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4154649Tennysoniana — AdvertsRichard Herne Shepherd

Important Works



196, Piccadilly, London, W.

ACROSTICS, a Hundred new, on Old Subjects, written by Two Poor Women, with a Preface by Mrs. GREVILLE. 12mo, 2s 6d

ACROSTICS.—Corn and Chaff, or Double Acrostics. Square 12mo, frontispiece, cloth, gilt leaves, 3s 6d

ALTAR SERVICE.—The Second Year of the Reign of King Edward VI.; the Altar Service of the Church of England for that Year, with that of the Third Year, 1549. Edited by W. J. BLEW. 16mo, 1s 6d

BALL (F. J.) S. Augustine upon Fasting Communion. 8vo, 6d.

——— Our Fears and our Confidence, a Sermon at S. Lawrence's, Reading, June 26th, 1877. 8vo, sewed, 6d

BAYNE (EMILY) Sighs of Hope. (Verse.) 12mo, 3s

BELANEY (R.) Mr. Gladstone Himself Reviewed and Analysed. Crown 8vo, sewed, 2s

BISHOPS.—Are the Bishops Mad? a Letter to the Rt. Hon. J. Bright, by a CLERGYMAN. 8vo, 1s

BLEW (W.) Privy Council Infallibility; the Mere Mistake in the Knightsbridge Judgment, excused by Mr. Fremantle, explained by Dr. Cardwell, exposed by WM. BLEW. 8vo, sewed, 1s

BONN RE-UNION.—Report of the Proceedings of the Re-Union Conference held at Bonn (1875), translated from German, with a Preface by CANON LIDDON, edited by M. MACCOLL. Crown 8vo, 3s 6d

BLAKE (WILLIAM) Poems: comprising Songs of Innocence and of Experience, together with Poetical Sketches and some Copyright Poems not in any other Edition. 12mo, 2s 6d

"The songs only require to be known to be loved with a tenderness and enthusiasm which it is not given to many poets to arouse."—The Saturday Review.

"The admirers of W. Blake as a poet and they are rapidly increasing in number owe much to Mr. Pickering for this reprint."—Notes and Queries.

——— Songs of Innocence and Experience, new edition, printed from the text of the Original Volumes published in 1789 and 1794, with Miscellaneous Poems, now first printed from the Author's MSS. 12mo, 45

——— Poetical Sketches. Now first reprinted from the Original Edition of 1783, with a short Critical Preface. 12mo, 3s 6d

"A charming reprint of a most musical and dainty little book of songs. Turn where we will, throughout its hundred pages, we are sure to light on something that sparkles up into the light, as the sound of rippling water, the songs of birds, amid the breath of spring."—The Standard.

BOOKER (E.) Parthenia, a Drama. 12mo, 3s

BOURNE (V.) Poems, Latin and English, with Memoir and Notes by the Rev. J. MITFORD. 12mo, printed with ornamental head and tail pieces, cloth, 5s

Kept in various styles of binding.

"I love the memory of Vinny Bourne; I think him a better Latin poet than Tibullus, Propertius, Ausonius, or any of the writers in his way, except Ovid, and not at all inferior to him."—COWPER.

"Vincent Bourne's Latin translations in sweetness of numbers and elegant expression are at least equal to the originals, and scarce inferior to anything in Ovid or Tibullus."—DR. BEATTIE.

BRITTLEBANK (W.) Persia during the Famine of 1872, a Personal Narrative of Travel in the East. Crown 8vo, frontispiece, 7s 6d

"It is long since we have read a book of travel with so much satisfaction as that of Mr. Brittlebank's short narrative affords."—The Examiner.

"These pages evince the adventurous spirit of a true traveller."—The Athenæum.

BURIAL SERVICE.—The Order for the Burial of the Dead. 16mo, printed in red and black front the sealed Copy of the Book of Common Prayer. In limp cloth, for the use of '" Mourners" £2 10s per hundred.

This little book can be made to answer the purpose of a memorial card by having the name of the departed person printed on the back of the title.

BURKE (U. R.) Spanish Salt: a Collection of all the Proverbs which are to be found in Don Quixote, with a literal English Translation, Notes and Introduction, by ULICK RALPH BURKE. 12mo, cloth, 3s 6d

"We cordially recommend this little daintily-printed volume to those who care to con in a concentrated form those wise saws which, in connection with Squire Sancho, the shield-bearer of the immortal Don, have made him and his master immortal. The translations are adequate and satisfactory, the work has evidently been a labour of love," &c., &c.—The Athenæum.

