Songs of Long Ago/Hail Columbia

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For works with similar titles, see Hail, Columbia, Happy Land.
Songs of Long Ago
Hail Columbia by Joseph Hopkinson
2912175Songs of Long Ago — Hail ColumbiaJoseph Hopkinson

Hail Columbia.

F. Hopkinson.

\relative c'' { << \new Voice = "a" { \time 4/4 \key a \major \partial 8 a8^\markup { \italic Maestoso. } \bar "." a4.(a8) cis4. b8 a4 e a r8 << { r } \\ { cis } >> cis4.(cis8) e4. d8 cis4 a cis r8 a a4 a a cis b8[a] b[cis] a4 e cis' cis cis e d8[cis] d[e] cis4 a b b b e dis cis b(a) \tuplet 3/2 4 { gis8 a b cis b a } gis4 fis e4. e8 e4 r8 e' e4. e8 d4 cis d8[e] fis[d] b4 r8 << { r } \\ { b } >> b4 b cis cis b b b r8 << { r } \\ { b } >> d4. d8 cis4 b cis8[d] e[cis] a4 r8 << { a } \\ { r } >> a4 a b b a a a r \bar "." <cis, a'>4.^\markup { \caps Chorus. } <cis a'>8 <cis a'>4 <e cis'> <d b'>8[<cis a'>] <d b'>[<e cis'>] <cis a'>4 r <a' cis>4. <a cis>8 <a cis>4 <cis e> <b d>8[<a cis>] <b d>[<cis e>] <a cis>4 r << { fis fis } \\ { fis fis } >> <fis d'> << { b8 gis } \\ { e4 } >> <cis a'>8. <e b'>16 <a cis>8. <b d>16 <cis e>4 r << { \tuplet 3/2 { cis8 b cis } } \\ { e,4 } >> \tuplet 3/2 { <fis d'>8 <e cis'> <d b'> } <cis a'>4 <d gis> <cis a'>4. <cis a'>8 <cis a'>4 r8 \bar ".." } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"1. " \skip8 Hail,4. Co8 -- lum4. -- bia,8 hap4 -- py land! \skip8 \skip8 Hail,4. ye8 he4. -- roes!8 heav’n4 -- born band, \skip8 Who8 fought4 and bled in free -- dom’s cause, Who fought and bled in free -- dom’s cause, And when the sotrn of war was gone, En -- joyed the peace your val4. -- or8 won.4 \skip8 Let8 in4. -- de8 -- pend4 -- ence be our boast, \skip8 \skip8 Ev4 -- er mind -- ful what it cost; \skip8 \skip8 Ev4. -- er8 grate4 -- ful for the prize, \skip8 \skip8 Let4 its al -- tar reach the skies. \skip4 Firm4. u8 -- ni4 -- ted let us be, \skip4 rall4. -- ying8 round4 our lib -- er -- ty; \skip4 As a band of broth -- ers joined, \skip4 Peace and safe -- ty we4. shall8 find. \skip8 } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"2. " Im8 -- mor4. -- tal8 pa4. -- triots!8 rise4 once more! \skip8 De8 -- fend4. your8 rights,4. de8 -- fend4 your shore; \skip8 Let8 no4 rude foe with im -- pious hand, Let no rude foe with im -- pious hand In -- vade the shrine where sa -- cred lies Of toil and blood the well4. earned8 prize;4 \skip8 While8 of4. -- f’ring8 peace4 sin -- cere and just, \skip8 In8 heav’n4 we place a man -- ly trust, \skip8 That8 truth4. and8 just4 -- tice may pre -- vail, \skip8 And8 ev4 -- ’ry scheme of bond -- age fail. } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"3. " \skip8 Sound,2 sound4. the8 trump4 of fame! \skip8 \skip8 Let2 Wash4. -- ing8 -- ton’s4 great name \skip8 Ring8 through4 the eorld with loud ap -- plause, Ring through the world with loud ap -- plause; Let ev -- ’ry clime to free -- dom dear,2 List4 -- en with a joy4. -- ful8 ear:4 \skip8 With8 e4. -- qual8 skill,4 with stead -- y pow’r, \skip8 He8 gov4 -- erns in the fear -- ful hour \skip8 Of8 hor4. -- rid8 war;4 or guides with ease \skip8 The8 hap4 -- pier time of hon -- est peace. } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"4. " Be8 -- hold4. the8 Chief,4. who8 now4 com -- mands, \skip8 Once8 more4. to8 serve4. his8 coun4 -- try stands; \skip8 The8 rock4 on which the storm will beat, The rock on which the storm will beat; But, armed in vir -- tue, firm and true, His hopes are fixed on heav’n4. and8 you.4 \skip8 When8 hope4. was8 sink4 -- ing in dis -- may, \skip8 When8 gloom4 ob -- scured Co -- lum -- bia’s day, \skip8 His8 stead4. -- y8 mind4 from chang -- es free, \skip8 Re8 -- solved4 on death or lib -- er -- ty. } >> }