Telugu-English Dictionary/చ

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చ cha, The twenty-first letter, and sixth consonant in the Telugu alphabet.

చంక tsanka, s. The armpit.

చంగున tsanguna, adv. Quickly, soon.

చంచలము chanchalamu, adj. Fickle, trembling, shaking, moving, incon- siderate, inconstant, unsteady, unstable.

చండాలుడు chandaludu, s. An oat- caste, a chandala, a man of the low- est caste of the mixed tribes, born from a Sudra father, and brahman mother ; a scavenger.

చందనము chandanamu, s. Sandal, Sirium myrtifolium ; it implies either the tree, the wood, or the unctuous preparations of the wood, held in high estimation as perfumes.

చందమామ tsandamama, 5. The moon. 2. The name of a part cut from the centre of the sprout, first issuing from the palmyra nut, which the natives eat.

చందము tsandamu." s. Manner, way. 2. State, condition.

చందా tsanda? s. Subscription.

చందావేయు tsandaveyu. v. a. To subscribe.

చందురము tsanduramu, s. p£<fe కుంకుమ kunkuma. చందువా tsanduva, s. The cloth which forms the under ceiling of a room.

చంద్రుడు, చంద్రముడు chandrudu,chan dramudu, s. The moon. చంద్రశాల chandras'ala, An upper house, an apartment on the house top. 2. Moonlight.

చంపు tsampu, v. a. To kill, murder, or slay. It is the causal of చచ్చు tsatstsu. q. v.

చంపించు tsampintsu, v. cans. To cause to kill, &c.

చక్క tsakka, part. This word, in composition, is prefixed to many- others; and, by the addition of ని ni, becomes an adjective ; or, by the addition of గా ga, An adverb. As a particle prefixed to other words, it generally denotes, straightness, good order or condition, propriety, improvement, amendment, repair, correction, restoring to a good state, as చక్కబోవు tsakkabovu, To go straight away ; to go away suddenly. చక్కజేయు tsakkajeyu, To amend, repair, reform,correct, cure, or arrange. % To do well. As an adjective, it becomes చక్కని tsakkani, And then denotes. Straight. 2. Good, proper. 3. Handsome, beautiful.

చక్కన tsakkana, s. Beauty. 2. Propriety, adv. Well.

చక్కాడు tsakkadu, v. a. To kill.

చక్కి tsakki, 5. A side, a part.

చక్కిలము tsakkilamu, s. A sort of cake.

చక్కిలిగింత, చక్కిలిగిలి tsakkiliginta, tsakkiligili, s. Tickling. చక్కిలిగింతపెట్టు tsakkiligintapettu,To tickle.

చక్కీ tsakki, s. A small bedstead.

చక్కీపంచదార tsakkipantsadara, 5. Refined sugar.

చక్కు tsakku, s. Six. It is generally used in counting at games. చక్కు పగడ tsakkupagada, s. Seven.

చక్కెర tsakkera, s. Sugar.

చక్రము chakramu, s. A ruddy or Brahmany goose. Anas casarca. 2. A realm, or region. 3. A multitude, a heap. 4. A wheel. 5. A potter's wheel. 6. An oil mill. 7. A discus, or sharp circular missile weapon. 8. A whirlpool.. 9. A province^ a number of villages.

చగుడు tsagadu, s. Puller's earth.

చచ్చు tsatstsu, v. n. To die, or expire. ^

చచ్చుడివాండ్లు tsatstsudivandlu,5.^/?'. A caste of scavengers.

చచ్చౌకము foatstsaukamn ,adj. Square. చట్ట tsatta, s. A' small sack. 2. The outside of the thigh. 3. A jacket, or coat.

చట్టన tsattana, adv. Hastily, quickly.

చట్టము tsattamu,*. A regulation, rule, or law. 2- A plan, a system.

చట్టి tsatti, s. An earthen pot, with a broad mouth.

చట్టు tsattu, s. A mountain.

చట్టువులు tsattuvalu, s* nlu. Wings.'

చట్రాయి tsatrayi, & A black stone.

చతికిలబడు tsatikilabadu, v. -n. To fall down, from fatigue, or weakness,

చతురంగబలము chaturangabalamu, s. The four kinds of Indian troops, composing an army; viz. Infantry, cavalry, elephants, and Avar chariots.

చతురంగము chaturangarau, s. Chess.

చతురము chaturamu, adj. Dexterous; clever.

చదరంగము tsadarangamu, s. A chess board. 2. Chess. రాజు radzu, The king. మంత్రి mantri, The queen. ఏనుగ enuga, The castle. శకటు sakatu, The bishop. గుఱ్ఱము gurrramu, The knight. బంటు bantu, The paWiH.

చదరము tsadaramu, «o[/. Square. 2. Level, even.

