United States Statutes at Large/Volume 4/21st Congress

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The Twenty-first United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, consisting of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in Washington, D.C. from March 4, 1829, to March 4, 1831, during the first two years of Andrew Jackson's presidency. The apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives was based on the Fourth Census of the United States in 1820. Both chambers had a Jacksonian majority.

Public Acts of Congress
(and session)
1st · 2nd · 3rd · 4th · 5th · 6th · 7th · 8th · 9th · 10th · 11th · 12th · 13th · 14th · 15th · 16th · 17th · 18th · 19th · 20th · 21st · 22nd · 23rd · 24th · 25th · 26th · 27th · 28th · 29th · 30th · 31st · 32nd · 33rd · 34th · 35th · 36th · 37th · 38th · 39th · 40th · 41st · 42nd · 43rd · 44th · 45th · 46th · 47th · 48th · 49th · 50th · 51st · 52nd · 53rd · 54th · 55th · 56th · 57th · 58th · 59th · 60th · 61st · 62nd · 63rd · 64th · 65th · 66th · 67th · 68th · 69th · 70th · 71st · 72nd · 73rd · 74th · 75th (1st 2nd 3rd) · 76th (1st 2nd 3rd) · 77th (1st 2nd) · 78th (1st 2nd) · 79th (1st 2nd) · 80th (1st 2nd) · 81st (1st 2nd) · 82nd (1st 2nd) · 83rd (1st 2nd) · 84th (1st 2nd) · 85th (1st 2nd) · 86th (1st 2nd) · 87th (1st 2nd) · 88th (1st 2nd) · 89th (1st 2nd) · 90th (1st 2nd) · 91st (1st 2nd) · 92nd (1st 2nd) · 93rd (1st 2nd) · 94th (1st 2nd) · 95th (1st 2nd) · 96th (1st 2nd) · 97th (1st 2nd) · 98th (1st 2nd) · 99th (1st 2nd) · 100th (1st 2nd) · 101st (1st 2nd) · 102nd (1st 2nd) · 103rd (1st 2nd) · 104th (1st 2nd) · 105th (1st 2nd) · 106th (1st 2nd) · 107th (1st 2nd) · 108th (1st 2nd) · 109th (1st 2nd) · 110th (1st 2nd) · 111st (1st 2nd) · 112nd (1st 2nd) · 113rd (1st 2nd) · 114th (1st 2nd) · 115th (1st 2nd) · 116th (1st 2nd) · 117th (1st 2nd) · 118th (1st 2nd) · 119th (1st 2nd) ·
2954696United States Statutes at Large — Public Acts of the Twenty-First CongressUnited States Congress

1st Session


Public Laws



of the


Passed at the first session, which was begun and held at the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on Monday the seventh day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, and ended on the thirty-first day of May, 1830.

Andrew Jackson, President; J. C. Calhoun, Vice President of the United States, and President of the Senate; Andrew Stevenson, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

