Telugu-English Dictionary/బు

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బుంగ bunga, s. A long deep basket, of wicker work. 2. Half a bullock load ; as applied to jaggory and simi]ar substances. 3. A pot with a narrow mouth;

బుక్కా bukka, 5. An aromatic powder. బుక్కావాడు bukkavadu, s. A man who deals in, or makes, this powder.

బుగడలు bugadalu, s. plu. Ornaments worn on the tip of the ear by- Hindoo females.

బుగ్గ bugga, s. The cheek ; the inside of the cheek. 2. A bubble of water. 3. A spring of water. 4. The source of a river, fee.

బుగ్గి bugo-f s . Cinder, ashes, dust.

బుజము budzamn, s. The shoulder.

బుజ్జగించు budzdzagintsu, v. a. To caress, or fondle. 2. To cajole, or wheedle.

బుట్ట butta, s. A basket of wicker work.

బుడాలు budaln, s. The place where the top of the ear joins the head.

బుడిగె budige, s. Half of a bullock load ; as applied to that only which consists of two large leathern jars, or bottles.

బుడిపి budipi, s. The swelling from a blow. 2. Knots, or joints, in a cane.

బుడిబుడిక్కులవాండ్లు, బుడిబుడుక్కులవాండ్లు budibudikkulavandlu, budibudu-kkulavandlu, 5. A certain class of Siidras, who dress themselves fantastically, in many old clothes, and profess fortune telling ; they beat a small drum, of the noise of which this word is an imitation.

బుడుత buduta, s. A child. బుడుతడు budutadu, s. A male child.

బుడుమలు budumaln, s. A particular sort of paddy.

బుడ్డ budda, s. The disease termed the rupture. 2. A bubble of water. adj. Ruptured. బుడ్డగించు buddagintsu, v. n. To be swelled. ముఖముబుడ్డగించుకొను mukhamubudda- gintsukonu, The face to be swelled.

బుడ్డపుణుడు buddapunudu, s. A tick, infesting animals.

బుడ్డి buddi, s. A pot, with small mouth. 2* A bottle.

బుద్ధి, బుద్ది buddhi, buddi, s. Intellect sense, understanding. 2. Knowledge, wisdom. <3. Advice, admo- nition, reprimand. 4. Inclination, wish, disposition. 5. Thought, బుద్ధిచెప్పు buddhicheppu, To admonish, exhort, or advise. 2. To reprimand, or chastise. బుద్ధిహీనత buddhihinata, .5. Stupidity. బుద్ధితెచ్చుకొను buddhitetsfcsnkonu, To come of one's-self to one's senses. బుద్ధియెరుగు buddhiyerugu, To have the use of one's reason. 2. To reach the age of puberty. బుద్ధిమంతము buddhimantatnu, adj. Wise, sensible, clever. ఇదినీకుబుద్ధిగాదు idinikubuddhigada, This is not proper in you.

బుద్బుదము budbudamu, s. A bubble.

బుధుడు, బుదుడు budhudu, bududu, 5. The planet Mercury. బుధవారము, బుదువారము budhavaramu, buduvaramu, Wednesday.

బురకా buraka, 5. A covering ; a veil.

బురణించు burariintsu, v. «. To disregard, or slight. 2. To transgress an order.

బురుద, బురద baruda, burada, 5. Mud, mire. బురుదకమ్మి burudakammj, The plank in the ground, across the threshold. బురుదగుంట burudagunta, A puddle. బురుదదుక్కి burudadukki, Ploughed and irrigated ground, ready for the seed.

బుఱుజు burrudzti, s. A bastion.

బుఱ్ఱ burra, s. A nut, or shell; generally applied to the nut of a fruit, such as the cocoanut, &c, after the inner substance has been scooped out. బుఱ్ఱముక్కు burramukku, The nose with open nostrils.

బులాకీ bulaki, 5. A nose ring.

బులియు buliyu, v. n. To rejoice in expectation of any thing. బులుపు bulupu, s. Rejoicing in expectation of any thing.

బువ్వ buvva, s. Food, victuals, boiled rice. బువ్వకుడుపు buvvakudupu, s. The ceremony of feeding a child for the first time.

బువ్వంబంతి, హరిబువ్వము buvvambanti, haribuvvamu, s. A peculiar ceremony, performed on the fourth night of the marriage.

బుస busa, s. In theatrical language only, A younger sister.

బుస busa, s. Hissing ; the noise of serpents. బుసకొట్టు, బుసబుసలాడు busakottu, busabusaladu, To hiss.

బుసి busi, s. Ashes covering live coal.

బుసివోవు busivovu, v. n. To be slightly disgraced, or spoiled.