Telugu-English Dictionary/ఘ

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gha, The nineteenth letter, and fourth consonant in the Telugu alphabet.

ఘంట ghanta, s. veWe గంట ganta, No. 1. And 2.

ఘంటము ghantamn, s. vide గంటము gantamu. .

ఘటము ghatamu, s. A large earthen water jar. 2. The body.

ఘటించు, ఘటియించు ghatintsu, ghatiyintsu, v. n . To occur, to happen. 2. To be obtained, vl a. T© accomplish.

ఘటిల్లు ghatillu, 0. n. vide ఘటించు ghatintsu, In its neuter sense.

ఘట్టన ghattana, s. Going, moving. 2. Covering.

ఘనము ghanamu, s. Honor. 2. A cymbal, bell, or gong. 3. A mode of dancing, neither quick nor slow. 4. A cloud. 5. Extension, diffusion. 6. Hardness, solidity, matter sub- stance, adj. Honorable, noble, great, important. 2. Material, solid. 3. Qoarse. 4. Hard, firm. 5. Fortunate, auspicious. 6. Permanent, eternal.

ఘనత ghanata, s. Greatness, glory,' nobility.