United States Statutes at Large/Volume 3/15th Congress

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The Fifteenth United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, consisting of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in the Old Brick Capitol in Washington, D.C. from March 4, 1817, to March 4, 1819, during the first two years of James Monroe's presidency. The apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives was based on the Third Census of the United States in 1810. Both chambers had a Democratic-Republican majority.

Public Acts of Congress
(and session)
1st · 2nd · 3rd · 4th · 5th · 6th · 7th · 8th · 9th · 10th · 11th · 12th · 13th · 14th · 15th · 16th · 17th · 18th · 19th · 20th · 21st · 22nd · 23rd · 24th · 25th · 26th · 27th · 28th · 29th · 30th · 31st · 32nd · 33rd · 34th · 35th · 36th · 37th · 38th · 39th · 40th · 41st · 42nd · 43rd · 44th · 45th · 46th · 47th · 48th · 49th · 50th · 51st · 52nd · 53rd · 54th · 55th · 56th · 57th · 58th · 59th · 60th · 61st · 62nd · 63rd · 64th · 65th · 66th · 67th · 68th · 69th · 70th · 71st · 72nd · 73rd · 74th · 75th (1st 2nd 3rd) · 76th (1st 2nd 3rd) · 77th (1st 2nd) · 78th (1st 2nd) · 79th (1st 2nd) · 80th (1st 2nd) · 81st (1st 2nd) · 82nd (1st 2nd) · 83rd (1st 2nd) · 84th (1st 2nd) · 85th (1st 2nd) · 86th (1st 2nd) · 87th (1st 2nd) · 88th (1st 2nd) · 89th (1st 2nd) · 90th (1st 2nd) · 91st (1st 2nd) · 92nd (1st 2nd) · 93rd (1st 2nd) · 94th (1st 2nd) · 95th (1st 2nd) · 96th (1st 2nd) · 97th (1st 2nd) · 98th (1st 2nd) · 99th (1st 2nd) · 100th (1st 2nd) · 101st (1st 2nd) · 102nd (1st 2nd) · 103rd (1st 2nd) · 104th (1st 2nd) · 105th (1st 2nd) · 106th (1st 2nd) · 107th (1st 2nd) · 108th (1st 2nd) · 109th (1st 2nd) · 110th (1st 2nd) · 111st (1st 2nd) · 112nd (1st 2nd) · 113rd (1st 2nd) · 114th (1st 2nd) · 115th (1st 2nd) · 116th (1st 2nd) · 117th (1st 2nd) · 118th (1st 2nd) · 119th (1st 2nd) ·
2243551United States Statutes at Large, Volume 3 — Public Acts of the Fifteenth CongressUnited States Congress

1st Session


Public Laws



of the


Passed at the first session, which was begun and held at the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on Monday, the first day of December, 1817, and ended on the twentieth day of April, 1818.

James Monroe, President of the United States; Daniel D. Tompkins, Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate; John Gaillard, President of the Senate pro tempore, from December 1, 1817, to March 9, 1818, and from April 3, to April 20, 1818; Henry Clay, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

