Summer in Massachusetts/Index

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Abies balsamifera, 267 See Fir.
Acorns, 78. See Oaks.
Acquaintances, 32. See Friends, Friendship.
Acton, 186.
Adams, John, 102.
Adder's-tongue, 198. See Arethusa.
Alder, 79, 113. See Alnus.
Aletris, 249.
Algæ, 52.
Alnus viridis, 297, 299. See Alder.
Amazon, exploration of the, 72.
AniHuncaier berries, 235.
Amelanchier oligocarpa, 307.
Andromeda, 131, 202.
Andromeda Ponds, 56.
Anemone, 52, 82, 258.
Anemone virginiana, 264.
Animals, 2, 7, 233. See under names of species.
"Annursnake," 90. See Anursnack.
Answers, 214.
Ants, 92.
Anursnack, 14, 9, 293. See "Annursnake."
Apargia, 141.
Aphides, 133.
Aphorisms, 238, 251, 265, 276, 320, 326, 327, 349, 355. See Life.
Apple blossoms, 42.
Apple trees, 89.
Arbor-vitæ, 35.
Archangelica, 178.
Arches, 255.
Arctostaphylos alpina, 303.
Ardea minor, 107. See Bittern.
Areuaria Groeulandica, 20. See Sandwort
Arethusa, 12, 44, 113, 159, 163, 187, 198, 347.
Arethusa bulbosa, 163, 347.
Arethusa, meadow, 12, 113.
Arnica moftis, 297.
Arrowheads, 13, 127. See Spearheads.
Artists, 214.
Ash, black, 42.
Ash, mountain, 18.
Ash, white, 59.
Aspens, 57.
Assabet, 14, 28, 53, 55, 58, 116, 240.
Assabet Bath, 105, 144.
Assabet River, 37, 318.
Aster miser, 267.
Attacus. See Moths.
Attacus cecropia, 15.
Attacus luna, 257.
Azalea nudiflora, 14, 16.
Azalea, spring, 170.

Back road, 37.
Baker Farm, 155.
Baker, Jacob, 49, 415.
Ball's Hill, 11.
Balm of Gilead, 210.
Bancroft, Edward, 339.
Barberries, 90.
Bare Hill, 7, 40.
Barnes, Captain, 103.
Bass, 58, 123.
Bateman's Pond, 89.
Bathing, 110, 144, 318, 352, 359.
Bats, 28, 59, 93.
Bay wings, 40, 66, 222.
Bears, 239, 289, 298.
Bear Hill, 112, 252.
Beauty, 191, 199.
Beeches, 250.
Bees, 1, 64, 260.
Berries, 2, 65. See under names of species.
Bethlehem, 312.
Bethlehem stars, 82, 163. See Hypris erecta.
Bidens, 152.
Bigelow, Jacob, 13, 122, 147, 317.
Bind-weed, 230.
Birches, 46, 64, 89, 108, 184, 207, 299, 303
Birds, 2. 7, 10, 20, 66, 114, 126, 151, 168, 162, 168, 170, 229, 301, 308, 321-324, 370.
Birds, nests of, 57, 226.
Birds, songs of, 35, 89, 90, 179, 301, 330, 341, 345. See under names of species.
Bitterns, 59, 107, 155, 194, 237.
Bittern Cliff, 126, 157.
Black Birch Hill, 89.
Blackberries, 90, 133, 160, 199.
Blackbirds, 47, 66, 67, 83, l01, 131, 170.
Black flies, 301, 302, 308.
Bladderwort, 210. See Utricularia vulgaris.
Blueberries, 27, 30, 50, 62, 65, 66, 89, 213, 236, 257, 264, 315, 356.
Bluebirds, 51, 124, 153, 229, 356.
Blue curls, 332.
Blue-eyed grass, 51, 56, 109, 141, 165, 193, 347.
Blue ilag, 109, 134, 193, 266. See Iris.
Bluejays, 102, 189.
Bluets, 294.
Bobolinks, 8, 129, 150, 158, 189, 216, 230, 261, 282, 308.
Bodies, 197.
Boiling Spring, 148.
Bonaparte. See Buonaparte.
Bonhomme Richard, 102.
Books, 169, 192.
Boston Court House, 38.
Boston Tea Tarty, 38.
Boulders, 218.
Boulder Meld, 89.
Boxboro, 186.
Brakes, 15, 74, 131. See Ferns.
Brasenia peltata, 274.
Bream, 15, 28, 44, 104, 127, 134, 156, 202, 242, 274, 300, 370.
Breathing, 119.
Brewer, T. M., 19.
Bridges, 352.
Bubbles, 30.
Buck-beans, 77, 123.
Bull-frogs, 2, 28, 36, 54, 67, 69, 70, 84, 134, 135, 144, 148, 151-153, 160, 194. See Frogs.
Bulls, 186.
Buuchberries, 124.
Bunker Hill, 60.
Buonaparte, C. Lucien, 28.
Business, 71, 202, 270, 337
Buttcr-and-eggs, 231.
Buttercups, 41, 62, 83, 184. See Crowfoot, Ranunculus.
Butternuts, 308.
Button bushes, 115, 155.
Button-wood, 128.