చదరములు tsadaramulu, 5. <plu. The beams of the roof, supported by the కురుంజులు knrundzulu, q. v.

చదరు tsadaru. 5, An assembly. 2. The court of a princp.

చదలు tsadalu, s. The sky. చదలుమానికము tsadalumanikamu, The sun.

చదికిలబడు tsadikilabadu, v. n. To fall down, from debility.

చదియు tsadiya, v. n. To be bruised to death. 2. To be reduced to a palpable powder.

చదివించు tsadivintsu, 0. The causal of చదువు tsaduvu, q. v. 2. An ac- tive verb, denoting to give honorary presents during any festival,

చదివింపులు tsadivimpulu, s. phi. The act of giving such presents.

చదును tsadunu, s. Evenness ; levelness. adj. Even, level. చదునుచేయు tsadunucheyu, To level.

చదుపు tsadupu, v. a. To kill.

చదువు tsaduvu, v. a. To read. 2. To study, s. Learning.

చదివించు tsadivintsU, v. Causal. To cause to read or study. 2. To teach. చదువుకొను tsadavukonu, v. Comp. To learn.

చద్ది tsaddi, s. Rice cooked at night, and not eaten until next day. చను tsanu, v. n. To go, to depart. 2. To pass. 3. To advance in age. 4. To be fit, or deserving,

చనిపోవు tsanipova» v, n. To die. చనుదెంచు tsanudentsu, ». ?,. To come; to arrive.

చను tsanu, s. oide చన్ను tsannu..

చనుప tsaniipa, s. A body of travellers.

చనువు tsanuyu, s. Amity, friendship. 2. Favor. 3. familiarity, freedom.

చన్నీళ్లు tsannlllu, s. Cold water, as opposed to hot.

చన్ను tsannu, s. Making in the inflex. Sing. చంటి tsanti, And in the nom. plu. చండ్లు tsandlu, The nipple, pap, or teat. 2. The breast of a man or woman. చనుకట్టు tsanukattu, The breast of any female, either of the human or animal species. చనుముక్కు, చనుమొన tsanu- mukkti, tsanumona, The point or nipple of the breast. చన్నుగుడుచు tsannugudutsu,Tosuck the breast. చంటిపిల్ల tsantipilla, An infant at the breast.

చపలము chapalamu, adj. TrembliDg, fickle, tremulous, wavering, unsteady. 2. Quick, swift, expeditious. 3. Momentary, instantane- ous. 4- Agitated, violently overcome with alarm, &c. s. Quick- silver, mercury. 2. Perplexity.

చప్ప, చప్పని tsappa, tsappani, adj. Insipid. చప్పగా tsappaga, adv. Insi- pidly. చప్పబడు tsappabadu, To be in a state of inactivity.

చప్పదనము, చప్పన tsappadanamu, tsappana, ,?. Insipidity.

చప్పట్లు tsappatlu, s. plu. The clapping, of the hands. చప్పట్లుగొట్టు tsappatlugottu, To clap the hands.

చప్పరము tsapparamu, s. A thatched roof, a shed. 2. A covered seat in which an idol is carried about.

చప్పరించు tsapparintsu, v. a. To smack, to suck with a noise.

చప్పలు tsappalu, s. plu. The outer part of the thigh.

చప్పా tsappa, s. A mark, or impression, as from stamping, or prin- ting.

చప్పిడి tsappidi, s. A noise, adj. Void of any salt taste. చప్పిడిముక్కు tsappidimukkn, A flat nose.

చప్పుడు tsappudu, s. Noise, sound. చప్పుడుచేయు tsappuducheyu, To make a noise.

చబుకు tsabuku, s. A whip.

చమత్కారము chamatkaramu, s- A- stonishment, surprize. 2. dexterity. 3. Eloquence, wit. 4. Any thing curious, ingenious, or extraordinarv. చమురు tsamuru, v. a. To rub, or bes- mear, s. Clarified butter. 2. Oil, <fcc.

చయ్యన tsayyana, acfo. Quickly, speedily, soon.

చరణము charanamu, 5. The foot. 2. The root of a tree. 3. Wandering, roaming, going round, or about.

చరి tsari, s. Paste. చరివూయు tsariviiyu, To paste.

చరిత-చరిత్ర, చరిత్రము charita-charitra, chuitramu, s. A fixed institute, a peculiar observance. 2. Good conduct. 3. A history, chronicle, or tale.

చరుగుడు tsarugudu, s. A bundle of Jonnalu straw, drawn by two bullocks.

చరుము tsarumu, i a. vide చమురు tsamuru.

చరువు charuvu, s. An oblation, chiefly of milk and butter, with fire, to the gods or manes.

చర్మము charmamu, s. The skin. 2. A hide. 3. The bark of a tree.