  Chapter Title Date
1 Chapter I. An Act to abolish the internal duties. Dec. 23, 1817
2 Chapter II. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 14, 1818
3 Chapter III. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 14, 1818
4 Chapter IV. An Act further to prolong the continuance of the Mint at Philadelphia. Jan. 14, 1818
5 Chapter V. An Act allowing compensation to the members of the Senate, members of the House of Representatives of the United States, and to the delegates of the territories, and repealing all other laws on that subject. Jan. 14, 1818
6 Chapter VI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 22, 1818
7 Chapter VII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 22, 1818
8 Chapter VIII. An Act making further provision for repairing public buildings. Jan. 27, 1818
9 Chapter IX. An Act to allow the benefit of drawback on merchandise transported by land conveyance from Bristol to Boston, and from Boston to Bristol, in like manner as if the same were transported coastwise. Feb. 6, 1818
10 Chapter X. An Act making appropriations for the payment of arrearages which have been incurred for the support of the military establishment, previous to the first of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen. Feb. 16, 1818
11 Chapter XI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 16, 1818
12 Chapter XII. An Act making provision for the establishment of additional land offices in the territory of Missouri. Feb. 17, 1818
13 Chapter XIII. An Act making appropriations for the military service of the United States for the year one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. Feb. 19, 1818
14 Chapter XIV. An Act concerning the district of Brunswick, in the state of Georgia. March 9, 1818
15 Chapter XV. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 9, 1818
16 Chapter XVI. An Act supplementary to the act, entitled “An act further extending the time for issuing and locating military land warrants, and for other purposes.[”] March 9, 1818
17 Chapter XVII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 9, 1818
18 Chapter XVIII. An Act providing for the sale of certain lands in the district of Marietta, and for location of claims and sale of certain lands in the district of Vincennes. March 18, 1818
19 Chapter XIX. An Act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States, in the Revolutionary War. March 18, 1818
20 Chapter XX. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 18, 1818
21 Chapter XXI. An Act making appropriations for the support of the navy of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. March 18, 1818
22 Chapter XXII. An Act for altering the time for holding the district court for the district of Virginia. March 19, 1818
23 Chapter XXIII. An Act extending the time for obtaining military land warrants in certain cases. March 27, 1818
24 Chapter XXIV. An Act in addition to “An act making appropriation for repairing certain roads therein described.” March 27, 1818
25 Chapter XXV. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 3, 1818
26 Chapter XXVI. An Act allowing additional salary and clerk hire to the surveyor for the Illinois and Missouri territories, and for other purposes. April 3, 1818
27 Chapter XXVII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 3, 1818
28 Chapter XXVIII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 3, 1818
29 Chapter XXIX. An Act to provide for the due execution of the laws of the United [S]tates within the state of Mississippi. April 3, 1818
30 Chapter XXX. An Act altering the time for holding a session of the district court in the district of Maine. April 3, 1818
31 Chapter XXXI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 3, 1818
32 Chapter XXXII. An Act respecting the courts of the United States within the state of New York. April 3, 1818
33 Chapter XXXIII. An Act to provide for the creation of a court-house, jail, and public offices, within the county of Alexandria, in the District of Columbia.

See also Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6.

