The Ancient Stone Implements, Weapons, and Ornaments of Great Britain/General Index

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Abbeville, hand-mill at, 258

Abbott, Mr. J. W. Lewis, on minute flint tools, 325

Aberdeenshire, flint workshops in, 22

Abnormal peculiarities in celts, 130

Abrasion of flints by fire-producing, 315, 318, 416, &c.; by hammering, 217, 413, &c.

Abydos, Egyptian arrow-heads from, 393, 395

Achilles, spear of, 4

Adams, Dr. Leith, Guernsey arrow-head factory traced by, 401

Adder-stones, 437

Adhémar, M., as to date of Glacial Period, 705

Admixture of objects of different periods, 210, 475, 479' 487, 492

Adzes, in Burma and Assam, 59; of Clalam Indians, 165; of New Guinea, 162; Polynesian, of basalt, 69; bronze, 4; with carved handle, 166, 167; celts adapted for use as, 94, 122, 124, 135; of chalcedonic flint, 138; hafting of, 164, 165; for hollowing canoes, 165, 166; of horn, carved, 435; of mussel-shell, 182; perforated, 188-192; uses of, 215

Æfric's Glossary on Stan-æx, 145

Æneid, mention of bronze arms in, 4

Africa, sacrificial use of stone in, 10; flint flakes in diamond diggings of, 277

Agate, arrow-heads of, 406; chisel of, 40; gun-flints of, 21

Agatharchides on Egyptian chisels, 6

Ages, Stone, Bronze, and Iron, succession of, 2

Agricola, Georgius, on Brontia and Ceraunia, 64

Agriculture, possible use of stone implements in, 71, 205, 645

Ahts of North America, fern-roots eaten by, 250; mussel-shell adzes used by, 182

Aithadh, or elf-shot, 365

Akerman, Mr., on Lapp burials of needed objects, 283

Alaska, stone hammer from, 25

Albania, gun-flint making in, 21

Albite, chloritic, celts of, 109

Aldrovandus, his culter lapideus, 289; on the Glossopetra, 363; on Roman stone weapons, 362; his securis lapidea, 157; on stone implements, 63, 64

Aleppo, threshing instrument from, 284

Aleutian Islanders, thong-drill used by, 48

Alexius Comnenus, celt presented by, to German Emperor, 59

Alger, Mr., on level of Waveney Valley, 683

Algeria, flakes from, 287

Algonquins, form of club used by, 424

Allée couverte of Argenteuil, perforated pebbles from, 465; stag's horn socket from, 160; worked blade from, 327

Alluvium, beds of, between stalagmitic layers in caverns, 479

Almond-shaped implements, 647

Alteration in structure of flint, 487, 497, 513, 556, 596, 659, 660

Alum, its wood-preserving power, 152

"Amazon axe," 184

Amber, beads of, in interment, 429; cup of, at Hove, 449; with perforated axe, 185; with whetstone, 268; importation of, to Britain, 449; piece of, in interment, 149; plates of, for necklaces, 460; studs or buttons of, 456

America, doubtful evidence of palæolithic remains in, 654

Ammonites in barrow, 467; their use as "cramp-stones," 470

Amulets, arrow-heads mounted as, 365, 367; celt probably used as, 145; of iron-ore in interment, 313; Portuguese decorated, 470; of schist, 463; stones in interment as, 466, 468, 469

Anchorites, Dr. Grew's description of, 364

"Ancient Meols," Hume's, referred to, 439

Anderson, Dr. J., experiments with flint implements, 320, 408; on polished stone discs, 440

Andrée, Richard, on beliefs concerning stone weapons, 60

Angelucci, Capt., stone arrow-head factory discovered by, 402

Anglesea, querns in, 259

Anglo-Saxon burial ground, flint and steel in, 283

Animals, carvings of, on weapons, 215, 435; engravings of, on Egyptian gold haft, 359; extinct, their co-existence with man, 513, 524. &c.

Antiquity of celts, 143, 150; of man in Britain, 704; of river-drift implements, 700

Antlers of deer, celt-sockets made from, 160; circle of, in barrow, 466; used as picks at Cissbury, 79; flat instrument of, 432; at Grime's Graves, 33

Anvils, stone, early use of, 245; recent use of, 11, 232

Apaches of Mexico, arrow-head making among, 24; hammer-hafting, 239

Arabs, arrow-head charms among, 367

Archer, Mr. F., neolithic flakes fitted on to core by, 20

Arctic fauna, of Crayford beds, 607; northward retreat of, 486; of Salisbury beds, 689; plants, fossil, at Hoxne, 577

Ariantes, his method of numbering the people, 368

Armlet on arm of skeleton, 429; bronze, in cromlech, 464; "coal-money" the central disc of, 465; of jet, lathe-turned, 464

Arrow-flakers, 37, 416

Arrow-flaking, art of, in America, 42; experiments on, by author, 41; use of fossil ivory for, 37

Arrows and arrow-heads, African and Asiatic, 405; American, 406, 407; Arab, 367; of the Bushmen, 370; Californian, 39, 40; Danish, 35, 306; Egyptian, 368, 369, 395 Eskimo, 25, 37; French, 395, 400-402; Gelderland, 403; German, 403; Greek, 368; Indian, 405; Irish, 365, 370, 399, 400; Italian, 359, 402; Japanese, 405; from Lake-dwellings, 402; Lycian, 410; Mexican, 39; Patagonian, 406; Persian, 394, 396; Peruvian, 407; Russian, 404; Scottish, 386; Scandinavian, 353, 404; Spanish, 403; Swiss, 409; Virginian, 37; barbed, 380-390; bone, 210, 361; bronze, scarce in England, 368; chisel-ended, 409; crescent-shaped, 396; detachable from shaft, 370; double-pointed, 386; featherless, 410; iron-tipped, 394, 396; leaf-shaped, 373-378, 484; lozenge-shaped, 378, 484; manufactories of, 268, 280, 359, 401, 402; methods of shafting, 408, 410; modern use of, for fire-producing, 397; in necklaces, 10, 366; notched, 372, 396, 406; poisoned, 361, 370; single-barbed, 385, 393, 396; stemmed, 379; successive developments of, 369; superstitions concerning, 362-367; triangular, 390; in human vertebræ, 375, 396, 406

Arrow-shafts, concave scrapers for fashioning, 320; grooved pebbles for straightening, 268; Irish, 408; South American, 407

Art, works of, in caves, 484, 523, 657

Arundelian marbles as to date of discovery of iron, 4

"Asbestos," ligniformed, whetstone of, 352

Ash, Irish arrow-shaft of, 408; in brick earth at Hoxne, 537

Ashes of bone in hyæna den, 518

Asia, beliefs in, concerning celts, 59

Asphalte, use of, in mounting Swiss celts, 163

Assagais, Kaffir mode of shafting, 410

Assiut, figures from tomb at, 369

Astropelekia, 59

Atkins, Mr. E. Martin, abraded pyrites found by, 318

Atkinson, Rev. J. C, barrows examined by, 211

Attrition of teeth by gritty food, 253

Atys, stone knife used by, 9

Augustus, bronze arms as antiquities in time of, 4

Australians, celts handled by, with gum, 137, 170, 171; flint an article of barter among, 80; flints mounted by, as saws, 277, 293; grinding nardoo-seeds, 243; hatchet-hatting among, 233; pounding-stones of, 243, 245; tomahawks, mode of mounting by, 166; tools of, 97

Authenticity of palæolithic implements, 658, 659

Awls, bone, from Kent's Cavern, 506; bone instruments used as, 432; bronze, in interments, 84, 186; bronze, with wooden shaft, 462; flint, 321-325; periforated, 323; use of, in sewing leather, 433

Axes, 32, 63, 149; halting of, 155-163, 168, 160; used in the hand, 151; of Montezuma II., 157; hieroglyph of Nouter, 62

Axes, perforated, Brazilian, 157; in Brittany, 212; Danish, 32, 186, 205; French, 186; German, 145, 186, 191; Greek, 205; Kjökken-mödding, 69; Lake-dwellings, 158; Mexican, 191; Scandinavian, 187, 215; of basalt, 186; boring of, 46-52; with carved handles, 167; classification of, 184; contemporaneous with bronze, 193, &c.; cutting at one end, 192, &c.; double-edged, 184-192; fluted, 203,211; grooved, 168, 169; hafting of, 151-171; hollowed on sides, 209; in interments, 83, 163, &c.; large and heavy, 198, 199; little used by modern savages, 215; lozenge-shaped, 213; ornamented, 196, 209, 211; pointed at one end, 188; single-edged, 184, 192-196; superstitions concerning, 62, 63, 65, 145, 146; of ulna of whale, 435

Axe-hammers, 168, 200-205

Aymara Indians, hatchet-hafting among, 169, 239

Ayre, Col., R.A., 78

Aztecs, their method of stone working, 23; their stone mortars, 257


Babington, Prof. C. C, on flint hammer from Burwell, 538

Bætuli, virtues of, 65

Bahia, stone club from, 251

Baines, Mr., on Australian stone-working, 26

Balanus, presence of, in Stour Valley, 621

Ball of Towie, 421

Balls, stone, carved, 422; in lead mines, 234; perforated Peruvian, 232; possibly used in games, 244; their use among Eskimos, 219; in grinding corn, 253; as hammers, 249; with channelled surface, 420-423

Ballast for railways, implements found in, 573, 578, 632, 633, 639

Barbers, Mexican, their obsidian razors, 290

Barbs of arrows, various forms of, 380, &c.

Bark, Australian hammers hafted with, 167, 168

Barlow, Mr. F. Pratt, pointed drift implement found by, 619

Barnwell, Rev. E. L., on Welsh hammer-head, 226

Barrows, bronze and flint found together in, 397, &c.; chambered, bone chisel in, 433; cups of shale in, 445; fossils in, 466, 467, 469; gold cup in, with bronze dagger, 449; jet ornaments in, 265, 454, &c.; long, leaf- shaped arrow-heads. in, 377; necklaces in, 456-463; pebbles in, 443; pyrites and flint in, 265, 467; spindle whorl of clay in, 439; stag's horn hammer in, 434

Barry, Mr. F. Tress, 227

Barter, flint an Australian article of, 80; flints at Cissbury probably formed for, 80; finely worked daggers procured by, 414

Bartlett's "History of Manceter" referred to, 187

Basalt, axe hammer of, in interment, 467; heads of, 186, 194, 197, 202, 208, 211, 214; celts of, 106, 114, 140; hammers of, 25, 223; hatchets, 34, 85, 170; late use of, for anvils, 232; maul of, 234

Basaltic rock, African flakes of, 288

Bastard gouges, 180-182

Bast-fibre, its use in arrow shafting, 409; used in weaving, 436

Bate, Mr. Spence, 266, 279

Bateman, Mr., on pebbles in interments, 467

"Bâtons de commandement," in La Madeleine caves, 484

Bats, stone, possibly used for preparing hemp, 257

"Batting-staff," 256

Battle axes, 195, 197, 207; with amber cup in coffin, 449

"Battling-stones," 257

Baudot, M., on flakes in interments, 283

Bauerman, Mr., on stone hammers in Egyptian mine, 581

Baye, Baron Joseph de, 160

Beads, amber, 457, 459, 460; animal fibre used for stringing, 459; like arrow-heads, 367; bone, 432, 456, 457; with spiral pattern, 211; glass, 437, 456: jet, 83, 394, 457-462; Kimmeridge clay, 309, 457; of peculiar shapes, 463; quartz, 465; shale, 463; various, 457-463

Bear, chipped tooth of, 503; bones of, in position at Brixham, 513

Beauty, materials chosen on account of, 224, 227, 406, 466

Beckmann quoted as to date of flint-locks, 17

Bed-stone and rolling pin, 250

Bees-wax and mastic, axes mounted with, 170

Beetles, elytra of, in brick-earth. 536

Beger, "celtes" first named by, 55

Belcher, Sir Edward, on Eskimo arrow-flaking, 37, 39; "flensing-knife," 292; stone working, 25; stone planes, 299

Bell, Mr. A. M., discoveries of implements by, 503, 610

Bellilah, Australian mode of pounding, 245;

Belt, the iate Mr. Thomas, on Hoxne deposits, 576

ΒΕΝΙΠε, interpretation of, 5

Bennett, Mr. F. G., implements found by, 536, 627

Bernays, Mr. E. A., palæolithic implement found by, 611

Bicarbonate of lime, proportion of, in chalk-streams, 675

"Bill." meaning of, 146

Bipennis, 146

Birds, remains of, in Fisherton beds, 631

Bison, caves of the age of the, 481

Bitumen, use of, in Swiss Lake-dwellings, 170, 292, 409; Egyptian arrows secured to shaft by, 369

"Black balls," present use of, in ballots, 468

"Black-boy gum," flints mounted in, 277

Blackmore, Dr. Humphrey P., drift implements found by, 627, 628, 635

Blacksmiths, modern, their mode of hafting chisels, 168, 233

Blades of flint, crescent-shaped, 355; Egyptian, 354; from Kent's Cavern, 496

Blanford, Mr. W. T., Indian drift implements found by, 651

Blunting of battle-axes, 196, 207

Boars' teeth in interments, 83, 148, 328, 427

Bodkin of wood in urn, 433

Bodmann, flint manufactory at, 22

Bohemian stone axes, 51

Bolas, present mode of using, 422

"Bolthead, the flat," 364

Bonardo on flint arrow-heads, 364

Bone, arrow-heads of, 21, 361, 402; awl, 523; beads, 211, 432, 456; blade of, flint flakes inserted in, 277, 294; chisels, 177; harpoons of, 277, 394; instruments in interments, 313, 314, 431, &c.; needles, 321, 433, 523; objects of, in caves, 484, 488, 492, 523, &c.; late Roman, 144; pins, 34, 40, 83, 186, 431, 432; plate of, perforated, 428; rounded piece of, 34; single-barbed arrow-head of, 409; tools of, Eskimo, 410; tube, 268; used in arrow-chipping, 39, &c.; wedge for working obsidian, 24

Bones, crushing of, probably for marrow, 25, 239, 504, 657; gnawed, 486, 508; human, with those of extinct animals, 481, &c.; mineral condition of, in caves, 508

Borers or awls, 321-325

Boring of stone, methods of, 47, 48, 52; incomplete, of stone implements, 205, 206, 226

Bos primigenius, celt imbedded in skull of, 91, 92; longifrons not found in Britain before neolithic times, 486

Botocudo Indians, their method of hafting, 156; their use of stone blades, 171

Boulder, cup formed from, 450

Boulder Clay, anterior to implementiferous deposits, 577, 685, 697; East Anglian, 683

Boulders, American use of, 235; used as hammers, 233, 234

Bourgeois, Abbe, on human works in Pliocene times. 658

"Bournes," causes of intermittence of, 664

Bow, use of, not general among savages, 360

Bows and arrows, Egyptian carved figures armed with, 369; myth concerning, 361

Bowen, Mr., as to African "thunderbolts," 60

Box, stone, containing red pigment, 264

Bracelets (see Armlets)

Bracers, 425-435, 456

Bracken, use of, as food, 250

Brandon, manufacture of gun-flints at, 14, 17

Brazilian stone axe, 157

Breach through the chalk range near Bournemouth, 605

Breccia, formation of, in caves, 479; implements from, in Kent's Cavern, 495; mace-head made of, 232

Brent, Mr. John, implements found by, at Reculver, 613-620

Briar-wood shaft, arrow-head found with, 408

Brick-earth, implements from, 530, 536, 542, 548; old land surface underlying, 598

Bright spots on drift implements, 565, 659

Briquets with flints in graves, 283, 397; bruising of flints by the use of, 315

Brittany, superstitions regarding celts in, 57; early incised drawings of celts in, 62

Brixham Cave, discovery of, 490; fauna of, 513; implements of, 513-516; section of, 512

Broch of Lingrow, 416, 440

Brochs, cups in, 414, 440; querns in, 259; stone and bronze in, 440; whetstones in, 269

Bronze Period in Egypt, 6; in Greece and Italy, 4, 5; probable duration of, 704

Bronze, armlets of, 459; arms, mention of by Homer, 4; arrowheads, 368; awls, 84; bucket, 451; celts, 213, 268, 453; celts mounted in stag's horn, 428; chisels, 6; dagger with ox-horn hilt, 265; daggers, 185, 193. 194. 208, 227, 398, 427, &c.; earrings, 207; Egyptian hatchets, 169; finger-ring, 398; "hammer-stone," 246; implement found at Ploucour, 340; knife in interment, 195; knife, socketed, in Kent's Cavern, 492; mining instruments, 6, 233; moulds for celts, 269; needle, central-eyed, 433; pal-staves, 163; pins, 267, 269; tube, 49; tweezers, 433; use of, in Britain, 147; use of, contemporaneous with that of stone, 84, 143, 211, 331, &c.