Calla palustris, 283.
Calla Swamp, 86, 87.
Calopogonpulchellus, 347.
Camping out, 18, 22, 110. 285, 289, 295.
Camps, 18, 320.
Canada Snapdragon. See Snapdragon.
Cape, the, 348.
Cape de Verde Islands, 61.
Carex Pennsylvania, 372. See Sadge.
Carlisle, 88.
Carlisle road, 46, 89.
Carrion flowers, 123, 242.
Carrot, 317.
Cartilleja, 14. See Painted cup.
Catbirds, 41.
Catbrier, 27. See Smilax.
Catchflies, 5.
Cats, 130.
Cattle, 132, 186, 209, 219, 271.
Cedar Swamp, 89.
Cemstium, 36.
Change, 326.
Character, 361. See Life.
Chastity, 327, 342.
Chavagnes, Captain, 102.
Cherries, 80, 202.
Cherry birds, 12, 84, 160, 197.
Chestnuts, 257, 308, 317.
Chewinks, 23, 24, 39, 163.
Chickadees, 31.
Chickens, 338.
Chickweed, 36. See Trientails.
Children, 79.
Chimaphila umbellata, 127, 314.
Chinquapins, 38, 55.
Chiogenes tea, 299.
Chip-birds, 9, 30, 153, 161, 170, 281.
Chocoma, 286, 287.
Chokeberry, 37.
Choke-cherries, 65.
Cicada canicularis, 137.
Cicada septendccim, 137.
Cicadæ, 137. See Locusts.
Cichorium intybus, 355.
Cinquefoils, 43, 62, 153, 157, 215. See Potentilla.
Cistus, 163.
Clam Shell, 48.
Clams, 37, 316, 367.
Clarke Brook, 89.
Clematis Brook, 144.
Cliffs, 161, 168, 170, 176, 197, 348.
Clintonia, 36.
Clintonia borealis, 13, 122.
Clothes, 34.
Clouds, 10, 74, 83, 104, 225, 299, 332, 358, 364; shadows of, 26, 39. See Rain, Storms, Thundershowers.
Clover, 39, 62, 70, 81, 114, 141, 149, 184, 259, 355. See Trifolium.
Coats, 33, 34.
Cock-crowing, 102.
Cockerels, 10.
Cocoons, 15.
Collier, a, 289.
Colors, 4, 101, 108, 111, 219, 277; of rocks, 17, 25.
Columbines, 52, 204.
Companions, 75. See Friends.
Conant's meadow, 123.
Conantum, 12, 51, 122, 129, 237, 321.
Concord, 90, 102, 18d, 212.
Convallaria vipolia, 143. See Lilies.
Convolvulus sepium, 230.
Conway, 287, 312.
Corn, 1, 2.
Cornel, 43, 124, 274. See Cornus, Dogwood.
Corner Spring, 86.
Cornus. See Cornel, Dogwood.
Cornus alternifolia, 124.
Cornus circinata, 124.
Cornus paniculata. 124.
Cornus sericea, 124.
Cornus stolonifera, 124.
Corydalis glauca, 51.
Cow-birds, 28, 115.
Cowley, Abraham, 81.
Crania Americana, 357.
Creepers, 104.
Crickets, 1, 37, 66, 77, 86, 99, 100, 121, 127, 144, 161. 176, 184, 239, 261, 345.
Criticism, 207.
Crows, 47, 66, 67, 93.
Crowfoot, 52, 143. See Buttercup, Ranunculus.
Cuckoos, 7, 49, 131, 135, 189, 357.
Cudworth, Ralph, 222.