April 3, 1818
34 Chapter XXXIV. An Act to establish the flag of the United States. April 4, 1818
35 Chapter XXXV. An Act supplementary to the act, entitled “An act to authorize the state of Tennessee to issue grants and perfect titles to certain lands therein described, and to settle the claims to the vacant and unappropriated land within the same,” passed the eighteenth of April, one thousand eight hundred and six. April 4, 1818
36 Chapter XXXVI. An Act declaring the consent of Congress to an act of the state of North Carolina for the relief of sick and disabled American Seamen. April 4, 1818
37 Chapter XXXVII. An Act concerning the bounty or allowance to fishing vessels in certain cases. April 4, 1818
38 Chapter XXXVIII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 4, 1818
39 Chapter XXXIX. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 4, 1818
40 Chapter XL. An Act to regulate the fees of public notaries in the county of Washington, in the District of Columbia. April 4, 1818
41 Chapter XLI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 9, 1818
42 Chapter XLII. An Act limiting the time for claims being produced for lands authorized to be granted to the inhabitants of New Madrid. April 9, 1818
43 Chapter XLIII. An Act concerning the territory of Alabama. April 9, 1818
44 Chapter XLIV. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 9, 1818
45 Chapter XLV. An Act making appropriation for the support of government for the year one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. April 9, 1818
46 Chapter XLVI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 9, 1818
47 Chapter XLVII. An Act to extend the time for locating Virginia military land warrants, and returning surveys thereon to the General Land Office; and for designating the western boundary line of the Virginia military tract. April 11, 1818
48 Chapter XLVIII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 11, 1818
49 Chapter XLIX. An Act to provide for paying to the state of Indiana three per cent. of the net proceeds arising from the sales of the United States within the same. April 11, 1818
50 Chapter L. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 11, 1818
51 Chapter LI. An Act to change the name of the district of Erie, in the state of Ohio. April 11, 1818
52 Chapter LII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 11, 1818
53 Chapter LIII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 11, 1818
54 Chapter LIV. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 11, 1818
55 Chapter LV. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 13, 1818
56 Chapter LVI. An Act to authorize the payment of certain certificates. April 13, 1818
57 Chapter LVII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 13, 1818
58 Chapter LVIII. An Act to repeal part of the act, entitled “An act to provide for surveying the coasts of the United States.” April 14, 1818
59 Chapter LIX. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 14, 1818
60 Chapter LX. An Act making further appropriations for the construction of the Cumberland road. April 14, 1818
61 Chapter LXI. An Act regulating the staff of the army. April 14, 1818
62 Chapter LXII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 16, 1818
63 Chapter LXIII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 16, 1818
64 Chapter LXIV. An Act regulating the pay and emoluments of brevet officers. April 16, 1818
65 Chapter LXV. An Act in addition to “An act giving pensions to the orphans and widows of persons slain in the public or private armed vessels of the United States.” April 16, 1818
66 Chapter LXVI. An Act directing the manner of appointing Indian Agents, and continuing the “Act for establishing trading houses with the Indian tribes.” April 16, 1818
67 Chapter LXVII. An Act to enable the people of the Illinois territory to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the Union on an equal footing with the original states. April 18, 1818
68 Chapter LXVIII. An Act to abolish the port of delivery established at the mouth of Slade’s creek, in the state of North Carolina. April 18, 1818
69 Chapter LXIX. An Act fixing the compensations of the secretary of the Senate and clerk of the House of Representatives, of the clerks employed in their offices, and of the librarian. April 18, 1818
70 Chapter LXX. An Act concerning navigation. April 18, 1818
71 Chapter LXXI. An Act fixing the time for the next meeting of Congress. April 18, 1818
72 Chapter LXXII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 18, 1818
73 Chapter LXXIII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 18, 1818
74 Chapter LXXIV. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 18, 1818
75 Chapter LXXV. An Act to suspend for a limited time, the sale or forfeiture of lands for failure in completing the payment thereon. April 18, 1818
76 Chapter LXXVI. An Act to establish a port of entry and delivery at Cape Vincent, at the fork of lake Ontario, and the head of the river St. Lawrence. April 18, 1818
77 Chapter LXXVII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 18, 1818
78 Chapter LXXVIII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 18, 1818
79 Chapter LXXIX. An Act supplementary to an act, entitled “An act to regulate the collection of duties on imports and tonnage,” passed the second day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine. April 20, 1818
80 Chapter LXXX. An Act to provide for the publication of the laws of the United States and for other purposes. April 20, 1818
81 Chapter LXXXI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1818
82 Chapter LXXXII. An Act to provide for erecting additional buildings for the accommodation of the several Executive Departments. April 20, 1818
83 Chapter LXXXIII. An Act supplementary to the several acts relative to direct taxes and internal duties. April 20, 1818
84 Chapter LXXXIV. An Act to defray the expenses of the militia when marching to places of rendezvous. April 20, 1818
85 Chapter LXXXV. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1818
86 Chapter LXXXVI. An Act for the relief of volunteer mounted cavalry. April 20, 1818
87 Chapter LXXXVII. An Act to regulate and fix the compensation of the clerks in the different offices. April 20, 1818
88 Chapter LXXXVIII. An Act in addition to the “Act for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States,” and to repeal the acts therein mentioned. April 20, 1818
89 Chapter LXXXIX. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1818
90 Chapter XC. An Act to continue in force an act entitled “An act relating to settlers on lands of the United States.” April 20, 1818
91 Chapter XCI. An Act in addition to “An act to prohibit the introduction (importation) of slaves into any port or place within the jurisdiction of the United States, from and after the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight,” and to repeal certain parts of the same. April 20, 1818
92 Chapter XCII. An Act to establish and alter certain post roads. April 20, 1818
93 Chapter XCIII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1818
94 Chapter XCIV. An Act to increase the salaries of the judges of the circuit court for the District of Columbia. April 20, 1818
95 Chapter XCV. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1818
96 Chapter XCVI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1818
97 Chapter XCVII. An Act making appropriations for the public buildings, and for furnishing the Capitol and President’s house. April 20, 1818
98 Chapter XCVIII. An Act to increase the duties on certain manufactured articles imported into the United States. April 20, 1818
99 Chapter XCIX. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1818
100 Chapter C. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1818
101 Chapter CI. An Act to increase the pay of the militia while in actual service, and for other purposes. April 20, 1818
102 Chapter CII. An Act respecting the organization of the army, and for other purposes. April 20, 1818
103 Chapter CIII. An Act to increase the duties on iron in bars and bolts, iron in pigs, castings, nails, and alum. April 20, 1818
104 Chapter CIV. An Act fixing the compensation of Indian agents and factors. April 20, 1818
105 Chapter CV. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1818
106 Chapter CVI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1818
107 Chapter CVII. An Act to continue in force, from and after the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, until the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, the fourth paragraph of the first section of the act, entitled “An act to regulate duties on imports and tonnage.” April 20, 1818
108 Chapter CVIII. An Act to divide the state of Pennsylvania into two judicial districts. April 20, 1818
109 Chapter CIX. An Act supplementary to the several acts making appropriations for the year one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. April 20, 1818
110 Chapter CX. An Act concerning tonnage and discriminating duties, in certain cases. April 20, 1818
111 Chapter CXI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1818
112 Chapter CXII. An Act authorizing a subscription for the Statistical Annals of Adam Seybert, and the purchase of Pitkin’s Commercial Statistics. April 20, 1818
113 Chapter CXIII. An Act making the port of Bath, in Massachusetts, a port of entry for ships or vessels arriving from the Cape of Good Hope, and from places beyond the same; and for establishing a collection district, whereof Belfast shall be the port of entry. April 20, 1818
114 Chapter CXIV. An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to repay or remit certain alien duties therein described. April 20, 1818
115 Chapter CXV. An Act authorizing the disposal of certain lots of public ground in the city of New Orleans and town of Mobile. April 20, 1818
116 Chapter CXVI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1818
117 Chapter CXVII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1818
118 Chapter CXVIII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1818
119 Chapter CXIX. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1818
120 Chapter CXX. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1818
121 Chapter CXXI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1818
122 Chapter CXXII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1818
123 Chapter CXXIII. An Act for changing the compensation of receivers and registers of the land offices. April 20, 1818
124 Chapter CXXIV. An Act for transferring the claims in the office of the commissioner to the third auditor of the Treasury Department. April 20, 1818
125 Chapter CXXV. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1818
126 Chapter CXXVI. An Act respecting the surveying and sale of the public lands in the Alabama territory. April 20, 1818
127 Chapter CXXVII. An Act to alter and amend an act, approved the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, entitled “An act to establish a separate territorial government for the eastern part of the Mississippi territory.” April 20, 1818
128 Chapter CXXVIII. An Act to adjust the claims to lots in the town of Vincennes, and for sale of the land appropriated as a common for the use of the inhabitants of the said town. April 20, 1818
129 Chapter CXXIX. An Act providing for the deposit of wines and distilled spirits in public warehouses, and for other purposes. April 20, 1818
130 Chapter CXXX. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1818