Brooch of metal in interment, 214; possible use of ring as, 466

Brooke, Mr. J. W,, his implements from Fordingbridge, 633

Brown, Mr. J. Allen, on minute flint tools, 325; researches at Ealing, &c., 591; Mr. James, drift implements found by, 622, 625, &c.

Browne, Sir Thomas, on slickstones, 441

Brun, M. V., his explorations at Bruniquel, 296

Brunswick, first use of flint-locks by soldiers of, 17

Buckland, the late Mr. Frank, 291

Buckman, Prof. J., manufactory of celts recorded by, 35

Buschan, Dr. G., on prehistoric spinning, 437

Buick, Dr., on Irish arrow-heads, 365, 370

"Bulb of percussion," 274

Bunyard, Mr. G., drift implements found by, 618

Burma and Assam, stone adzes in, 59

Burnishers of stone, 103, 139, 442

Burton, Dr. J. Hill, on elf-bolts, 366

Bushmen, arrows shafted by, with ostrich-bones, 410; ostrich-egg-shell fragments perforated by, 277; poisoned arrows of, 370

Bustards, flint arrow-heads abraded by gizzards of, 396

Butt end of celt, definition of, 66; roughened for insertion into socket, 128

Buttons, early use of, 452; of jet in interments, 453, 455, &c.; possible use of perforated discs as, 439


Cæsar, Julius, Gaulish use of iron in time of, 10

"Caillouteur," daily production of gun-flints by, 21

Cairns, stones thrown on, 282

Calc-spar, sling-stones of, 418

Calcareous nodule, celt formed from, 115; incrustations on palseolithic implements, 659, 660

Caledonians, their early use of iron, 11

Calendering effected by slick-stones, 441

Calendrine, in Cotgrave's Dictionary, 441

Califomians, arrow-head making among the, 423; grooved stones of the, 268; knife, 273

Calmucks, use of military flail among the, 423

Calvert, Mr. F., implements found by, near the Dardanelles, 652

Cambodia, superstitions as to celts in, 60

Camenz, bronze tube found at, 49

Cane, possible use of, in stone-drilling, 50

Canoes, adze for hollowing, 165, 166; celts found with, 129, 150; gouges for hollowing, 178; hollowed by horn chisels, 434

Cantabria, imperial omen in, 65

Carbonic acid, its solvent power on chalk, 477, 675, &c.

Caribbean character of certain implements, 129, 130, 168, 169

Caribs, axe-hafting among, 155, 218; their shell gouges, 182

Carreg-y-Saelhau, or stone of the arrows, 262

Cartailhac, M., his sections of San Isidro valley, 529

Carved representation of celt in dolmen, 153

Carvings in caves, 484, 523

Cassava bread, stone slabs for cooking, 440

Catlin, Mr., on American flaking-tools, 24

Cattle, elf-arrows the cause of disease among, 365, 366; protection of, by witch-stone, 470; snake-bitten, how to treat, 437

Cave-bear, age of the, 481

Cave-deposits, rarity of large implements in, 641

Cave-dwellers, their mode of living, 657

"Cave-earth," 479, 492

Cave-implements, 473, &c.

Cave-remains prior to Neolithic times, 482

Caves, alternate tenancy of, by man and beasts, 479; chronological sequence of contents of, 475, 481-485; deposits of, compared with river gravels, 474; early use of for habitations, 126; formation of, 477, 480; ossiferous, 474, 476; sepulchral, 126 ; stalagmite of, 479

Belgian, 286, 475, 478

Brixham, 512-516

Creswell Crags, 522-524

French, arrowheads in, 396; bone and horn objects in, 177, 321; character of implements of, 53; flint flakes in, 292; hammer-stones, 248; quartzite flakes, 281, 292; serrated flakes, 296

Gibraltar, bone objects in, 177, 433; long flake in, 287; saddle-quern in, 252; sandstone plate in, 428; stone chisel-gouge in, 182

Happaway, 517

Kent's Cavern, 488-511

Long Hole, Gower, and other Welsh Caves, 521

of Palestine, early sepulture in, 9

Tor Bryan, 516

Wookey hyæna-den, 517-520

Cavities in gravel, how formed, 556, 557, 561

Celte, occurrence of, in Vulgate, 55

Celts, suggested etymology of, 55; superstitions concerning, 56-65 ; classification of, 66

chipped or rough hewn, 67-86; chisel-edged, with curvature of face, 67, 68, 73; with equal faces, 75; long and narrow, 81; tanged, 83; wedge-shaped, 82; small, made from fragments of larger, 87, 97; of stones other than flint, 84

ground at the edge, 90-97

polished, with abnormal peculiarities, 130; accompanying interments, passim; approximate date of, 147; broken, conversion of, into other implements, 242, 248, 339; bronze, from barrows, 213, 268, 309; chisel-like, 103, 120, 121; classification of, 98; with cutting-edge blunted, 138; with flattened sides, 110-119; found in canoe, 150; grooved or notched, 136; mode of hafting, 151; oblique-edged, 113, 124; oval in section, 122, 129; perforated, 142; range of, in time, 147, 150; recent use of, by Irish weavers, 440; rectangular in section, 119-122; sharpened at both ends, 118; stag's-horn sockets for, 163; for use in hand, 133, 136, 171; various uses of, 171, 172

Cembro pine, Siberian stones for crushing nuts of, 245

Cements used in hafting implements, 170, 171; bituminous, in Swiss hafting, 292, 409

Cemetery, Frankish, of Samson, 397

Cerauniæ, old German authors concerning, 63; Sotacus on the, 64, 480; Pliny concerning, 65

Cereals, absence of, among cave-dwellers, 657

Ceremonial stone-adze, 167

Chafing-dish of stone, 445

Chalcedonic flint, celts of, 92, 138; Egyptian blades of, 359; serrated arrow-head of, 385

Chalcedony, American lance-head of, 337; Chilian arrow-heads of, 406; gun-flints of, 21; harpoon-points of, in Greenland, 405; implements of, their French provenance, 80; Mexican dagger-blade of, 354; ornamental hammer of, 226; small Indian cores of, 23

Chaldaeans, their reverence for the hatchet, 62

Chalk, absorbent nature of, 663; carved cylinders of, 421; cups of, 34; cup-shaped vessels of, 450; districts, implementiferous gravels in, 663; mining in, for flints, 33, 79, 172; solution of, by carbonic-acid-charged water, 477, 557, 675; "subterranean reservoir" in, 664

Chamacocos, socketed axes among the, 157

Champignolles, pit for extraction of flint at, 35

Changes, geological, in cave regions, 521, 525; affecting the River Drift, 662, &c.; coastline affected by, 695

Chantre, M., 133; on hafting of celts by savages, 164, 244; drift implement found by, in Euphrates valley, 653

Charms, arrow-heads used as, 364-366; hereditary custody of, 469; perforated pebbles as, 231

Charruas, the, lenticular sling-stones used by, 418

Charters-White, Mr., on the attrition of teeth by grit, 253

Chert, balls of, 249; British celt of, 65; cores of, in Welsh caves, 521; Eskimo use of, for arrow-heads, 25; implements of, in Welsh caves, 581; Irish tool of, 175

Chester, the late Rev. Greville J., barrow examined by, 463

Chieftainship, decorative weapons a mark of, 226

Children, quartz pebbles in interments of, 467

Chinese, use of military flail among the, 423

Chipping flints, relation of, to grinding, 85, 86, 290

Chisels, blacksmiths' present mode of hafting, 168, 233; bone, 177, 433; bronze, in Egyptian gold-mines, 6; of deer's horn, 434; distribution of, 177; Maori hafting of, 178; and picks, 173-177

Chlorite, whetstone of, 269; slate, plates of, in interment, 398

Chloritic albite, celts of, 109; stone, hatchet and haft made of one piece of, 171

Chronology of Neolithic Period, difficulty of ascertaining, 471; of the River Drift attempted, 705, &c.; of stone implements, purely retrogressive, 473

Cidares, fossil, in interments, 469

Cilix, myth of, 313

Circles, concentric, on stones, 463

Circular habitation, stone cup in, 430

Circumcision, use of stone knives in, 9

Cissbury, flint manufactory at, 33; objects found at, 32, 81; Neolithic fauna at, 80; General Pitt Rivers' explorations at, 78-82

Cists in barrows, objects found in, 248, 330, 453-456, &c.

Civilization of maritime tribes in time of Cæsar, 10; degree of, among the cave-dwellers, 657

Clach-nathrach, 437

Clalam Indians, 165, 166

Clan Chattons, stone charm in the possession of the, 469

Claudian, religiosa silex of, 10; flint and steel mentioned by, 16; on the ceraunia of Pyrenean caves, 481

Clavigero on the rate of obsidian working, 24; on metal Mexican axes, 155

Clay, burnt, loom weights of, 443

ironstone, celt of, 120

pipe, implement found in, 602

slate, celts of, 65, 106, 114, 136

valley-forming in, 677

vessels, instruments possibly used in shaping, 266, 432, 434

Climate, zoological evidences as to change of, 584, 609

Clinch, Mr. G., 248; ovate implement found by, 604

Clod-crusher of stone, 239

Cloth, Irish, celt used for giving gloss to, 440

Cloud River Indians, use of bone punch by, 25

Clouston, Mr., drift implements found by, 597

Club, so-called, of hone slate, 118

"Coal money," 447, 448; traces of lathe on, 465

"Coast finds," so-called sling-stones in, 419

Coast line, variations in, 617, 695

Cochet, Abbé, on flints in Merovingian interments, 314

Cocks, metallic, pole lathe still used for making, 447, note

Codrington, Mr.T., on Southampton drift, 626; on Hampshire deposits, 687, 688; on origin of Solent, 690, 692; his section across Isle of Wight, 693

Coffin of oak in barrow, 185; at Hove, contents of, 449

Coin de foudre, 57

Collections of Aymard, M., of LePuy, 114, 202, 402; Banks, late Rev. S., 103, &c.; Beloe, Mr. E. M., 142; Borgia, 62; Bourgeois, Abbé, 322; Braybrooke, the late Lord, 144, 173; Brent, the late Mr. J., 102, 613, 618, &c,; Brooke, Mr., of Marlborough, 18, 107, 227, &c.; Chaplain Duparc, 43; Christy, passim; Cursiter, Mr., of Kirkwall, 124, 171, 190. 221, 224, 252; Clément, Dr., 161; Courvale, M. de, 161; Duke, the late Rev. E., 267; Durden (in Brit. Mus.), 69, 93, 125, 126, 174, 176, 230; Evans, passim; Finlay, late Dr., of Athens, 114, 205; Flower, the late J. W., 74, 93, 107, 125, 175, 247-255, 291, 295, 309; Foresi, 367; Greenwell, passim; Jewitt, the late Mr. Llewellynn, 198, 202, 352; Klemm, 49, 157, 163, 165, 252, 294; Litchfield, Mr., 326; Lucas, the late Mr. J. F., 96, 107, 136, 343, 352, 463; Meyrick, 195, 351, 423, 575, &c.; Monkman, the late Mr. C, 92, 121, 122, 188, 191, 319, 333, 334, 342; Mortimer, Messrs., of Driffield, passim; Neuberg, Baron de, 51; Perthes, Boucher de, 226, 327; Poley, the late Rev. W. Weller, 341; Ransom, Mr. W., 196; Reboux, M., 187; Rivers, General Pitt, 88, 140, 144, 155, 231, 247, 277, 278 279, 309, 332, 334; Sturge, Dr. Allen, see Greenwell; Warren, the late Mr. Joseph, of Ixworth, 88, 110, 113, 192, 229, 539

Comb-like instruments in Kent's Cavern, 489, 492

Commerce in amber, 449

Commodus, the Emperor, his skill in archery, 396

Cone of percussion, 273, 274

Congarees, stone implements of the, 241

Continent, British connection with, in Drift Period, 698

Contracted position in interments, 149

Conyers, Mr., "British weapon" found by, 581, 582

Cooking vessels of steatite, 451

Copeland, Colonel A. J., 173; pointed drift implement obtained by, 613

Copiapo, human vertebra, with arrow-head embedded, found near, 406

Copper, bracelet of, 405; needle, 440; smelted, in Kent's Cavern, 492

Copper mines, American, stone hammers in, 235; of Maghara, 6; objects found in old workings of, 233; Spanish, &c., mauls found in, 234

Corbicula fluminalis, former presence of, 578, 584, 586; found above worked flints, 606; found below drift implements, 621

Cores or nuclei, 20, 23, 276; boat-shaped, 27; and flakes, their mutual relation, 31, 272; possibly resulting from tube-boring, 47; flint, used as hammers, 248; occasionally- used as sling-stones, 419; palæolithic, from Kent's Cavern, 503; flakes refitted to, 20, 598, 606; long, their absence from River Drift, 648

Corisco, Portuguese name for stone axe, 59

Corn-crushers from Swiss Lake-dwellings and others, 246, 250; -grinding, Irish, 251, 258; -mills, stone spindles for, 242

Coscinopora globularis, possible use of, as beads, 657

Cotton, Mr., his gift of flint arrow-heads to Dr. Plot, 362

"Cramp-stones," ammonites used as, 470

Crannog, possible hatchet-haft found in, 155; ridged hammer stones in, 247; scraper from, 310; polished stone discs in, 440

Craveri, Signor, on Mexican arrow-making, 39

Crawshay, Mr. de B., palæolithic implements found by, 605, 608

Crayford beds, Arctic fauna of, 607

Crescent-like implements, 559, 571

Crinkling of flint dagger-handles, 359

Croll, Mr., as to date of Arctic Period, 705

Cross-bow, use of by Romans, 411

Cross-chipping, practice of, in Scandinavia, 28; shewn by Greek obsidian cores, 28

Crystal, balls of, in Merovingian graves, 470; arrow-heads of, 406; quartz, modern use of as pick, 235; used as drill, 322

Culter lapideus, 289

Cuming, Mr. Syer, as to so-called club, 118; on slickstone, 442

Cuneus fulminis, 63

Cunnington, Mr. W., barrows examined by, 83, 460; celt belonging to, 91

Cup-shaped, marks on stones, 245; vessels of chalk, 450, 451

Cups in interments, of hollow flints, 83; ornamented, 148; earthenware, 149; rude, 266; with pyrites, 313; with jet objects, 352; containing arrow-heads, 399, 432; with gold ornaments, 427; with amber beads, 429; handled, 444, 449; turned in lathe, 446-449; wooden, 448; of amber, 449; of gold, 449

"Curing-stones," 469

Currier's tool, perforated stone used as, 442

Curved edge to implements, 576, 624; knives, 355-358; recess in palæolithic flake, 555

Gushing, Mr., arrow-head made by, 39

Custom House rates, "slick-stones" in table of, 441

Cutting powers of flint, 289

Cutting tools of slaty stone, 344; for holding in hand, 247; modern use or, 348


Dacotahs, pump-drill used by, 48

D'Acy, M. E., on implements of the French caves, 511

Daggers, bronze, in interments, 185, 193, 194, 208, 211, 212, 214, 268, 269, 331, 398, 448; with gold on handle, 227; fluted, 331

flint, in interments, 208, 313, 353, &c.; for holding in hand, 348; leaf-shaped, 352; leaf-shaped, unknown in Ireland, 353; notched, 353; square-handled, 353 ; Egyptian and Danish, with crinkled handles, 359; handles of, used for re-chipping, 414
bone, 431

Dagger-knives, bronze, in interments, 265, 309, 313; flint, 208, 313; highly worked Danish, 413, 414

Damour, M. A., on materials of celts, 66

Dana on the malleability of meteoric iron, 5

Danish flint daggers, ornamentation of, 42; perforated celts, 114; celts of great size, 118; tumuli, iron found in, 144; handled scrapers, 308; graves, needles in, 433

Darbishire, Mr. R. D., finds of celts, 84, 152, 236

Darwin, Mr. W. E., 624

Daubrée and Roulin, M.M., on Mexican razors, 290

David, possible nature of his sling, 417

Dawkins, Prof. Boyd, on flints upon Roman sites, 283; on the fauna of British caves, 485; on human skull in Cheddar cave, 486; on condition of bones from cave-earth, 508; on Brixham cave, 512; on Welsh caves, 521; on Crayford beds, 607; ovate implement found by, 611; on possible glaciation of N. Britain in Mammoth period, 697; on the extinction of some Post-Glacial animals, 704

