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The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Hark! the Herald Angels Sing

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For other versions of this work, see Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.
The Army and Navy Hymnal (1920)
edited by Henry Augustine Smith
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing by Charles Wesley
(Mendelssohn by Felix Mendelssohn)
1737722The Army and Navy Hymnal — Hark! the Herald Angels SingHenry Augustine SmithCharles Wesley
(Mendelssohn by Felix Mendelssohn)
\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "32" "          " "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing" } subsubtitle = "(MENDELSSOHN. 7,7,7,7,D.)" composer = "Arranged from Mendelssohn, 1840" poet = "Charles Wesley, 1739" }
\score { << << \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"church organ"} { \key g \major \time 4/4 \relative d' {
  << { d4 } \\ { d } >> <g d> q4. <fis d>8 |
  <g d>4 <b g> q( <a fis>) |
  <d g,> <d fis,> <d e,>4. <c a>8 |
  <b g>4 <a fis> <b g>2 | \break
  << { d,4 } \\ { d } >> <g d> q4. <fis d>8 |
  <g b,>4 <b g> << { b( a) } \\ { g2 } >> |
  <d' fis,>4 <a e> <a fis>4. <fis d>8 |
  q4 <e cis> << { d2 } \\ { d } >> | \break
  \repeat unfold 2 { <d d'>4 q q << { g } \\ { g } >> |
  <c a> <b g> q( <a fis>) | } \break
  <e' c>4 q q <d b> | <c a> <b gis> <c a>2 |
  <a fis>4 << { b8 c } \\ { fis,4 } >> <g d'>4. <g d>8 |
  q4 <a fis> <b g>2 | \break
  <e c>4 q q <d b> | <c a> <b gis> <c a>2 |
  <a d,>4 << { b8 c } \\ { fis,4 } >> <g d'>4. <g d>8 |
  q4 <a fis> <g d>2 \bar "|."
  <g e>2 <g d> \bar ".." } }
\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"1."
Hark!4 The her4. -- ald8 an4 -- gels sing,2 
'Glo4 -- ry to4. the8 new4 -- born King;2
Peace4 on earth,4. and8 mer4 -- cy mild,2
God4 and sin4. -- ners8 rec4 -- on -- ciled!'2
Joy4 -- ful, all ye na -- tions rise,2
Join4 the tri -- umph of the skies;2
With4 th'an -- gel -- ic host pro -- claim2
Christ4 is born4. in8 Beth4 -- le -- hem!'2
Hark!4 the her -- ald an -- gels sing,2
Glo4 -- ry to4. the8 new4 -- born king!'2
\markup\smallCaps {A} -- \markup\smallCaps {men.} 
\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"2."
Christ,4 by high4. -- est8 heaven4 a -- dored,2 
Christ,4 the ev4. -- er8 -- last4 -- ing Lord!2
Come,4 De -- sire4. of8 Na4 -- tions, come,2
Fix4 in us4. thy8 hum4 -- ble home.2
Veiled4 in flesh the God -- head see;2
Hail4 th'In -- car -- nate De -- i -- ty,2
Pleased4 as man with men to dwell;2 
Je4 -- sus, Our4. Em8 -- man4 -- u -- el!2
\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"3."
Hail,4 the heav'n4. -- born8 Prince4 of Peace!2 
Hail4 the sun4. of8 Right4 -- eous -- ness!2
Light4 and life4. to8 all4 he brings,2 
Risen4 with heal4. -- ing8 in4 his wings;2
Mild4 he lays his glo -- ry by,2
Born4 that man no more may die,2
Born4 to raise the sons of earth,2 
Born4 to give4. them8 sec4 -- ond birth;2
\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"church organ"} { \clef bass \key g \major \relative g {
  <g b>4 q q4. <d a'>8 |
  <b g'>4 <g d''>4 <d' d'>2 |
  <b d'>4 q <c e'>4. q8 |
  <d d'>4 q <g d'>2 | % end of line 1
  <g b>4 q q4. <d a'>8 |
  <e g>4 <d d'> <cis e'>2 |
  <b d'>4 <cis a'> <d d'>4. <fis, a'>8|
  <g b'>4 <a g'> <d fis>2 | % end of line 2
  \repeat unfold 2 { << { d'4 d d } \\ { d d d } >> <b d> |
    <fis d'> <g d'> <d d'>2 } % end of line 3
  <c e'>4 q q q | q <e e'> <a e'>2 |
  <c d>4 q <b d>4. <g b>8 |
  <d b'>4 <d d'> <g, d''>2 | % end of line 4
  << { \stemDown <c' e>4 q q <b d> | \stemUp <a c> <gis b> c2 } \\
     { c,1 _~ c4 e a( g) } >>
  <fis d'> <c' d> <b d>4. <g b>8 |
  <d b'>4 <d c'> <g b>2 |
  <c c,>2 <b g,> } } >> >>

\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 112 } }
  1. Hark! The herald angels sing,
    'Glory to the new-born King;
    Peace on Earth, and mercy mild,
    God and sinners reconciled!'
    Joyful, all ye nations rise,
    Join the triumph of the skies;
    With th'angelic host proclaim
    'Christ is born in Bethlehem!'
    Hark! the herald angels sing,
    'Glory to the new born king!'
  2. Christ, by highest heaven adored,
    Christ, the everlasting Lord!
    Come, Desire of Nations, come,
    Fix in us thy humble home.
    Veiled in flesh the Godhead see;
    Hail th'Incarnate Deity,
    Pleased as man with men to dwell;
    Jesus, Our Emmanuel!
    Hark! the herald angels sing,
    'Glory to the new born king!'
  3. Hail, the heav'n born Prince of Peace!
    Hail the sun of Righteousness!
    Light and life to all he brings,
    Risen with healing in his wings;
    Mild he lays his glory by,
    Born that no more may die,
    Born to raise the sons of earth,
    Born to give them second birth;
    Hark! the herald angels sing,
    'Glory to the new born king!'