The Cycle Industry/Index

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London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd., pages 118–123


Abingdon tricycle axle, the, 22
Accessories, 96–101
Accumulators for electric lighting, 99–100
Accuracy in production methods, 94
Advantages of change speed gears, 58–59
Albone, Dan, cross frame, safety, 15
American bicycle, the, 74–75
—— ——, influence on the industry, 74–75
Ariel bicycle of Haynes & Jeffries, 5
Armstrong hub gears, the, 61
Army authorities and the bicycle, continental, 89
——, cyclist sections of the, 88–89
—— Cyclists' Corps, the, 88
Assemblers, local, 45
Axle, the Abingdon tricycle, 22

Backbones of early bicycles, 4
Balance gear, the, 20, 22
Ball bearings, introduction of, 8
—— ——, the patentee of, 8
Bantam safety, the, 11
Bath Road C.C., the, 70
Bayliss, Thomas, 2
Beaded edge covers, 52
Bearings, introduction of ball, 8
——, plain and roller, 8
Beeston Humber, tandem tricycle, the, 22–23
Bidlake, F. T., as a tricyclist, 22
Birmingham and the early supply of materials, 27–28, 30
Boom period, the, 71–75
Boothroyd's patents, 11, 56
Bowden brake, the, 38
Brakework, assembling of, 38–39
——, roller lever type of, 39
Brazing of frames and forks, 36
——, liquid, 36
B.S.A. company, early history of the, 29–30
——, change speed gear, the, 61
——, safety bicycle, the first, 29

Capitalization, over, 72
Castings, where produced, 31
——, iron, 31
——, malleable, 31
Chain gearing, 9
Challenge tricycle, the, 18
Change speed gears for motor cycles, 62–63
—— —— ——, 58–63
—— —— gear, the advantages of, 58–59
—— —— ——, explanation of working of, 58
—— —— ——, the Eadie Co.'s, 60
—— —— ——, the B.S.A., 61
—— —— ——, the Armstrong, 61
—— —— ——, the Linley & Biggs, 59
—— —— ——, the G. & J., 60
—— —— ——, the Hub two-speed, 60
—— —— ——, Fagan's patent, 60
—— —— ——, the Sturmey Archer, 61
—— —— ——, the Sunbeam, 61
Clincher tyre, the, 52, 56
Clubs, famous, 70
Company promoting, 71
Components, makers, 48–49
Constrictor racing tyre, the, 57
Constantinople, R. L. Jefferson's ride to, 102
Continental Army authorities and the bicycle, 89
Continent, the bicycle on the, 84–86
——, touring on the, 86
Coventry Lever Tricycle, the, 17
—— Machinists Co., 1
—— makers, early struggles for materials, 27–28
——, the home of the industry, 27
Covers, wired on, 55
——, beaded edge, 52
Cripper tricycle, the, 21

Cross frame safety bicycle, Dan Albone's, 15
Cushion tyres, 51
Cycle boom, the, 71–75
—— and gun industries compared, 115
—— and Motor Cycle Manufacturers' Union, 116
Cycles in the G.P.O., use of, 89–90
—— in the Great War, use of, 88
Cyclists' Corps, the Army, 88
—— paths, 80
—— Touring Club, the, 86

Daywork and piecework payments, 34, 35
De Dion Bouton motor tricycle, the, 107
Doughty's patent tyre process, 55
Drawing office, the, 45, 47
Dry batteries for electric lighting, 99–100
Dynamos for electric lighting, 99–100
Du Cros, Harvey, 54
Dunlop tyre, the, 52
——, J. B., 52
—— tyre, history of the, 52–56
Duties, import, on bicycles, 75, 85

Eadie Co.'s hub gear, 60
—— —— motor tricycle, 107
Electric lighting, 99–100
—— —— by dry battery, 99–100
—— ——, by accumulator, 99–100
—— ——, by dynamo, 99–100
Enamelling shop, the, 41
Enfield Co.'s motor tricycle, 107
—— —— —— bicycle, 109
Engineering Standards Committee, the, 95
Engines, motor cycle, the Scott two-stroke, 110
——, —— ——, the J.A.P., 108
——, —— ——, the four-stroke, 109
Excelsior motor bicycle, the, 108

Facile, the, 10
——, the geared, 10
——, description of the, 10
Factory, different types of, 45, 91
——, in the, 91–95
Fagan's hub gear, 60
Female labour, 48
Figures of production, 46
Filing-up frames and forks, 36–37
Finisher, the, 42
Finishing shops, the, 41–43
Forks, spring, 65
Fosse road, the, 79
Frame building, 33, 35–36
—— filing, 36–37
—— pickling, 36
Frames of early bicycles, 1, 4
——, spring, 64–66
Future of the industry, 75, 115–117
—— trade conditions, 75
French cyclists, 84–85