Dawson, Mr. W. C, on a supposed hafted celt, 153

Débâcle, results of, on the Rhine, 672

De Bonstetten, 287, 470

Decorations, personal, 452-472

Deer, representations of on stag's horn adze, 434, 435

Deer's horn, see Stag's horn

Deluge, stone implements taken as evidence of, 526

Dendritic-markings on implements, 558; as testimony to authenticity of implements, 659; to what cause due, 660

Denmark, approximate dates of Periods in, 2, 23; bracers in, 430; cores of boat-shaped form from, 27; square-sided hatchets from, 32; grinding stones, 43; mode of testing thunderbolts in, 57; general use of flint for celts in, 85; comparative rarity of arrow-heads in, 404

Denudation, opening of caves by, 478; of the Fen country, 680, 681; of Hampshire gravels, 688

Deposits, implementiferous, due to river action, 696; marine, in Fen gravels, 681, 686; ossiferous, in caves, 478; in valleys, varying with the elevation, 699, 701

Depressions for holding, worked in cutting tool, 344

Desor, Professor, on method of boring stone, 51; referred to, 159, 161, 310

Detritus, amount of, brought down by rivers, 667, 705

Deventer, modern use of stone axe at, 157

Devonian limestone, caverns in, 491, 512

Dickinson, the late Mrs., on collective burial of celts, 75; her collection referred to, 93, 465

Diodorus Siculus on the use of stone in embalming, 8; on the implements of the Ichthyophagi, 288

Diorite, axe-hammer of, 205; axe-head of, 213; bastard-gouge of, 182; polished celt of, 107; ring of, 465

Discs, imperforate, 440

perforate, of dolerite, 230; as fly-wheels of drilling-sticks, 231; of jet, 455; ovoid, in Kent's Cavern, 493; possible uses of, 244, 439; quoit-like, 440; sharp-rimmed, 216

Discoidal implements possibly used as missiles, 648

Discoloration of flints, evidence afforded by, 659, 660, 661

Dish with lid, 451

Dishes, stone, 440; with handles, 451

Distaff and spindle, recent use of, 436, 437

Divining, grooved stone used in, 470

Dog, bones of in cist, 426; first appearance of, in Neolithic times, 486

Dolmens of Brittany, arrow-heads in, 385, 400; axe-hammer in, 212; carved illustration of celt in, 153; jadeite celts in, 109; chisel-ended implement from, 305; long whetstone from, 268; pyrites and flint in, 318

of other parts of France, lance-heads from, 352, 354; polished chisel from, 176; stag's horn sockets from, 160; worked flakes, 327; Danish, stone bracer in, 430; Spanish, arrow-heads in, 430

Dolomieu, on French gun-flint making, 18; his estimate of work of Caillouteur, 21

Dolomitic conglomerate, cave in, 517

Domestic use, instruments for, 436, 599

Donderbeitels and Donnerstein, 58, 63

Dordogne caves, objects from, 262, 292, 296, 312, 329; nature of, 476; deposits in, 478, 480

Doughty, Mr. Charles M., his finds at Hoxne. 376

Douglas, Mr., suggestion as to celt in interment, 145

Downes, Mr. W., chert implement found by, 639

Drainage area of ancient Solent River, 691, 692

Drift-stages of the Darent Valley, 690

Drill, antiquity of use of, 48; hollow, probable use of in America, 50

Drilling by flint flakes, 321; by quartz crystals, 322

"Drinking cups." See Cups.

"Druidical circle," 149; objects found in, 197

Druten-stein, as charm against witches, 469

Dubois, Dr., his Pithecanthropus, 703

Dugdale, Sir William, on stone celts, 3

"Dug-out" canoes' hollowed by stag's horn chisels, 434

Dunn, Mr. E. J., African drift-implement found by, 653

Dupont, Dr E., on a worn nodule of pyrites, 318; his investigation of Belgian caves, 481; his classification of cave deposits, 482

D'Urban, the late Mr. W. S. M., on the ballast pit at Broom, 639


Ear-rings, bronze, in interment, 207

Earthenware, cup of, in interment, 149; spindle whorls of, 439

East Anglia, relations of palæolithic deposits in, 577

Eben, double meaning of, 443

Echini, fossil, in interments, 468, 469

Edkins, Mr. Joseph, on stone hatchets in China, 114

Eggs of wild goose, portions of in Fisherton beds, 631

Egypt, boring by tubes in, 51; drill and bow used in, 48; early use of sling in, 417; evidence as to date of iron in, 6; flakes from, replaced on each other, 20; meteoric origin of iron used in, 5

Egyptian arrows, chisel-shaped, 368, 395, 409; blades, leaf-shaped, 8, 354; flint flakes, 287; knives, leaf-shaped, 8; knives of polished stone, 6, 348; knives, ripple-marked, 359; mode of mounting adzes and hatchets, 167, 169; notched hammer, 169; sickle, mounting of flakes in, 297, 358; soldiers, carved wooden, 369; wrist-guards, 430

Elagabalus, the Syrian god, 10

Elephant-bed at Brighton, 622

Elf-arrows, 362-366; -bolts, 387; probable interment of as charms, 397; -darts, mounted as amulets, 365; -shot, arrow-heads as protection against, 365

Elissa, bronze sickle of, 5

Embalming, use of stone implement in, 8

Emery-powder, alleged use of in drilling meres, 52

Encampments, ancient, presence of flakes in, 280, 281

Engelhardt, M. C, his method of preserving wood, 152

Engelhardt, M., on the formation of ground-ice, 671

Engravings on bone by cave-dwellers, 484, 523, 657

Enniskillen, late Earl of, on Irish gun-flints, 397

"Eolithic," use of term deprecated, 762

Erosion of valleys, 665-671; chronological data from, 707

Eskimos, their arrow-flakers, 25, 37, 412, 414; ball-weapon, 219; bone harpoons, 394, 505; bone tool for straightening arrow-shafts, 410; flail stone, 219; "flensing knife," 292; hammer of jade or nephrite, 25; iron knife of, 293; meteoric iron used by, 5; mode of hafting knives, 347; pyrites, their use of for producing fire, 15, 317; steatite cooking vessel, 451; stone scrapers, 39, 298, 299, 344; stone scrapers used as planes, 299; weighted throw-strings, 422; whetstones for bone implements, 268; wrist-guard, 430

Etruscan necklaces, arrow-heads as charms in, 65, 366; tombs, gold wreaths for, 84

Euphotide or Gabbro, hatchet chipped of, 36

Europe, early use of the bow in, 360

Evans, Mr. Arthur John, implement found by, 72; Dr. Philip Norman, drift implements found by, 518, 617, 635, 636

Evolution of arrow-heads. 369

Experiments on arrow-flaking by pressure, 39; on arrow-shaft forming, 320, 408; on fashioning a hatchet, 36; on drilling bone, 321, 322; on drilling stone, 48, 50; on sawing stone, 45; on tree-cutting, 69, 162; on the wearing of flint flakes, 504; on woodcutting, 297

External flakes defined, 641


Fabricators and flaking-tools, 412-416; dagger-hilts used as, 413, 414

Faces of celts, definition of, 66

Fairy darts, effect of on cattle, 365, 366; millstones, 437

Falconer, the late Dr. Hugh, on the "bulb of percussion," 274; his work at Brixham cave, 512; on tooth found at Wookey, 520; on worked flints at Abbeville, 527

Fauna, climatal changes shown by, 486, 584, 631, 689; mammalian, altered by man, 482; Brixham, 513; of the caves, 479, 483-486; Creswell, 521; French, 510; Happaway, 517; Kent's Cavern, 507, 508; Long Hole, Gower, 520; Palæolithic and Neolithic compared, 485; Tor Bryan, 517; Welsh, 521; Wookey hyæna den, 519; of the River drift near Aylesford, 611; Bury St. Edmunds, 542, 543; changes of, between Drift and Surface Periods, 704; Fisherton beds, 631; French, 528; Hitchin brick-earth, 537; Lark valley, 543, 550; Little Ouse valley, 551, 556, 561, 569; northern character of in high level gravels, 699; Ouse gravels, 533-538; Spanish, 529; Thames valley, 586, 591; molluscan, at Bury St. Edmunds, 540; of Cam, 539; characteristic of brackish water, in Stour valley, 621; of Fisherton beds, 631; of Hitchin brick-earth, 536; at Hoxne, 575; of Little Ouse valley, 551; marine, in Fen gravels, 681; of Milford Hill, 632; of Ouse gravel, 531-3; at Stutton, 578; in Thames valley, 584, 585

Feathering of arrow-shafts, 410

Felsite, hammer-head of, 230; ovate implement of, 591.

Felstone, implements of, 66, 96, 116, 119, 124, 135, 521, 566; spherulitic, celt of, 124

Fenni, use of bone arrow-heads among the, 361

Fens, denudation of the, 680, 681

Fergusson, Mr. James, on the three Periods of antiquities, 3; on changes in the Ganges delta, 667

Fern roots used as food by the Ahts, 250

Fibrolite, traces of sawing on French hatchets of, 43; Spanish celt of, 44; hatchet, 144; stone resembling, celt of, 188

Fibula, pins and skewers made from the, 431

Fibula, Roman, found with celt in Saxon grave, 144

"Finger flints," 416; -ring, spiral, of bronze, 398

Fire-arms, flints used for, 17

"Fire-drill," widespread use of, 48

Fire, early use of flints for procuring, 15; early modes of producing, 312, 313; use of pyrites in producing, 15, 315; traces of, on bones in caves, 510

Fish, scales of, in river drift, 540, 541

Fisher, Rev. Osmond, 538; on successive Palæolithic Periods, 568

Fishing, mode of twisting lines for, 437

Fishing-hooks of combined flint and bone, 294

Fishing Indians, use of sinkstones by, 236

Flail, military, its nature, 423

"Flail-stones," 218, 230; possibly whetstones, 269

Flakes, "bevel-edged, 546, 559; as borers, 321; broad, 701; circular, 341; in caves, 492, &c.; classification of Neolithic, 275; or Palæeolithic, 641; effects of different uses on, 289; external, 275, 641; as fish-hooks, 294; flat, 276, 642; hafted, 228, 229, 292, 293, 327; in interments, 279, &c.; leaf-shaped, 326, &c.; long, 28, 35, 641, 642; manufacture, &c., of, 22, 35, 83, 606; manufacture of for gun-flints, 19, 20; minute, 325; modes of fracture of, 272; notched by use, 642; on Palæolithic floor, 586, 598, 606; polygonal, 276, 642, 643; rarely ground at edge, 290; relation of cores to, 20, 31, 272; replacement of, on cores, by Mr. Archer, 20; by Mr. W. Smith, 20, 586, 598, 599; by Mr. Spurrell, 20, 606; ridged, 275, 641; in River Gravels, 536, 546, 555, 586, &c.; on Roman sites, 283; row of, mounted as knives, &c., 293; row of, as armature of sickles, 297; sawing by means of, 45; as scrapers, 298, 312; serrated, 294-297; side scrapers, 548, 643; square-ended, 597; of Surface Period compared with Palæolithic, 642; Swiss, mounted, 292; tools employed for making, 24, 25; triangular, 340, 343; trimmed, 326, &c., 642; wide range of, 283, 288

Flaking tools, 24, 412; probable uses of, 413; dagger-hilts used as, 414

Flax, possible use of stone bats in preparing, 257; early use of, for weaving, 436

"Flensing-knife," Eskimo, 292; Shetland blades resembling, 347

"Flint Chips" referred to, 234

Flint Jack, arrow-heads made by, 42, 659

Flint-knapping, 17-22

Flint, alteration in structure of, 494, 489, 497, 498; ancient workshops of, 22, 606; as article of barter, 35, 80; brittle condition of, 558; cutting powers of, 281, 282; difficulty of perforating, 223, 224; durability of, 655; experiments in shaping, 36, 41; flakes and cores of, 20, 31, 272, 279; grinding of, 43; hardened by exposure, 18, 32, 33; importation of, 281; minute tools of, 325; modern ceremonial use of, 9; necessity of, in savage life, 282; ochreous, 536, 553, 597, 602; pits for extraction of, 33, 35, 78, 79; prismatic splitting of, 88; processes for grinding, 43; result of abundance of, in chalk districts, 677; scarcity of in Northern Britain, 580; softening of in red brick-earth, 596; and steel, early use of, 16, 271, 282; and steel, meaning of, in interments, 283; tools for working, 41; use of, with pyrites, 16, 313, 319; whitening of, 494, 498, 490, 545, 549, 596, 611, 619; whitening, cause of, 497; worn by use, 311, 312, 414, 416

Flints, accidentally fractured, M. Hardy on, 658; heaps of, on Palæolithic floor, 598

Flood deposits, varying nature of, 668, 669; their removal by subsequent floods, 670

Floods, their action in valley-erosion, 666, 706; as caused by ground-ice, 671

"Floor-stone," gun flints made from, 33

Flora, temperate, below brick-earth, 537; recent, in Oxford peat, 593; of various climates at Hoxne, 577, 697

Flower, the late Mr. J. W., on East Anglian flint implements, 551, 556; on section at Bromehill, 681; on French and English palæolithic implements, 650; on Drift-beds of the Fens, 681; on the Drift-beds of Brandon, 683

Fluting on arrow-heads, 392; on axe-hammer, 203; on Danish dagger-hilts, 42, 393; on Egyptian blades, 359; probably effected by pressure, 42, 393

Fluviatile origin of implementiferous beds, 688

Folklore Society referred to as to fairy darts, 365

"Food-vessels" in interments, 224, 462

Fooks, Mr. C. C. S., implement found by, 606

Forbes, the late Mr. David, Bolivian implements described by, 169, 232, 239

Forel, Dr. F. A., his experiment in stone-working, 36

"Forest Bed," Norfolk, suposed worked flints from, 572

Forest, submerged, at Bournemouth, 695

Forgeries of arrow-heads, 42; of Palæolithic implements, 658, 659

"Fort," cup found in, 444

Fossils, ascription of, to diabolical agency, 363; use of, as ornaments, 470, 657; in interments, 466, 469

Foster, Dr. C. Le Neve, drift implement found by, 610

Fox, Rev. W., as to origin of Solent Sea, 690

Fracture of flint, natural and artificial compared, 273

Fragments of implements, use of, 223, 242, 339

Frankish Cemeteries, objects found in, 283, 307

Frankland, Prof., on climatal conditions of glacier formation, 698

Franks, Sir A. Wollaston, on an abraded pyrites nodule, 318; on hafting of American flint blades, 349; on perforated discs, 439; on present use of stone vessels, 450

French, Mr. J., drift implements found by, 578

Frere, Mr. John, his discoveries at Hoxne, 573. 576

Friction, polish of stone saw by, 295

Frost, disintegrating effect of, 672

Fuegians, their arrow chipping, 39, 406; their use of arrow-heads as knives, 334; their mode of fire-producing, 15, 317; their mode of using scrapers, 299

Fungus, its use as tinder, 16, 317

Fustibalus, Roman use of the, 418

Future existence, belief in, implied by objects in interments, 84, 283


Gabbro, tools for flint-working made of, 22

Gaillard, M. F., Breton finds of pyrites and flint by, 318

Gallas, form of scraper among the, 299

Games, possible use of stone balls in, 244, 245

Ganges, estimate of detritus carried by, 667

Gastaldi, Prof., on arrow-head superstitions, 367; engravings by, 120, 200, 333, 337

Gatty, Rev. Reginald A., on minute flint tools, 325

Gaudry, M., sections of San Isidro valley by, 529

Gaul, Celtic, importation of amber from, 449

Gaulish coins, stone hatchet found with, 144

Gautier de Bibelesworth quoted as to slick-stones, 441

Gaviller, Mr. G. H., oval implement found by, 584

Gay, the late Mr., 178

Geikie, Sir Archibald, on lowering of river-basins, 668; on chronology of valley erosion, 705, 706

Gems on hilt of Mexican chalcedony blade, 355

Geological data as to antiquity of man in Britain, 704, &c.