  Chapter Title Date
1 Chapter I. An Act making an appropriation for repairing and fitting out the frigate Brandywine. Dec. 29, 1829
2 Chapter II. An Act to authorize the exchange of certain lots of land between the university of Michigan territory and Martin Baum and others. Jan. 13, 1830
3 Chapter III. An Act to extend the time for locating certain donations in Arkansas. Jan. 13, 1830
4 Chapter IV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 13, 1830
5 Chapter V. An Act making appropriations for certain arrearages in the naval service for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine. Jan. 30, 1830
6 Chapter VI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 30, 1830
7 Chapter VII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 30, 1830
8 Chapter VIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 30, 1830
9 Chapter IX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 30, 1830
10 Chapter X. An Act making appropriations for the payment of revolutionary and invalid pensioners. Feb. 3, 1830
11 Chapter XI. An Act to alter the time of holding the circuit court of the United States for the district of Maryland. Feb. 11, 1830
12 Chapter XII. An Act authorizing the accounting officers of the Treasury Department to pay to the state of Pennsylvania, a debt due to that state by the United States. Feb. 11, 1830
13 Chapter XIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 11, 1830
14 Chapter XIV. An Act to authorize surveyors, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, to enrol and license ships or vessels to be employed in the coasting trade and fisheries. Feb. 11, 1830
15 Chapter XV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 11, 1830
16 Chapter XVI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 11, 1830
17 Chapter XVII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 11, 1830
18 Chapter XVIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 11, 1830
19 Chapter XIX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 11, 1830
20 Chapter XX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 11, 1830
21 Chapter XXI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 11, 1830
22 Chapter XXII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 11, 1830
23 Chapter XXIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 11, 1830
24 Chapter XXIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 11, 1830
25 Chapter XXV. An Act to continue in force an act authorizing the importation and allowance of drawback on brandy in casks of a capacity not less than fifteen gallons. Feb. 27, 1830
26 Chapter XXVI. An Act making appropriations for the Indian department, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty. Feb. 27, 1830
27 Chapter XXVII. An Act making appropriations for certain fortifications for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty. Feb. 27, 1830
28 Chapter XXVIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 27, 1830
29 Chapter XXIX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 27, 1830
30 Chapter XXX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1830
31 Chapter XXXI. An Act making appropriations for the military service for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty. March 11, 1830
32 Chapter XXXII. An Act making appropriations for the naval service for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty. March 11, 1830
33 Chapter XXXIII. An Act making appropriations for the support of government for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty. March 18, 1830
34 Chapter XXXIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 18, 1830
35 Chapter XXXV. An Act for the further regulation of vessels bound up James river, in the state of Virginia. March 23, 1830
36 Chapter XXXVI. An Act to continue in force “An act authorizing certain soldiers in the late war to surrender the bounty lands drawn by them, and to locate others in lieu thereof,” and for other purposes. March 23, 1830
37 Chapter XXXVII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 23, 1830
38 Chapter XXXVIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 23, 1830
39 Chapter XXXIX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 23, 1830
40 Chapter XL. An Act to provide for taking the fifth census or enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States. March 23, 1830
41 Chapter XLI. An Act making appropriations to carry into effect certain Indian treaties. March 25, 1830
42 Chapter XLII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 25, 1830
43 Chapter XLIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 25, 1830
44 Chapter XLIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 25, 1830
45 Chapter XLV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 25, 1830
46 Chapter XLVI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 25, 1830
47 Chapter XLVII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 25, 1830
48 Chapter XLVIII. An Act for the relief of the purchasers of public lands, and for the suppression of fraudulent practices at the public sales of the lands of the United States. March 31, 1830
49 Chapter XLIX. An Act to change the port of entry from Nova Iberia to Franklin, in the state of Louisiana. March 31, 1830
50 Chapter L. An Act changing the residence of the collector in the district of Burlington, in the state of New Jersey. March 31, 1830
51 Chapter LI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 31, 1830
52 Chapter LII. An Act to change the time and place of holding the court for the county of Crawford, in the territory of Michigan. April 2, 1830
53 Chapter LIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 2, 1830
54 Chapter LIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 2, 1830
55 Chapter LV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 2, 1830
56 Chapter LVI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 2, 1830