చర్య charya, s. Perseverance in religious austerities ; due and regu- lar observance of all rites, or customs. 2. Conduct. 3. Action. దినచర్య dinacharya, A diary.

చఱియలు tsarriyalu, s. plu. Fiat spots of ground, under the tops of jni ,untaiiis..2. Cracks in the ground,

చఱుచు tsarrutsu, v. a. To beat. 2. To clap with the open hand. చఱుచు tsarrutsu, A clap with the open hand.

చఱులు tsarrulu, s. pla. vide చఱియలు tsarriyalu, No. 1.

చలము tsalamtf, s. Malice. 2. Obstinacy. 3. Firmness. చలముసాధించు tsalamusadhintsu, To affirm, or deny, obstinately. చలపట్టు tsala- pattu, To be firmly resolved.

చలపాది tsalapadi, s. An obstinate person.

చలము chalamu, adj. Trembling, tremulous, unfixed, or unsteady.

చలించు chalintsu, v. n. To shake, or move. 2. To hesitate.

చలవ tsalava, s. Cold. 2. Any thing of a cooling or refreshing nature. 3. Bleaching, adj. -Cold. 2. Cooling. 3. Bleached, white. చలవపందిలి tsalavapandili, s. A canopy supported by pillars, raised in the high road, and decorated with flowers. &c., as a place for the honorary reception of an idol. చలవలుగమ్ము tsalavalagammu,fo7. Colds to cover. To be deadly cold • to be in the extremities of death.

చలవాది tsalavadi, s. A person who» among the Sudra caste, goes from house to house, to give information of -aiiy death. చలి tsali, s. Cold. o$. Cold. చలిజ్వరము tsaltjwaramu. Ague.

చలిగరువు tsaligaruvUjS.Soil of a sandy surface, with black earth under- neath.

చలిచీమ tsalichima, s. A sort of ant.

చలితము chalitamu, adj. Shaking, trembling. 2. Gone, departed.

చలిది tsalidi, s. vide చద్ది tsaddi.

చలిమిడి tsalimidi, s. The flour of raw rice, mixed with milk, or water and' jaggory, and used in offerings to the deity.

చలిమిరి tsalimiri, adj. Cold. 2. Damp, wet.

చలియించు chaliyintsu, v. n. vide చలించు chalintsu, Under. చలము chalamu;

చలివాపు tsalivSpu, «?. To sooth, to console, to encourage.

చలువ tsaluva, s. vide చలవ tsalava.

చల్ది tsaldi, s. vide చలిది tsalidi.

చల్ల tsalla, $• Butter-milk.

చల్ల, చల్లని tsalla, tsallani, adj. Cold ; cool. చల్లనిదొర tsallanidora, Zztf. A cold gentleman. This is a term of great praise, and expressive of entire satisfaction, applied by the people to any popular ruler.

చల్లరాడు tsallaradu, s. The post round which the string passes, which works the churning stick.

చల్లాడము tsalladamu* s. Drawers ox breeches, which reach as far as the middle of the thigh.

చల్లాఱు tsallarru, v. n. To g-row cool, or calm. g. To be allayed, restrained, or pacified. 3. To be extinguished. చల్లాఱ్చు tsallarrtsu, v. a. To cool, or calm. 2. To allay, restrain,or pacify. 3. To extinguish.

చల్లు tsallu, v. a. To throw awav, pour out, or sprinkle. 2.To water- 3. To sow.

చల్లుకొను tsalkikonu, v. Comp. To sprinkle upon one's-self, or upon another.' 2. To sow for one's own benefit.

చవడు, చవుడు tsavadu, tsavudu, s. Making in the inflex. Sing. చవటి, చవుటి tsavati, tsavut.i, Fuller's earth. చవటియుప్పు tsavatiyUppu, s. Earth salt.

చవలము tsavalamu, s. The fraction of 2/15 or 1/8 of a pagoda. చవి tsavi, s. Taste.

చవికె tsavike, s. A square shed. 2. A single square room, separate from the house.

చవితి tsaviti, s. vide చవుతి tsavuti, 2. The relationship of a man's two wives to each other. చవితితల్లి tsavititalli, s. A step-mother. చవిలె tsavile, s. Four dubs, or coins, of the value of twenty cash each.

చవు tsavu, s. A chow ; the weight by which pearls are estimated.

చవుక tsavuka, adj. Cheap.

చవుకము tsavukainu, adj. Square. 5. A square.

చవుకళించు tsavukalintsu, v. n. To leap, or run, like the antelope.

చవుతి tsavuti, s. The fourth lunar day, from the new, or full moon.

చవ్వగ tsavvaga", adv. Insipidly.

చక్షువు ckakshuvu, s. The eye. చక్షుశ్శ్రవము chakshussravamu, s. A snake; because his eyes are deemed to be his ears also.