George, Mr. T., his find at Elton, 573

Georgius Agricola on thunderbolts, 64

Germany, superstitions in, regarding celts, 57, 58

Gesenius, his mention of stone knives in Palestine, 9

Gibb, Dr. G. D., drift implement found by, 617

Gibraltar, objects found in caves of, 177, 182, 252, 287, 428, 433

Gimawong, sacrificial use of stone in honour of, 10

Glacial deposit, celt found in gravel of, 136; deposit in Little Ouse valley, 682; Period, flint-bearing deposits subsequent to, 697; Period, attempt to date astronomically, 705; Periods, their relation to Palæolithic eriods, 568

Glaciers, heat action indicated by, 698

Gladstone, Dr. J. H., broad flake found by, 606

Glandes, the Roman sling-stones, 418

Glass beads in barrows, 437, 456; modern ceremonial use of flakes of, 9; "slickstones" of, 441, 442

Glossiness of surface of palæolithic implements, 659; to what cause due, 660

Glossopetra, Pliny's account of the, 363

Glovemakers, recent use of stone nodules by, 416

Godwin-Austen, Mr. R. A. C, his exploration of Kent's Cavern, 489; on gravels of Wey valley, 594; on origin of Bournemouth gravels, 694; on former temperature of English Channel, 701

Gneiss, hammers of, 221, 223, 224

Gnostic inscriptions, Egyptian celt bearing, 60, 61

Goat's horn, use of, by Mexicans in arrow making, 39

Gog and Magog, their military flail, 423

Gold, armilla of, 460; box-like objects of, 460; circular ornaments of, 427; cup of, in barrow, 449; engraved haft of, with Egyptian blade, 359; on handle of bronze dagger, 227; perforated studs covered with, 456; plates of, in barrow, 227, 428

Gold mines of Egypt, bronze chisels in, 6

Gooch, Mr. W. D., on African palæolithic implements, 653

Goose, wild, remains of in Fisherton drift beds, 631

Gordon, Robert, of Straloch, on elf-darts, 364

Gouges, abundance of, in Scandinavia, 178; bronze mould for, 269; Irish, 181; rare in Britain, 178

Granite, ball of, in Kent's Cavern, 503; blocks of, used as anvils, 245; celt of, 108; hammer stone of, in Kent's Cavern, 503; hand-mills of, in recent use, 253; ironing stones of, 443; perforated axes of, 195, 198; polished hammer of, 222; saddle-quern of, 252; wedge-shaped blades of, 97; waterworn fragments of, in Bournemouth gravels, 694

Grass, asserted hafting of implement with, 645

Grass-tree, Australian use of gum from the, 170

Grattoirs, 298

Grattoir-bec, 305

Gravel, pipes of in chalk, 551; bones of animals smaller than man not found in, 656

Gravel Hill, Brandon, 562-567

Gravels, French, 526-8, 698; Spanish, &c., 529; English, 530 et seq.; deposited, transported, and re-laid, 670, 693, 700; nature of, governed by local causes, 678; see "Sections"; relations of to Boulder Clay, 577, 685, 697

Graves, Rev. J., on recent use of a quern, 258

Greece and Italy, precedence of bronze to iron in, 6; obsidian cores from, 28; stone implements as thunderbolts in, 59

Greek language, priority of bronze and iron shown by, 5; inscription on celt, 61, 62

Greeks, their reverence for the hatchet, 62; use of sling bullets among the, 418

Greenhill, Mr. J. E., on the London gravels, 586

Greenland, fish-hook in grave in, 294; harpoon points of chalcedony in, 405

Greenough map, the, referred to, 683

Greenstone celt, sawing of, with flint flake, 45

Greenwell, Canon, his explorations at Grime's Graves, 33, 40; of barrows, passim

Gregory, Mr. A. G., on stone-working in Australia, 26

Grew, Dr. Nehemiah, on "the flat Bolthead," 364

Grewinck, Herr, on stone-boring tools, 47

Griffiths, Rev. Dr., ovate implements found by, 601

Grime's Graves, explorations by Canon Greenwell at, 33, 40

Grinding implements, absence of, in palæolithic times, 649; corn, mediæval litigation as to, 25; corn in Ireland, 251; maize, Kaffir mill for, 250

Grinding stones and whetstones, 261-271; in interments, 83, 84; fixed, not revolving, 43, 261; Scandinavian, 43, 261

Grit, from millstones, teeth worn by, 253

Grooved hammers, 233-236; sharpening stone from La Madelaine, 484

Grooves worked on axes, 168, 169, 211, 212; for hafting, on hammer stones, 233; on rocks, due to sharpening tools, 262; pebbles with, 271

Grottoes, funereal, 160

Ground-ice, formation of, 671

Guanches, obsidian knives used by the, 8

Guernsey, manufactory of arrow-heads in, 401

Gum, Australian implements hafted with, 97, 137

Gun-flints, present manufacture of, 14, 18

Gutsmuths on ancient stone-boring, 49

Gutteridge, Mr. William, drift implement found by, 598


Habits of Palæolithic Period, 656-658

Hâches à bouton and à tête, 135

Hacket, Mr., Indian quartzite implement found by, 651

Hacquet, M., on the manufacture of gun-flints, 18, 21

Hæmatite, celts made of, 127; hammer of, 219; scraped, for personal decoration, 248, 263, 264, 312, 484; sling bullets of, 418

Haft of celt, carved, 152; of Mexican blade, jewelled, 355

Hafts, club-like, 155; forked, for hatchets, 163, 164

Hafted celts, discoveries of, 151-155

Hafting, Carib method of, 155;; contrivances for assisting, 141, 151-172; of daggers by split wood, 349; of flakes, 288, 289, 292, 293, 502; by flexible wooden binding, 167; of flint blade by moss, 349; of hammers with small perforations, 217; of Maori chisels, 178; by means of growing wood, 155, 218; of spear-heads, 350, 351

Hakke, or hoes, 191

Halberd, meaning of, 146

Halliwell, Mr., on the Stone axe, 146

Hallstatt, objects from, 460, 464, 465; ornaments from, 84; perforated whetstones, 269; transitional period of cemetery of, 7

Hamard, Abbé, his researches at Hermes, 314

Hammers, barrel-shaped, 224; boulders used as, 234; broken celt converted into, 242; for chipping flints, 248-258; conical, 223; cylindrical, 224; with depressions of faces, 239, 240; egg-shaped, 224, 225; Eskimo, 25; grooved, 233-236; from Kent's Cavern, 503; ornamented, 226; horn, in contracted interment, 434; ovoid pebbles perforated for, 228; of peculiar forms, 219; perforated, 217-232; possible use of, as weapons, 220, 221; Purgatory, 183; of stag's horn, 35, 41, 434; stone, still used in Iceland, 11

Hammer-stones, in barrows, 235, &c.; of bronze, 246; cavities worked in, 238; definition of, 238; with depressions of faces, 240-246; discoidal, 249; flint, at Cissbury, 32; grooved for hafting, 233; made from cores, 248; North American, 241; palæolithic, 536; on Palæolithic floor, 606; perforated, abundance of in Ireland, 232; polished by use, 248; ridges on, 246

Hand, implements adapted for holding in the, 136, 140, 151, 358, 552, 557, 645

Hand-hatchets, 137

Hand-mills of stone, recent use of, 253; with rotatory upper stone, 258

Handle, jewelled, of Mexican blade, 355; skin, of flint flake, 293; of turned stone cups, how left; 446, 447; wooden, of celts, 119, 152; wooden, of celts, rare in Britain, 151; wooden, of stag's horn axe, 434

Handled celt, representation of in dolmen, 153 "Handled wedges," 205

Hardening of flints by exposure, 32

Hardy, M. Michel, on accidentally fractured flints, 658

Harland, Mr. H. S., grinding tools found by, 266

Harpoon-heads, of horn or bone, in French caves, 484; of horn in Kent's Cavern, 504; Eskimo, single barbed, 394; perforated. 410; of quartz in S. America, 407

Harrison, Mr. Benjamin, as to drift caps on chalk downs, 608; implements found and given by, 92, 174, 198, 604, 611

Hastings, stone missiles probably used at Battle of, 147

Hatchets, Australian, fitted with handles, 70; bronze, Egyptian, 169; butt-end roughened for socketing, 46; of Danish type, 68, 69; hafting of, 151, 161; oblique-bladed, 152; of one piece with handle, 171; sacred importance of, with Greeks, 62; stone, form of, affected by bronze influences, 75; stone, method of forming, 31; with loop for suspension, 171; with semicircular cutting edge, 136; worn, re-chipping of, 102; nuclei made into, at Spiennes, 35

Hawk, skull of, in interment, 429

Hawkins, Mr. C. E., drift implement found by, 612

Haynes, Prof., Egyptian implements found by, 652

Heaps of flints prepared for slingers, 419

Heathery Burn Cave, bronze and bone objects in, 432

Hellebarde, etymology of, 146

Helwing on the true nature of celts, 63

Hemp, absent from Lake Dwellings, 436; possible use of stone bats in preparing, 257

Hernandez, his account of obsidian-working, 24

Herodotus on the ritual use of stone, 8; on the arrows used by the army of Xerxes, 368; on the featherless arrows of the Lycians, 410

Hesiod, his mention of the early use of bronze, 4; as to the feathering of the arrows of Hercules, 410

Hickes, Dr., on the shooting of elf-arrows, 366

Hicks, Dr. H., on date of Welsh caves, 521

Hides, importance of, in savage life, 311; present use of stone scrapers in preparing, 36, 299; stone implements possibly hafted by, 217, 235; stones used for smoothing, 442; wear of implements by scraping, 332; wet, assagai-heads bound on by, 410

Hildebrand and Hadubrand, song of, 146

Hill-forts, querns found in, 259

Hilton, Mr. R., 94, 341; drift implements found by, 622

Hilts of flint daggers, their probable use as flaking tools, 413

Hindoos, pebble superstition among, 568

Hippopotamus, its evidence as to former volume of English rivers, 699, 700

Hoare, Sir Richard Colt, examination of barrows by, 143, 148, 210, 211, 227, 244, 260, 280, 291, 308, 314, 352; on pebbles in tumuli, 443; on whetstones, 268

Hoe, use of stone implements as, 71, 191; of stag's horn with handle attached, 434

Hoe-like implements in Mexico, 216

Holes through stones, natural, utilization of, 225, 226

Hollow scrapers, 319, 320

Hollowing canoes, stone gouges for, 178; wapiti horn used for, 434

Holmes, Mr. W. H., on a chert quarry in Missouri, 80

Homer, mention of bronze arms in, 4, 368

Hones, 268, 269 ; burial of, 208

Hone-stone, celts of, 96, 105, 106, 117, 120, 121; green, hollow adze of, 180

Hornblendes, various, implements of, 125, 128, 206, 224, 230

Horse, representation of, on bone, 523

Horse trappings, late Celtic, pebbles found with, 442

Houghton, Mr. W. H., drift implement found by, 572

Hove, amber cup found at, 449

Hoxne, brick-field at, 574; climatal changes shown by, 697; implements found at, 374

Hughes, Prof. T. McK., cave researches by, 521; drift implements found by, 539, 611; on production of flint flakes, 272

Human race, evidence for antiquity of, 658, &c.; palæolithic evidence for unity of, 654; probable origin in favourable climate, 703

Human remains in palæolithic caves, 487, 517; in gravel pit, 542; in Thames gravel, doubtful evidence of, 607; causes of their rarity, 656, 669, 702; in Seine valley, 703

Huntley, the late Dowager Marchioness, implements found by, 573

Hurons, asserted methods of hafting among, 155, 218

Hut-circles, hammer-stones found in, 234; discoidal stones in, 244; saddle-quern in, 251; scraper in, 309; spindle whorls in, 438; whetstones in, 270; worn pebbles in, 248

Hyænas, alternate occupation of caves by man and, 519; absent from Kent's Cavern, 508

Hydrobia marginata, former presence of, in England, 531, 533, 539, 584, 586


Ice, possible action of, in Darent gravel-bed, 610; transporting power of, 671, 672

Ice-chisels, possible use of early implements as, 645, 654

Iceland, stone hammers in use in, 11

Ichthyophagi, the, Diodorus on their use of stone, 288

Icklingham, gun-flint factory formerly at, 14 "Imp-stones," 437

Implements, palæolithic, chronology of, retrogressive, 473; from caves and drift; compared, 474; large, rarity of in caves, 475; with extinct fauna, 481-486, 490, &c., 513, 620, 701; of caves, classification of, 483, 484; joined up, 20, 514, 586; British area of, 524, 580; of the River Drifts, 526 et seq.; of materials other than flint, 565, &c.; below the Palæolithic floor, 586, 591; first discovery of in quaternary beds, 581; beneath mammoth remains, 630; classification of, 640, 648; compared with neolithic, 648650, 657; from Asia and Africa, 650; forms of, almond-shaped, 529, 540, 557, 647; bevel-edged, 546, 559; broad and short, 594; circular, 559, 608; crescent-like, 559,571, 647; discoidal, 648; flat-faced, 645; kite-shaped, 492, 542, 593, 644; lanceolate, 554; large and heavy, 532, 569, 613; lozenge-shaped, 647; oblique-edged, 567, 568; oval, 589, 625, 604, 629; ovate, 515, &c., 593, &c., 602, 618; ovoid, 492, 493; perch-backed, 646, 647; pointed, 557, 563, 603, 613, 644, &c.; scraper-shaped, 500, 632; sharp-rimmed, 642, 647, 701; shoe-shaped, 537, 554, 593, 645; tongue-shaped, 539, 572, 644, 649; triangular, 492; wedge-shaped, 529

Incantations regarding stones, 469

"Incense-cup" in barrow, 211

Incisions on bone objects, 523, 656

India, small chalcedony cores in, 23; superstitious reverence for jade in, 60; celts in, 88, 89; ivory wrist-guard used in, 430

Indians, North American, arrows, 370; Californian, arrow-chipping by, 39; Californian, obsidian worked by, 27; Cloud River, arrow-chipping by, 39; of Ecuador, axe-mounting among, 170; flaking tools of, 24; fleshing instruments, 126; hatchets, 97; hatchets, mounting of, 168; holes drilled by, 50, 52; lozenge-shaped lance-heads, 372; pyrites used among, for fire-producing, 317; quoits, 440; Snake River, obsidian-working by, 40; tomakawks made by, 52

Indra, hammer as attribute of, 62

Indus, large nuclei from banks of, 23

Ingram, the Rev. Canon, as to bracers, 429

Interments, stone and bronze found together in, 123, 143, &c.; primary and secondary, mixing of, 210, 211; Saxon, with quern, 259; late presence of flint in, 282; objects accompanying, passim; burnt, objects found with, 96, 105, 186, 194, 197, 210, 253, 291, 330, 377, 398, &c.; contracted, cause of position, 149; objects found in, 230, 280, 371, 385, 429, &c.