57 Chapter LVII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 2, 1830
58 Chapter LVIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 2, 1830
59 Chapter LIX. An Act amending and supplementary to the act to aid the state of Ohio in extending the Miami canal from Dayton to Lake Erie, and to grant a quantity of land to said state, to aid in the construction of canals authorized by law, and for making donations of land to certain persons in Arkansas territory. April 2, 1830
60 Chapter LX. An Act making appropriations to pay the expenses in holding certain Indian treaties. April 2, 1830
61 Chapter LXI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 7, 1830
62 Chapter LXII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 7, 1830
63 Chapter LXIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 7, 1830
64 Chapter LXIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 7, 1830
65 Chapter LXV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 7, 1830
66 Chapter LXVI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 7, 1830
67 Chapter LXVII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 7, 1830
68 Chapter LXVIII. An Act authorizing the appointment of an additional brigadier general for the territory of Arkansas. April 15, 1830
69 Chapter LXIX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 15, 1830
70 Chapter LXX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 15, 1830
71 Chapter LXXI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 15, 1830
72 Chapter LXXII. An Act making additional appropriations for the improvement of certain harbours, and for removing obstructions at the mouths of certain rivers, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty. April 23, 1830
73 Chapter LXXIII. An Act to amend an act, entitled “An act to extend the time for locating Virginia military land warrants, and returning surveys thereon to the general land office,” approved the twentieth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six. April 23, 1830
74 Chapter LXXIV. An Act to regulate and fix the compensation of the clerks in the Department of State. April 23, 1830
75 Chapter LXXV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 23, 1830
76 Chapter LXXVI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 23, 1830
77 Chapter LXXVII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 23, 1830
78 Chapter LXXVIII. An Act to authorize the commissioners of the sinking fund to redeem the public debt of the United States. April 24, 1830
79 Chapter LXXIX. An Act to extend the time for commencing the improvement of the navigation of the Tennessee river. April 24, 1830
80 Chapter LXXX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 24, 1830
81 Chapter LXXXI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 24, 1830
82 Chapter LXXXII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 24, 1830
83 Chapter LXXXIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. April 24, 1830
84 Chapter LXXXIV. An Act for the re-appropriation of certain unexpended balances of former appropriations. April 30, 1830
85 Chapter LXXXV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 5, 1830
86 Chapter LXXXVI. An Act to authorize the registers of the several land offices in Louisiana, to receive entries in certain cases, and to give to the purchasers thereof certificates for the same. May 5, 1830
87 Chapter LXXXVII. An Act to authorize the appointment of a marshal for the northern district of the state of Alabama. May 5, 1830
88 Chapter LXXXVIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 5, 1830
89 Chapter LXXXIX. An Act to change the time of holding the court of the United States for the district of Mississippi, and the circuit court of the United States in the district of Ohio. May 5, 1830
90 Chapter XC. An Act for further extending the powers of the judges of the superior court of the territory of Arkansas, under the act of the twenty-sixth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, and for other purposes. May 8, 1830
91 Chapter XCI. An Act supplementary to the act, entitled “An act to authorize the citizens of the territories of Arkansas and Florida to elect their officers, and for other purposes.” May 8, 1830
92 Chapter XCII. An Act to authorize the re-conveyance of a lot of land to the mayor and corporation of the city of New York. May 10, 1830
93 Chapter XCIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 10, 1830
94 Chapter XCIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 10, 1830
95 Chapter XCV. An Act to alter the bridge and draws across the Potomac, from Washington city to Alexandria. May 14, 1830
96 Chapter XCVI. An Act to alter the time of holding the sessions of the legislative council of the territory of Florida. May 14, 1830
97 Chapter XCVII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 20, 1830
98 Chapter XCVIII. An Act to establish a port of delivery at Delaware City. May 20, 1830
99 Chapter XCIX. An Act making appropriations to carry into effect the treaty of Butte des Mortes. May 20, 1830
100 Chapter C. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 20, 1830
101 Chapter CI. An Act to reduce the duties on coffee, tea, and cocoa. May 20, 1830
102 Chapter CII. An Act to amend an act, entitled “An act to regulate the practice in the courts of the United States, for the district of Louisiana.” May 20, 1830
103 Chapter CIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 20, 1830
104 Chapter CIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 26, 1830
105 Chapter CV. An Act to quiet the titles of certain purchasers of lands, between the lines of Ludlow and Roberts, in the state of Ohio. May 26, 1830
106 Chapter CVI. An Act to provide for the final settlement of land claims in Florida. May 26, 1830
107 Chapter CVII. An Act for the distribution of certain books therein mentioned. May 26, 1830
108 Chapter CVIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 26, 1830