Gas lamps, 98–99
Gearing up by chain or cogs, 9
Geared ordinary, the, 9
Gears, change speed, 58–66
——, —— ——, for motor cycles, 62–63
G. & J. hub gear, 60
Germany and the cycle trade, 85–86
G.P.O., cycles in the, 89–90

Handlebar, making and bending, 39
Harrington, John, 3
Haynes & Jeffries, 3
Hazlewood, 3
Hillman, William, 2, 28
History and origin of the bicycle, 1–16
Hub lamps, 97–98
—— two-speed gear, the, 60
Humber, Thomas, 14, 28
——, the straight tube diamond frame, 15
—— tricycle, the, 21
—— tandem bicycle, 24
—— —— tricycle, the, 22–23
—— motor cycle, the, 111

Import duties on bicycles, 75, 85
Industries, cycle and gun compared, 115
Industry, future of the, 75

J. A. P. motor cycle engine, the, 108
Jefferson's (R. L.) ride to Constantinople, 102
Juvenile cycles, 49

Kangaroo bicycle, description of the, 10

Labour, female, 48
Lamps, 97–99
——, gas 98
——, hub, 97–98
——, oil, 97–98
Lawson's safety bicycle, 13
Lever driven, safety, an early, 13
Linley & Biggs, change speed gear, 59
Liquid brazing, 36
Local assemblers, 45

Machining processes, 37
Machining shops, the, 37
Makers, large and small, 45
Manufacturing processes, from stores to railway dray, 32–44
Mass production, 45
Materials used in cycle industry, 27–31
——, main sources of production of, 27–31
Military bicycles, 87–89
Millford side-car, the, 112, 113
Montgomery side-car, the, 112
Morris, G. L., referee, 16
Motor cycle, the, 105–114
—— ——, the Perks and Birch, 106–107
—— ——, the Triumph, 108
—— ——, the Minerva, 107
—— ——, the J.A.P., 108
—— ——, the Wolfmuller, 105–106
—— ——, the Humber, 111
—— ——, the Werner, 106–107
—— ——, the Singer, 106–107
—— ——, the Excelsior, 108
—— —— change speed gears, 62–63
—— —— industry, early struggles of the, 105–108, 113
—— ——, prices, 110–111
—— ——, the Scott two-stroke, 110
—— cycles, introduction to this country, 73
—— Manufacturing Co., the, 106
—— tricycles, 73
—— tricycle, the Ariel, 107
Motor tricycle, the De Dion Bouton, 107
Mudgards, assembling of, 38

National Cyclists' Union, 68, 70
Nickel-plating process, the, 40–41
North Road C.C., the, 70
Nottingham and the cycle industry, 30

Oil lamps, 97–98
Olympia tandem tricycle, the, 22–23
Ordinary or high bicycle, the, 7
Origin of the bicycle, and early history, 1–16
Otto Bicycle, the, 18

Packing bicycles for transit by rail, 44
—— —— for shipment abroad, 44
Palmer tyre, the, 56
Patents, tyre, 56
Paths, cyclists', 80
Payments for piecework and daywork, 34–35
Penn's of Greenwich, 2
Perks & Birch motor cycle, the, 106–107
Petrograd to Paris ride, Chas. Terront's, 102–103
Pickling of frames, etc., 36
Piecework and daywork payments, 34–35
Pioneer rides, 102–104
Plain bearings, 8
Plating and polishing shops, the, 39–41
Pneumatic and other tyres, 50–57
Premier, the Catford, 16
Pressings, 46
Processes of manufacture, from stores to railway dray, 32–44
Production figures, 91
Production of materials, main sources of, 27–31
——, methods, 32–44, 45–49

Quadricycle, a military, 87

Races, important road, 70
Racing, the trade and, 67–70
—— tracks, London and provincial, 67–68

