The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/O Little Town of Bethlehem
For other versions of this work, see O Little Town of Bethlehem.
![\version "2.16.2"
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "O Little Town of Bethlehem" " " "35" } subsubtitle = "(ST. LOUIS. 8,6,8,6,7,6,8,6)" composer = "Lewis H. Redner, 1868" poet = "Phillips Brooks, 1868" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key g \major \time 4/4 \partial 4 \relative b' {
<b d,>4 | q q <ais cis,> <b d,> |
<d f,>( <c e,>) <e, c> <e a> |
<g d> << { fis8[ g] <a d,>4 d, } \\ { d s d } >> |
<d b'>2. \bar "||" \break
q4 | q <g b> <gis e'> <gis d'> |
<a d> <c e,> <e, c> <e a> |
<g d> << { fis8[ g] } \\ { d4 } >> <fis b> <fis a> |
<< { g2. } \\ { g } >> \bar "||" \break
<b g>4 | q q <a fis> <g e> |
<fis dis>2 q4 q |
<< { e fis g } \\ { e fis g } >> <a e> |
<b fis>2. \bar "||" \break
<b g>4 | <b d,> q <ais cis,> <b d,> |
<d e,> <c e,> <e, c> << { e' } \\ { e,8[ fis] } >> |
<g d'>4 <g cis,> <b d,>4. <a c,>8 |
<g b,>2. s4 \bar "|." <g c,>2 <g b,> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key g \major \relative g {
<< { g4 | g g g g } \\ { g | g g g g } >> |
<gis c,>( <a c,>) q <c c,> |
<b d,> << { a8[ b] } \\ { d,4 } >> <d c'> q |
<b' g,>2. % end of line 1
<< { g4 | g } \\ { g g } >> <f b> <e b'> <e e'> |
<a e'> q <a, e''> <c c'> |
<< { b'4 ais8[ b] } \\ { d,4. d8 } >> <d d'>4 <d c'> |
<g b>2. % end of line 2
<g d'>4 | q <g b> <a c> <ais cis> |
<b dis>2 q4 <b b,>4
<< { e, fis g } \\ { e fis g } >> <c e> |
<b dis>2. % end of line 3
<g d'>4 | q <g b> << { g g } \\ { g g } >> |
<gis c,> <a c,> q <c c,> |
<b d,> << { a8[ g] } \\ { e4 } >> <d g>4. <d fis>8 |
<g, g'>2. s4 | <c e>2 <g d'> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 82 } }](
- O lit-tle town of Beth-le-hem,
How still we see thee lie !
A-bove thy deep and dream-less sleep
The si-lent stars go by;
Yet in thy dark streets shin-eth,
The ev-er-last-ing Light;
The hopes and fears of all the years
Are met in thee to-night. - For Christ is born of Ma-ry
And gath-ered all above
While mor - tals sleep, the an - gels keep
Their watch of won-dering love.
O morn -ing stars, to - geth- er,
Pro - claim the ho - ly birth,
And prais-es sing to God the King,
And peace _to men on earth! - How si-lently, how si-lently
The Won-dorus gift is given!
So God im-parts to hu-man hearts
The bless-ings of his heaven.
No ear may hear his com ing,
But in this world of sin,
Where meek souls will re-ceive him, stil
The dear Christ en-ters in. - O ho-ly Child of Beth-le-hem,
De-scend to us, we pray;
Cast out our sin, and en - ter in;
Be born in us to-day.
We hear the Christ-mas an - gels
The great glad ti-dings tell;
O come to us, a-bide with us,
Our Lord Em-man-u-el !