Dakin's, 90.
Dandelions, 35, 144. See Krigia, Leontodon.
Darwin, Charles, 61.
Daucus carota, 317.
Day, 142.
Decay, 101.
Deep Cut, 118, 200.
De Kay, J. E., 44.
Depot Field Brook, 109.
De Quincey, Thomas, 136.
Devil, worshipers of the, 76.
Devil's needles, 50, 65, 92, 135.
Dew, 10, 22, 97, 123, 131. See Fog, Haze, Mist.
Discourse, 215.
Disease, 101.
Dogs, 157, 176.
Dogsbane, 185, 199.
Dogwood, 124. See Cornel, Cornus.
Dome Rock, 58.
Dor-bugs, 1, 2, 176.
Doubt, 649.
Dracaena borealis, 122. See Clintonia borealis.
Drainage, 79.
Drift-wood, 4.
Driving, 188, 284.
Druids, 7, 79.
Ducks, 41, 338.
Dugan, ———, 178, 179.
Dugan Desert, 64, 91.
Durand, Pierre Bernard, 303, 67.

Earth-songs, 40, 121.
Easterbrook Race, 89.
Echo, 232.
Effort, 266, 270. See Work.
Eglantine, 173. See Sweetbrier.
Egyptians, 355.
Elders, 271, 333.
Elevation, 76.
Ellis River, 288, 295.
Elms, 40, 52, 197. See Ulmus.
Emerson, G., 308, &39.
Empetrum, 303.
Emys insculptae, 93, 105, 106, 116. See Tortoise.
Emys picta, 105. See. Tortoise.
Ephemera, 54. See Insects.
Epieunas, 222.
Epilobium, 252.
Epitaphs, 21.
Equisetum, 273.
Erigeron, 84, 157. See Fleabane.
Erigeron annuum, 158.
Erigeron bellidifolium, 39.
Erigeron integri folium, 144.
Erigeron strigosuin, 72, 84, 134, 144, 158.
Ermine Weasel Woods, 89.
Eudine. 355.
Eupafonum, 54, 326.
Evelyn, John, 78-80.
Evening, 1, 148. See Night, Sun set, Twilight.
Evergreens, 47, 106. See under names of species.
Exploration of the Amazon, 72.
Explosion, an, 3.
Eyes, 361.
Fair Haven, 30, 36, 83, 94, 101, 117, 359.
Fair Haven Hill, 30, 42, 51, 74, 168, 211.
Falls, 2.
Falsehood, 349.
Fame, 38, 276.
Familiarity, 164.
Fassett, ———, 17.
Fear, 362.
Ferns, 15, 54, 58, 77, 83, 84, 93, 104, 113, 123, 126, 169, 187, 252. See Brakes, Osmunda regalis.
Festura tenella, 283.
Finches, 236, 317. See Fringilla.
Firs, 267, 300, 303, 306. See under names of species.
Fir-balsam, 267.
Fire, 177, 295.
Fire-flies, 66, 118, 148, 153, 210, 233.
Fire-worship, 76.
Fishes, 2, 60, 85, 106, 131, 134. See under names of species.
Fish-hawks, 67. See Hawks.
Fishing, 62, 110, 340.
Flags. See Blue flag, Iris.
Flag Hill, 184, 188.
Fleabane, 144. See Erigeron.
Fletcher, Giles, 246.
Flies, 111. See Black flies.
Flint's Bridge, 87.
Flint's Pond, 27, 37, 103, 139, 188.
Floating heart, 242, 274, 366. See Limnanthemum.
Flowers, 100, 123, 126, 149, 242, 268, 331, 341. See under names of species.
Flower Exhibition, 175.
Fogs, 1, 2, 10, 11, 81, 167, 177, 291, 345. See Dew. Haze, Mist.
Forgetfulness, 62.
Forget-me nots, 109.
Forget-me-not Brook, 125.
Fossil plants, 49.
Foxes, 191.
Fragrance, 35, 42, 54, 83. 88, 97, 100, 122. 158, 160, 173, 205, 218, 219, 226, 252, 267, 326. See Odor, Scent.
Franklin, 309.
Friends, 32, 103, 143, 161, 251. See Friendship.
Friendship, 75, 229. See Friends, Love, Visiting.
Fringilla. See Finch.
Fringilla hiemalis, 19, 24, 299.
Frinirilla passerina 66.
Frogs, 1, 42, 115, 148, 160, 234, 262. See Bull-frogs.
Fruit, 2, 100, 168. See under names of species.
Fungi, 46, 108,134, 171, 173.
Future, the, 61.

