
Register of land sale, Armstrong to Hall, 1847

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Register of land sale, Armstrong to Hall (1847)
by Henry Hastings Hall

Record of a land sale in the Swan River Colony (Western Australia).

4007301Register of land sale, Armstrong to Hall1847Henry Hastings Hall

A Memorial to be registered of an Indenture of Release made the Twelfth day of March in the year one thousand eight-hundred and forty seven between George Armstrong of the Canning River in the Colony of Western Australia Agriculturalist and John Armstrong of the same place Agriculturalist of the one part and Henry Hastings Hall of Perth in the said Colony Storekeeper of the other part.

Whereby in consideration of the sum of six hundred pounds to the said George Armstrong and John Armstrong paid by the said Henry Hastings Hall. They the said George Armstrong and John Armstrong did grant bargain sell and release unto the said Henry Hastings Hall all that piece or parcel of land situated and being in the Canning District in the said Colony containing four hundred and twenty acres or thereabouts marked and distinguished in the (illegible text) and books in the Surveyor Generals Office as Canning Location No 22 and bounded on the North West by about six chains eighteen links of South East boundary of Canning Location No 31 extending South West, all the bearings here given being according to the true pole of the North or thereabouts) from a tributary to the Canning called Woongan River passing through a squared post four and a half feet high in a (illegible text) (illegible text) about four or five links South West from said last named River and terminating at a squared post three feet high in a (illegible text) (illegible text) at South corner of Location 31 aforsaid thereby a West line about thirty two chains twenty one links to a squared post three and a half feet high in the angle of a a (illegible text) (illegible text) bounded on the West by a South line about fifty seven chains fifteen links to a squared post three feet high in the angle of a (illegible text) (illegible text). On the South by an East line about one hundred and twelve chains twenty five links to another squared post three feet high in the angle of a bench (illegible text). On the East by a North line about eleven chains sixty six links from post last in (illegible text) to Woongan River aforsaid passing through a squared post three feet high and surrounded by a Pile of Stones in a bench (illegible text) about one and a half chains South from said River and on the North East by part of Woongan River aforsaid downwards from a North end of the Eastern boundary to the North end of the North West Boundary. To hold the same with the appointment unto and to the use of the said Henry Hastings Hall his Heirs and Assigns forever.

Which said Indenture of Release is witnessed as to the Execution thereof by the said George Armstrong, John Armstrong and Henry Hastings Hall by William Shakespeare Hall of Perth aforsaid Storekeeper and Charles Lawson of the same place Gentleman and the said Indenture is hereby required to be registered by the said Henry Hastings Hall As witness his Hand this Sixteenth day of March in the year above written,

H.H. Hall

Signed in the
presence of

W.S. Hall

Chas. Lawson.

The said Henry Hastings Hall (illegible text) oath and said that the above Memorial contains a true and just account of the several particulars therein set forth—

H.H. Hall

Sworn at Perth
this Sixteenth day of
March 1847—
Before me
(illegible text)