Resolution and Acts Relative to the Occupation of the Floridas by the United States of America


The following resolution and acts, passed in 1811 and 1812, were not promulgated until their publication in “the sessions acts” of the Fifteenth Congress, ending April 20, 1818. They are altogether omitted in Mr. Justice Story’s edition of the laws of the United States, and they are also omitted in Davis’ and Force’s edition of the laws from 1816 to 1827, published under the authority of Congress, in 1822 and 1827. They were passed in secret sessions of the Eleventh and Twelfth Congress.

The editor has not considered it proper to insert these laws in this edition, before their promulgation under the authority of the Secretary of State; under whose direction the laws of each session of Congress are published. Act of 1818, ch. 75.

Resolution Date
Resolution taking into view the peculiar situation of Spain, and of her American provinces; and considering the influence which the destiny of the territory adjoining the southern border of the United States may have upon their security, tranquility, and commerce: Jan. 15, 1811
An Act to enable the President of the United States, under certain contingencies, to take possession of the country lying east of the river Perdido, and south of the state of Georgia and the Mississippi territory, and for other purposes. Jan. 15, 1811
An Act concerning an act to enable the President of the United States, under certain contingencies, to take possession of the country lying east of the river Perdido, and south of the state of Georgia and the Mississippi territory, and for other purposes, and the declaration accompanying the same. March 3, 1811
An Act authorizing the President of the United States to take possession of a tract of country lying south of the Mississippi territory and west of the river Perdido. March 3, 1811