109 Chapter CIX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 26, 1830
110 Chapter CX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 26, 1830
111 Chapter CXI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 26, 1830
112 Chapter CXII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 26, 1830
113 Chapter CXIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 26, 1830
114 Chapter CXIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 26, 1830
115 Chapter CXV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 26, 1830
116 Chapter CXVI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
117 Chapter CXVII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
118 Chapter CXVIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
119 Chapter CXIX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
120 Chapter CXX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
121 Chapter CXXI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
122 Chapter CXXII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
123 Chapter CXXIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
124 Chapter CXXIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
125 Chapter CXXV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
126 Chapter CXXVI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
127 Chapter CXXVII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
128 Chapter CXXVIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
129 Chapter CXXIX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
130 Chapter CXXX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
131 Chapter CXXXI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
132 Chapter CXXXII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
133 Chapter CXXXIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
134 Chapter CXXXIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
135 Chapter CXXXV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
136 Chapter CXXXVI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
137 Chapter CXXXVII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
138 Chapter CXXXVIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
139 Chapter CXXXIX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
140 Chapter CXL. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
141 Chapter CXLI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
142 Chapter CXLII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
143 Chapter CXLIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
144 Chapter CXLIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
145 Chapter CXLV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 28, 1830
146 Chapter CXLVI. An Act to confirm certain claims to lands in the district of Jackson courthouse, in the state of Mississippi. May 28, 1830
147 Chapter CXLVII. An Act for the more effectual collection of the impost duties. May 28, 1830
148 Chapter CXLVIII. An Act to provide for an exchange of lands with the Indians residing in any of the states or territories, and for their removal west of the river Mississippi. May 28, 1830
149 Chapter CXLIX. An Act to authorize the register and receiver of the St. Helena land district, in Louisiana, to receive evidence, and report upon certain claims to land mentioned therein. May 28, 1830
150 Chapter CL. An Act to repeal a part of an act, passed the twenty-sixth day of March, one thousand and four, entitled “An act making provisions for the disposal of the public lands in the Indiana territory, and for other purposes.” May 28, 1830
151 Chapter CLI. An Act relative to the plan of Detroit, in Michigan territory. May 28, 1830
152 Chapter CLII. An Act to repeal the proviso in “An act to authorize masters of vessels in certain cases to clear out either at the custom-house of Petersburg, or that of Richmond.” May 28, 1830
153 Chapter CLIII. An Act to provide for the appointment of a solicitor of the treasury. May 29, 1830
154 Chapter CLIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
155 Chapter CLV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
156 Chapter CLVI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
157 Chapter CLVII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
158 Chapter CLVIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
159 Chapter CLIX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
160 Chapter CLX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
161 Chapter CLXI. An Act to vest in the state of Indiana certain lands within the limits of the canal grant. May 29, 1830
162 Chapter CLXII. An Act relating to the orphans’ courts in the District of Columbia. May 29, 1830
163 Chapter CLXIII. An Act to protect the surveyors of the public lands of the United States, and to punish persons guilty of interrupting and hindering, by force, surveyors in discharge of their duty. May 29, 1830
164 Chapter CLXIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
165 Chapter CLXV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
166 Chapter CLXVI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
167 Chapter CLXVII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
168 Chapter CLXVIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
169 Chapter CLXIX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
170 Chapter CLXX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
171 Chapter CLXXI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
172 Chapter CLXXII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
173 Chapter CLXXIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
174 Chapter CLXXIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
175 Chapter CLXXV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
176 Chapter CLXXVI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
177 Chapter CLXXVII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