Intrenchments, old, relation of sling-stones to, 419

Ireland, abundance of flint arrow-heads in, 399, 408; arrow-heads relatively larger in, 400; blades of slaty stone in, 353; flint celts rare in, 84, 133; late use of stone implements in, 11; recent use of stone anvils in, 232; superstitions in, concerning celts, 57

Iron Age, Bronze Age succeeded by, 5; grooved stones with objects of the, 271; axe-head in barrow, 463; axes, French, resembling stone types, 205; blades, Eskimo, skin-hafted, 293; late use of, in Egypt, 6; date of discovery as given by Arundelian marbles, 4; early use of, in Britain, 10; infrequent mention of by Homer, 4; knife, 487; meteoric, probably first used, 5; mould, staining of scrapers by, 315; objects of, in interments, 210, 394, 397, 438, 455; ore in barrow, 263, 313, 338; Period, Early, "strike-a-light" stones of the, 241; pickaxe in old workings of lead mine, 234; used for pins of querns, 259

Ironing stones of granite, 443

Iron-stone, Sussex, celt of, 84; axe-head of, 186; cave implement of, 522

Iroquois, the use of pump drill by, 48; sword of, 294

Isle of Wight, severance of, from mainland, 690; former extent of, 693

Italy, arrow-head superstitions in, 367; iron preceded by bronze in, 5; ridged flake in, 327; stone "thunderbolts" in, 59

Ivory, articles of, at Paviland, 487; carved bracers of, 430; fossil, used by Eskimos for arrow-flaking, 37; fossil, Eskimo scraper hafted in, 298; fossil, present use of, in Siberia, 488; plates of, in necklaces, 457; rod of, in Brixham cave, 516; spindle-whorls of, 439; used for shafting arrows of Bushmen, 410


Jacquard, M. Ed., on "Céraunies," 57

Jade, adzes. New Zealand, 166, 167; boring of, in New Zealand, 46; celts of, 109, 114; discs of, 216; Eskimo hammer of, 25; found in Europe, 110; Maori chisels of, 178; sawing of, 45; wooden-hafted blade of, 299

Jade-like stone, French chisel of, 176

Jadeite, celt of, worn as charm, 57; celts of, 58, 107, 129; celts of, in Brittany dolmens, 109

Japan, European appearance of arrow-heads from, 405; stone axes considered as thunderbolts in, 59; stone blades from, 355

Jasper, flakes, cutting power of, 6; hammer-head of, 229; pendants of, 465; scraper of, 310; Spanish flake of, 287

Java, stone axes in, 59

Javelins and arrow-heads, 360-411; distinction between, 370

Javelin-heads in interments, 371, 455; Australian mode of shafting, 288; Irish, with polished faces, 372; Italian, 333; present use of flakes as, 288; stemmed, 379 Jaw-bone of animal, implement formed from, 434

Jaw, human, from Moulin-Quignon, 703

Jeffreys, the late Mr. J. Gwyn, 345

Jet, armlets of, 464; beads, 309; beads, oblong, 149; buttons, 265, 398, 453; cone of, 308, 352; necklaces of, 456-463; ornaments of, 332, 385. 394; rings, 865, 426; rings associated with studs, 266, 454; Solinus on the properties of, 464

Jewitt, the late Mr. Llewellynn, on elf-arrows. 366

Jews, modern, ceremonial use of flint by, 9; their use of stone-struck fire, 16

Jones, Prof. Rupert, on the London gravels, 586

Joshua, his ceremonial use of stone knives, 9; discovery of flint flakes in tomb of, 9

Judd, Prof. J. W., drift implement found by, 611


Kafiirs, their present use of stone implements, 11; their present use of bed-stone and rolling pin, 250; their mode of shafting assagais, 410

Kahun, manufacture of stone implements at, 45

Keller, Dr., on the tools of Moosseedorf, 22; on sawing stone implements, 44; on tube-boring, 49, 50; referred to, 159, 162, 242, 310, 323; on weights for weaving, 443

Kemble, Mr., on stones in Teutonic tombs, 468

Kennett, Bishop, quoted as to slickstones, 441

Kentmann, thunderbolts described by, 63, 64

Kent's Cavern, Torquay, awl of bone from, 506; bone, objects of, 504-506; bones, mineral condition of, 508; bronze objects in upper layer, 492; charcoal in, 492, 511; co-existence of man with extinct animals in, 510; cores and hammers from, 503; correlation of, with foreign caves, 511; deposits of, 491; examinations of, 488-491; fauna of, neolithic, 508; fauna of, palæolithic, 507; flakes from, 498, &c.; flint implements from, 492-503; harpoons, 504; human remains, 492; implements below the stalagmite, 489; implements, neolithic, from upper layers, 492; needle of bone, 321, 506; pin, 506; sabre-toothed tiger, 508; scrapers, 500, 502; whetstone, 504

Kerr, Mr. Richard, ovate implement found by, 621

Kilkenny, modern use of quern in, 258

Kimmeridge coal, beads of, 309; buttons of, 455; "coal money," how made, 465; shale, bead of, 463; shale, ring of, 456; shale, aucer of, 445; shale, waste pieces of from lathe, 447, 465

King, Mr. C. W., on an engraved Egyptian celt, 60

Kintore, Earl of, battle-axe presented to Edinburgh Museum by, 197

Kioway Indians, stone hammer used by, 235

Kirchner on stone-boring, 51

Kirwan, Rev. R., on a worn perforated pebble, 22; on turned stone cups, 445, 447, 448

Kist-vaen, vessels found in, 450

Kite-shaped palæolithic implements, 542, 592, 644

Kjökken-möddings, Danish, axes of the, 68; flakes in, 280, 286; hatchets from, 32; motive for their position, 479; post-Roman, hammerstones in, 247; scrapers, 310; serrated flints in, 296; sling-stones in, 419

Klah-o-quat Indians, their wapiti-horn chisels, 434

Klebs, Dr. R., on amber ornaments of Stone Age, 450

Knife Gallery, Brixham, 514

Knife-shaped implements, 535, 646

Knives, blunted at one edge, 335, 336; bronze, 5; chipped, not ground, 356; circular, 341, 342; curved, 355-358; Egyptian, 8, 354, 359; Eskimo, of meteoric iron, 5; fluted, 359; flint, 290, 356, &c.; ground, from Scotland, 338; hafting of, 346; horseshoe-shaped, 342; Japanese, 355; of mica-schist, 381; peculiar, in Lake dwellings, 348; Picts', perforated, 346; Picts', probably handled, 347; of polished slate, 358; Scandinavian, of slate, 404; serrated, 331; of small flakes continuously mounted, 277, 293; of stone, ceremonial use of, 8-10; triangular, 340, 343

"Knockin'-stones" in Scotland, 11

Knowles, the late Rev. Dr., 138

Kotzebue Gulf, arrow-flaker from, 38

Kruse on perforated axes, 184


Labour necessary for stone-working, 107, 226, 231

Lafitau on the time required for tomahawk-making, 52

Laing, the late Mr. S., rude implements found by, in Caithness, 281

Lake-dwellings, arrow-heads of, 402; axes, socketed, in, 158; corn-crushers in, 246; flakes in, 281-287; grinding-stones in, 262; handled flakes from, 292; mealing-stones in, 250; narrow rubbers in, 267; perforated hammer, 232; perforated whetstones, 269; scrapers, 310, 318; slings of flax, 417; spinning and weaving in, 436; stag's horn sockets, 43, 136, 161, 177; wooden spindle-whorls, 439

La Madelaine, characteristics of Age of, 484

Lamiarum sagittas, 362

Lamps of stone, 445, 450, 451

Landon, Mr. Joseph, examination of Rea gravels by, 578

Lance-heads, from barrows, 333; of bone, 431; flakes used as, 288; of flint, 348-351; fluted, at Sourdes, 43; lozenge-shaped, 372; notched, in Norway, 404

Lane-Fox, Col., see Rivers, Gen. Pitt

Langues-de-chat, 644

Lapis lydius, celt of, 114

Lapps, the, divination by stones among the, 470; flint and steel buried with the, 283; their use of sinews for thread, 507

Lark River, older representative of the, 682

Lartet, Prof. E., on boring with flint flakes, 321; his chronological classification of caves, 481; experiments with flint tools, 507; on grattoirs, 298

Lartet, Prof. Louis, his Spanish finds, 529

Lasham, Mr. Frank, on the gravels of the Wey valley, 595

Lastic, Vicomte de, his cave at Bruniquel, 296

Latchmore, Mr. Frank, drift implements found by, 536, 602, 604

"Late-Celtic" Period, stone ornamentation of, 260

"Lateritic" beds in Madras, implements found in, 651, 654

Lathe, amber cup turned in, 449; use of, probably pre-Roman, 446; for turning cups, 446; for turning spindle-whorls, 438; "coal money" the waste product of, 465

Lauth, Prof., on the origin of iron in Egypt, 5

Layers, Mr. Edward, ovate implement found by, 578

Lawrence, Mr. G. F., implements found by, 111, 604

Layton, Mr. T., Thames finds in possession of, 74, 161

Lead, present use of for Bolas, 422; sling bullets of, 418; spindle-whorls of, 439

Lead-mines, implements found in, 234

Leather, celts buried in case of, 109; method of sewing, 433; scrapers for preparing, 311; stones used in preparation of, 440; stones used for smoothmg seams in, 443

Leech, Mr. Thomas, implements found by, at Reculver, 613

Left-handedness, early evidence as to, 429

Leg-bones of animal, chisels of, 434; implements made from, 431; used as net-sinkers, 237

Lehaie, M. A. Houzeau de, on the flint factory at Spiennes, 34

Lemming, remains of, at Wookey, 519; remains of in Fisherton beds, 631; remains of, as indicative of climate, 699

Le Moustier, Age of, implements of, 483, 496

Leonora Christina, Princess, flint used by for cutting, 348

Lepic, Vicomte, his suggestions as to mounting stone implements, 162

Lepsius on Egyptian flakes, 287

Lewis and Clarke quoted as to pogamoggon, 424

Lightning, connection of stone implements with, 63; stone implements as safeguards against, 145, 361

Lightning-teeth, stone axes known as, in Java, 59

Lignite, rings of, in urn, 465; pendant of, 466

Limestone, buttons of, 453; celt of, 122; oolitic, knife of, 345; rocks, caves in, 520, 522

Lindenschmit, on stone-boring, 49; referred to, 163, 177, 191, 194, 232

Lindsay, Dr. W. Lauder, on Maori hatchets, 172

Linen, polishing of, by slickstones, 441

Lingue di San Paolo, 367

Lisch on stone-boring, 49

Lithuania, central core from tube-boring found in, 47

Little, Mr. W. C, on the development of flint arrows, 369

Livres de beurre, 27

Loadstone, sling bullets of, 418

Loams, red, in caves, 479

Loir et Cher, manufacture of gun-flints in, 15

Londesborough, objects found by the late Lord, in barrows, 148, 160, 290, 328

Long barrows, flakes in, 280; leaf-shaped arrow-heads peculiar to, 399

Long Hole, Gower, fauna of and flints from, 520

Longman, Mr. C. J., his series of early bracers, 430

Longpérier, M., on hatchet worship, 62

Looms, early, use of weights in, 443

Lorraine, Prince François de, Turkish stone hatchet presented to, 59

Lottin, Dr., on the manufacture of gun-flints, 18

Lower Tertiary conglomerate, flakes of, 281; querns of, 259; pebble, palæolithic implement made from, 613

Lubbock, Sir John, Algerian implement found by, 652; on the comparative numbers of men and objects of chase, 656; as to date of Glacial Period, 705; names of Neo- and Palæolithic due to, 12, 474; referred to, 272, 299, 310; on sling-stones, 419; on the uses of stone implements, 655

Luco, Abbé, pyrites and flint found by, in dolmen, 318

"Lucky Stones," virtues of, 469

Lucretius as to successive Periods of culture, 4

Lukis, Capt., polished celt found by, with skeleton, 149

Lukis, the late F. C, M.D., on the connection between celts and lightning, 57; on elf-arrows and elf-darts, 365; on the handling of celts, 171; oval armlet found by, 464; referred to, 127, 141

Lukis, the late Rev. W. C., of Wath, referred to, 188. 204, 240, 268

Lycians, the, their arrows featherless, 410

Lydian stone, celt of, 115, 167; Irish flakes of, 281, 291

Lye, his dictionary referred to as to stone bill, 145

Lyell, Sir Charles, on the Fisherton beds, 630; on the formation of caverns, 480; on geological changes near Wookey, 519; as to Glacial Period, 705; on rhinoceros in Gower, 520; on river action, 663; on the Shasta method of arrow-chipping, 40

Lyme Regis, manufactory of flint implements at, 35

Lyon, Mr. Caleb, on Shasta arrow-head making, 40

Lysons, Mr. Samuel, excavations at Witcombe, 144

Lyttelton, Bishop, on stone hatchets, 3, 202, 204


Mace-head, lenticular, of breccia, 232

Maces, flints naturally perforated used for, 184

Maces, see Hammers

MacEnery, the Rev. J,, his researches in Kent's Cavern, 488, 495

Machairodus, the, 508, 524

Maghara, copper mines of, 6; stone hammers at, 230; flint arrow-head from, 405

Mahanuddy, small nuclei from banks of, 23

Mahudel, on the early use of stone, 3

Maize, Kaffir mill for grinding, 250; stone pestles for crushing, 257

Mallet, Indian mode of halting, 239

Malleus fulmineus, 63

Mammoth, caves of the Age of the, 481

Man, antiquity of in Britain, 703; his co-existence with extinct animals, 474, 508, 513, 524, 700, &c.; early occupation of caves, 475, 480, &c.; mammalian fauna altered by, 482

Mandingoes, single-barbed arrows of the, 394

Manethonian dynasty, the third, use of grooved hammers in, 235

Manganese, dendritic markings due to presence of, 660

Mangles, Mr. H. A., drift implements found in Wey valley by, 595

Manning, Mr. Percy, implements found by, near Oxford, 594

Mantell, the late Dr., 84, 148, 308

Manufactories of flint implements, 34, 268, 280, 359, 401, 402; at Cissbury, 79; at Crayford, 606; in Guernsey, 401; at the Lake of Varese, 402; at Lyme Regis, 35; at Massingham Heath, 83; at Moosseedorf, 22; "wasters" found at, 80, 649

Maoris, bows unknown among the, 360; their jade chisels, 178; uses of the "Toki" among the, 172

Marathon, source of stone arrow-heads at, 368, 403

Marbodæus quoted as to the ceraunius, 64

Marcou, M., on N. American mauls, 235

Marine deposits in Fen gravels, 681

Marmot in Crayford beds, 607; in Fisherton beds, 631; presence of, indicative of climate, 699

Marrow of bones, a primitive delicacy, 504, 657

Marten, Mr. John, drift implement found by, 620

Martha's Hof, celt kept in a granary at, 58

Martin, Mr. C. Wykeham, scraper found by, 309

Mas d'Azil, painted pebbles in cave of, 484, 485

Mason, Mr. Otis T., "on aboriginal skin-dressing," 299

Massagetæ, their bronze arrow-heads, 368

Materials of which British celts are made, 65, 66, &c.; relative durability of, 655

Matter, solid, amount of in turbid water, 667

Mauls, stone, method of hafting, 169; in old copper workings, 233

Mealing-stones, absent in palæolithic times, 657; and muller, 251; from Swiss Lake-dwelling, 246, 250; on the site of Troy, 253

Medicinal powers, supposed, of stone implements, 271, 365, 437

Meillet, M., referred to, 327; on the causes of alteration in flint, 497

"Mell" for preparing barley, 451

Memnon, bronze sword of, 4

Mentone, intermediate age of deposits in caves near, 475, 487

Mercati, his suggestion as to the origin of celts, 62

Meres, New Zealand, difficulty of boring, 52; mode of using, 118; as denoting chieftainship, 226

Merewether, the late Dean, implements found by, 309

Meriones, bronze arrow of, 4

Merovingian interments, flint chips in, 283; flint implements in, 144, 145; iron arrow-heads in, 394; iron-mounted scrapers in, 314; stone objects in, 470

Mesolithic, use of term deprecated, 702

Metal-working, possible use of, small hammers for, 223; stone discs perhaps connected with, 257

Meteoric iron, probably the first used, 5

Mexican arrow-heads, 24, 39; English appearance of, 406; blade with original handle, 355; flakes of obsidian, 288; hafting of metal axes, 155, 156; obsidian cores, 23; obsidian razors, 290; obsidian swords, 294

Meyer, Dr. A. B., his catalogue of jade objects, 110

"Meyrick's Armour" referred to, 200

Mica schist, with garnets, celt of, 97; battle-axe of, 197; hammer of, 225

Micaceous grit, axe-head of, 19S; celt of, 97; perforated adze of, 189

Mid-Pleistocene character of Crayford beds, 607

Mildenhall, recent arrow-heads made by workman of, 42

Mill, bed-stone and rolling pin as, 250; rotatory, 254

"Mill-bill" of present day, 146

Mill-dues of St. Albans, 258

Mills and balls in barrows, 253

Milner, Col., his celt with Gnostic inscriptions, 60

Mine de la Compagnie du Nord-Ouest, mauls found in, 235

"Miners' hammers," Irish, 234

Mining, in chalk, 33, 79, 172; stone mauls used for, 233, 234

Mining instruments of bronze, 233

Miocene Age, evidence doubtful as to existence of man in the, 374

Mirrors, possible use of polished stone discs as, 440

Missiles, possible use of discoidal implements as, 655

Mississippi, estimated amount of detritus carried by, 667

Missouri, chert quarry in, 80

Mitchell, Sir A., on the spindle and whorl, 437

Mitten, Mr., on the fossil mosses from Hoxne, 577

Mongols, use of military flail among the, 423

Monkman, Mr. C, on sling-stones and intrenchments, 419

Montelius, Prof., referred to, 154, 261

Montezuma, arrow-making in palace of, 406; stone axe of, 157

Moraines of glaciers, boulder-clay mainly derived from, 697

Morison, Fynes, on Irish corn- grinding, 251

Morlot, M., his suggestions as to grinding flints, 43

"Morning star," a modification of the staff-sling, 423

Morse, Miss, her assistance with fossil plants from Hoxne, 577

Mortars, 245, 257, 450

Mortillet, M. A. de, on celt with haft-mark, 154; M. Gabriel de, on boring of Swiss axes, 51; on the chronological sequence of cave deposits, 475; classification of caves by, 483; on a cubical grindstone, 245; on early cruciform ornaments, 454; on Greek inscribed celt, 62; his subdivisions of Palæolithic Period, 528; on tube-boring, 47; referred to, 194, 232, 278, 296