CALCOEN (CALICUT) Facsimile of a Dutch Narrative of the Second Voyage of Vasco da Gama to Calicut. Printed at Antwerp, circa 1504, with Introduction and Translation, by J. PH. BERJEAU. Small 4to, 5s

This book, unnoticed by both biographers and bibliographers, is in the British Museum. Although the name of the great navigator to India is not mentioned in it, the dates, events, and places recorded perfectly agree with the second voyage of Vasco de Gama round the Cape of Good Hope. This valuable narrative supplies a number of interesting details of the voyage which will be looked for in vain in Galvao, Ramusio, Castanheda, Faria, Barros, &c.

CAPEL (MONSIGNORE) and the Ritualists, a Review of a Recent Controversy, by a ENGLISH CATHOLIC. 8vo, sewed, 1s

CASWALL (E., of the Oratory, Birmingham) Poems and Hymns, original and translated, comprising Hymns for the Week, the Christian Seasons, and Saints' Days, translated from the Breviary, the Missal, and other sources: Original Meditative Pieces and Hymns: also upwards of Seventy Poems and Odes. 12mo, 5s.

From the above Poems and Hymns, originally published under the titles, Lyra Catholica, Masque of Angels, and in other works, now for the first time collected in one volume, it is not too much to say that the compilers of all the best known Hymn books during the last twenty years have borrowed, and in some cases very largely.

——— Tale of Tintern; a May Pageant. Second Edition, square 16mo, 2s

CASWALL (M. E.) Old Man's Review of his Past Life (a Fragment). Crown 8vo, sewed, 6d

CATECHISM, THE CHURCH, from the Book of Common Prayer; with Pictures and Explanations. Second Edition, 16mo, with 42 cuts, single copies, is 3d each; for distribution, 11s 6d per dozen

The above-named Manual has been read and approved by the Venerable Archdeacon Denison and other eminent clergy of the Church.

CEREMONIAL for Servers at Choral and Plain Celebrations of the Holy Eucharist. 18mo, 1s

——— Notes on Ceremonial, Sarum Use. 12mo, cuts, 4s 6d

"A very useful manual."—The Church Times.

Containing directions for the Celebrant and Ministers of the Altar and the Communion Service, with the Secreta translated from the Sarum Missal.

CERVANTES.—Sancho Panza's Proverbs, with others which occur in Don Quixote; with literal translation, Notes, and Introduction, by ULICK RALPH BURKE. 12mo, 3s; LARGE PAPER, crown 8vo, 8s 6d

CHAMBERS (J. D.) The Principles of Divine Worship, the Book of Common Prayer, Illustrated by references to the Sarum Rites and Ceremonies. With numerous Illustrations, new edition, revised, with additions, 4to, £1 1s

CHATELAIN (Chevalier de) L'Hostellerie des Sept Péchés Capitaux. Crown 8vo, sewed, 1s

——— (Le Chevalier de) Les Noces dela Lune. Crown 8vo, sewed, 1s

——— (Clara de) Photographs of Familiar Faces, edited by the CHEVALIER DE CHATELAIN. Crown 8vo, 5s

CHAUCER (G.) La Fleur et la Feuille; poéme avec le Texte Anglais en Regard, traduit en vers Frangais par le CHEVALIER DE CHATELAIN. 12m0, cloth, gilt leaves, 2s

"A very clever translation of Chaucer's 'Floure and the Leafe.'"— English Journal of Education.

——— Contes de Cantorbéry traduits en vers Français, par le CHEVALIER DE CHATLAIN. 3 vols, 12mo, printed in the old style, portrait and cuts, £1 5s

"There are evidences of great industry in it, and still more of sound judgment and good taste."—Athenæum.

CHRISTMAS CHIMES and New Year Rhymes, Serious and Comic, with a gallery of not-ables drawn and quartered in various verse, sense, and non-sense. Square 8vo, 3s

"There is badinage, sarcasm brilliant and telling. and wit at once scholarly, tender, but biting, on almost each page, such as will delight everybody who owns the power to appreciate the clever satire of an unusually original and pointed writer."—Morning Post.

