
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Schrader, Frederick Franklin

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Edition of 1920. See also Frederick Franklin Schrader on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

886032The Encyclopedia Americana — Schrader, Frederick Franklin

SCHRADER, shrä'dėr, Frederick Franklin, American journalist and dramatist, son of an American citizen: b. Hamburg, Germany, 27 Oct. 1857. Author of plays, ‘The Man from Texas,’ ‘The Modern Lady Godiva,’ ‘At the French Ball,’ ‘Nicolette,’ comic opera, music by Irenée Bergé, translated into Bohemian and produced in New York, 25 Dec. 1915; ‘Corsica,’ music drama in one act, music by Irenée Bergé, produced in 1910; lyrist of ‘Baron Trenck,’ produced in London 1911 and New York 1912. Translator of Max Nordau's, ‘Freie Liebe’ (‘Paris Sketches’), and ‘José,’ novel, by Otto Ruppius. Assistant and Acting Secretary, Republican Congressional Committee, 1896-1900; author of Republican Text Book 1898. Dramatic editor Washington Post 1901-06; on literary staff, David Belasco 1906-09; dramatic editor New York Globe, 1909-10; editor New York Dramatic Mirror and president publishing company, 19 Aug. 1912 to 9 Sept. 1916. Co-founder with George S. Viereck of The Fatherland, August 1914, and for some time associate editor and now editor of Issues and Events.