Telugu-English Dictionary/మూ

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మూక muka, s. An army. 2. A multitude, concourse, or assembly.

మూకుడు mukuclu, s. Making iri the index. Sing. మూకుటి mukuti, An earthen plate, used for covering pots.

మూగ muga, s. Dumbness, adj. Dumb.

మూగు mugu, v. a. vide ముసరు musaru-

మూచ్చూచు mutstsutsu,*. a. To smelh by applying to the nose.

మూట muta, s. A bundle, parcel, or package ; a load carried by a man ; a bale.

మూటము niutamu, s* A lump of dried v dung, used as fuel.

మూడు mudu, numeral adj. or sub. making in the inflex. Sing. మూటి, మూడిటి miiti, miiditi, Three. v> n. To be ended, or terminated ; as వానికిఆయువుమూడింది vanikiayuvumudindi, His life is ended. 2. To happen, or occur ; as, చేటుమూడు chetumudu, lit. Ruin to occur. To be ruined? or 'destroyed. మూఢము miidhamu, adj. Foolish, ignorant. మూఢత్వము mudhatwamu, s. Ignorance.

మూత miita, s. A cover, or top, for shutting, or closing up, that on which it is placed. 2. Shutting, closing, or covering. మూతపడు miitapadu, To be shut. చెవులుమూతపడు chevulumutapadu, lit. The ears to be shut. To be in a state of insensibility.

మూతబల్ల miltaballa, s. A plank at the point of a shelving roof, to cover, or conceal, the beams which support it.

మూతి inuti, s. Tiie mouth.

మూత్రము mutramu, s. Urine. మూత్రించు miitrintsu, v. a. To. urine, to make water.

మూదలించు mudalintsu, v. a. To remind, to caution.

మూన muna, s. The chaff of castor oil seeds.

మూపు mupu, s. The upper part of the back,

మూపురము mupuramu, s. The hump which Indian cattle have on the shoulders.

మూయు muyu, v. a. To shut, or close. 2. To cover. 3. To spit. మూయించు miiyintsu, v. Cans. To cause to shut, (fee. మూసుకొను miisukonn, v. Comp. To shut, &c, for one's own use, or benefit, or any member of one's own body. v. n. To shut of itself. కండ్లుమూసుకొను kandlumusukonu, lit. To shut the eyes. To die. నోరుమూసుకొను norumusukonu, To hold one's tongue, to be silent, lit. To shut the mouth.

మూర mura, s. A cubit, the measure from the point of the elbow, to the extremity of the fingers.

మూర్కొను inurkonu, v. a. To smell, by application to the nose.

మూర్ఖము miirkhamu, adj. Foolish, ignorant, stupid, idiotic. 2. Obstinate.

మూర్ఖు murkhu, s. An idiot. 2. An obstinate person.

మూర్ఛ murchha, s. A swoon, or faint. మూర్ఛిల్లు murchhillu, v. n. To swoon or faint. మూర్ఛరోగము murchharogamn, The epilepsy. మూర్ఛపోవు murchhapovu, To swoon away. మూర్ఛ తెలియు murchhateliyu, To recover from a swoon.

మూర్తము murtamu, s. vide ముహూర్తము muhurtamu.

మూర్తము murtamu, adj. Fainting, fainted, losing sense or conciousness. 2. Solid, material, endowed with form or shape. wikt:మూల mula, s. A point of the compass; a quarter, or direction. 2. A corner. 3. A braid, or tress, of a female's hair. 4. A retreat. 5. A herd of loaded cattle. 6. A heap of the loads of cattle.

wikt:మూలము mulamu, s. A root; the root of a tree. 2. Origin, commencement. 3. Capital, principal. 4. llie original text of any work, as opposed to the Tika, or comment. 5. Means, 6. Csase. adj. Main, principal, original.

మూలముగా mulamuga, adv. By means of, through. మూలము-మూలవ్యాధి, మూలశంక mulamu » mulavyadhi, muia sank a, *'. The disease termed the piles. మూలధనము muladhanamu, 5. Capital, principal, stock.

మూలుగు mulugu, v. n. To groan, to moan, to make any noise from pain. s. A groan, or moan.

మూల్యము mulyamu, 5. Price. 2. Wages, hire.

మూళి rnuli, s- Maim, or defect, adj. Maimed, broken, cut off.

మూవ nniva, s. Dumbness, adj. Dumb. vide మూగ muga.

మూష, మూస mlisha , musa, s. A crucible. 2. A mould.

మూషకము mushakamu, s. A rat, or mouse.