CHURTON (E.) The Early English Church. New edition, 12mo, maps and woodcuts, 4s

CHURCH SERVICE, THE ADULT'S; being the Liturgy according to the use of the Church of England, for use in Church; with Homely Explanations, Forms of Self-Examination and Confession, &c., &c. Fourth Thousand, 16mo, with 22 cuts, 1s 3d each, 11s 6d per dozen.

"Our readers will be good enough to consider all that we have said of the first issue (the Child's Church Service) said also of this. We trust and believe that it will be very widely circulated."—The Church Times.

CHURCH SERVICE, THE CHILD'S; being the Liturgy according to the use of the Church of England, for use in Church, with Homely Explanations to be read at Home or at School. Third edition (6th thousand) 18mo, with 22 cuts, in cloth, 1s 3d each, 11s 6d per dozen nett.

"That admirable little manual"—The Church Times.

"This is really a miracle of beauty and cheapness! It is only 1s. 3d., and each of the twenty-two woodcuts would be cheap at the money!"—The Illustrated Review.

CLAUDET (A., F.R.S.} A Memoir reprinted from "The Scientific Review." 8vo, sewed, 2s

COLERIDGE (S. T.) The Poetical and Dramatic Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. An entirely new edition, revised and enlarged, founded on that published in three volumes by the late WILLIAM PICKERING in 1834. 4 vols, fcap. 8vo, 30s

Large Paper Copies (only 100 printed} £2 12s 6d.

While containing everything which appeared in the earlier Edition, the present Re-issue includes a number of pieces of considerable value and interest, now for the first time collected.

CONSTABLE (HENRY) Diana, Spiritual Sonnets, and other Poems, now first collected, with some Account of the Author, by W. C. HAZLITT, and Notes by THOMAS PARK. 1859, crown 8vo, only 230 copies printed, 6s

——— Ditto, LARGE PAPER, only 20 copies printed, uncut, 15s

COX (F. E.) Hymns from the German, the Originals and Translations side by side, translated and edited by F. E. Cox. Second edition, revised and enlarged 12mo, 5s

Hymns in the original German, accompanied with English verse translation, selected from Gerhard, Angelus, and several hundred different collections, most of the Hymns were pointed out as "National Treasures" by the learned and famous collector of German Hymns, Baron Bunsen, on whose authority the names and dates of the authors are given.

COPINGER (W. A.) A Testimony of Antiquity, showing the Ancient Faith in the Church of England touching the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ. 18mo, 1s

DANIEL (GEORGE) Love's Last Labour Not Lost. 12mo, pp. 300, cloth, 1s 6d

Contents: Recollections of Charles Lamb; Samuel Johnson; Father Christmas; The Loving Cup and Horace Walpole; New Year's Eve; The Presumed Disinterment of Milton; Moorfields in the Olden Time; Dreams; Recollections of Siddons and John Kemble; Tom Durfey; Old Ballads; Robert Cruikshauk; A Book of Fools, etc., etc.

DAWSON (A.) Theory of Gravity, and of the Solar Process. 8vo, sewed, 6d

——— English Landscape Art in the year 1877. Crown 8vo, 1s

DE VERE (SIR AUBREY) Julian the Apostate, the Duke of Mercia; two Dramas. J vol, I2mo, 8s 6d

——— Irish Odes and other Poems. Crown 8vo, 6s

——— Sonnets. New edition, 12mo, 3s 6d

DORE (J. R.) Old Bibles; or an Account of the various Versions of the English Bible. Crown 8vo, 2s 6d

"Mr. Dore in the volume before us has endeavoured to give a plain, unvarnished account of the English Bible. In the account of Tyndale's work Mr. Dore is careful and succinct. . . . It is beautifully printed."—Saturday Review.

DUNN (REV. JAMES) The Honesty of our Position, a Paper read before the Clifton Branch of the E. C. U. 8vo, sewed, 6d

EDEN (ROBERT) Some Thoughts on the Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. 12mo, pp. 294, handsomely printed in the old style, 5s

ELLIS (EDWARD) The Two Ysondes and other Verses. Crown 8vo, 2s 6d

EWALD (ALEX. CHAS.) The Public Records, a Brief Handbook to the National Archives, by ALEX. CHAS. EWALD, one of the Senior Clerks of Her Majesty's Public Records. 8vo, 9s

This book is an Alphabetical Index of the Principal Matters contained in the Public Records, with a reference directing the student of history under what heading they may be found, and a Glossary of Words to be found in the Public Records, with a Prefatory Essay on the most remarkable of these Records.