Public Resolutions

Resolution Date
Resolution I for the admission of the State of Mississippi into the Union. Dec. 10, 1817
Resolution II authorizing the distribution of certain public documents. Dec. 23, 1817
Resolution III directing a distribution of certain laws among the members and delegates of territories of the fifteenth Congress. Dec. 23, 1817
Resolution IV directing the procurement of certain laws. Jan. 22, 1818
Resolution V relative to the distribution of the late edition of the land laws. March 9, 1818
Resolution VI directing the judges of the Supreme Court to be furnished with Wait’s state papers. March 18, 1818
Resolution VII authorizing the transportation of certain documents free of postage. March 18, 1818
Resolution VIII directing the publication and distribution of the journal and proceedings of the convention which formed the present constitution of the United States. March 27, 1818
Resolution IX directing the distribution of the laws of the fourteenth Congress among the members of the fifteenth Congress. March 27, 1818
Resolution X directing the Secretary for the Department of State to prepare an index to the acts and resolutions of Congress, after the close of every session. April 3, 1818
Resolution XI requesting the President of the United States to present a sword to Colonel Richard M. Johnson. April 4, 1818
Resolution XII directing medals to be struck, and, together with the thanks of Congress, presented to Major General Harrison, and Governor Shelby; and for other purposes. April 4, 1818
Resolution XIII directing the completion of the survey of the waters of the Chesapeake bay, and for other purposes. April 4, 1818

2nd Session


Public Laws



of the


Passed at the second session, which was begun and held at the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on Monday, the sixteenth day of November, 1818, and ended on the third day of March, 1819.

James Monroe, President; Daniel D. Tompkins, Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate; Henry Clay, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