178 Chapter CLXXVIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
179 Chapter CLXXIX. An Act to alter and amend the sixty-fifth article of the first section of an act, entitled “An act for establishing rules and articles for the government of the armies of the United States,” passed the tenth of April, one thousand eight hundred and six. May 29, 1830
180 Chapter CLXXX. An Act to authorize the selection of certain school lands in the territory of Arkansas. May 29, 1830
181 Chapter CLXXXI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
182 Chapter CLXXXII. An Act to provide for surveying certain lands in the territory of Arkansas. May 29, 1830
183 Chapter CLXXXIII. An Act to exempt deserters, in time of peace, from the punishment of death. May 29, 1830
184 Chapter CLXXXIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
185 Chapter CLXXXV. An Act to reduce the duty on molasses, and to allow a drawback on spirits distilled from foreign materials. May 29, 1830
186 Chapter CLXXXVI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
187 Chapter CLXXXVII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
188 Chapter CLXXXVIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
189 Chapter CLXXXIX. An Act to reduce the duty on salt. May 29, 1830
190 Chapter CXC. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
191 Chapter CXCI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
192 Chapter CXCII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
193 Chapter CXCIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
194 Chapter CXCIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
195 Chapter CXCV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
196 Chapter CXCVI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
197 Chapter CXCVII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
198 Chapter CXCVIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
199 Chapter CXCIX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
200 Chapter CC. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
201 Chapter CCI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
202 Chapter CCII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
203 Chapter CCIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
204 Chapter CCIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
205 Chapter CCV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
206 Chapter CCVI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
207 Chapter CCVII. An Act to amend the acts regulating the commercial intercourse between the United States and certain colonies of Great Britain. May 29, 1830
208 Chapter CCVIII. An Act to grant pre-emption rights to settlers on the public lands. May 29, 1830
209 Chapter CCIX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
210 Chapter CCX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
211 Chapter CCXI. An Act to revive and continue in force “An act fixing compensations of the secretary of the Senate and clerk of the House of Representatives, of the clerks employed in their offices, and of the librarian.” May 29, 1830
212 Chapter CCXII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
213 Chapter CCXIII. An act increasing the terms of the judicial courts of the United States for the southern district of New York, and adding to the compensation of several district judges of the United States. May 29, 1830
214 Chapter CCXIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 29, 1830
215 Chapter CCXV. An Act for the relief of certain officers and soldiers of the Virginia line and navy, and of the continental army, during the revolutionary war. May 30, 1830
216 Chapter CCXVI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 30, 1830
217 Chapter CCXVII. An Act making appropriations for certain expenditures on account of the engineer, ordnance, and quartermaster’s department. May 31, 1830
218 Chapter CCXVIII. An Act making a re-appropriation of a sum heretofore appropriated for the suppression of the slave trade. May 31, 1830
219 Chapter CCXIX. An Act to repeal the tonnage duties upon ships and vessels of the United States, and upon certain foreign vessels. May 31, 1830
220 Chapter CCXX. An Act to authorize the President of the United States to cause the present site of the national mint to be sold, and making an appropriation for completing the new buildings now erecting. May 31, 1830
221 Chapter CCXXI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 31, 1830
222 Chapter CCXXII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 31, 1830
223 Chapter CCXXIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 31, 1830
224 Chapter CCXXIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 31, 1830
225 Chapter CCXXV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 31, 1830
226 Chapter CCXXVI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 31, 1830
227 Chapter CCXXVII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 31, 1830
228 Chapter CCXXVIII. An Act to amend the act, entitled “An act for the relief of certain surviving officers and soldiers of the army of the revolution.” May 31, 1830
229 Chapter CCXXIX. An Act to amend the charter of Georgetown. May 31, 1830
230 Chapter CCXXX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 31, 1830
231 Chapter CCXXXI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. May 31, 1830
232 Chapter CCXXXII. An Act making appropriations for examinations and surveys, and also, for certain works of internal improvement. May 31, 1830
233 Chapter CCXXXIII. An Act making additional appropriations for pay of the marine corps. May 31, 1830
234 Chapter CCXXXIV. An Act to authorize the payment of the claim of the state of Massachusetts, for certain services of her militia during the late war. May 31, 1830
235 Chapter CCXXXV. An Act for the relief of sundry citizens of the United States, who have lost property by the depredations of certain Indian tribes. May 31, 1830