"For the students of the Public Records and the National Archives Mr. Ewald's New Hand-Buok will be found extremely useful. . . . "—Westminster Review.

ELLIS (JOSEPH) Meletze: Poems by Joseph Ellis. Cr. 8vo, 6s

Cæsar in Egypt, Costanza, and other Poems. Cr 8vo, 9s

"Cæsar in Egypt" comprises the history of the Alexandrine War, also the Journey of Caius Julius Cæsar with Queen Cleopatra up the Nile.

FANSHAWE (C. M.) The Literary Remains of Catherine Maria Fanshawe, with Notes, by the late Rev. Wm. HARNESS. Fcap. 8vo, only 250 printed, 3s

FISHER (RICHARD TROTT) Lays of Ancient Babyland, to which are added divers small Histories not known to the Ancients. Square 12mo, printed in the old style, with head and grotesque tail pieces, cloth, gilt leaves, 4s 6d

Suitable for a Christmas present to a child, containing many of the old popular stories versified, with the addition of several tales.

——— The Travellers, an Argument in three parts— 1. The Night Watch; 2. The Day Watch; 3. The Repose. Crown 8vo, 5s

——— The Minster, with some common Flowers picked in the Close. 12mo, 4s 6d

"Contains many good verses carefully written."—Athenæum.

——— Rakings over Many Seasons. Crown 8vo, cloth, 8s 6d

FONBLANQUE (E. BARRINGTON) Cluck Cluck; a Fairy Tale, with 11 illustrations by T. W. Y. Sq. 8vo, 3s 6d

——— Account of a New System of Elementary Teaching. 8vo, 1s

FRANKUM (R.) The Bee and the Wasp, a Fable in Verse. Square 12mo, with etchings by George Cruikshank, executed in early life and in his best manner, 5s

——— The Same. Square 12mo, with the plates on INDIA PAPER, only fifty copies so printed, 7s 6d

FRERE (J. H.) The Works in Prose and Verse of the Right Honourable John Hookham Frere. Now first collected with a Memoir by W. E. and Sir BARTLE FRERE. Second edition, 3 vols, crown 8vo, with two portraits engraved by C. H. Jeens, 24s

——— LARGE PAPER, 3 vols, 8vo, £2 2s

FULLER (MORRIS, M.A.) A Voice in the Wilderness, being Sermons preached at Dartmoor. Crown 8vo, 7s 6d

——— Our Established Church, its History, Philosophy, Advantages, and Claims. Crown 8vo,

FULLER (T.) David's Hainous Sinne, Heartie Repentance, Heavie Punishment. Crown 8vo, 7s 6d

——— Life, with Notices of his Books, his Kinsmen, and his Friends, by J. EGLINGTON BAILEY. Thick 8vo, pp. 826, numerous illustrations, £l 5s

"If ever there was an amusing writer in this world, the facetious Thomas Fuller was one. There was in him a combination of those qualities which minister to our entertainment, such as few have possessed in an equal degree."—Retrospective Review.

GUILEVILLE (GUILLAUME DE) The Ancient Poem entitled "Le Pèlerinage de l'Homme," by GUILLAUME DE GUILEVILLE (1330), compared with "The Pilgrim's Progress" of JOHN BUNYAN, with Illustrations, and an Appendix containing the English Version, by JOHN LYDGATE. Crown 4to, with numerous illustrations, 15s

"A volume full of deep interest to the admirers of John Bunyan, and of no small value in illustrating the history of religious allegories."—Notes and Queries.

——— A Modern Prose Translation of the Ancient Poem of G. de Guileville, entitled the Pylgrymage of Man, with Appendix. Crown 4to, twenty-six illustrations, 5s

——— The Booke of the Pylgrymage of the Sowle, translated from the French, printed by Caxton, 1483, with illustrations taken from a MS. copy in the British Museum, edited by K. I. CUST. Crown 4to, coloured plates, 15s

HOBSON (W. F.) Church Innovations, an Examination and Plea for Tolerance. 8vo, 1s

——— Letter to the Right Hon. Montague Bernard. 12mo, 4d

——— The Ridsdale Judgement on Vestments. 12mo, 6d.