  Chapter Title Date
1 Chapter I. An Act to provide for the removal of the library of Congress to the north wing of the Capitol. Dec. 3, 1818
2 Chapter II. An Act to increase the number of clerks in the Department of War. Dec. 5, 1818
3 Chapter III. An Act making a partial appropriation for the military service of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, and to make good a deficit in the appropriation for holding treaties with the Indians. Dec. 16, 1818
4 Chapter IV. An Act concerning the western district court of Pennsylvania. Dec. 16, 1818
5 Chapter V. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Dec. 28, 1818
6 Chapter VI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Dec. 28, 1818
7 Chapter VII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Dec. 28, 1818
8 Chapter VIII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 8, 1819
9 Chapter IX. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 8, 1819
10 Chapter X. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 19, 1819
11 Chapter XI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 19, 1819
12 Chapter XII. An Act to establish a judicial district in Virginia, west of the Alleghany Mountain. Feb. 4, 1819
13 Chapter XIII. An Act to authorize the payment, in certain cases, on account of treasury notes which have been lost or destroyed. Feb. 4, 1819
14 Chapter XIV. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 4, 1819
15 Chapter XV. An Act authorizing the distribution of a sum of money among the representatives of Commodore Edward Preble, and the officers and crew of the Brig Syren. Feb. 4, 1819
16 Chapter XVI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 4, 1819
17 Chapter XVII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 4, 1819
18 Chapter XVIII. An Act making appropriations for the military service of the United States for the year eighteen hundred and nineteen. Feb. 15, 1819
19 Chapter XIX. An Act to extend the jurisdiction of the circuit courts of the United States to cases arising under the law relating to patents. Feb. 15, 1819
20 Chapter XX. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 15, 1819
21 Chapter XXI. An Act to authorize the President and Managers of the Rockville and Washington turnpike road company, of the state of Maryland, to extend and make their turnpike road to or from the boundary of the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, through the said district, to the line thereof. Feb. 15, 1819
22 Chapter XXII. An Act authorizing the election of a delegate from the Michigan territory to the Congress of the United States, and extending the right of suffrage to the citizens of said territory. Feb. 16, 1819
23 Chapter XXIII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 15, 1819
24 Chapter XXIV. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 16, 1819
25 Chapter XXV. An Act making appropriations for the support of the navy of the United States for the year one thousand eight hundred and nineteen. Feb. 16, 1819
26 Chapter XXVI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 16, 1819
27 Chapter XXVII. An Act to increase the salaries of certain officers of government. Feb. 20, 1819
28 Chapter XXVIII. An Act authorizing the President of the United States to purchase the lands reserved by the act of the third of March, eighteen hundred and seventeen, to certain chiefs, warriors, and other Indians, of the Creek nation. Feb. 20, 1819
29 Chapter XXIX. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 20, 1819
30 Chapter XXX. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 20, 1819
31 Chapter XXXI. An Act providing for a grant of land for the seat of government in the state of Mississippi, and for the support of a seminary of learning within the said state. Feb. 20, 1819
32 Chapter XXXII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 20, 1819
33 Chapter XXXIII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 20, 1819
34 Chapter XXXIV. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 20, 1819
35 Chapter XXXV. An Act supplemental to the act, entitled “An act further to amend the charter of the City of Washington.” Feb. 20, 1819
36 Chapter XXXVI. An Act providing additional penalties for false entries for the benefit of drawback, or bounty on exportation. Feb. 20, 1819
37 Chapter XXXVII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 24, 1819
38 Chapter XXXVIII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 24, 1819
39 Chapter XXXIX. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 24, 1819
40 Chapter XL. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 24, 1819
41 Chapter XLI. An Act allowing further time to complete the issuing and locating of military land warrants. Feb. 24, 1819
42 Chapter XLII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 24, 1819
43 Chapter XLIII. An Act supplementary to the act entitled “An act to provide for the prompt settlement of public accounts.” Feb. 24, 1819
44 Chapter XLIV. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 24, 1819
45 Chapter XLV. An Act to regulate the pay of the army when employed on fatigue duty. March 2, 1819
46 Chapter XLVI. An Act regulating passenger ships and vessels. March 2, 1819
47 Chapter XLVII. An Act to enable the people of the Alabama territory to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the Union on an equal footing with the original states. March 2, 1819
48 Chapter XLVIII. An Act supplementary to the acts concerning the coasting trade. March 2, 1819
49 Chapter XLIX. An Act establishing a separate territorial government in the southern part of the territory of Missouri. March 2, 1819
50 Chapter L. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1819
51 Chapter LI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1819
52 Chapter LII. An Act authorizing the Postmaster General to contract, as in other cases, for carrying the mail in steamboats, between New Orleans, in the state of Louisiana, and Louisville, in the state of Kentucky. March 2, 1819
53 Chapter LIII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1819
54 Chapter LIV. An Act making appropriations for the support of government for the year one thousand eight hundred and nineteen. March 3, 1819
55 Chapter LV. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
56 Chapter LVI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
57 Chapter LVII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
58 Chapter LVIII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
59 Chapter LIX. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
60 Chapter LX. An Act extending the term of half-pay pensions to the widows and children of certain officers, seamen, and marines, who died in the public service. March 3, 1819
61 Chapter LXI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
62 Chapter LXII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
63 Chapter LXIII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
64 Chapter LXIV. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
65 Chapter LXV. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
66 Chapter LXVI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
67 Chapter LXVII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
68 Chapter LXVIII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
69 Chapter LXIX. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
70 Chapter LXX. An Act to provide for the due execution of the laws of the United States within the state of Illinois. March 3, 1819
71 Chapter LXXI. An Act supplementary to the act, entitled “An act to authorize and empower the president and managers of the Washington Turnpike Company of the state of Maryland, when organized, to extend and make their turnpike road to or from Georgetown, in the District of Columbia, through the said district, to the line thereof.” March 3, 1819
72 Chapter LXXII. An Act to alter and establish certain post-roads. March 3, 1819
73 Chapter LXXIII. An Act to enforce those provisions of the act, entitled “An act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States,” which relate to the right of voting for directors, and for other purposes. March 3, 1819
74 Chapter LXXIV. An Act further to suspend, for a limited time, the sale or forfeiture of lands for failure in completing the payment thereon. March 3, 1819
75 Chapter LXXV. An Act in addition to “An act concerning tonnage and discriminating duties in certain cases.” March 3, 1819
76 Chapter LXXVI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
77 Chapter LXXVII. An Act to protect the commerce of the United States, and punish the crime of piracy. March 3, 1819
78 Chapter LXXVIII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
79 Chapter LXXIX. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
80 Chapter LXXX. An Act to continue in force, for a further term, the act entitled “An act for establishing trading houses with the Indian tribes,” and for other purposes. March 3, 1819
81 Chapter LXXXI. An Act regulating the payments to invalid pensioners. March 3, 1819
82 Chapter LXXXII. An Act to regulate the duties on certain wines. March 3, 1819
83 Chapter LXXXIII. An Act respecting the location of certain sections of lands to be granted for the seat of government in the state of Indiana. March 3, 1819
84 Chapter LXXXIV. An Act making appropriations for the public buildings, for the purchase of a lot of land, and furnishing a supply of water for the use of certain public buildings. March 3, 1819
85 Chapter LXXXV. An Act making provision for the civilization of the Indian tribes adjoining the frontier settlements. March 3, 1819
86 Chapter LXXXVI. An Act explanatory of the act entitled “An act for the final adjustment of land titles in the state of Louisiana and territory of Missouri.” March 3, 1819
87 Chapter LXXXVII. An Act making appropriations to carry into effect treaties concluded with several Indian tribes therein mentioned. March 3, 1819
88 Chapter LXXXVIII. An Act authorizing the sale of certain military sites. March 3, 1819
89 Chapter LXXXIX. An Act in addition to, and alteration of an act, entitled “An act laying a duty on imported salt, granting a bounty on pickled fish exported, and allowances to certain vessels employed in the fisheries.” March 3, 1819
90 Chapter XC. An Act to authorize the Secretary of War to convey a lot of parcel of land, belonging to the United States, lying in Jefferson county, in the state of Virginia. March 3, 1819
91 Chapter XCI. An Act to authorize the Secretary at War to appoint an additional agent for paying pensioners of the United States, in the state of Tennessee. March 3, 1819
92 Chapter XCII. An Act to designate the boundaries of districts, and establish land offices for the disposal of the public lands not heretofore offered for sale in the states of Ohio and Indiana. March 3, 1819
93 Chapter XCIII. An Act to authorize the President of the United States to take possession of East and West Florida, and establish a temporary government therein. March 3, 1819
94 Chapter XCIV. An Act concerning the allowance of pensions upon a relinquishment of bounty lands. March 3, 1819
95 Chapter XCV. An Act granting a donation of land to the state of Illinois, for the seat of government of said state. March 3, 1819
96 Chapter XCVI. An Act authorizing the purchase of fire engines and for building houses for the same keeping of the same. March 3, 1819
97 Chapter XCVII. An Act to continue in force an act regulating the currency, within the United States, of the gold coins of Great Britain, France, Portugal, and Spain, and the crowns of France, and five franc pieces. March 3, 1819
98 Chapter XCVII. An Act providing for the correction of errors in making entries of land at the land offices. March 3, 1819
99 Chapter XCIX. An Act concerning invalid pensions.