Public Resolutions

Resolution Date
Resolution I authorizing the purchase of fifty copies of the sixth volume of the Laws of the United States. Dec. 29, 1829
Resolution II granting the use of the books in the library of Congress, to the Heads of Departments, to certain officers of Congress, and to Ex-Presidents of the United States. Jan. 13, 1830
Resolution III authorizing the transmission of papers, by mail, relating to the fifth census. April 30, 1830
Resolution IV for obtaining the aggregate returns of former enumerations of the population of the United States. May 28, 1830
Resolution V to suspend proceedings against the corporation of the house of refuge in New York. May 29, 1830
Resolution VI in relation to the compensation of officers of the marine corps. May 29, 1830
Resolution VII requiring annual reports to be made to Congress, in relation to applications for pensions. May 29, 1830

2nd Session


Public Laws



of the


Passed at the second session, which was begun and held at the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on Monday, the sixth day of December, 1830, and ended March third, 1831.

Andrew Jackson, President; J. C. Calhoun, Vice President of the United States, and President of the Senate; Andrew Stevenson, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

  Chapter Title Date
1 Chapter I. An Act to change the time of holding the rule term of the circuit court of the district of West Tennessee. Jan. 13, 1831
2 Chapter II. An Act to amend an act, entitled “An act to provide for paying to the state of Illinois three per centum of the net proceeds arising from the sale of the public lands within the same.” Jan. 13, 1831
3 Chapter III. An Act making appropriations for carrying into effect certain Indian treaties. Jan. 13, 1831
4 Chapter IV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 13, 1831
5 Chapter V. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 13, 1831
6 Chapter VI. An Act to amend an act, entitled “An act to provide for paying to the states of Missouri, Mississippi, and Alabama, three per centum of the net proceeds arising from the sale of the public lands within the same.” Jan. 19, 1831
7 Chapter VII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 19, 1831
8 Chapter VIII. An Act for closing certain accounts, and making appropriations for arrearages in the Indian department. Jan. 27, 1831
9 Chapter IX. An Act making appropriations for the payment of revolutionary and invalid pensioners. Jan. 27, 1831
10 Chapter X. An Act to alter the times of holding the district courts of the United States for the districts of Maine and Illinois, and northern district of Alabama. Jan. 27, 1831
11 Chapter XI. An Act to extend the time for entering certain donation claims to land in the territory of Arkansas. Jan. 27, 1831
12 Chapter XII. An Act further supplemental to the act entitled “An act making further provision for settling the claims to land, in the territory of Missouri,” passed the thirteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and twelve. Jan. 27, 1831
13 Chapter XIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 19, 1831
14 Chapter XIV. An Act making provision for the compensation of witnesses, and payment of other expenses attending the trial of the impeachment of James H. Peck. Feb. 3, 1831
15 Chapter XV. An Act to authorize the construction of three schooners for the naval service of the United States. Feb. 3, 1831
16 Chapter XVI. An Act to amend the several acts respecting copy rights. Feb. 3, 1831
17 Chapter XVII. An Act to amend the act for taking the fifth census. Feb. 3, 1831
18 Chapter XVIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 3, 1831
19 Chapter XIX. An Act to amend the act entitled “An act to quiet the title of certain purchasers of lands between the lines of Ludlow and Roberts, in the state of Ohio,” approved the twenty-sixth of May, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty. Feb. 12, 1831
20 Chapter XX. An Act to repeal the charges imposed on passports and clearances. Feb. 12, 1831
21 Chapter XXI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 12, 1831
22 Chapter XXII. An Act authorizing the sale of a tract of land therein mentioned. Feb. 12, 1831
23 Chapter XXIII. An Act to amend the act granting “certain relinquished and unappropriated lands to the state of Alabama, for the purpose of improving the navigation of the Tennessee, Coosa, Cahawba, and Blacwarrior rivers,” approved the twenty-third day of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight. Feb. 12, 1831
24 Chapter XXIV. An Act to authorize the transportation of merchandise by land or by water with the benefit of debenture. Feb. 12, 1831
25 Chapter XXV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 12, 1831
26 Chapter XXVI. An Act to provide hereafter for the payment of six thousand dollars annually to the Seneca Indians, and for other purposes. Feb. 19, 1831
27 Chapter XXVII. An Act to establish a land office in the territory of Michigan, and for other purposes. Feb. 19, 1831
28 Chapter XXVIII. An Act respecting the jurisdiction of certain district courts. Feb. 19, 1831
29 Chapter XXIX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 19, 1831
30 Chapter XXX. An Act to alter and amend “An act to set apart and dispose of certain public lands for the encouragement of the cultivation of the vine and olive.” Feb. 19, 1831
