
The Adventures of Paddy the Pelican/The Land of More

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The narrator at the beginning refers to the central character of this story as "Tubby Round", but in the episode itself he is referred to twice as Tom. But, it is also mentioned that he bought the wishing balloon from a "little old Tom Thumbs". So, the correct name of this character is dubious and uncertain.

Key (info)
In scene
The following is a transcription of a film. The contents below represent text or spoken dialogue that are transcribed directly from the video of the film provided above. On certain screen sizes, each line is represented by a timestamp next to it which shows when the text appears on the video. For more information, see Help:Film.
4255876The Adventures of Paddy the Pelican — The Land of More1950Sam Singer



Hi there, boys and girls! Paddy's friend Tubby Round buys what he hopes is a big balloon. His disappointment turns to surprise in the Land of More.

Why, this balloon isn't half as big as the one the man showed me. And I thought of a great, big balloon, I did!

Hey! Hey, where did you come from? Who are you?

This is your wishing balloon you bought from little old Tom Thumbs. You wished for a larger balloon, so here I am to make your wish come true. That's all.

But if this is a magic wishing balloon, I don't wanna change it. I'll just keep it the way it is.

No, you weren't satisfied with what you had, so now you're going to get what you think you want. Yes, just what you think you want. See, you're a wise one.

Abracadabra, hocus-pocus!

Gollee! It's growing! Why, it's gonna be the biggest toy balloon in the whole world! Slow up! Hey, don't grow it anymore! Stop it! I said stop it! Oh, Mr. Gnome, please make it stop growing! Oh, please! Please! Oh, please, please, Mr. Gnome, please! Oh!

You're getting what you wished for, and I hope you're happy with it. Ah, yeah.

Stop growing! Stop growing! If you get any larger, you're gonna break right through my little house! Oh! Don't! Don't! Oh!

Don't try to get away! Oh, my, it's too late for me to let go. Oh, I'm frightened. Oh, oh, oh, I'm going higher and higher! Move! You get away from this balloon! You'll break it! Get away before you make it pop!

Oh, help, help! Oh, help! What do I do? Help, somebody save me, I'm falling!

Well, it's about time you were getting here. I've been waiting for you. Welcome to the Land of More.


Oh, it's you again. What is this Land of More anyway?

Why, in the Land of More, it is the place for people who'll always want more than they have. You see all this wonderful cake and pie and everything, see?


Is there more of everything? I could be able to get something to eat, then. I'm hungry. I want a chocolate soda.

Abracadabra, there you are!

Oh, but this is too much. I can't even get to the top of the glass!

That's too bad. But maybe you'd like a nice piece of candy, huh? A nice piece of candy. All I've gotta do is wave the wand. Presto!

Oh, but I can't even lift this piece of candy. It's so big. I can't even take a bite. How about a small piece of candy?

Don't use the word small in the Land of More. Everything here is larger than everywhere else.

Well, if I can't get something to eat, maybe I could at least get some sleep. Is there some place where I can go to bed? Huh? How about it?

Of course! But I warn you—there's more sleep here, too. If you get into this bed, you'll sleep for a hundred years.

This is the craziest place I ever saw! You have so much of everything, that you can't use it at all. I'm gonna repair my balloon with this wad of gum and try to get out of here as fast as I can, that's all.

Sorry, but you can't leave yet. There's a great deal more for you to see.

But, if I can wish for anything, I'll wish for a flight back home. That's what I'll do.

That's one wish you can't be granted, Tom. You have to wish for something in the Land of More, and your home isn't here, that's all. You can't go home yet!

Then I know what I'll do. I'll wish for a parachute.

Oh, my! I guess that was a mistake to wish for a parachute, huh? Help! Help, get me out of here! It's squashing me! Help!

Sorry, Tom, but I can't help you. You'll have to get out from under the parachute by yourself, that's all.

But I can't get out! Oh, I'm gonna make another wish. I'm gonna wish for a big wind—a real big one! A real big one!

No, not that! You don't know what you're doing! We'll be thrown right up into the sky! Oh, stop! Oh, look out!

Well, if the wind would stop, all I would have to do is pull the parachute cord and float back to Earth in safety. There! Oh, this is the best fun I've had since I met you. And I can see the Earth below us. There it is.

Well, here we are. Home at last. Oh, my home is all smashed to pieces, thanks to you and this magic wishing balloon!

It's your greediness that got you into trouble, Tom. You're wanting too much! But you have one more wish, and what'll it be, huh?

I wish for my little house to be just as it was before you showed up—not one bigger, or better. I never realized how nice it was.

Why, my wish has come true! And it's the only wish that made me happy. I'm gonna get rid of the wishing balloon right now.

And after this, instead of wishing for more, I'm gonna enjoy what I have!

The End


This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was legally published within the United States (or the United Nations Headquarters in New York subject to Section 7 of the United States Headquarters Agreement) before 1964, and copyright was not renewed.

Works had to renew their copyright at least 27 years after they were first published/registered but not later than 31 December in the 28th year.

Copyright law abroad tends to consider the following people authors of a film:

  • The principal director
  • The screenwriter, and/or other writers of dialogue
  • The composer/lyricist (if the film is accompanied by sound)
  • The cinematographer
  • By extension, the authors of any works that may serve as the basis for a film's plot

The longest-living of these authors died in 2001, so this work is in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 22 years or less. This work may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.

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