See also Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6.

March 3, 1819
100 Chapter C. An Act for adjusting the claims to land, and establishing land offices, in the districts east of the island of New Orleans. March 3, 1819
101 Chapter CI. An Act in addition to the Acts prohibiting the slave trade. March 3, 1819
102 Chapter CII. An Act to authorize the building, erecting, and placing, lighthouses, beacons, and buoys, on places designated in Boston, Buzzard and Chesapeake, Bays, Lakes Ontario and Erie, and for other purposes. March 3, 1819
103 Chapter CIII. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
104 Chapter CIV. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
105 Chapter CV. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
106 Chapter CVI. See Private Acts of the Fifteenth Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1819
107 Chapter CVII. An Act to repeal part of an act passed on the twenty-seventh day of February, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, entitled “An act in addition to ‘An act regulating the Post-office establishment.’” March 3, 1819

Public Resolutions

Resolution Date
Resolution 1 declaring the admission of the state of Illinois into the Union. Dec. 3, 1818
Resolution II authorizing the transmission of certain documents free of postage. Dec. 5, 1818
Resolution III directing a survey of certain parts of the coast of North Carolina. Jan. 19, 1819
Resolution IV for the distribution of Seybert’s Statistical Annals; and directing Pitkin’s Commercial Statistics to be deposited in the library. Jan. 23, 1819
Resolution V authorizing the transmission of the documents accompanying the report of the committee to examine into the proceedings of the Bank of the United [States] free of postage. Feb. 15, 1819
Resolution VI directing the manner in which the printing of Congress shall be executed, fixing the prices thereof, and providing for the appointment of a printer or printers. March 3, 1819
Resolution VII declaring the manner in which the vessels composing the navy of the United States shall be named. March 3, 1819