Gaiety, 215.
Galls, 2, 133.
Gardens, 81.
General Lincoln (ship), 103.
Geraniums, 5, 184, 219.
Glass, 327.
Gnaphalium, 279.
Gnaphalium uliginosum, 48.
Gnats, 184.
Golden-rods, 295.
Goldfinches, 81, 150.
Gold-thread, 220.
Goodman's Hill, 42.
Goose Pond, 37, 202.
Gosnold, Bartholomew, 339.
Gossip, 341.
Gourgas wood, 140
Gowings Swamp, 116.
Grain, 351. See under names of species.
Grape, 185. See Vitis.
Grape-vines, 250.
Grass, 49, 62, 70, 77, 101, 114, 131, 142, 178, 184, 194, 202, 232, 283, 326. See Blue-eyed grass.
Gray, J. E., 100, 122, 147, 230.
"Great-Ball," the, 320.
Great fields, 90. b
Great meadows, 150.
Greeks, 355.
Grossbeaks, 27, 125, 189, 307.
Guinea fowl, 61.
Gurnet, the, 138.

Halo, a, 117.
Hardback, 346.
Harrington's, 43, 90.
Harris, T. W., 137.
Harvest flies, 137.
Hawks, 66, 67, 70, 82, 93, 113, 124, 147, 319. See Night-hawks.
Hawk-weed, 143, 186. See Hieracium.
Haying, 88, 266.
Haze, 135, 260. See Dew, Fog, Mist.
Heart-leaf, 220.
Heart-leaf flowers, 339.
Heat. See Hot weather.
Hellebore, 84, 113, 293, 294.
Hemlocks, 14, 32, 55, 62, 179.
Hermit Lake, 295, 298.
Herndon, William Lewis, 72.
Heroism, 313.
Herons, 107
Heywood Meadow, 190.
Hickory, 142.
Hieracium venosum, 6, 143. See Hawk-weed.
Hill, the, 167.
Hills, 359.
History, 350, 354.
Hog Pasture, 89.
Hogepen-walke, 90.
Hogs, 90.
Horns, 4, 340.
Hornets, 169.
Horses, 175.
Hosmer, Abel, 106.
Hospitality, 109.
Hot weather, 47, 103, 144, 151, 211, 329, 358, 364.
Hubbard's Bend, 13, 110.
Hubbard's Bridge, 318.
Hubbard's Close, 38.
Hubbard's Grove, 319.
Hubbard's Meadow, 77, 87, 163.
Hubbard's Swamp, 36, 122.
Huckleberries, 30, 53, 62, 89, 134, 257, 317.
Huckleberry apple, 134, 166.
Huckleberry birds, 91, 185.
Humility, 335.
Humming birds, 135.
Hummocks, 318, 323.
Husk-root, 249.
Hylodes, 2, 21, 36, 50, 59, 160, 353.
Hypericum. See St. John's-wort, Sarostua. Hypoxis erecta. See Bethlehem star.

Idleness, 7.
Indians, 90, 247, 355.
Indigo birds, 86.
Indigo weed, 218.
Injuries, 355.
Insects, 2, 5, 7, 15, 54. See under names of species.
Inspiration, 197.
Iris, 66, 109. See Blue-flag.
Iris, Boston, 193.
Iris prisrnatica, 193.
Iris versicolor, 266.
Island Meadow, 150.
Islands, 318.

Jackson, Dr., 286.
Jays, 102, 189.
Jefferson, 312.
John's-wort. See St. John's-wort.
Jokes, 103.
Jones, Captain, 102.
June days, 14.
Juniper, 217.
Juniper repens, 83.

"Kalendarium Hortense," 81.
Kalmia angustif olia, 143. See Lambkill.
Kalmia glauca, 17. See Laurel.
Kibbe Race, 89.
Kidnapping, 85. See Slavery.
King-birds, 14, 28, 47. 59, 67, 83.
Kingfishers, 85, 114.
Krigias, 58. See Dandelion.

