feb. 15, 1809
17 Chapter XVII. An Act to incorporate a company for opening the Canal in the City of Washington. Feb. 16, 1809
18 Chapter XVIII. An Act making appropriations for the support of Government during the year one thousand eight hundred and nine. Feb. 17, 1809
19 Chapter XIX. An Act extending the right of suffrage in the Indiana territory, and for other purposes. Feb. 27, 1809
20 Chapter XX. An Act freeing from postage all letters and packets to Thomas Jefferson. Feb. 28, 1809
21 Chapter XXI. See Private Acts of the Tenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 28, 1809
22 Chapter XXII. An Act for the disposal of certain tracts of land in the Mississippi territory, claimed under Spanish grants, reported by the land commissioners as antedated, and to confirm the claims of Abraham Ellis and Daniel Harregal. Feb. 28, 1809
23 Chapter XXIII. An Act for the relief of certain Alibama and Wyandott Indians. Feb. 28, 1809
24 Chapter XXIV. An Act to interdict the commercial intercourse between the United States and Great Britain and France, and their dependencies; and for other purposes. March 1, 1809
25 Chapter XXV. An Act making provision for the further accommodation of the household of the President of the United States. March 2, 1809
26 Chapter XXVI. An Act to extend the time for making payment for the public lands of the United States. March 2, 1809
27 Chapter XXVII. An Act further to amend the Judicial System of the United States. March 2, 1809
28 Chapter XXVIII. An Act further to amend the several acts for the establishment and regulation of the Treasury, War and Navy departments. March 3, 1809
29 Chapter XXIX. An Act making a further appropriation towards completing the two wings of the Capitol at the city of Washington, and for other purposes. March 3, 1809
30 Chapter XXX. An Act supplementary to the act intituled “An act to amend the charter of Georgetown.” March 3, 1809
31 Chapter XXXI. An Act to authorize the making of a Turnpike Road from Mason’s Causeway, to Alexandria. March 3, 1809
32 Chapter XXXII. See Private Acts of the Tenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1809
33 Chapter XXXIII. An Act authorizing an augmentation of the Marine Corps. March 3, 1809
34 Chapter XXXIV. An Act supplemental to the act intituled “An act for establishing trading houses with the Indian tribes.” March 3, 1809
35 Chapter XXXV. See Private Acts of the Tenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1809
36 Chapter XXXVI. An Act making appropriations for the support of the Military establishment, and of the Navy of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and nine. March 3, 1809
37 Chapter XXXVII. See Private Acts of the Tenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1809