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The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/O Jesus, Thou Art Standing

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The Army and Navy Hymnal (1920)
edited by Henry Augustine Smith
O Jesus, Thou Art Standing by William Walsham How
(St. Hilda by Justin Heinrich Knecht and Edward Husband)
1737841The Army and Navy Hymnal — O Jesus, Thou Art StandingHenry Augustine SmithWilliam Walsham How
(St. Hilda by Justin Heinrich Knecht and Edward Husband)
\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "54" "         " "O Jesus, Thou Art Standing" } subsubtitle = "(ST. HILDA. 7,6,7,6,D.)" composer = "Justin H. Knecht, 1799" arranger = "Edward Husband, 1871" poet = "William Walsham How, 1867" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key ees \major \time 4/4 \partial 4 \relative e' {
  <ees bes>4 | q << { d8 ees } \\ { bes4 } >> <f' d> q |
  q << { ees2 } \\ { ees } >> <g bes,>4 |
  <g ees> << { f8 g } \\ { ees4 } >> <aes ees>4 <f c> |
  <d bes>2. \bar "||"
  <ees bes>4 | q << { d8 ees } \\ { bes4 } >> <g' ees> <bes ees,> |
  q2 <aes ees>4 <g ees> |
  <f c> << { g8 aes g4. f8 | ees2. } \\ { c4 d d ees2. } >> \bar "||"
  <bes' ees,>4 | <ees g,>4. <d g,>8 <c g>4 <g ees> |
  <bes g>2 <aes f>4 <g ees> |
  << { f } \\ { f } >> <f ees'> q <f d'>8 <ees c'> |
  <d bes'>2. \bar "||"
  <g ees>4 | q << { f8 g ees4 g8 bes } \\ { ees,4 ees ees } >> |
  <bes' ees,>2 <aes ees>4 <g ees> |
  <f c> <ees c> <d bes> << { ees8 f } \\ { bes,4 } >> |
  <ees bes>2. s4 \bar "|." <ees c>2 <ees bes> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key ees \major \relative e {
  <ees g>4 | q << { f8 g } \\ { ees4 } >> <ees aes> q |
  q <ees g>2 <ees ees'>4 |
  <ees d'> <ees des'> <aes, c'> <aes aes'> |
  <bes f'>2. % end of line 1
  <ees g>4 | q << { f8 g } \\ { ees4 } >> <ees bes'>4 <ees des'> |
  <g des'>2 <aes c>4 <ees bes'> |
  <aes aes,> << { g8 f bes4. aes8 } \\ { aes,4 bes bes } >> |
  <ees g>2. % end of line 2
  q4 | <c g'>4. <d b'>8 <ees c'>4 q |
  <f c'>2 q4 <f bes> |
  <f a> <g bes> <a c> <f a> |
  <bes, bes'>2. % end of line 3
  <ees bes'>4 | q << { aes8 bes s4 bes8 des } \\ { ees,4 <ees g> ees } >> |
  <g des'>2 <aes c>4 <ees bes'> |
  <aes, aes'> <aes g'> <bes f> << { g'8 aes } \\ { bes,4 } >> |
  <ees g>2. s4 | <aes aes,>2 <g ees> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 98 } }

  1. O Jesus, thou art standing
    Outside the fast-closed door,
    In lowly patience waiting
    To pass the threshold o'er:
    We bear the name of Christians,
    His name and sign we bear,
    O shame, thrice shame upon us,
    To keep him standing there!
  2. O Jesus, thou art knocking;
    And Lo! that hand is scarred,
    And thorns thy brow encircle,
    And tears thy face have marred:
    O Love that passeth knowledge,
    So patiently to wait!
    O sin that hat no equal,
    So fast to bar the gate!
  3. O Jesus, thou art pleading;
    In accents meek and low,
    'I died for you, my children,
    And will ye treat me so?
    O Lord, with shame and sorrow
    We open now the door;
    Dear Saviour, enter, enter,
    And leave us nevermore!