HOME (F. WYVILLE) Songs of a Wayfarer. Extra fcap, 7s 6d

HORE (P. H.) Explanation of Ancient Terms and Measures of Land, with some Account of Old Tenures. 8vo, 4s

HUGO (T.) Prayers before and after a Chapter of Order of S. John of Jerusalem in England. Crown 8vo, 2s 6d

——— LARGE PAPER, 4to, only 12 so printed, 10s 6d

HURCOMB (F.B.) Sermons with Memoir by F. ARNOLD. 8vo, 10s 6d

HYETT (W. H.) Flowers of the South from the Hortus Siccus of an old Collector. 4to, 12s

JESSE (GEORGE R., Author of "Researches into the History of the British Dog," &c.} Unabridged Evidence given before the Royal Commission on Vivisection, on the 1st and 6th November, and 20th December, 1875. Crown 8vo, 2s 6d

N.B.—The Blue Book Report, issued by the Royal Commission, presents the above evidence in a mutilated condition only.

KARSLAKE (W. H., Preacher at Lincoln's Inn, Vicar of Westcott, late Fellow and Tutor of Merton College, Oxford) The Litany of the English Church considered in its History, its Plan, and the Manner in which it is intended to be used. 8vo, 8 s 6d

KEBLE (J.) The Christian Year; Thoughts in Verse for the Sundays and Holy Days throughout the Year. 8vo, beautifully printed, 9s

KEN (BISHOP) Christian Year; or Hymns and Poems for the Holy Days and Festivals of the Church. 8vo, pp. 478, every page surrounded by an elaborate woodcut border in the style of Geoffrey Tory. £1 1s

These borders are entirely new, never having been used in any other work. They are larger and more elaborate than those used in the "Elizabeth Prayer," or the other bordered Prayer Book.

Bishop Ken was the author of "Awake my soul and with the Sun!' and of "Glory to Thee, my God, this night."

"Bishop Ken's 'Christian Year,' published by Mr. Pickering, is an exquisite edition of a book which would have been welcome in any shape."—Times.

——— Christian Year; Hymns and Poems for the Festivals and Holidays of the Church. Third edition, fcap. 8vo, 6s, and may be had in various bindings

KERSHAW (S. W., Librarian of Lambeth Library?) The JA Art Treasures of Lambeth Library: a Description of the Illuminated MSS. and Illustrated Books, with Outline Illustrations from the most remarkable MSS. 8vo, uniform with Maitland's Catalogues of the Early Printed Books, only 225 copies printed, 14s

——— 4to size, on hand-made paper, plates on India paper, half Roxburghe morocco, only 25 copies printed, £2 12s 6d

LAMB (CHARLES AND MARY) Poetry for Children, Edited and Prefaced by R. H. SHEPHERD. 12mo, 106 pp. with woodcut initials, head, and tail-pieces, a pretty volume, 3s 6d

"These delightful poems for children, in spite of their extraordinary merit, and marked superiority to other productions of a similar class, seem altogether to have escaped the notices of modern readers, and even of those lovers of Lamb's genius who have during late years rescued from oblivion all the waifs and strays of which the authorship is traceable to him."

LENDRUM (REV. ALEXANDER) The Reformation and Deformation, their Principles and Results as Affecting Doctrine, Worship, and Discipline, a Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury. Thick 8vo, 15s

LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH) Early Poems now first collected and edited by R. H. SHEPHERD. 12mo, 3s

"Seldom, if ever, have verses fuller of rich promise or of actual fulfilment been composed by a boy of seventeen."—Examiner.

LOVE'S TRIUMPH: a Play, 12mo, 3s 6d

"A light dramatic five-act play, cast rather in the style of thought and expression which belong to the age succeeding that of Shakespeare. The author is evidently a man of poetic taste, as well as a great admirer of those golden days and golden writers, and tells his light and pleasant love-story in a quiet and simple fashion."—The Morning Herald.

