The Grammar of Heraldry/Appendix

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1319625The Grammar of Heraldry — AppendixJohn Edwin Cussans


The blazon of the following coats of arms is subjoined, so that the student who has made himself acquainted with the principles of the science of Heraldry may learn in what manner armorial bearings are rightly described.

As an indiscriminate selection from the thousands which are enrolled in the Heralds’ College might be considered invidious, I give the blazon of those families only which are mentioned by Mr. Shirley[1] as constituting the landed gentry in England before the sixteenth century. Those families which have become noble since that period are distinguished by an asterisk.

Abney, of Measham, Derbyshire.—Or; on a chevron gules, a lion passant argent.
Crest. A demi-lion rampant or; holding in his paws a pellet.
Motto. Fortiter et honeste.
Acland, of Acland, Devonshire.—Chequée argent and sable; a fess gules.
Crest. A gloved hand couped at the wrist, fessways, thereon a falcon perched, all proper.
Motto. Inebranlable.
Acton, of Aldenham, Shropshire.—Gules; two lions passant in pale argent, between nine crosses-crosslet fitchées or.
Crest. Within a wreath argent and gules, a human leg and thigh, couped in armour proper, garnished or, and dropping blood.
Anne, of Burgh-Wallis, Yorkshire.—Gules; three stags' heads cabossed argent, attired or.
Crest. A stag's head as in the arms.
Antrobus, of Antrobus, Cheshire.—Lozengy, or and azure; on a pale gules, three etoilles of the first.
Crest. A unicorn's head couped argent, horned and maned or, gorged with a wreath of laurel vert, issuant out of rays proper.
Motto. Dei memor, gratus amicus.
Baldwin, of Kinlet, Shropshire.—Argent; a saltire sable.
Crest. On a mount vert, a cockatrice argent, armed and jowlopped or, ducally gorged and lined of the last.
*Bamfylde, of Poltimore, Devonshire.—Or; on a bend gules, three mullets argent.
Crest. A lion's head erased sable, ducally crowned or.
Motto. Delectare in Domino.
Barttelot, of Stopham, Sussex.—Sable; three falconers' sinister gloves pendent argent, tasselled or.
Crest. A swan couched with wings addorsed argent.
Bastard, of Kitley, Devonshire.—Or; a chevron azure.
Crest. A dexter arm counter-embowed, vambraced proper, garnished or, the hand gauntleted grasping a sword in bent-sinister, point downwards, also proper, pommelled and hilted of the second.
Motto. Pax potior bello.
Bellew, of Court, Devonshire.—Sable; fretty or.
Crest. An arm embowed grasping a chalice pouring water into a basin, all proper.
Motto. Tout d'en haut.
Bendyshe, of Barrington, Cambridgeshire.—Argent; a chevron sable between three rams' heads erased azure.
Crest. Out of a ducal coronet or, a talbot's head gules.
Motto. Utrâque Pallade.
Berington, of Winsley, Herefordshire.—Sable; three greyhounds courant in pale argent, collared gules, within a bordure of the last.

