The Bengali Book of English Verse/Wordsworth's Poems (Govin Chunder Dutt)

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2512796The Bengali Book of English Verse — Wordsworth's PoemsTheodore Oliver Douglas DunnGovin Chunder Dutt

Wordsworth's Poems.

This volume is a Gothic church—no less,
And every separate poem but a part
Of a great edifice, built with rarest art,
A cell, or oratory, or carved recess,
Or but a simple leaf-wreath winding round
A marble pillar, in the sombre light,
Or an emblazoned window flashing bright,
Fair in itself, but fairest where 'tis found;
Each delicately symmetrical—but the whole
Ravishing with loveliness the prisoned soul.

The labour of a lifetime, and the work
Of one inspired, the prophet of his age.
What deep philosophy and experience sage
And tender sympathies here retired lurk
In simplest verses. Oh, beloved book!
With thee and but one other, which to name
Even with thee would matter be for blame,
Contented could I glide o'er life's calm brook,
Until it mingle with the mighty sea,
And time be swallowed in eternity.

Nor deem this praise extravagant or strange,
For without travel here I have its joys,
And sitting by my hearth where naught annoys,
O'er hills and oceans by these spells I range.
Is it not grand to see Helvellyn rear
Its lofty summit to the azure sky,
Or mark the lake below faint-gleaming lie,
A mirror for all objects far and near,
Bare rocks, and woods arrayed in vivid green,
And cheerful homesteads through the foliage seen?

And should an English landscape ever pall,
With all its wide diversity of hills
And trees and waters, lo! the fresh breeze fills
Our swelling canvas at the Poet's call!
Where shall we wander? In the fields of France?
Or classic Italy's wave-saluted shore?
Or dearer Scotland's barren heaths and moor?
Or Staffa's natural temple, where in trance
We shadowy beings may behold? Command,—
All wait the movement of the enchanter's wand.

Hail, ye Rydalian laurels that have grown
Untended by the Poet's calm abode.
And in the footpaths that he often trod
Wrapt in deep thought, at evening time, alone.
No Delphic wreath he wanted, when he found
Nature unveiled in all her loveliness,
But these wild leaves and wilder flowers that bless
Our common earth he prayed for, and she bound
His brows therewith; and see, they never fade,
A crown of amaranth by her own hands made.