LYRICS OF LIGHT AND LIFE.—Original Poems, by Dr. John Henry Newman, Alexander Lord Bishop of Derry, Miss Christiana G. Rossetti, Rev. Gerard Moultrie, Rev. J. S. B. Monsell, Rev. W. J. Blew, Aubrey de Vere, Rev. H. N. Oxenham, Rev. Ed. Caswall, &c., &c., edited by Dr. F. G. Lee. Second edition, revised and enlarged, handsomely printed with head and tail-pieces, fcap. 8vo, 6s

——— LARGE PAPER. Crown 8vo, printed on hand-made paper, only 24 so printed, £1 1s

MACGILL (HAMILTON M., D.D.] Songs of the Christian Creed and Life, selected from Eighten Centuries. Crown 8vo, 7s

The representative hymns included in this volume range from the Second Century to the Nineteenth. In each case the original and a translation are given, and where the hymn was originally in English, a Latin rendering is given. A few are Greek and English; all the others have the Latin and English side by side. Among the authors may be enumerated Clement of Alexandria, Hilary, Ambrose, Augustine, Gregory of Nazianzus, Anselm, Thomas A. Kempis, Xavier, Watts. Toplady, Cowper, Heber, Keble, Newman, Bonar, and many others.

MACKENZIE (J.) An Appeal for a New Nation. 8vo,

——— Mainoc Evline, and other Poems. 12mo, 5s

MANNING (CARDINAL) and History: An Answer to the Cardinal's Appeal to the History of the Venerable Bede, by Two PRIESTS. Sewed, 1s 6d

MANUEL (PRINCE DON JUAN, the Spanish Boccaccio) Count Lucanor, or the Fifty Pleasant Stories of Patronio, written by the Prince Don Juan Manuel, A.D. 1335—1347, and now first translated from the Spanish into English, by James York, M.D. 12mo (pp. xvi. 246), 6s

"This curious collection of 'Pleasant Stories,' composed a century before the invention of printing, has already been translated into French and German, and was well worth putting into an English dress. . . . In his brief account of Don Juan Manuel, Dr. James York has told the readers of 'Fifty Pleasant Stories' as much, perhaps, as they will require to know of them. . . . The notes explanatory or illustrative of the stories are, as notes should be, brief, instructive, and to the point."—The Saturday Review.

MARTYN (REV. THOMAS, M.A.) Greek Testament Studies; or, a Revision of the Translation for Private Use. 8vo, 2s 6d

MARY (QUEEN) Two Plays by Dekker, Webster, and by Thos. Heywood, newly edited, with Essay on the Relation of the Old and Modern Dramas in this Chapter of History, by W. J. BLEW. I2mo, 43 6d

MILTON'S PARADISE LOST, in Ten Books, the text exactly reproduced from the First Edition of 1667, with Appendix, containing the additions made in later Issues, and a Monograph on the original publication of the Poem. Crown 4to, 18s

——— LARGE PAPER, £1 4s

The reproduction of Milton's "Paradise Lost" has an interest superior to that of most reprints, as no edition subsequent to the first has preserved the system of emphasis adopted by Milton.

NEWMAN (DR. JOHN HENRY) The Arians of the Fourth Century, third edition. Crown 8vo, 6s

——— Callista; a Sketch of the Third Century. Crown 8vo, 5s 6d

——— Certain Difficulties felt by Anglicans in Catholic Teaching Considered, in a Letter addressed to the Rev. E. B. Pusey, D.D., on occasion of his Eirenicon of 1864; and in a Letter addressed to the Duke of Norfolk on occasion of Mr. Gladstone's Expostulation of 1874. Crown 8vo, 53 6d

——— Discussions, 6s

Containing: I. The celebrated "Letters of Catholicus" on Education (The Tamworth Reading Room). II. An Internal Argument for Christianity. III. On English Jealousy of "The Army" and "The Church." IV. On the Relation between Scripture and the Catholic Creed, &c,

——— The Miscellaneous and Critical Essays of John Henry Newman (formerly Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, now D.D., and of the Oratory, Birmingham), now first collected; comprising Articles on Poetical, Historical, and Biographical subjects, written 1829—71. 2 vols, crown 8vo, 12s

I. The Nature of Poetry. II. Rationalism. Ill,- Fall of De la Mennais. IV. Palmer's View of the Church. V. Epistles of Saint Ignatius. VI. Anglican Prospects. VII. The Anglo-American Church. VIII. The Countess of Huntingdon. IX. Catholicity of Anglican Church. X. Antichrist. XI. Milman's View of Christianity. XII. The Reformation of the Eleventh Century. XIII. Private Judgment XIV. John Davison. XV. John Keble.