31 Chapter XXXI. An Act making appropriations for the completion and support of penitentiary in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. Feb. 25, 1831
32 Chapter XXXII. An Act to authorize the appointment of a sub-agent to the Winnebago Indians, on Rock river. Feb. 25, 1831
33 Chapter XXXIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 25, 1831
34 Chapter XXXIV. An Act supplemental to an act, passed on the thirty-first March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, entitled “An act for the relief of purchasers of public lands, and for the suppression of fraudulent practices at the public sales of lands of the United States.” Feb. 25, 1831
35 Chapter XXXV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 25, 1831
36 Chapter XXXVI. An Act to provide for the adjustment of claims of persons entitled to indemnification under the convention between the United States and his majesty the King of Denmark, of the twenty-eighth March, eighteen hundred and thirty, and for the distribution among such claimants of the sums to be paid by the Danish government to that of the United States according to the stipulation of the said convention. Feb. 25, 1831
37 Chapter XXXVII. An Act for the punishment of crimes in the District of Columbia. March 2, 1831
38 Chapter XXXVIII. An Act making appropriations for certain fortifications during the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one. March 2, 1831
39 Chapter XXXIX. An Act for the relief of certain importers of foreign merchandise. March 2, 1831
40 Chapter XL. An Act for the sale of the lands in the state of Illinois reserved for the use of the salt springs on the Vermillion river, in that state. March 2, 1831
41 Chapter XLI. An Act for the relief of the citizens of Shawneetown. March 2, 1831
42 Chapter XLII. An Act to authorize the Secretary of War to purchase an additional quantity of land for the fortifications at fort Washington, upon the river Potomac. March 2, 1831
43 Chapter XLIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
44 Chapter XLIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
45 Chapter XLV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
46 Chapter XLVI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
47 Chapter XLVII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
48 Chapter XLVIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
49 Chapter XLIX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
50 Chapter L. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
51 Chapter LI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
52 Chapter LII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
53 Chapter LIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
54 Chapter LIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
55 Chapter LV. An Act making appropriations for the support of government for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one. March 2, 1831
56 Chapter LVI. An Act making additional appropriations for the improvement of certain harbours, and removing obstructions in the mouths of certain rivers. March 2, 1831
57 Chapter LVII. An Act making appropriations for the naval service for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one. March 2, 1831
58 Chapter LVIII. An Act making appropriations for carrying on certain roads and works of internal improvement, and for providing for surveys. March 2, 1831
59 Chapter LIX. An Act making appropriation for carrying into effect certain Indian treaties. March 2, 1831
60 Chapter LX. An Act to carry into effect certain Indian treaties. March 2, 1831
61 Chapter LXI. An Act making appropriations for the military service for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one. March 2, 1831
62 Chapter LXII. An Act for the relief of certain insolvent debtors of the United States. March 2, 1831
63 Chapter LXIII. An Act for the continuation of the Cumberland road in the states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. March 2, 1831
64 Chapter LXIV. An Act making appropriations for the Indian department for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one. March 2, 1831
65 Chapter LXV. An Act making provision for a subscription to a compilation of Congressional documents. March 2, 1831
66 Chapter LXVI. An Act to provide for the punishment of offences committed in cutting, destroying, or removing live oak and other timber or trees reserved for naval purposes. March 2, 1831
67 Chapter LXVII. An Act granting a quantity of land to the territory of Arkansas for the erection of a public building at the seat of government of said territory. March 2, 1831
68 Chapter LXVIII. An Act confirming the selections heretofore made of lands for the construction of the Michigan road, in the state of Indiana. March 2, 1831
69 Chapter LXIX. An Act to extend the act, entitled “An act for the further extending the powers of the judges of the superior court of the territory of Arkansas, under the act of the twenty-sixth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, and for other purposes.” March 2, 1831
70 Chapter LXX. An Act making appropriations for the public buildings, and for other purposes. March 2, 1831
71 Chapter LXXI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
72 Chapter LXXII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