Moscardo on the Pietre ceraunie, 364

Moseley, Mr. H. N., worked jade brought by, from New Zealand, 46

Moss, flint blade handled with, 349

Mosses, fossil, at Hoxne, 577

Moulds, bronze, for celts, &c., 269; stone, for bronze implements, 443

Mound in Tennessee, hatchet from, 171

Mousterien Age, characteristics of, 483

Much, Dr., on the Hellebarde, 146

Müller, Dr. Sophus, on the burial of axes, 76; referred to, 261

Mullers, present use of, 248; various forms of, 244, 252

Mumford, Rev. George, celt fixed in a tree found by, 150

Munro, his "Lake Dwellings" referred to, 45, 297

Mur de Barrez, flint pit at, 35

Museums of Antiquaries, Soc. of, England, 78, 126, 141, 150, 196, 229, 346, 377, 405; Berlin, 188, 191, 294; Blois, 187; Bonn, 136; Brighton, 449, 518; Brtish, passim; Brunswick, 191; Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 73, 74, 88, 92, 100, 104, 178, 191, 251, 336, 390, 538; Fitch, 100; Woodwardian, 92, 100, 538, 595; Canterbury, 353; Castleton, 342; Charterhouse School, 596; Clermont Ferrand, 286, 465; Copenhagen, Ethnological, 167, 183,191, 226, 245, 246, 286, 292, 347; Derby, 225; Devizes, 428; Douai, 169; Dresden, Ethnological, in; Historical, 157; Economic Geology, Jermyn Street, 84, 174, 357, 583, 615; Edinburgh, National, passim; Exeter, Albert, 192, 407, 445, 639; Geneva, 113, 185; Ghizeh, 359, 369; Grierson, at Thornhill, 200; Kelso, 119; Keswick, Crosthwaite collection, 106, 117; Kirkcudbright, 442; Königsberg, 403; Lausanne, 185, 292, 327; Leeds, Bateman collection, passim; Philosophical Society, 187, 191, 221; Leicester, 103, 230, 254, 470; Leipzig, 191, 220; Le Puy, 101, 296, 411; Leverian, 212, 441, 575, &c.; Lewes, 101, 174; Leyden, 114, 128. 205, 403, 405; Egyptian, 174, 354; Liverpool, Mayer collection, 96, 151, 235, 354; Lund, 418; Lyons, 109; Madras, Central, 569; Mainz, 109, 160, 268; Montrose, 224, 421; Morbihan, Société Polymathique de, 109; Namur, 402; Nancy, Musée Lorrain, 59; Naples, 354; Neufchâtel, 232; Newcastle, Soc. Ant., 104, 123, 124, 126, 128, 193, 200, 383; Northampton, 110, 124; Norwich, 91, 100, 150, 202, 223, 229, 240, 440; Fitch collection, passim; Over Yssel, 157; Oxford, 337, 341, 518, 593; Ashmolean, 104, 354, 357; Paris, Musée d'Artillerie, 327; Perth, 421; Peterhead, Arbuthnot, 425, 463; Plymouth Institute, 200, 495; Powysland, 208, 342; Royal Irish Academy, 43, 85, 215, 308; St. Germain, 109, 160, 187, 262; Salisbury, Blackmore, passim; Scarborough, 207; Southampton, Hartley Institute, 293, 294; Stockholm, 418, 435; Stourhead Collection, 427; Sussex Archæological Society, 185, 242, 249; Swansea, Royal Institution, 187; Toulouse, 559; Troyes, 262; Truro, 187; Turin, Arsenal of, 379; Turin, Egyptian, 354; Upsala, 58; Vannes, 109; Vienna, Ambras, 157; Warrington, 234; Weimar, 109; Wilts Archæological Society, 268; Zurich, 269

Musk ox, remains of, in Cray Valley, 604, 607; remains of in Fisherton beds, 631; as indicative of climate, 699

Mussel-shell adzes, present use of, 182

Mycenæ, earthenware spindle-whorls at, 439; obsidian arrow-heads at, 403


Nardoo, Australian stones for grinding, 243

Necklaces, of arrow-heads, as charms, 367; Greek or Etruscan, 10; of jet, and other materials, 455–463

Needles, bone, in cave deposits, 433; in Creswell caves, 523, 524 ; drilled with flint, 321; in French caves, 484, 506; in Kent's Cavern, 506; bronze, central-eyed, 433; copper, 440

Needs, identical, like results produced by, 325

Neolithic Period, characteristics of, 54; difficulties of chronology of, 471; its range in time, 147; sepulchres, frequent disappearance of bones in, 656

Nephrite, traces of sawing on celt of, 43; engraved celt of, 60

Net-sinkers, 236, 237

Netting, possible use of bone instruments for, 432

New Caledonians, sling-stones of, 418, 419

Neuwied, Prinz, on Australian stone blades, 171

Newton, Mr. E. T., on human remains in Thames valley gravel, 607

New Zealand, jade adzes of, 166, 167; sawing of jade in, 45; thong-drill used in, 48

Nickel, presence of, in meteoric iron, 5

Nightmare, perforated stones good against, 469

Nilsson, Prof., on the date of certain axes, 52; on the obliquity of celt edges, 113; on perforated discs, 439; on rude sling-stones, 419; suggestion as to David's sling, 417; referred to, 184, 204, 241, 261, 271, 293, 294, 296, 297, 339, 350, 450

Nodule of flint, bludgeon-shaped, in grave, 277

Nodules of pyrites, their use in producing fire, 313-319

Norman, Mr. H. G., palæolithic implements found by, 604

Norway, method of testing celts in, 57

Notches on axes, for hafting, 169; on hammer-stones, 246, 247; worn on flakes, 642

Nouter, axe personified by, 62

Nuclei, their relation to flakes, 272; French, 277; small, 23


Oak, coffin, gold cup in, 449; trees, bark removed by bone chisels, 435; trees, experimental felling of, 162; trunks, hollowed, interments in, 398, 448

Oaks, present in brick-earth at Hoxne, 537

Obsidian, arrow-heads of, in California, 37; arrow-heads at Mycenæ, 403; arrow-heads from the Caucasus, 405; arrow-heads made in the Palace of Montezuma, 406; cores of, from Greek sites, 28, 278; Easter Island tool of, 289; flakes of, in Greece, 278, 284, 286; jade bored by, in New Zealand, 46; knives of, skin-hafted, 293; knives of, in Teneriffe, 8; methods of working, 23-25, 39; Mexican dagger-blades of, 354; scrapers of, 310

Ochre, red, in interment, 149; use of as cosmetic, 263

Ochreous tinting of gravel implements, 617, &c.

Ofai ara, Polynesian sling-stones, 420

Ohio Valley, steatite tubes from, 50

Ojibway Indians, 168

Oliver, Lieut., R.E., drift implement found by, 626

Ophthalmia, Burmese treatment of, 60

Ore, iron, in interment, 313, 317

Ornament, cruciform, early occurrence of, 453

Ornaments, funereal, 84; perforated for suspension, 321; personal, 452-472, 484, 657; pulley-like, of jet, 398}}

Ornamentation on axes, 196-198, 211; on baking stones, 440; on balls, 420; on beads, 457, 458; on cups, 444, 448; on cylinders of chalk, 421; on hammer, 226; on jet ring, 454; on lamp, 445; on querns, 259, 260; on spindle-whorls, 438; on stone vessel, 451

Ostrich, egg-shell, discs of, worn by Bushmen, 277; bone used by Bushmen for arrow-shafting, 410

Otter-skin, Califomian knives hafted with, 293

Out-door and in-door use, varying implements for, 641

Ouvry, late Mr. F., Egyptian implement found by, 652

Overlapping of the three Ages, 11, 227

Ovid, his mention of the sickle of Medea, 5; his mention of the stone used by Atys, 9; on the wearing action of water, 477

Oviedo on sawing with sand and string, 44

Ox, African, sacrifice of, with stone implement, 10

Ox horn, possible use of, in tube-boring, 50; dagger-hilt of, 265


Paint, red, early use of, 149, 263, 264; from hæmatite, 312; stone mullers used for grinding, 248

Palæolithic deposits, their relation to Boulder clay, 577, 685, 697

floors, buried under "trail," 698; discovery of, 586, 591; flint workshop on, 606; heaps of flint lying on, 598; implements from, 587; preservation of delicate flakes in, 643; replacement on original cores of, flakes from, 598; under brick-earth, 598; under Wey valley gravels, 595

implements, compared with neolithic, 12, 648, 657

man, evidence for unity of races of, 654

Palæolithic Period, characteristics of implements of, 53; grindstones apparently unknown in, 85; conditions of human life in, 657

Palestine, ceremonial use of stone knives in, 9

Palstaves, bronze, hafting of, 163

Patagonians, arrow-heads of, 406; varieties of Bolas among, 422

Patination of flints, 187, 660

Patroclus, prize at funeral games of, 5

Paulus Jovius on bone bracers in England, 430

Pausanias on the use of metals in the heroic times, 4, 7

Peale, Mr. T. R., on the use of bone in arrow-chipping, 39

Peat, injurious effect of, on wood, 152; moss, hafted hatchet found in, 151; moss, sling-stones in, 419; moss, stone knives arranged in, 593; Oxford, recent flora in, 593; palæolithic implements at base of, 539

Pebbles, as amulets, 466, 469; cheese-shaped, 244; with depressions worked, 241, 244, 270; flint, disintegration of, 497; grooved, 271; in interments, 467, &c.; naturally perforated, 469, 470; painted, in the cave of Mas d'Azil, 484; perforated, for hammers, 217; perforated, for net-sinkers, 439; polished, in tumuli, 214, 443, 467; as pounders, 244; of quartz, battered by use, 25; of quartzite, hammers of, 228; sacred, 468; for slinging, 419

Pemberton, American inscribed axe from, 58

Pendants of amber, 460; of bone, 463; of bronze at Hallstatt, 464; of jasper and callais, 465; of jet, 461, &c., 466; of serpentine, 470

Pengelly, Mr., exploration of Brixham cave by, 512; of Kent's Cavern, 488, 491

Pennacooks, mode of using pestle among the, 257; their scrapers, 299

Pennant, Mr., on querns in the Hebrides, 258

Penning, Mr. W. H., on African palolithic implements, 653; palæolithic implements found by, 602, 603

Pennington, Mr. Rooke, barrow opened by, 467

Perceval, Mr. Spencer G., drift implement found by, 624

Perforations in celts, 142; incomplete, of axe-heads, 205, 226; natural, in flints, 184, 225; in pebbles, 217, 470; in stone, how effected, 46, 47; in stone, possible use of in cord-making, 428; in whetstones, 268; in wooden handle of flake, 292

Perrault, M., researches in the Camp de Chassey, 159

Persian arrows, iron, 394, 396

Persians, myth as to their skill in archery, 361

Personal ornaments, amulets, &c., 452-472

Perthes, M. , Boucher de, discoveries in Somme valley, 12, 490; on celt handle, 160; on uses of pointed implements, 655; on worked flints at Abbeville, 526

Peru, obsidian working in, 24

Pestle and mortar, 252, 254

Pestle-like implements, 135, 149

Petrie, Prof. Flinders, on Egyptian blades, ripple-marked, 359; on fibre-hafted knife, 293; flint hatchets, hafting of, 169, 170; lance-head, 354; palæolithic implements found by, 652, 653; on sickles, 297; on tube- boring, 51

Pfahl-bauten, Swiss, flint workshop in the, 22; sawing on celts of, 43

Philip II. of Macedon, imitations of coin of, found with arrow-head, 397

Phillips, Mr. B., on softening amber, 449

Pickel, Conrad, his name Latinized into Celtes, 56

Picks of red deer horn used for flint extraction, 33

Picks and chisels, 173-182

"Picts* Castle," 138

"Picts' houses," see Brochs

"Picts' knives," flakes resembling, 281, 292; not of flint, 345; recent use of, 348; possible use of in whaling, 348

Pierre de tonnerre, 57

Pig, Roman sacrifice of, with flint weapon, 10

"Pikelet stones" now made of iron, 440

Pins or awls, 433; bone, in interments, 83; from Kent's Cavern, 488, 506; bronze, 214; possible use of, in interments, 432

Pipes of erosion, 548, 602, 707

Pisander, bronze axe of, 4

"Pisky grinding-stones," 437

Pitcairn on the diabolical origin of elf-arrows, 366

Pitch, Scandinavian use of, for mounting bronze implements, 170

Pithecanthropus erectus, Dr. Dubois', alluded to, 703

Pits for the extraction of flints, 33, 35, 78

Pivot stones, 242

Planes, Eskimo, use of scrapers as, 299

"Plateau type," doubtful character of flints of, 609, 643, 658

Plate of gold in barrow, 227

Plates of amber for necklaces, 460; of jet, 457, &c.

Pleistocene fauna, association of worked flints with, 606, 700, 701, &c.; implements, European, similarity of those of Somaliland with, 653

Pliny as to Cerauniæ, 64, 481; on the Glossopetra, 363 ; on the ovum anguinum, 437; on pyrites, 16

Plot, Dr., on the true character of stone axes, 63; on flint arrow-heads, 362

Ploughshare, bronze, ceremonial use of, by the Tuscans, 5

Plowright, Dr. C. B., on a Norfolk flint factory, 83

Plutarch on the bronze weapons of Theseus, 4

"Pluvial Period," Mr. Tylor on the, 698

Poem, early German, referred to, 146

Pogamoggon, its use by Shoshone Indians, 424 Poison, etymological testimony to its use on arrows, 362

Pole-lathe, mechanism of, 447

Polished patches on celts due to hafting, 89, 337

Polishers of stone, 266, 267; in Kent's Cavern, 492

Polishing, absence of from palæolithic implements, 649; processes for, 43

"Polissoirs," 262

Polygonal flakes, abundance of, in River-Drift, 642

Poppe, Mr. A., doubtful discoveries of hafted hatchets by, 163

Porphyritic greenstone, axes of, 193, 198; celts of, 104, 116, 124, 125, 129, 130, 136; chisel-like implement of, 176; knife of, 346; perforated adze of, 189

Porphyry, rolled fragments of, in Bournemouth gravels, 694; Spanish implements of, 529; slate, polished pebble of, 467

Pottery, absence of, from palæolithic deposits, 658; association of, with celts, 152; fragment of, from Cissbury, 79; in interments, 160, 248, 464; materials pounded for making, 257; possible use of bone instruments in making, 432; Roman, flint flakes with, 283; serrated flints for decorating, 296

"Pot-stone," or steatite, 444; why so called, 451

Poulton, Prof. E.B„ drift implements found by, 626

Pounders, pebbles used as, 244-248; ridged by use, 246; spherical, 250

Pounding-stones, palæolithic, probable uses of, 657

Pourtales, M. F. de, on the use of bone in arrow-chipping, 39

Pressigny-le-Grand, cores from, 27, 28; long flakes at, 29

Prestwich, the late Sir Joseph; researches with author in Somme valley, 490, 527; at Icklingham, 539; at Reculver, 613; his report on Brixham Cave, 512; section of Ouse valley, 531; section of Lark valley, 543; section of Reculver Sands, 617; on drift deposits at Hoxne, 574; on drift deposits capping chalk downs, 608; implements found by, 593, 632; on Fishertonbeds, 630; on uses of pointed implements, 645, 654; on river action, 663; on transporting power of ground-ice, 671; on disintegrating effect of frost, 672; on materials of drift gravels, 678; on level of Waveney valley, 683; old sea-beach found by at Waterbeach, 687; on valley erosion, 697; on difference between high and low level valley deposits, 699; on time needed for forming pipes of erosion, 707

