Representative women of New England/Annie S. Perkins
ANNIE STEVENS PERKINS was born L in Salem, Mass., April 12, 1868, the daughter of Charles Kimball and Mary E. (Batchelder) Stevens. When she was a year old, the family removed from Salem to Somerville, and in that city Miss Stevens spent the greater part of her school flays. She speaks with sincere appreciation of the helpful and stimulating influences of her Prescott School life, which was spent wholly under the inspiring principaLship of Gordon A. Southworth, now supervisor of schools in Somerville. She also attended the high school of that city, completing half of the college course. In June, 1884, the family removed to Lynnfield, from which town Miss Stevens attended the Salem Normal School, completing the course in two years and graduating in June, 1887, being the poet of her class. The following year, at the triennial gathering of the alumni of the school, she was invited to write and read the poem.
Miss Stevens began to write verse at the age of eight. Her first published work appeared in the Radiator, the Somerville High School paper, in 1882. She was a member of its editorial staff. Her early work, both stories and verse, was published in the Salem Gazette, Watchman, Golden Rule, the Stiver Cross, the Contributor, and other periodicals.
A sketch of this writer, under her maiden name, appears, with a selection from her writings, in "Essex County Poets." Sidney Perley, Esq., of Salem, the publisher of this work, .says of her: "Her work is always meritorious, and she is well worthy of the niche we have given her in this volume, although the youngest of the poets on our list."
"Thoughts of Peace," a dainty little book of verse, and "Appointed Paths," a story for girls, have been published by James H. Earle, of Boston. These were pleasantly reviewed by the Congregationalist and other papers. She has also written many poems for public occasions in her town, her poem written and read on the occasion of the dedicating of the new Town Hall being published in the History of Lynnfield. A poem written in honor of the naming of the Daniel Townsend Chapter of the Daughters of the Revolution, Lynn, was read by her at the exercises in the old Town Hall of old "Lynn End" and afterward, by request, at an afternoon meeting of the D. A. R. at their headquarters in Boston. At the Old Home Day exercises of Lynnfield, held at Suntaug Lake in August, 1903, she also read a poem written for the occasion.
Miss Stevens was married November 28, 1889, to Mr. John Winslow Perkins, of Lynnfield, and went to live in the pretty cottage built for the young couple on the Perkins farm, which has been in the family since 1700, this being the date of the erection of the homestead. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins have one child, a boy of ten years, who has been given the family name, John.
Mrs. Perkins taught in the public school for a short time previous to her marriage, and has had many private pupils, in whom she has felt great interest, for she is very fond of young people, and finds nothing more delightful than the task of helping them to develop the powers with which they are individually endowed. The work of the teachers of our public schools is an especial study, and Mrs. Perkins is always enthusiastic in her appreciation of all that is being done for the home through the school. As editor of the department of "The Home and the School," in the Suburban, Boston, Mrs. Perkins is having an opportunity for fostering the much-desired co-operation of parents and teachers.
She was for a considerable time connected with the Daily Evening Item, Lynn, as correspondent from her town, sustaining very pleasant relations with that well-known paper, as also, in the same capacity, with the Citizen and Banner, Wakefield, and has been for a number of years doing regular work for the Normal Instructor, New York, contributing exercises, verse, reports, articles, and songs. Primary Plans, the new periodical published by the same house, uses much of her work, and the editor has recently given into her charge the page of music, which appears more or less regularly, and to which she contributes original rote and motion songs.
A quatrain which appeared some time ago in the Teachers' World with other verses, has been used as a memory gem in many schools, and has proven to be a favorite with hundreds of little pupils. Mrs. Perkins has heard many pleasant words regarding it. It reads:—
When the beautiful stars peep out one by one,
As I look far up and away,
How sweet to be able to whisper to God,
"I've made some one happy to-day!"
Her work for the Suburban has brought this writer into considerable local prominence, the series of illustrated articles on "The Pipe Organ in Suburban Homes" having attracted much favorable notice. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins are enthusiastic camera workers, especially delighting in interior work, which takes so much time and care, but is so much appreciated. The Suburban has used a considerable amount of their work in this line. In fact, for the Suburban Mrs. Perkins is at present doing much of her literary work. Besides the illustrated work her stories and songs appear from lime to time in that periodical.
Stories for the children's page of Youth's Companion, Our Little Ones, the Well-spring, and other periodicals, have recently appeared. Through Mrs. Bemis, editor of the Normal Instructor, New York, Mrs. Perkins was some time ago put into touch with Dr. Mary Wood Allen, of the American Mother, to which magazine she is now a contributor of sketches, juvenile stories, and articles on the training of children from the mother-teacher point of view.
Mrs. Perkins is a member of the New England Woman's Press Association, and of the Kosmos Club of Wakefield.
She expresses sincere appreciation of the inspiration of the work of Professor S. Henry Hadley, supervisor of music of Somerville, and Dr. Daniel B. Hagar, of Salem Normal School, with regard to the fostering of her musical tastes. Professor George F. Wilson, supervisor of music in Wakefield and Beverly schools, uses verse written by Mrs. Perkins for his songs for different grades, requesting it as needed.
As a member of the Congregational Church of Lynnfield Centre, Mrs. Perkins finds opportunity for religious work, having a class of young ladies in the Bible school and serving as clerk of the church, besides assisting in the music on Sundays.
Mrs. Perkins wishes to pay a tribute to the ever-helpful influence of one of the sweetest mothers in the world and a husband who delights in and fosters any good work she may do for the home, and others as well.