73 Chapter LXXIII. An Act to authorize the territory of Florida to open a canal through the public lands between Chipola river and Saint Andrew’s bay, in West Florida. March 2, 1831
74 Chapter LXXIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
75 Chapter LXXV. An Act to authorize the state of Illinois to surrender a township of land granted to said state for a seminary of learning, and to locate other lands in lieu thereof. March 2, 1831
76 Chapter LXXVI. An Act to establish ports of delivery at port Pontchartrain and Delaware city, and for other purposes. March 2, 1831
77 Chapter LXXVII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
78 Chapter LXXVIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
79 Chapter LXXIX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
80 Chapter LXXX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
81 Chapter LXXXI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
82 Chapter LXXXII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
83 Chapter LXXXIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
84 Chapter LXXXIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
85 Chapter LXXXV. An Act to authorize the extension, construction, and use of a lateral branch of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, into and within the District of Columbia. March 2, 1831
86 Chapter LXXXVI. An Act to ascertain and mark the line between the state of Alabama and the territory of Florida, and the northern boundary of the state of Illinois, and for other purposes. March 2, 1831
87 Chapter LXXXVII. An Act allowing the duties on foreign merchandise imported into Pittsburg, Wheeling, Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis, Nashville, and Natchez, to be secured and paid at those places. March 2, 1831
88 Chapter LXXXVIII. An Act to repeal the act to establish the district of Blakely. March 2, 1831
89 Chapter LXXXIX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
90 Chapter XC. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
91 Chapter XCI. An Act to provide for the further compensation of the marshal of the district of Rhode Island. March 2, 1831
92 Chapter XCII. An Act for the relief of certain holders of certificates issued in lieu of lands injured by earthquakes in Missouri. March 2, 1831
93 Chapter XCIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
94 Chapter XCIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
95 Chapter XCV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
96 Chapter XCVI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
97 Chapter XCVII. An Act declaring the assent of Congress to an act of the general assembly of the state of Ohio, hereinafter recited. March 2, 1831
98 Chapter XCVIII. An Act to regulate the foreign and coasting trade on the northern, north-eastern, and north-western frontiers of the United States, and for other purposes. March 2, 1831
99 Chapter XCIX. An Act declaratory of the law concerning contempts of court. March 2, 1831
100 Chapter C. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1831
101 Chapter CI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1831
102 Chapter CII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1831
103 Chapter CIII. An Act declaratory of the law concerning contempts of court. March 3, 1831
104 Chapter CIV. An Act for the benefit of Percis Lovely, and for other purposes. March 3, 1831
105 Chapter CV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1831
106 Chapter CVI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1831
107 Chapter CVII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1831
108 Chapter CVIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1831
109 Chapter CIX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1831
110 Chapter CX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1831
111 Chapter CXI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1831
112 Chapter CXII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1831
113 Chapter CXIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1831
114 Chapter CXIV. An Act for the relief of John Culbertson, and to provide an interpreter for the district court of the United States for the eastern district of Louisiana. March 3, 1831
115 Chapter CXV. An Act concerning vessels employed in the whale fishery. March 3, 1831
116 Chapter CXVI. An Act to create the office of surveyor of the public lands for the state of Louisiana. March 3, 1831
117 Chapter CXVII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1831
118 Chapter CXVIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1831
119 Chapter CXIX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1831
120 Chapter CXX. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1831
121 Chapter CXXI. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1831
122 Chapter CXXII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1831
123 Chapter CXXIII. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1831
124 Chapter CXXIV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1831
125 Chapter CXXV. See Private Acts of the Twenty-First Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1831

Public Resolutions

Resolution Date
Resolution I in relation to the transmission of public documents printed by order of either House of Congress. Jan. 13, 1831
Resolution II directing the Secretary of State to subscribe for seventy copies of Peters’ Condensed Reports of decisions of the Supreme Court. March 2, 1831