Labor, 262, 270. See Work.
Laborers, 145.
Lady's slipper, 36, 43, 49.
Lafayette, 305.
Lambkill, 5, 53, 123, 127, 163. See Kalmia angustif olia.
Landscape, 245, 269, 275, 280, 286.
Language, 80.
Larks, 84, 129, 162, 308.
Laurel, 46, 88, 112, 115, 167, 216. See Kalmia glauca, Rhododendron.
Laurel Glen, 124, 216.
Laurel Pasture, 89.
Layard, A. H., 76.
Leaves, 37, 75, 77, 104, 218. See under Trees. Lee place, 1. Lee's Cliff, 52, 57, 126.
Leeches, 135.
Leontodon, 144. See Dandelion.
Lichens, 25, 52.
Lies, 231.
Life, 75, 98, 141, 160, 200, 207, 214, 246, 265, 313, 321, 333, 361. See Aphorisms, Living.
Life-everlasting, 332.
Light, 112, 244, 318.
Lightning, 253. See Thunder-showers.
Lightning bugs, 160, 176. See Fireflies.
Lilies, 77, 81, 108, 134, 151, 158, 159, 174, 195, 200, 240, 263, 272, 274, 278, 283, 324, 325, 327, 347, 357. See Convallaria.
Lilies, red, 282, 348, 359.
Lime quarries, 89.
Limnanthemum, 242. See Floating heart.
Linaria vulgaris, 231.
Lincoln, 79.
Linnæa, 29, 50, 64, 184, 306.
Linntea borealis, 39, 77, 226.
Linnæa Hills, 64.
Linnæa Woods, 50.
Lint, 4, 30, 56, 74.
Living, 119, 192. See Life.
Lobelias, 278.
Locusts, 53, 64, 77, 88, 133, 137, 144, 329.
Loosestrife, 125, 170, 220. See Lysimachia, Naumburgia.
Loring's Pond. 31.
Love, 76, 251, 327. See Friendship.
Lupine, 5, 35, 44, 100, 101, 111, 199.
Lupine Hill, 109.
Lysimachia quadrifulia, 210. See Loosestrife, Naumburgia.

Manners, 231.
Maples, 35, 88, 101, 108, 134, 218, 318, 361.
Marigold, 152.
Marlboro road, 90, 91.
Marston, Johu, 102.
Martins, 170.
"Martyrs in Heaven, 246.
Maruta cotula, 230.
Mason's Pasture, 45, 88. Massachusetts, 1-284, 309-372.
Maxims. See Aphorisms.
Mayweed, 230.
Meadows, 244, 252, 365. See Pastures.
Meadow-sweet, 160, 195, 245, 385.
Mean, the golden, 349.
Meanness, 262.
Measures, 190.
Medeola, 14, 43.
Medfield, 36.
Mel-dews, 79.
Melilot, 365. See Clover.
Melilotus leucantha, 365.
Memory, 62, 98.
Men, 259.
Menagerie, a, 238.
Merrimack, the, 284.
Mildew, 79, 174.
Miles, Martial. 127.
Miles, Mrs., 128.
Miles' swamp, 123.
Milk-weed, 277.
Miller, a, 4.
Minnows, 127.
Miraculous, the, 75.
Mists, 7, 38, 154, 276. See Dew, Fog, Haze.
Mitchella. 200.
Mitchella repens, 216, 319.
Mocking-birds, 137.
Modesty, 109.
Moles. 56.
Monadnock, 16.
Moon, 98.
Moonlight, 95, 117, 118, 120, 129, 133, 176, 233, 239, 280, 333, 341, 353 See Night.
Moose River, 304.
Morning, 161, 341, 345. See Sunrise.
Morning-glory, 200, 230.
Morton, S. G., 235, 351.
Mosquitoes, 39, 65.
Moss, 48.
Moths, 15, 51, 55. See Attacus.
Mount Adams, 288.
Mount Misery, 145.
Mount Washington, 288.
Mountain ash, 18.
Mountains, 27, 311. See Chocorua, Wachusett.
Mud-hens, 155.
Mullein, 185, 261, 271, 350.
Music, 79, 108, 132, 153, 170, 232, 233, 258, 266, 314. See Earth songs, Sounds.
Muskrats, 316.
Musquash, a, 67.
Myosotis laxa, 109.

Names, 122.
Nature, 43, 46, 47, 99, 107, 110, 132, 143, 198, 212. 267, 280.
Naumburgia thyrsiflora, 87. See Loosestrife, Lysimachia.
Naushon, 250.
Nawshawtuck, 10, 45, 81, 153, 170,
New Bedford, 227, 247, 249.
New Hampshire. 285-309.
Night, 94-99, 142, 211, 234, 239, 340. See Evening, Moonlight, Sunset, Twilight.
Night-hawk, 1, 6, 23, 24, 47, 63, 66, 95, 120, 133, 165, 203, 215. See Hawks.
Nightingales, 137.
Night-warblers. 98, 189, 289.
North River, 37, 196.
Nuphar lutea, 274. See Lilies, Spatterdock.
Nuts, 213.
Nutt Meadow, 37, 178.
Nuttall, Thomas, 6, 115, 307.
Nymphaca odorata, 158, 240. See Lilies.