Racing tyres, the Constrictor, 57
—— men, famous, 68
——, track and road, 69
Railway dray, from stores to manufacturing processes, 32–44
Raleigh, the diamond frame, 15
Records and record breaking, 67–70
Redditch and the cycle industry, 27
Referee, G. L. Morris, 16
Ride, Chas. Terront's (Petrograd to Paris), 102–103
—— to Constantinople, R. L. Jefferson's, 102
Rides, pioneer, 102–104
Rim standards, 95
Road and track racing, 67
—— races, important, 70
——, the Great North, 77
——, the Bath, 77
——, the Holyhead, 77–78
——, the Brighton, 78
——, the Fosse, 79
—— racer, specification of the, 82–83
Roads and their influence on the industry, 76
—— of the Midlands, 76
——, classic of England and Wales, 77
Roadster, specification of the light, 83
——, —— of the light touring, 83
——, —— of the touring, 83
Roller bearings, 8
Rotary, Rudge tricycle, the, 19, 20
Rover bicycle, J. K. Starley's, 14
Rudge, D., 20
—— Rotary tricycle, the, 19, 20

Saddles and saddle making, 96–97
——, where produced, 27, 30
Safety bicycles, early, 7
—— bicycle, H. J. Lawson's, 13
Salvo tricycle, the, 18
Sand blasting, 37
Scott two-stroke engine, the, 110
Screwing spokes, 38
Service bicycles, 87–90
Sharp's spring frame, 64
Sheffield and the cycle industry, 27, 30
Shergold's safety bicycle, 7
Side-car, the Millford, 112, 113
——, the Montgomery, 112
Side-cars for motor cycles, 111–113
Singer, George, 2, 28
—— motor cycle, the, 106–107
Singer's Xtraordinary challenge bicycle, 14
Single tube tyres, 56
Slump period, the, 72
Society and the boom period, 72
Solid tyres, 50
Springs, where produced, 27, 30
Spring fork, the Dunlop, 65
—— forks, 65
—— frame, the Whippet, 64
—— ——, the Sharp, 64
—— frames, 64–66
Staffs, works and office, 45
Stampings, 46
——, where produced, 31
Standardization of parts, 95
Starley, James, 2, 14, 28
Starley's, James, original tricycle, 17
——, J. K., Rover bicycle, 14
Stores, the rough, 32–34
——, the finished, 34–35
—— to railway dray, manufacturing processes, 32–44
Sturmey Archer hub gears, the, 61, 62
Sunbeam change speed gear, the, 61

Tandem bicycle, the Chater Lea, 24
—— ——, the Humber, 24
—— ——, the Raleigh, 24
—— ——, the Rudge, 24
—— ——, the Singer, 24
—— ——, the Whitworth, 24
—— bicycles, 24–26
—— tricycle, the, 22
—— ——, the Beeston Humber, 22–23
—— ——, the Olympia, 22–23
Terront's (Chas.) Petrograd to Paris ride, 102–103
Thomas, J., 2
Threading spokes, 38
Timerick, Mr., Secretary, Cycle and Motor Cycle Manufacturers' Union, 117

Tool bags, 100
Touring Club, the Cyclists' 86
—— on the Continent, 86
Tracks, London and provincial racing, 67–68
Track and road racing, 69
Trade conditions, the future, 73
——, racing and the, 67–70
Tricycle axle, the Abingdon, 22
——, the, balance gear, 20, 22
——, era, the, 17–23
——, James Starley's original, 17
——, the Challenge, 18
——, the Coventry Lever, 17
——, the Humber, 21
——, the Cripper, 21
——, the Rudge Rotary, 19, 20
—— tandem, the, 22
—— sociable, the, 22
Triumph motor cycle, the, 108
Truing wheels, 38
Tubing steel, where produced, 27–28, 30
Tyre, Bartlett's patent, 52
——, the Clincher, 52
——, the Constrictor racing, 57
——, history of the Dunlop, 52–56
——, the Dunlop, 52
——, the Palmer, 56
——, patents, 56
——, the single tube, 56
——, the Welch, 55
Tyres, leather, 50
——, solid rubber, 50
——, cushion, 51
Tyres, where produced, 30–31
——, pneumatic and other, 50–57
——, steel, 2, 50

Velocipede, the, 1, 3
Viewing of cycle parts, 42–44

Wages in cycle factories, 34–35
Walsall and the cycle industry, 27
Warman, 3
War Office, the, and the bicycle, 87–88
Watling, Mr., Manager, Cycle and Motor Cycle Manufacturers' Union, 117
—— Street, 78–79
Weights of cycles, 81–83
Werner motor cycle, the, 106
Wheel building, 37–38
—— truing, 38
—— rim standards, 95
Wheels, early construction of, 4
——, lever construction of, 5
——, laced and tangent spoked, 6
——, disparity of diameters, 6
Whippet spring frame, the, 64
Wired-on covers for tyres, 55
Wolfmuller motor cycle, the, 105–106
Wolverhampton and the cycle industry, 30

Xtraordinary Challenge, Singer's, 14

Printed by Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd., Bath, England