Portal:Felix Szczesny

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Felix Szczęsny

Felix Szczęsny (1888-1926) was murdered outside an illegal speakeasy at 160 Steuben Street in Jersey City, New Jersey. The speakeasy was in the building where Szczęsny lived. He was stabbed to death by Ralph Grimaldi, for refusing to buy another round of drinks. Szczęsny's step-brother was also stabbed in the attack.

Felix Szczęsny

Works about Felix Szczęsny

"For stabbing Felix Szczesny, 39, to death October 10 when Felix refused to buy a drink, Ralph Grimaldi, 47, of 329 East Twelfth street, New York, was sentenced by County Judge Kinkead to serve 10 years at hard labor in state's prison. "
"When the Jury today took the case of Felix Szczesny, on trial for murder, the state did not ask for conviction in the first degree, as charged in the indictment."
"Refusal of Felix Szczesny to buy a round of drinks in a Steuben Street speakeasy last October caused his death, Andrew Zuilkowski, 50, of 160 Steuben Street, testified this afternoon."
"Ralph Grimaldi, known in police circles as "Joe the Wop," will stand trial March 30 for murder, following the death of Felix Szczesny, 39, of 160 Steuben Street."
"Ralph Grimaldi, known in police circles as 'Joe the Wop.' charged with the murder of Felix Szczesny of 150 Steuben Street, last October, did not go to trial this morning as scheduled because of the death of Assistant County Physician Delahunt this morning."
"Ralph Grimaldi is charged with stabbing and killing Felix Szczesny, 50, of 160 Steuben Street, in a drinking bout in a Steuben Street speakeasy several weeks ago, now stands indicted for murder."
"Ralph Grimaldo, 46, of 329 East Twelfth Street, New York City, known as Ralph Bruinaldo, "Bannana" and "Joe the Wop," who stabbed to death Felix Suzczesny of 160 Steuben Street and seriously wounded Andrew Zuilkowski, his stepbrother, during a drunken brawl last night is shown between his captors."
"Rafael Crimaldo, alias 'Ralph Bruinaldo' known in police circles as 'Joe the Wop,' who stabbed Felix Suzczesny of 160 Steuben Street fatally and seriously wounded Andrew Zuilkowski, his stepbrother, in a drunken brawl in front of the dead man's home last Sunday night, was brought back to Jersey City early this morning from Carthage, New York, by Lieutenant Charles Ballerine and Detective John O'Neill of the local headquarters staff."
"After a hurried search of the Brooklyn slums and two subsequent all-night vigils on East Twelfth Street, Manhattan, a corps of detectives from Jersey City police headquarters supplemented by New York policeman are still planted about the home of Ralph Bruinaldo of 329 East Twelfth Street, known as "Joe the wop," who is wanted here for the murder Saturday night of Felix Suzczesny, 39, of 160 Steuben Street. Felix and Andrew Zuilkowski, 50, 160 Steuben Street, were stabbed by the Italian during a drunken brawl in front of their homes following an argument about who should buy their drinks."
"Joe stabbed Felix Szczesny fatally last night and then plunged his knife into Andrew Zuilkowski."
"Ralph Bruinaldo, known in police circles as "Joe the Wop", a car repairman of 329 East Twelfth Street, New York City, is being sought by the the metropolitan section in connection with the death of Felix Suzczesny, 39, of 160 Steuben Street, who was stabbed by the Italian during a drunken brawl early this morning."
"Ralph Bruinaldo, known in police circles as 'Joe the Wop,' a car repairman of 329 East Twelfth Street, New York City, is being sought by the police of the metropolitan section in connection with the death of Felix Suzczesny, 39, of 160 Steuben Street, who was stabbed by the Italian during a drunken brawl early this morning."