Oak Meadows, 89.
Oaks, 2, 38, 39, 52, 54, 55, 58, 74, 78, 100, 108, 114, 191, 308, 318, 357.
Ocean, 11.
"Ode to Dejection," 3.
Odors, 198. See Fragrance, Scent.
Old Lime Kiln, 89.
Old Mortality, 21.
Oldenlandia cærulea, 293.
Orchis, 71, 84, 113, 147, 159, 187.
Orchis Swamp, 81, 124.
Osmunda regalis, 58, 150. See Ferns.
Ossipee Lakes, 287.
Ossipee Mountain, 286.
Oven-birds, 63, 76, 100, 163, 308, 317.
Owls, 28, 66, 216, 227, 301, 370.
Oxen, 132, 209.

Paddling, 149.
Painted Cup, 29. See Castilleja.
Painted Cup Meadow, 15, 29, 93.
Paralytics, 78.
Parsnip, 337.
Partridges, 78, 105, 112, 119, 191, 221, 256.
Past, the, 60.
Pastinaca sativa, 337.
Pastures, 186, 217. See Meadows.
Peabody, W. B. O., 133.
Peaches, 79.
Peet-weets, 1, 210, 339.
Persians, 355.
Peterboro hills, 27.
Pewees, 308, 336.
Pickerel, 257, 336.
Pickerel weed, 273. See Pontederia.
Pigeon woodpeckers, 92.
Pillsbury, 309.
Pine Hill, 112.
Pines, 30, 32, 35, 49, 70, 72, 80, 89, 118, 188, 203, 221, 232, 354. See Pines, pitch.
Pines, pitch, 32, 42, 46, 49, 75, 142, 203. See Pines.
Pinks, 4, 43, 134, 159, 219, 260.
Pinus resinosa, 32.
Pinxter Spring, 170.
Pipes, 273.
Pipsissewa. 127. See Chimaphila.
Plantain, 72, 112.
Plymouth, 137.
Plymouth Beach, 137, 138.
Poetry, 223, 238.
Poets, 2, 3, 185, 214.
Pogonia, 125, 163, 347.
Pogonia ophraglassoides. 347.
Poison, 338.
Pollen, 42, 75, 203.
Pollywogg, 142, 146, 226.
Polygonum, 151.
Polygonum viviparum, 303.
Ponds, 120, 311. See Andromeda, Bateman's, Flint's, Goose Loring's, Walden, White's ponds.
Pond-weed, 152. See Potamogeton.
Ponkawtasset, 89.
Pontederia, 151, 258, 274, 318. See Pickerel weed.
Puntederia cordata, 264.
Pools, 53.
Poplar Hill, 115.
Potamogeton, 126. See Pond-weed. Potamogeton hybridus, 244.
Potamogeton nataiis, 152, 242.
Potatoes, 1, 350.
Potentilla. See Cinquefoil.
Potentilla argentea, 43, 215.
Potentilla arguta, 157.
Potentilla ascendant, 39.
Potentilla sarmentosa, 216.
Potentilla simplex, 215.
Potentilla tridentata, 20.
Potter's pasture, 95.
Pouts, 67, 139, 201, 214, 367.
Powder mills, 3.
Praise, 192.
Primroses, 332.
Prometheus, 64.
Prosperity, 229.
Prunella, 83, 143, 230, 278.
Purity, 327, 342.
Pyrola, 170. See Wintergreen.
Pyrola asarifolia, 143. See Wintergreen.

Quail, 62.

Rabbits, 31.
Rain, 39, 59, 62, 73, 80, 183, 304. See Clouds, Storms, Thundershowers.
Rainbows, 210, 229.
Rana halecina, 69, 262. See Frog.
Raua palustris, 69, 160. See Frog.
Ranunculus, 77, 126, 140, 152, 153, 275. See Buttercup, Crowfoot.
Ranunculus abortivus, 297.
Ranunculus acris, 143.
Ranunculus bulbosus, 41, 143.
Raspberries, 277.
Red Hill, 286.
Redeyes, 39, 100, 104, 135, 163, 185, 336.
Redstarts, 104.
Redwings, 8, 115.
Reflections, 140. See Thought.
Reformers, 163.
Region, 80.
Religion, 3, 45, 60, 354. See Worship.
Reserve, 165.
Reverence, 76.
Rhododendron, 175. See Laurel.
Rhododendron lapponicum, 303.
Rhododendron maximum, 36.
Ribwort, 72.
Rice's shore, 108.
Righteousness, 255.
Rivers, 1, 112, 145, 185, 211, 283, 329, 355, 366. See Assabet, Ellis, Moore, North, Saco, South rivers.
Roads, 99.
Robins, 10, 24, 30, 88, 124, 129, 131, 144, 145, 153, 170, 184, 214, 230, 258, 281, 308.
Rocks, 218; colors of, 17, 25; inscriptions on, 21.
Rogers, 309.
Romans, 355.
Rosa. See Sweet-brier.
Rosa Carolina. 354.
Rosa lucida, 127, 159, 354.
Rosa nitida, 72, 127, 158, 159, 354.
Rosa rubiginosa, 159.
Roses, 113, 114, 125, 133, 141, 149, 199, 202, 217, 218, 230, 241, 242, 271, 279.
Rue, 64, 72, 178. See Thalictrum.
Rue-anemone. 82. See Thalictrum.
Rye, 77, 351, 365.