Probert, Mr. C. K., drift implement found by, 538

Prometheus as to cave-dwelling men, 480

Promptorium Parvulorum quoted as to slick-stones, 441

Ptahmes, his name on stone knife, 8

Puddingstone, Hertfordshire, querns of, 259

Pulley-beads, 560

Pulley-shaped rings, of jet, 352, 398, 455 ; of cannel-coal, 456

"Pump-drill" for producing fire by friction, 48, 49

Punches, probable uses of in flint-flaking, 23, 25, 278; in making axes, 32

"Purgatory Hammer, 183

"Pygmy flints," 325

Pyrenees, Claudian on worked flints of the caves of, 480

Pyrites, association of, with worked flints, 5, 313, 314, 316; in Belgian bone caves, 15, 318; in interments, 265, 313, &c., 467; scored, in Trou de Chaleux, 318, 501; use of with flint for fire-producing, 5, &c.; its use evidenced by its name, 16

Pyrodes, myth as to his introduction of fire, 16, 313


Quarries of stone for implements, 80

Quartz, American arrow or harpoon heads of, 407; Australian hafting of flakes of, 293; beads of, 465; celt of, 136; crystals of, used for boring, 322; Egyptian celt of, 113; flat disc of, 244; pebbles, association of, with flint flakes, 25; hammers of, 243, 248; pebbles in interments, 467; slickstones of, 442; Swiss arrow-head of, 402; implements, African, 653; implements from Portugal, 529

Quartzite, axe-hammer of, 207; celt of, 113; flakes of, 281; hammer-heads of, 225, 228, 229; implements of, 587, 593, 650, 651, 654; implements from Somaliland, 653; mauls of, 234; pebbles of, battered glacial, 561; pebbles, implements of, 566, 579, 594; pebles in Little Ouse valley, 682; plano-convex disc of, 231; qualities of, for implement making, 581; Scotch arrow-head of, 377; spherical implement of, 244

Quaternary beds, freshwater origin of, 679; first discovery of implements in, 581; in Portugal, 529; reported human remains in, 703; fauna, continental conditions of in England, 707; gravel, character of flint implements from, 12

Queen Charlotte Islands, basalt hammer from, 25

Querns, 258-260; from Brochs, 463

Quoit, disc resembling, 440


Rabut, M., hammer-stone found by, in the Lac du Bourget, 246

Rain, proportion of, that reaches chalk springs, 675

Rainfall, dependence of height of saturation of chalk on, 664; valley erosion dependent on amount of, 666, 668

Rats, perforated discs for guarding against, 439

Rau, Prof., his experiments on boring stone, 48; referred to, 237, 241

Rayos or Centellos, 58

Razors, Mexican, of obsidian, 290

Read, Mr. C. J., on Milford Hill finds, 632

Read, Mr. C. H., on Bolas, 423

Read, Mr. W., C. E., drift implements found by, 623

Red deer, antlers of, used in flint digging, 33; found at Cissbury, 79; flat instrument made from, 432; circle of in barrow, 466; sockets made from, 160

"Red woman of Paviland," 487

Reeds, use of, for shafting arrows, 369, 409, 410

Refuse heaps in Dordogne caves, 478

"Regenbogen-schüsseln," with flint arrow-head, 397

Reid, Mr. Clement, on the Arctic flora of Hoxne, 577; on the Hoxne deposits, 685

Reindeer or Cavern Period, arrow-heads of, 361; cave-dwellers of, in S. of France, 277; characteristics of, 53; characteristics of caves of the, 482; objects found in caverns of, 321; scrapers of, 311; toothed flakes of, 296;_ use of red paint in, 264; worked stones in caves of, 245

Reindeer horn, Eskimo flaking-tool tipped with, 37; harpoon-heads of, 484; rows of holes bored in, 321

Religious rites, survival of ancient customs in, 5, 7

"Reliquiæ Diluvianæ," Dean Buckland's, 487

Resin, its use in mounting flakes, 293, 409

Rhinoceros, bones of leg of, in apposition, 701; hemitœchus, remains of, in Wales with human works, 520

Rib, with incised horse on it, 523

Rib-like bone, marks of sawing on, 539

"Ribbon-sling," 417

Richard, Abbe, flint flakes found by, in tomb of Joshua, 9; Syrian drift implements shewn by, 652

Rickard, Mr. J. C, on palæolithic African implements, 653

Ridged flakes defined, 641

Ridges worn on hammer stones, 246

Ridley, Messrs, E. P. & H. N., on fossil plants at Hoxne, 577

Rigollot, Dr., on implements at St. Acheul, 526, 527

Rings of jet in interments, 265, 266, 308, 352, 426, 455; with radial perforations, 454, 456; of Kimmeridge shale, 456; penannular, of bronze, 456; of Samian ware, 466; spiral, of bronze, 398; of stone, 465; studs combined with, for fastenings, 454

Ripple marking on Egyptian and Danish blades, 359; on British arrow-heads, 392, 393

River basins, present lowering of, 668

River Drift, antiquity of, 662, &c.; causes of crumpling, 697, 698; and surface periods, gap between, 650, 704; implements of, 526, et seqq.; implements compared with those of caves, 474; French and English, resemblance of, 627, 630; mammalian remains in, 528, &c.; molluscan in, 531, 536, 539, &c.; sorting of materials of, by water action, 667, 673

River gravels, scrapers rarely found in, 311; stone implements found in, 147-150

Rivers, amount of detritus carried by, 667; former,near Cromer,572; former, preceding the Solent, 622, 634, 690,694; former, connected with the Waveney, 577; former, represented by the Wye, 521; origin of systems of, 665; transporting power of, 666, &c.

Rivers, General Pitt, his explorations at Cissbury, 33, 78-82; on the classification of flint arrows, 370; on implements in the London gravels, 589; flint flakes found by, in Egyptian gravel, 652; palæolithic implements found by, 604

Robenhausen, pyrites found in lake settlement of, 15

Robinson, Sir J. C, palæolithic implements found by, 626

Rock-crystal, perforation of, on the Rio Negro, 52; piece of in cist, 468

Rocks, calcareous, erosion of, 477, &c.

Rock-shelters, formation of, 476

Rolled condition of implements in lower parts of valleys, 681

Rolleston, the late Prof., his find at Oxford, 593

Rolling-pin and bed-stone, 250

Romano-British village, "coal money" in, 465; shale cups in, 448

Roman remains, stone objects with, 109, 144, 237, 244, 283; in Lark valley, 543; sites, flakes found on, 283; sites, bone pins on, 431; sites, discoidal stone weights on, 443; soldier with bracer represented on monument, 430

Romans, ceremonial use of flint by the, 9; pyrites used by, for fire-producing, 313; staff-sling used by, 418

Rome, bronze shears used at, by priest of Jupiter, 5

Roots, possible use of pointed implements in digging for, 645, 655

Rose, Mr., his suggestion as to tube-boring, 50

Rotatory mill, 254

Roughening of implements for insertion into sockets, 46, 125, 128, 136; of hammers for grasping, 243

Roundels of stone, suggested use of, 49

"Round-nosed chisels," stone implements resembling, 180

Rowe, Rev. A, L., quartzite drift implement found by, 578

Rubbers needed for polishing concave surfaces, 266

Ruddle, rubbing stone associated with, 263; nodules of, with charcoal, 263, 264

Rumph on the "Dondersteenen " of Java, 59

Runic characters on stone celts, 58

Rushes, use of, for cord in hafting, 292

Rutley, Mr. F., drift implement found by, 616


Sabines, use of bronze knives by priests of the, 5

Sabre-toothed tiger, presence of, in British caves, 508, 524

Saddle-querns, 251

St. Acheul, Kent's Cavern implements of the age of, 495

St. Alban's mill dues, 258

"Salagramma pebble, " Indian custom concerning, 468

Salmon, M. Philippe, his division of the Stone ages, 485

Salt-mines, grooved axes in, 169; stone mauls found in, 234

"Samian ware," ring of, 466

Sand, use of, in boring stone, 49; use of, in grinding concave surfaces, 266; polishing effect of, 659

Sandars, Mrs. E., side scraper found by, 636

Sandstone, cup of, 444 ; grooved pieces of, 83; grooved nodule of, as sinkstone, 236; perforated plates of, 428, 431; pyriform piece of, 442

Sarmatians, their early ignorance of the use of iron, 7

"Sarsen-stone," mullers of, 248; interment under, 352

Saucer of shale, 443

Savage Island, shaped sling-stones in, 418

Savages, modern, hafting of implements by, 155, 161, &c.; their use of perforated implements, 215; of stone implements, 172; of unmounted tools, 171

Savoy, superstition regarding celts in, 57

Saws, flint, in La Madelaine caves, 484; serrated flakes as, 249, 297; small flakes mounted as. 293

Sawing, mechanical aids to, 44; modern experiments in, 44, 297; signs of, rare in British implements, 43; traces of, on Spanish celt, 44

Saxo Grammaticus on Thor's Hammer, 62

Saxon graves, fibula and flints in, 144; flint arrow-heads in, 397; quern in, 259; steels and chipped flints in, 283

Saxon remains in Lark valley, 543; spindle-whorl with, 439

Scales offish in river drift, 540, 541

Scaling fish, possible use, of scrapers for, 312, note

Scalping knife, possible use of stone blade as, 355

Scandinavian axes, 184; how bored, 49; blades, crescent-shaped, 297; flint knives, 8; harpoon-heads, 277; hone, 271; superstitions as to stone implements, 366, 469; two-edged flint blades, 294

Schlalum Indians, adze of the, 166

Scheffer, on burial customs of the Lapps, 283 Lapp divining stone engraved by, 470

Schliemann, arrow-heads found by, at Mycenæ, 403; flakes for sickles found by, 297; grooved stone mentioned by, 235; mealing stones found by, 253; on Trojan sling bullets, 418

Schmerling, Dr., his discoveries in Belgian caves, 481

Schoolcraft on American perforated maces, 216; on hammer-stones, 219, 241

Sciat-hee, Sir D. Wilson on the, 366

"Scies," 296

Scotch fir, submerged forest of, at Bournemouth, 695

Scrapers, classification of, 300; discoidal, 302, 308; double-ended, 307; duck-bill shaped, 304, 305; from Palæolithic Floor, 600; hollow, 319; horseshoe-shaped, 300, 308, 311; in brick-earth, 599; iron-mounted in Merovingian graves, 314; irregular in form, 306; kite-shaped, 303, 304; in kjökken-möddings, 310; method of making, 36, 298, &c.; modern use of, 299, 320; numerous, where flint abounds, 310; rare in River Drift, 643; resemblance between ancient and modern, 314, 315; of the Reindeer Period, 311; spoon-shaped, 308, 310; straight, 319; traces of wear on, 311, 495; use of, in preparing hides, 311, 312; use of, in producing fire, 312-319, 501; why so named, 643; with bronze weapons, 309

Scraping, results of, on flint flakes, 289; wear from, on Brixham flints, 516

Scythes, myths concerning, 361

Scythians, their skill in archery, 361; their bronze arrow-heads, 368

Sea, rate of encroachment by the, 695; on soft cliffs, 707; at Reculver, 686

Sea shells in Whittlesea Mere, 681

Sections of Brixham Cave, 512, 513; at Bromehill, 560, 561; at Hackney Down, 584; of Hitchin brickfield, 536, 537; at Hoxne, 574, 575; of Isle of Wight, 626; of Kent's Cavern deposits, 491; of Lark valley, 543; of Ouse valley, 531, 551; of Rea valley, 579; of Reculver cliffs, 617; at Shrubhill, 569; of gravels at Southampton, 623

Seeley, Mr. H., on an incised bone, 539

Sehested, Mr., his experiments with stone implements, 50, 69

Selci romboidale, 325

Sellers, Mr. G. E., on stone-chipping, 24

Sérifontaine, pits for flint extraction at, 35

Serpentine arrow-head, Swiss, 402; axe-hammers, 206, 213; celts, 66, 125, 130, 138; chisel, Swiss, 177; Merovingian pendants 470; ovoid implement, 467; perforated discs, 216; hammers, 221, 224; ring, 465

Serpula limestone, instruments of, 128, 227

Serration, varying, of flint saws, 294, 297

Seton-Karr, Mr. H. W., discoveries in Somaliland, 652, 653; palæolithic Egyptian implements found by, 652

Sets or punches, 24, 25

Shafting of arrow-heads, methods of, 408-411

Shafts of arrows, compound, 410; concave scrapers for, 320; grooved pebbles for straightening, 268; South American, 407

Shale, cups of, 445; pendants of, 463; rings of, 466

Sharpening-stones, 161-171

Sharp-rimmed implements, classification of, 646

Shasta Indians, arrow -chipping among, 39, 40

Shelley, Mr., flakes collected by, 278

Shell-gouges, Carib use of, 182

Shells, extinct in England, in Cam river-drift, 539; fossil, as ornaments, 484; freshwater, their evidence as to source of gravels, 679; fresh water, with Hoxne implements, 684; fresh water and land, in Ouse gravels, 531; land and marsh at Hampton, 617; used as pendants, 470

Shetland blades, 347

Shield, wooden, in Saxon tumulus, 163

Shoe-shaped implements defined, 645

Shore-ice, transporting power of, 672

Shoshonee Indians; military flail used by, 423

Shrubsole, Mr. O. A., on the Caversham beds, 592

Sibbald, Sir Robert, on elf-arrows, 362; on the artificial nature of flint arrow-heads, 363

Siberian use of stones for pounding, 245

Sickle, bronze, of Medea, 5

Sickles, Egyptian, 297; possible use of curved knives as, 358

Side-scrapers, definition of, 300, 302; in caves and River drifts, 548, 635, 643

Silex, suggested etymology of, 15

Silica, two forms of, in flint, 497

Silver, arrow-heads mounted in, 365,367; present use of stone tools in working, 232

Similarity of wants, similarity of implements due to, 235, 407

Sinew, animal, modern use of, in arrow-shafting, 409, 410; Eskimo weapon of chase made of, 422; its use for sewing, 507, 657

Sink-stones, present use of, 236, 237

Siret, M. M., saddle-querns found by, in Spain, 252

"Skelbs," Scottish for flakes, 275

Skeletons, bracers on arms of, 426, 429, 456; cause of contracted attitude, 149; contracted, articles with, 309, 313; female, necklaces with, 457, 459, 462, 463; jet ornaments with, 454; pebbles in hands of, 467, 468; in Quaternary beds, 656, 703; in Spain, articles found with, 333, 352

Skertchlcy, Mr., on manufacture of gun-flints, 15, 18; on the date of the Brandon beds, ,568

Skins, flakes hafted by, 293; preparation of, with stone implements, 127, 299, 340; scraper for, from Kent's Cavern, 499

Skull, human, in Cheddar Cave, 486; in gravel pit of Ouse valley, 542; near Bury St. Edmunds, 656, 703

Slabs for sharpening stone implements, 261

Sladen, Major, jade celts brought from China by, 127

Slate, chlorite, perforated plates of, 425; knives of, 358; used for arrows and lance-heads, 404

"Slekenstone," its renderings into Latin, 441

Slickstone of glass in woman's grave, 442

Slickstones, various, 441

Sling, early use of the, 417

Slinging by means of split stick, 417

Sling-stones, early forms and materials of, 418; in Kjökken-möddings, 419; their relation to intrenchments, 420

Sloane catalogue, reference to "British weapon" in, 581

Smith, Mr. G., implement found by, at Southsea, 626; Captain G. V., experiments with Kjökken-mödding axes, 69; Captain John, on arrow-chipping in Virginia, 40; Mr. Worthington G., echini found by, in barrow, 468; flakes fitted on to palæolithic cores by, 20, 598 ; finds old land surface under brick-earth, 598 ; palæolithic implements found by, in gravels, 530, 583-586, 601-604, 611, 624

Smoothing stone, tanged, 443

Snake River Indians, arrow-chipping by, 40

Snake-stones, snake bites treated by, 437

Socket of celts, polishing due to friction of, 89, 142; intermediate, of stag's horn, 158, 160; mode of fastening axe in, 156; stone, for hinge, 242

Solent, ancient river of the, 634, 637; its former basin, 638, 690; subsequent widening of, 691

Solinus on the abundance of jet in Britain, 464

Solutré, characteristics of Age of, 484

Solvent power of carbonic acid, 675

Somme, implements in the drift of the valley of the, 490

Sophocles, his mention of the bronze sickle of Medea, 5

Sotacus, concerning Cerauniæ, 64, 480; his date, 65

South Sea Islanders, adze-like implement of, 138

Spanish trillas, 284

Spalls of flint, 564

Spalding, Mr. F., 179

Spear-heads of flint, 348, &c.; with notches at side 351

Spear-shafts, concave scrapers for shaping, 320

Specks, shining, on flints from the gravel, 565, 659

Spiennes, cores from, 27; flint manufactory at, 34; stag's horn hammers at, 35

Spindles, upright, of corn-mills, 242

Spindle-whorls, 436, &c.; absent in palæolithic times, 657; cidares used as, 469; in Kent's Cavern, 492; varieties of, 438

Spinning and weaving, early practice of, 436; method of, 437

Spinning-wheel, possible classical use of, 436

Spiral ornament on bone bead, 211; on glass bead, magic virtue of, 437

Splinters and flakes of flint, distinction between, 275

Springs in the chalk, 664, 675

Spurrell, Mr. Flaxman C. J., flint flakes replaced on cores by, 20, 606; on final flaking of Danish daggers, 42; implements found by, 572, 605, 606; on ripple-marked Egyptian blades, 359; on stone implement making at Kahun, 45; on flakes mounted for sickles, 297

Staff-sling, its use in Roman times, 418

Stag's horn, axe or hoe of, 434; bone-tipped implement of, 416; for hafting celts, 128; for hafting flakes, 292; hammers of, 35, 41, 186, 434; implements for arrow-flaking, 41, 393; in interments, 148, 398; in mines, 233, 234; picks of, 33, 34; punch of, for obsidian working, 25; sockets of, 158, 161; in Swiss Lake-dwelling, 321

Stalactite, formation of, 479; piece of in barrow, 466

Stalagmite, deposition of, 479; of Kent's Cavern, 511

Stan-æx and stan-bill, 145

Stanley, the late Hon. W. O., researches in Holyhead, 230, 234, 244, 252, 450, 466

Steatite, cup of, 444; New Caledonian sling-stones of, 418; sawed with string and sand, 45; tubes of in Ohio valley, 50; its use for hollow vessels, 451

Steels with flints in Saxon graves, 283

Steenstrup, on marks of attrition on celts, 80, 297; as to use of Kjökken-mödding axes, 69

"Steenstrup's markings" on oval blade, 337

Stevens, Mr. Alfred H., implements found by at Bournemouth, 635; the late Mr. E. T., classification by, of palæolithic implements, 641, 644, 646-648; implements found by, 627; Dr. Joseph, drift implements found by, in Thames valley, 143, 591, 592; referred to, 277

Stick, split, slinging by means of, 417

Stone of the Arrows, 262

Stone of Heaven, 5

Stone Age, division of into Earlier and Later stages, 12, 474

Stone and Bronze Periods, overlapping of, 89, 143, 150, 211, 471, &c.