——— Historical Sketches. Vol. I., 6s

Containing: I. The History of the Turks in their relation to Europe. II. Life of Apollonius of Tyana. III. The Personal and Literary Character of Cicero. IV. Of Primitive Christianity.

——— Historical Sketches. Vol. II., 6s

Containing: I. A Sketch of the Life of Theodoret (now first printed). II. A Sketch of the Life of St. Chrysostom. III. Of the Mission of St. Benedict. IV. Of the Benedictine Schools. V. The Church of the Fathers, containing Sketches of St. Basil, St. Gregory, St. Anthony, St. Augustine, Demetrius, and St. Martin.

——— Historical Sketches. Vol. III., 6s

Containing: I. A Sketch of the Rise and Progress of Universities. II. An Essay on the Northmen and Normans in England and Ireland. III. A Review of Mediæval Oxford. IV. An Historical Sketch of the Convocation of Canterbury.

NEWMAN (DR. JOHN HENRY) An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, new edition, revised by the author. Crown 8vo, 6s

——— Loss and Gain; the Story of a Convert, sixth edition, with a New Advertisement. Crown 8vo, pp. 442, 5s 6d

——— On Miracles. Two Essays on Scripture Miracles, and on Ecclesiastical. Crown 8vo, pp. 406, 6s

——— Tracts, Theological and Ecclesiastical, Crown 8vo, 8s

Containing: I. Dissertatiunculae. II. The Doctrinal Causes of Arianism. III. Apollonarianism. IV. St. Cyril's Formula, y. Ordo de Tempore. VI. On the various revisions of the Douay Versions of Scripture.

Several of the above have NEVER BEEN PREVIOUSLY PRINTED, others are from periodicals now inaccessible.

——— The Via Media of the Anglican Church. Vol. I. containing the whole of the "Lectures on the Prophetical Office of the Church Viewed Relatively to Romanism and Popular Protestantism," as published in 1837; with New Preface and Notes [1877]. Vol. II., containing Occasional Letters and Tracts written between 1830 and 1841. 2 vols, crown 8vo, 6s each

——— Idea of a University, Considered in Nine Discourses, Occasional Lectures, and Essays. Crown 8vo, uniform in cloth (double volume), 7s

NOWELL (T. W.) Sacrifice or no Sacrifice? John Wesley an Unconscious Romanist: Notes on a Suggested Alteration in the English Communion Office. 8vo, sewed, 2s

PANIZZI (ANTONIO) Chi Era. Francesco da Bologna? Seconda edizione con nuora appendice. 12mo, only 265 copies printed, with five facsimiles of the types used by Francesco da Bologna, 2s 6d

——— LARGE HAND-MADE PAPER, only 12 printed, 10s 6d

This essay is written to establish the identity of Francesco da Bologna, who designed and cut the Aldine cursive type, with the celebrated sculptor and artist Francesco Raibojini, usually called II Francia, the contemporary of Leonardo da Vinci, Rafaelle, and Michael Angelo.

PAYNE (JOHN) The Masque of Shadows, and other Poems. Fcap. 8vo, cloth, 7s

——— Intaglios, Sonnets. 12mo, finely printed with head and tail-pieces, ornamented with initial letters, 3s 6d

"Excellent scholar's work in poetry. The spirit of his work is much akin to the earlier writings of Mr. Rossetti and Mr. Morris."—The Academy.

——— Lautrec, a Poem. 12mo

PEARCE (M.) Philip of Konigsmarkt, and Poems. 12mo, 8s 6d

POCOCK (N.) The Principles of the Reformation shown to be in Contradiction to the Book of Common Prayer. 8vo, 1s

——— Recovery from the Principles of the Reformation. 8vo, 1s

POETS.—Birthdays with the Poets, a birthday book of quotations from the poets. Square 16mo, ornamented cloth, gilt leaves, 3s

PRAYER, A Service of, A Litany and an Office of the Holy Communion. 16mo, 1s

PUNCHARD (E. G.) King Saul and other Poems. 12mo, 2s 6d

——— Seven Times a Day: a Manual of the Hours of Prayer, with Notes thereon. 18mo, 1s

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