Sabbath, the, 45.
Saco, the, 288.
Sagittaria, 196.
Sailing, 264.
St. Johns-wort, 170, 230, 369. See Sarothra, Salix, Willow.
Salix harbacea 303.
Salix lucida, 32.
Salix phylicifolia, 294.
Salix repens, 294.
Salix Sorneyana. 299.
Salix uva ursi, 286, 303, 306.
"Sam," 335.
Samaræ, 185.
Sandwich, 286.
Sandwort, 50. See Arenaria.
Sarothra, 48. See St. John's-wort.
Satire, 223.
Saxifrage, 52.
Scare-crows, 220.
Scenery. See Landscape, Mountains, Nature, Ocean, Sea, Storms, White Mountains.
Scents, 64, 66, 72, 104, 131, 178, 280. See Fragrance, Odor.
Science, 255.
Sea, the, 11.
Sea-serpent, 137.
Sea-weed, 52.
Seasons, 99.
Sedge, 48, 108, 372.
Seeing, 283.
Senecio, 83, 84, 109, 279.
Senter Harbor, 285.
Seringo, 144.
Shad-bush, 65.
Shad flies, 85.
Shadows, 99, 243. See Clouds.
Shakespeare, William, 80.
Shattuck, Lemuel, 90.
Shirley Village, 16.
Side-saddle flower, 43, 51, 111, 113.
Simons, Martha, 247.
Sin, 255. See Temptations, Vices.
Skulls, 235.
Skunks, 155, 196.
Skunk-cabbages, 113.
Slavery, 86, 174.
Slippery elm, 52.
Smellie, William, 202.
Smilax herbacea, 123. See Carrion flower, Catbrier.
Snakes, 1, 92, 133.
Snapdragons, 5, 36, 101, 199.
Snow, 291, 273, 301.
Solitude, 26.
Solomon's-seal, 122, 143.
Solon, 349.
Song-sparrows. See Sparrows.
Sorrel, 13, 35, 46, 101, 111, 116, 146.
Sorrel Swamp, 86.
Sounds, 59, 79, 96, 111, 362. See Music.
South River, 37.
Sparrows, 24, 66, 119, 131, 214, 286, 299, 363.
Spatterdocks, 263.
Spear heads, 332. See Arrow heads.
Speedwell, 109.
Sphynx, the, 63.
Spiræa tomeutosa, 346.
Spirits, 98.
Spring, 357.
Springs, 86, 148, 191, 227, 329.
Sproutlands, 202.
Spruces, 300, 303.
Spruce Swamp, 37, 89.
Squam Lake, 286.
Squirrels, 160, 237.
Squirrels, flying, 190.
Stake-drivers, 28, 59, 130, 193.
Steam-whistles, 111.
Stock-doves, 78.
Stonehenge, 78.
Storms, 290. See Clouds, Rain, Thundershower.
Stow, 186.
Strata, 75.
Strawberries, 42, 83, 168, 213.
Succory, 355.
Sudbury road, 95, 130.
Sun, the, 169.
Sun, steering by, 187.
Sun worship, 76.
Sunrise, 11, 154, 224, 313, 321, 356. See Morning.
Sunset, 47, 223, 246, 313, 332, 362. See Evening, Night, Twilight.
Superstition, 45.
Surveying, 93, 207.
Swallows, 59, 67, 84, 93, 110, 129, 130.
Swamps, 147.
Swamp Bridge, 37.
Sweetbrier, 131, 155, 173, 339. See Rosa.
Sweet gale, 319.
Sylva, 79.
Sympathy, 75.

