The Bergen Record/1940/Drive By State Inspectors Against Route 4 Speeders Brings Englewood Over $200

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Drive By State Inspectors Against Route 4 Speeders Brings Englewood Over $200 (1955)

Grover Cleveland Lindauer (1885-1968) in The Bergen Record on September 19, 1955.

3497665Drive By State Inspectors Against Route 4 Speeders Brings Englewood Over $2001955

Drive By State Inspectors Against Route 4 Speeders Brings Englewood Over $200.P.E. Pennington Of Dumont Pays $20 For Operating His Car At 70 Miles An Hour. Palisades Park Student Cleared Of One Charge. More than $200 in fines and a quarter again as much in costs of court were levied against motor vehicle violators arraigned yesterday afternoon in the Englewood Police Court before Judge LeRoy B. Huckin on charges ranging from careless driving to speeding at 70 miles an hour on Route 4. Paul E. Pennington, 120 West Quackenbush Avenue, Dumont, had the dubious distinction of paying the largest fine, $20 and $2 costs of court, after pleading guilty to a 70 mile an hour speeding charge by Inspector Michael Dorfman. He admitted a previous conviction for speeding. A fine of $15 and $2 costs was imposed on Carl O. Schwartzel, 628 Standish Avenue, Teaneck, arrested at the same time and for a similar speed, but who had not been arrested since 1931 when he had been fined for speeding. Richard D. Weist, 572 Cumberland Avenue, Teaneck, was also fined $15 and $2 costs for speeding at 68 miles an hour after pleading guilty to charges by Dorfman. A fine of $5 and $2 costs was imposed on Martin Doniger, 1060 Abbott Boulevard, Palisades Park, arrested for driving 60 miles an hour by Inspector Dorfman. An additional charge of improper registration was dismissed. While the defendant was legally a Bergen County resident he was a student at the University of North Carolina and had his auto registered in that State. Fines of $10 and $2 costs of court each were imposed on a number of defendants arraigned by Inspector Patrick Boyle and who were all charged with careless driving. They included Fred Phannstiehl, 130 Highland Avenue, Leonia, who told the court his conviction spoiled a 22-year record of driving without ever having had an accident or a summons and who in consideration of that fact escaped the fine although required to pay costs; Clatus Malleson, 147 Liberty Road, Englewood, and Harold McKeon, Lincoln Place, Waldwick, who escaped with a $5 fine after pleading he was endeavoring to reach home because his baby was ill. Mrs. Angela Helmke of 57 Highgate Terrace, Bergenfield, was fined $7 and $2 costs on admitting 57 miles an hour speed. George Moore of William Street, Englewood. charged with careless driving by Boyle, paid a fine of $8 and $2 costs; and Lawrence H. Egan of 136 Highgate Terrace, West Englewood, paid $5 and $2 costs for 60 miles an hour speed. Lawrence B. Leary of 155 Rockwood Place, Englewood, charged by Dorfman with driving at 60 miles an hour, paid an $8 fine and $2 costs; and Grover C. Lindauer of 507 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck, was fined $7 and $2 costs after admitting a speed of 55 miles an hour charged by Inspector Boyle. Herman Graves, Negro, of 327 Fourth Street, Englewood, was fined $50 and $2 costs of court after pleading guilty to a charge by Patrolman William Hepscher of the Englewood Police Department of permitting his unlicensed wife to operate his car, while she received a suspended sentence on payment of $2 costs of court on a charge of driving without a license.

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