Stone weight, name suggestive of origin, 443

Stopes, Mr. H., Syrian and Egyptian implements found by, 652

Strabo, on the exportation of amber to England, 449

"Strahlhammer," 63

Streams, carrying power of, 666

"Strike-a-lighf" flints, arrow-heads used for, 400; present manufacture of, 17, 21; their resemblance to early scrapers, 314

Studs of amber, 456; of jet with rings in interments, 454-456

Strombus gigas, gouge-like instrument formed from, 182

Stukeley, his account of a stone axe, 183; on elf's arrows, 366

Submarine forest at Bournemouth, 695; at Hunstanton, celt found in tree of, 150

"Subterranean reservoir" of the chalk, 664

Suetonius on a portentous find of stone axes, 65

Superstitions concerning stone: adzes, 59; arrow-heads, 363-367; axes, 62, 63, 145, 183; celts, 56-61; hammers, 62; "lucky-stones," 469; pebbles, 467, 468; "witch-stone," 470

Surface-flaking of arrow-heads, 392, 393

Surface Period, synonymous with Neolithic, 12

Surface drainage, lessening with amelioration of climate, 676

Survival of bronze implements in religious rites, 5

Swiss Lake-dwellings, arrow-heads, bone, in, 402; animals, domesticated, 358; awls, perforated, 323; bastard gouges, 182; bitumen, use of in hafting, 170, 409; celts, socketed, 128, 136; degree of civilization in, 358; disc, perforated, 191; flakes, trimmed, 327; flakes, mounting of, 502; hafting of celts, 167; hafting of hatchets, 155, 158, 162; knife, peculiar, 348; needles of bone, 433; sling-stones, 418

Swords, bronzy, 4; leaf-shaped Egyptian, 8; Mexican obsidian, 294

Sword-like blades, Irish, of slaty stone, 363

Syenite, axe-hammer of, 211; celt of, 127; and greenstone, celts of at Kent's Cavern, 488

Symonds, Rev. W. S., on changes in Wye valley, 521


"Taawisch," Nootka Sound war axes, 157

Tacitus, on the arrows of the Fenni, 361

Tahitians, their shaped sling-stones, 419; sharpening of hatchets by, 263; stone pestle of, 257

Tasmanians, pebble superstitions among the, 468; unmounted celts used by, 171

Taunus slate, perforated hoe of, 191

Taylor, Mr. J. B., African palæolithic imple- ments brought by, 653

Teeth, attrition of, by grit from grinding-stones, 253, 254

Teneriffe, use of obsidian knives in, 8

Terraces of gravel left during erosion of valleys, 73; near London, 590, 685; in Waveney valley, 578

Tertiary implements, so called, 658

Teutonic interments, stone objects in, 468, 470

"Thesaurus Brandenburgicus," occurrence of Celtes in, 55

Thong-drill, use of, 48

"Thor's Donnerkeil," 51

Thor's hammers, 62, 145, 184

Threshing instrument resembling the tribulum, 284

"Thumb-flint," method of making, 36

"Thunder axes," 56

"Thunder-stones" in Dutch Guiana, 271; in Western Africa, 60

Thurburn, Capt. H., Greek celts brought by, 126; African celt brought by, 241

Thurnam, the late Dr., on the connection of leaf-shaped arrow-heads with long barrows, 377; on flat plates of stone, 427; on javelin-heads, 370; referred to, 244, 250, 269, 280, 291, 294, 309

Tibia, its use suggested by its name, 432

Tierra del Fuego, pyrites used in for producing fire. 15

Tiffin, Mr., junr., implements found by, 627, 634

Tiger, sabre-toothed, in Kent's Cavern, 508; in Creswell Crags, 524

"Tilhuggersteene," Danish, 241

Time, incalculable, needed for geological changes, 609, &c.

Tindall, Mr. E., implements found by, 249, 251, 295, 332

Tinder-boxes, no early record of the use of flint for, 17

Tiryns, flint flakes from, 403

Tobacco pipes, N. American, boring of, 52

"Toki" of the Maoris, 172

Toltecs, use of stone mortars by, 257

Tomahawks, Australian, 26; mounting of, i66; time required to make, 52; North American, 216

"Tonderkiler" and "Torden-steen," 57

Tongue-shaped implements defined, 644; found, 539, 572, 649

Topley, Mr. W., on possible ice action in Darent valley, 610; ovate implement found by, 621

Tor Bryan Caves, 516, 517

Torquay Nat. Hist. Soc., exploration of Kent's Cavern by, 490

Torquemada, his account of Aztec obsidian working, 23; on Mexican razors, 290

Touraine, flint industry of, 30

"Traha," a form of tribulum, 284

"Trail and warp," 698

Trees, branches of, with bones under gravel, 595; species of, in Bournemouth submarine forest, 695; below Hitchin brick-earth, 537; in Hoxne brick-earth, 575

Tremlett, Admiral, on the cutting power of jasper flakes, 6

Trephining, practice of, in the Stone Period, 289

Tribrach-formed instrument, 77, 78

Tribulum, Varro's description of the, 284

Trigg (formerly Prigg), the late Mr. Henry, implements found by, 539-542, 550, 554-556, 558, 578; section of Redhill by, 551

Trimmer, Mr., on Trail and Warp, 698

Trou de Chaleux, pyrites in, 286

Trough, triturating, 252

Troy, earthenware whorls from site of, 439; sling-bullets from, 418

Troyon, M., on stone boring, 50; on the use of sand in sawing stone, 44

Truguet, M. Franck de, Swiss boring instrument found by, 46

Trunk interments, 398, 447, 448

Tube, boring by means of, 47, 49, 52; in Klemm collection, 49

Tubularia, hammer-head of fossil mass of, 229

Tumulus, mixing of objects of different date in, 210

Turquoise mines, stone hammers found in, 234

Turquoises on Mexican dagger-hilt, 325

"Turtle-backs" of Trenton, 80, 654

Tuscans, their ceremonial use of a bronze ploughshare, 5

Tusks of wild boar in interments, 83, 148, 328, 427

Tweezers, bone, 433; bronze, l, 440

"Twibill," 146

Twigs, hafting of stone blade by, 347

Tylor, Mr. Alfred, on detritus brought down by rivers, 667; on fluviatile beds, near London, 584; on the "Pluvial Period," 698

Tylor, Dr. E. B., on etymology of "superstition," 8; on obsidian working in Peru, 24, 290; on stone drilling, 48

Tyndall, Prof., on conditions of glacier formation, 698


Ulna of whale, axe made of, 435

Ulus, or Eskimo women's knives, 343

Ulysses, his use of the drill, 48

"Underground house of Skaill," objects found in, 255

Upsala, axe in museum of, with Runic inscription, 58

Urns, bronze and stone objects in, 208, 269, &c.; ornamented, found with bracer, 427; jet ornaments with, 456; wooden bodkin in, 433

Use, traces of, on implements, 504, 555, 647

Utensils, domestic, 436-451


Valleys, climatal changes shewn by deposits in, 699; erosion of, later than cave deposits, 513, 521; erosion of, later than gravel deposits, 580; erosion of, affected by changes of climate, 666, 676, 697; erosion of, hypothetical, 662-678; retrogression of heads of, 674, 683, 686

Valley slopes, detritus gradually left on, 673

Varro, his description of the tribulum, 284

Vegetable fibre, use of, in hafting arrows, 407, 409; matter, decaying, a source of carbonic acid, 675

Venus, Paphian, on Cypriote coins, 10

Vesica piscis-formed implements, 647

Vessels, stone, in English barrows, 450, 451

Vertebræ, human, with arrow-heads embedded, at the Grotte du Castellet, 375, 401; in la Marne, 396; near Copiapo, 406

Victoria Cave, doubly barbed harpoon from, 505; River, stone working on the banks of the, 26

Viking grave of woman, slick-stone in, 442

Villas, Roman, stone celts found in, 144

Vincent of Beauvais as to derivation of "silex," 15

Vincent, M., his early discovery of flint implement, 527

Virginia, early account of arrow-chipping by Indians of, 40

Virgil, bronze arms mentioned by, 4; bronze sickle of Elissa, 5; on flint and steel, 16; quoted as to jactare, 147

Vivian, Mr. E., his examination of Kent's Cavern, 488, 490

Vogt, Prof. Carl, suggestions as to stone roundels, 49

Vogué, M. de, Syrian palæolithic implement obtained by, 652

Von Estorff on stone boring, 49

Von Sacken, Baron, on the Hallstatt graves, 7

Vulgate, occurrence of Celte in, 55


Wallong, the Australian, 243

Walrus, remains of, in Whittlesea Mere, 681

Walrus tooth used for tipping flaking tools, 24

Wapiti, chisels made from horn of, 434

War-axe of Gaveoë Indians, 156; of Nootka Sound Indians, 157

War, blunting of axes for, 196; or chase, probable use of stone balls in, 422; decorations on weapons of, 226

War maces, possible use of circular pebbles as, 231; paint, interment of, with the dead, 264

Waring, Miss, drift implement found by, 608

"Warp and trail," 593, 698

Warren, Mr. Hazzeldine, implements found by, 139, 603

Washing linen, "batting staff" employed in, 256

"Wasters," presence of, in flint implement manufactories, 385, 649

Water, its action on flint, 497; carbonic-acid-charged, its action on chalk, 477, 557; fresh, drift beds deposited by, 662; transporting power of, 513; transporting power dependent on rate of flow, 667

Water-mills, stone pivots and sockets for, 242

Watson, Mr. Knight, on the word Celte in Vulgate, 56

Wauwyl, flint manufactory at, 22

Way, the late Mr. Albert, his finds at Bournemouth, 635, 637; on the submerged forest at Bournemouth, 695; referred to, 74, 160, 254, 340, 347; Miss, drift implement found by, 636

Weapons, association of, with decorations in graves, 460; bronze, in the heroic times, 4; elaboration of, a mark of dignity, 216, 226; hammer-heads as, 224; probable use of perforated axes as, 215; Scandinavian form of, found in Britain, 213; wearing and rechipping of, 349

Wear on implements, its evidence as to mode of use, 311

Weaving, early practice of, 436; possible use of perforated stones in, 237

Weaverthorpe, stag's horn pick found at, 34

Wedding dress cut out by stone knife, 348

Wedge, bone, 24; certain celts possibly used as, 82, 87, 655; of granite, 97; tightening of hafting by means of, 233

Wells in the chalk, varying height of water in, 664

Westlake, Mr. E., implement found by, 632

Wexovius as to reindeer marrow, 504

Weights for scales, stones as, 443

Whale, axe made from ulna of, 435; remains of near Cambridge, 681

Wheel-lock, use of pyrites in, 16

Whetstones, 261-271; of the Bronze Period, 268; in caves, 504; Danish, 264, 265; with gold cup in coffin, 449; in interments, 185, 268, 271, 332, 353; with iron loop for suspension, 270; with metal handles, 270, 271; Spanish perforated, 438

Whitaker, Mr. W., palæolithic implements found by, 538, 587, 607, 611, 612, 613

Whitbourn, the late Mr., implement found by, in Wey valley, 319, 594

White pebbles, symbolism of, 468

Whitening of flint, 497, 549, 556

Wild goose, remains of, in Fisherton beds, 631

Wilde, Sir William, on boring instruments for stone, 47; on classification of arrow-heads, 370; late use of stone implements recorded by, 11; on Irish treatment of sick cattle, 365; on use of celt in Irish weaving, 440; referred to, 154, 177, 215, 223, 232, 270, 272, 308

Willett, Mr. Ernest, his explorations at Cissbury, 78; his discovery at Brighton, 622

William of Poitiers quoted, 146

Williams, Rev. T. J., on white stones in interments, 468

Wilson, the late Sir Daniel, on American stone hammers, 235; on celt found in canoe, 150; on "elf-arrows," 366; on a find of "Picts' knives," 346; on stone boring, 47; on stone cups as lamps, 445

Wire, Mr. A. P., pointed implement found by, 603

"Witch-stone" as protection for cattle, 476

Withies, stone implements hafted by, 167, i68, 233, 239

"Witters" or barbs of arrow-heads, 370, note

"Women's knives," Eskimo, 343

Wood, bodkin of, in urn, 433; fire produced by friction of, 313; fossil, trom Tnanet sands, 620; method of preserving, 152; spindles of, with Roman (remains, 439; split, hafting of daggers in, 349; split, hafting of spear-heads in, 350; stone boring by means of, 48, 49, 50, 52; used for splintering obsidian, 24

Wood, Rev. J. G., his Nat. Hist, of Man referred to, 166, 167, 168, 299

Woods, various, used for hafting implements, 153, 155, 159. 160, 162, 163, 164

Wooden cup with handle in barrow, 448; figures, carved Egyptian, 369; objects associated with celts, 152

Woodward, Dr. Henry, crystal pick described by, 235; the late Dr. S. P., referred to, 627 Woodward, Dr., his suggestion as to arrow-heads, 407

Wookey Hyæna Den, 517—520

Wool, tissues of, in bronze interments, 437

Woollen cloth, skeleton wrapped in, 448

Worm, Olaf, on early stone implements, 363; his recognition of a Greenland harpoon, 410

Worsaae, Prof., suggestions as to early stone boring, 47, 48; referred to, 191, 232, 261, 271, 278, 298, 308, 353, 448

Wright, Mr. Arthur G., drift implement found by, 539

Wrist-guards of stone, 425-428

Wyatt, the late Mr. James, finds of implements, 572, 613; his section of Ouse valley, 531; referred to, 101, 110, 245, 340

Wye Valley, geological changes in, 521

Wyeth, Mr., on arrow-chipping by Snake River Indians, 40


Xanthorrhæa gum, its use in hafting hatchets, 137, 170

Xerxes, stone and iron-tipped arrows used by army of, 368


Yew, flake-handle of, 292; in Hoxne beds, 575; probable use of for British bows, 411

Young, Mr. Lambton, C. E., drift implement from the Thames found by, 588

Yun-nan, jade-working in, 110


Zinck, M., his criticisms on distinctions between palæo- and neo-lithic forms, 649

Zigzag incised lines on sandstone cup, 444; ornamentation on stone bracer, 430

Zuñis of New Mexico, arrow-head charms among the, 367