Tamworth, 287.
Tanacetum vulgaro, 337. See Tansy.
Tanagers, 39, 87, 189.
Tansy, 141, 317, 337.
Telegraph, the, 110.
Temperance, 61.
Temptations, 2. See Sin, Vices, Virtues.
Tephrosia, 199.
Terrible, La, 102.
Thalictrura, 178. See Rue, Rue-Anemone.
Thesium umbellatum, 143.
Thistles, 59.
Thoreau (a sailor), 102.
Thought, 57, 109, 136, 140, 215, 341, 361. See Aphorisms.
Thrashers, 100, 137, 162.
Thrush Alley, 188.
Thrushes, 28, 24, 112, 136, 140, 141, 163, 189, 209, 212, 213, 216, 284, 298, 308, 330.
Thundershowers, 73, 189, 199, 210, 216, 217, 253. See Clouds, Rain, Storms.
Toad-flax, 231.
Toads, 50, 59, 84, 115, 131, 148, 151, 262, 270, 353, 354. See Tree-toads. Toads, winged, 6.
Toadstools. See Fungi.
Tortoises, 31, 53, 65, 91, 108, 154, 177, 179, 258, 262, 268. See Emys insculptæ, Emys picta, Turtle.
Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de, 257.
Town records, 36, 90.
Townsend Light Infantry, 320.
Transmigration, 239.
Travelers, 277.
Traveling, 33, 108, 284, 310. See Walking.
Treadmills, 175.
Trees, 2, 66, 78, 277, 312, 341. See Leaves, Woods, under names of species.
Tree-toads, 35, 119, 135. See Toads.
Trientalis, 82. See Chickweed, Wintergreen.
Trientalia Americana, 143.
Trifolium arvense, 271. See Clover.
Trillium Woods, 149.
Truth, 210.
Tuckerman's Ravine, 291, 310.
Tupelo, 250.
Turnips, 370.
Turtles, 32, 65, 105, 106, 116, 146, 160, 178, 261. See Tortoise.
Turritis stricta, 52.
Twilight, 132. See Evening, Night, Sunset.

Ulmus fulva, 52. See Elm.
Umbilicaria, 25.
Utricularia vulgaris, 84, 101, 210.

Vaccinium Pennsylvanicum, 315. See Blueberries.
Values, 266.
Veery, 131, 308.
Veronica scutellata, 109.
Vetch, 336.
Vices, 174, 206. See Sin, Temptations.
Vicia cracca, 336.
Viola blanda, 43.
Viola lanceolata, 43.
Viola palmatas, 51.
Viola pedata, 101, 199.
Violets, 125.
Violet Swamp, 86.
Vireos, 104, 115.
Virtues, 2, 43, 174, 175, 206. See Temptations.
Visiting, 103. See Friendship.
Vitis-Idæa, 257. See Grape.

Wachusett, 11, 96.
Walden, 1, 29, 37, 60, 62, 66, 73, 90, 114, 117, 166, 168, 200, 257.
Walden Pond, 36, 268.
Walking, 187. See Traveling.
Walnut-trees, 78.
Wants, 73.
Warblers, 40, 41, 104, 264.
Ware, John, 201.
Washing days, 217.
Water, 30, 117, 146, 219, 240, 243; temperature of, 268, 282.
Water-bugs, 59, 87, 120.
Water-snakes, 1.
Water target, 274.
Webster, Abigail, 309.
Webster, Daniel, 137.
Webster, Ebenezer, 309.
Weeds, 200, 231.
Week, the, 261.
Well Meadow, 70, 73, 81, 84, 147, 190.
Wentworth, 289, 295.
Wheeler, Francis, 90.
Whippoorwills, 1, 95, 118, 131-133, 176.
White Cedar Swamp, 32.
White Mountains, 283-310.
White Pine Grove, 89.
White's Pond, 133, 220, 224, 332.
White weed, 43, 56, 82, 141, 184.
Wild cats, 290.
Wilkinson, Sir John Gardiner, 357.
Willows, 14, 88, 131, 153,294,318, 360. See Salix.
Willow herb, 252.
Willow Swamp, 37.
Wilson, William, 20, 87, 307.
Winds, 265.
Winged toad, 6.
Winnepiseogee, 286.
Winslow, General, 188.
Wintergreen, 5, 127, 143, 170, 314, See. Trientalis.
Wisdom, 207, 215, 333.
Witch-hazel, 308.
Woods, 7, 14, 30, 95. See Trees.
Woodchucks, 123, 127, 155, 202, 226.
Woodcock, 142.
Woodpeckers, 92, 145.
Wood-thrushes, 23, 24. See Thrushes.
Wool grass, 150.
Wordsworth, William, 129, 355.
Work, 7, 202, 270, 337. See Effort.
Worms, 7.
Worship, 45, 60. See Religion.
Wrecks, 3.
Wyman meadow, 67.

Yankees, 214.
Yarrow, 141.
Yellow Birch Swamp, 89.
Yellow-throats, 28.
Yezidis, 76.
Yielding, 192.