The English and Scottish Popular Ballads/Part 7

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English and Scottish
Popular Ballads

Edited by
Francis James Child

Part VII

Houghton Mifflin Company Logo

Houghton, Mifflin and Company
New York: 11 East Seventeenth Street

The Riverside Press, Cambridge
London: Henry Stevens & Son, 39 Great Russell Street, W. C.

One Thousand Copies Printed.

No. 233

Copyright, 1890, by F. J. Child.

The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A.
Electrotyped and printed by H. O. Houghton and Company.

I would acknowledge with particular gratitude the liberality of the Hon. Mrs Maxwell-Scott in allowing the examination and use of the rich store of ballads accumulated at Abbotsford by her immortal ancestor; and also that of Lord Rosebery in sending to Edinburgh for inspection the collection of rare Scottish broadsides formed by the late David Laing, and permitting me to print several articles.

The Rev. S. Baring-Gould has done me the great favor of furnishing me with copies of traditional ballads and songs taken down by him in the West of England.

I am much indebted to the Rev. W. Forbes-Leith for his good offices, and to Mr Macmath, as I have been all along, for help of every description.

F. J. Child.

October, 1890.

189. Hobie Noble 1
190. Jamie Telfer of the Fair Dodhead 4
191. Hughie Grame 8
192. The Lochmaben Harper 16
193. The Death of Parcy Reed 24
194. The Laird of Wariston 28
195. Lord Maxwell's Last Goodnight 34
196. The Fire of Frendraught 39
197. James Grant 49
198. Bonny John Seton 51
199. The Bonnie House o Airlie 54
200. The Gypsy Laddie 61
201. Bessy Bell and Mary Gray 75
202. The Battle of Philliphaugh 77
203. The Baron of Brackley 79
204. Jamie Douglas 90
205. Loudon Hill, or, Drumclog 105
206. Bothwell Bridge 108
207. Lord Delamere 110
208. Lord Derwentwater 115
209. Geordie 123
210. Bonnie James Campbell 142
211. Bewick and Graham 144
212. The Duke of Athole's Nurse 150
213. Sir James the Rose 155
214. The Braes o Yarrow 160
215. Rare Willie Drowned in Yarrow, or, The Water o Gamrie 178
216. The Mother's Malison, or, Clyde's Water 185
217. The Broom of Cowdenknows 191
218. The False Lover won back 209
219. The Gardener 212
220. The Bonny Lass of Anglesey 214
221. Katharine Jaffray 216
222. Bonny Baby Livingston 231
223. Eppie Morrie 239
224. The Lady of Arngosk 241
225. Rob Roy 243
Additions and Corrections