The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Silent Night, Holy Night

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For other English-language translations of this work, see Silent Night.
The Army and Navy Hymnal
edited by Henry Augustine Smith
Silent Night, Holy Night by Josef Mohr, tr. John Freeman Young and Jane Montgomery Campbell
(music by Franz Xaver Gruber)

Verse 1 is translated by John Freeman Young; verses 2-5 by Jane Montgomery Campbell

\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "Silent Night, Holy Night" "          " "37" } subsubtitle = "(SILENT NIGHT. Irregular)" composer = "Franz Gruber, 1818" poet = "Joseph Mohr, 1818" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key bes \major \time 6/8 \relative f' { \autoBeamOff
  \repeat unfold 2 { <f d>8.[ <g ees>16] <f d>8 <d bes>4. | }
  <ees c'>4 q8 <a c,>4 ~ q8 |
  <bes d,>4 q8 <f d>4. |
  <g ees>4 q8 <bes g>8.[ <a f>16] <g ees>8 |
  <f d>8.( <g ees>16) <f d>8 <d bes>4 r8 |
  <g ees>4 q8 <bes g>8.( <a f>16) <g ees>8 |
  <f d>8.( <g ees>16) <f d>8 <d bes>4 r8 |
  <ees c'>8. ~ q16 q8 <c ees'>8. <ees c'>16 <a c,>8 |
  <bes d,>4.( <d f,>4) r8 |
  <bes d,>8.( <f d>16) <d bes>8 <f d>8. <ees c>16 <c a>8 |
  << { bes4. ~ bes4 } \\ { bes4. ~ bes4 } >> r8 \bar "|."
  <ees bes>4. <d bes> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key bes \major \relative b, { \autoBeamOff
  <bes bes'>4 q8 <bes f'>4. | <bes bes'>4 q8 <bes f'>4. |
  <f' a>4 q8 << { f4 ~ f8 } \\ { f4 ~ f8 } >> |
  <f bes,>4 q8 <bes bes,>4. | % end of line 1
  <ees, bes'>4 q8 <ees g>4 <ees bes'>8 |
  <bes bes'>8. ~ q16 q8 <bes f'>4 r8 |
  <ees bes'>4 q8 <ees g>8.( _~ <ees a>16) <ees bes'>8 |
  <bes bes'>8. ~ q16 q8 <bes f'>4 r8 |
  <f' a>8. ~ q16 q8 q8. q16 << { f8 } \\ { f } >> |
  <f bes,>4.( _~ <bes bes,>4) r8 |
  <f bes>8. ~ q16 << { f8 } \\ { f } >> <f f,>8. q16 <ees f,>8 |
  <d bes>4. ~ q4 r8 |
  <ees g>4. <f bes,> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 8 = 84 } }

  1. Silent night, holy night,
    All is calm, all is bright
    'Round yon Virgin Mother and Child.
    Holy Infant so tender and mild,
    Sleep in heavenly peace,
    Sleep in heavenly peace,
  2. Silent night, holy night,
    Darkness, flies and all is light;
    Shepherds hear the angels sing:
    'Alleluia! hail the King!
    Jesus the Saviour is here,
    Jesus the Saviour is here.'
  3. Holy night, peaceful night,
    Child of heaven, O how bright
    Thou didst smile when thou wast born;
    Blessed was that happy morn,
    Full of heavenly joy,
    Full of heavenly joy.
  4. Silent night, holy night,
    Guiding Star, O lend thy light;
    See the eastern wise men bring
    Gifts and homage to our King!
    Jesus the Saviour is here,
    Jesus the Saviour is here.
  5. Silent night, holy night,
    Wondrous Star, O lend thy light!
    With the angels let us sing
    Alleluia to our King!
    Jesus our Saviour is here,
    Jesus our Saviour is here.