Crest. Out of a ducal coronet or, a greyhound's head argent, gorged with a collar gules, charged with three plates.
*Bertie, of Uffinton, Lincolnshire.—Argent; three battering rams barwise in pale azure, headed and garnished or.
Crest. A pine tree proper.
Motto. Loyaulté me oblige.
Betton, of Totterton Hall, Stropshire.—Argent; two pales sable, each charged with three crosses-crosslet fitchées or.
Crest. A demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or.
Motto. Nunquam non paratus.
Blois, of Cockfeld Hall, Suffolk.—Gules; a bend vair between two fleurs-de-lys argent.
Crest. A gauntlet erect proper, holding a fleur-de-lys argent.
Motto. Je me fie en Dieu.
Bond, of Grange and Lutton, Dorsetshire.—Sable; a foss or.
Crest. An eagle's wing sable, charged with a fess or.
Motto. Non sufficit orbis.
*Boscawen, of Boscawen Rose, Cornwall.—Ermine; a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper.
Crest. A falcon proper, belled or.
Motto. Patience passe science.
Boughton, of Rouse-Lench, Worcestershire.—Sable; three crescents or.
Crest. A stork's head erased, per saltire sable and argent; in the beak or, a snake proper.
Motto. Omne bonum Dei donum.
Briscoe, of Crofton, Cumberland.—Argent; three greyhounds courant in pale sable.
Crest. A greyhound courant sable, seizing a hare proper.
Motto. Gratâ sume manu.
Brooke, of Ufford, Suffolk.—Gules; on a chevron argent, a lion rampant sable, crowned or, armed and langued of the field.
Crest. On a chapeau gules, guarded ermine, a wing of the first, charged with a chevron argent thereon a lion as in the arms.
Buller, of Downes, Devonshire.—Sable; on a cross quater pierced argent, four eagles displayed of the field.
Crest. A Moor's head affrontée, couped proper, weathed about the temples argent and azure.
Motto. Aquila non muscas captat.
Chadwick , of Healy, Lancashire.—Gules; an inescutcheon within an orle of martlets argent.
Crest. A lily stalked and leaved, all proper.
Motto.Stans cum rege.
Clarke, of Ardington, Buckinghamshire.—Argent; on a fess between three crosses patées sable, as many plates.
Crest. A cross-crosslet patée or, between a pair of wings erect expanded azure.
Motto. Absit ut glorier nisi in cruce.
Clive, of Styche, Shropshire.—Argent; on a fess sable, three mullets or.
Crest. A griffin passant argent, ducally gorged, gules.
Motto. Audaciter et sinceriter.
Clutton, of Chorlton, Cheshire.—Argent; a chevron ermine, cotised sable, between three annulets gules.
Crest. A cock or.
Codrington, of Wroughton, Wiltshire.—Argent; a fess embattled, counterembattled sable, fretty gules, between three lioncels passant of the second.
Crest. A dragon's head gules, between two wings erect chequées or and azure, issuant out of a ducal coronet of the second.
Motto. Vultus in hostem.
Coke, of Trusley, Derbshire.—Gules three crescents in fess, and a canton or.
Crest. The sun in his splendour, proper.
Motto. Non aliunde pendere.
Coker, of Bicester, Oxfordshire.—Argent on a bend gules, three leopards' faces or.
Crest. A Moor's head couped at the shoulders, affrontée proper.
Congreve, of Congreve, Staffordshire.—Sable; a chevron between three battle-axes argent.
Crest. A falcon with wings expanded proper.
Motto. Non moritur cujus fama vivit.
Cope, of Bramshill, Hampshire.—Argent; on a chevron azure between three roses gules, slipped and leaved vert, as many fieurs-de-lys or.
Crest. Out of a fieur-de-lys or, a dragon's head gules.
Motto. Æquo adeste animo.
Cotes, of Cotes, Staffordshire.—Qnaterly ; first and fourth ermine, second and third laly of six or and gules.
Crest. A cock proper, armed crested and jowlopped or.
*Cotton, of Combermere, Cheshire.—Azure; a chevron between three hanks of cotton argent.
Crests. First: A knight in complete armour, mounted on a horse caparisoned courant reguardant, all proper. Second: A falcon proper, jessed and belled or, sustaining with the dexter foot a belt azure, buckled gold.
Motto. In utrue fortuna paratus.
Courthope, of Wyleigh, Sussex.—Argent; a fess azure between three etoilles sable.
Crest. A demi-stag springing gules, semée d'etoilles, attired or.
Motto. Court hope.
Dod, of Cloverly, Stropshire.—Argent; a fess gules, between two cotises wavy sable.
Crest. A serpent vert issuing from and piercing a garb proper.
Motto. In copiâ cautus.
Drewe, of Grange, Devonshire.—Ermine; a lion passant gules.
Crest. On a wreath argent and gules, standing on a mount vert, a roebuck springing or.
Dykes, of Dovenby Cumberland.—Or; three cinquefoils sable.
Crest. A lobster vert.
Motto.Prius frangitur quam flectitur.
Eccleston, of Scarisbuck, Lanashire.—Argent; a cross sable, in the first quarter a fleur-de-lys gules.
Crest. A magpie proper.
Edwardes, of Harmage Grange and Shressbury, Shropshire.—Gules; a chevron engrailed, between three heraldic tigers' heads erased argent.
Crest. A man's head within a helmet in profile proper, garnished or.
Motto. Gratia naturam vincit.
Estcourt, of Estcourt, Gloucestershire.—Ermine; on a chief indented gules, three etoilles or.
Crest. Out of a mural coronet azu, a demi-ele, expanded or.
Eyre, of Rampton, Nottinghamshire.—Argent; on a chevron sable, three quatrefoils or.
Crest. On a cap of maintenance, a booted and armed leg couped at the thigh, quaterly argent and sable, spurred or.
Motto. Virtus sola invicta.
Eyston, of East Hendred, Berkshire.—Sable; three lions rampant or.

Crest. A lion sejant, the tail between the legs and reflexed over the back or.

Eyton, of Eyton, Shropshire.—Quaterly; first and fourth or, a fret azure; second and third gules, two bars ermine.
Crest. A reindeer's head couped or, in his mouth a sprig of oak slipped proper, fructed of the first.
Fane, of Apthorp, Northamptonshire.—Aze; three dexter gauntlet, backs affrontées or.
Crest. A sinister gantlet or, holding a broken sword argent, hilted and pommelled of the first.
Motto. Ne vile fano.
Filmer, of East Sutton, Kent.—Sable; three bars, and in chief as many cinquefoils or.
Crest. A falcon, wings expanded proper, armed or standing on a broken circle of the first.
*Finch, of Eastwell, Kent.—A chevron between three griffins passants sable.
Crest. A griffin as in the arms.
Motto. Aperto vivere voto.
Floyer, of West Stafford, Dorsetshire.—Sable; a chevron between three broad arrows argent.
Crest. A stag's head erased or, in the mouth an arrow argent.
*Forester, of Wesh, Shropshire.—Quaterly; per fess argent and sable; in the first and fourth quaters a bugle-horn of the last, garnished or.
Crest. A talbot passant argent, collared sable, to which a line reflexed over his back or.
Motto. Semper eadem.
Frampton, of Moreton, Dorsetshire.—Argent; a bend gules, cotised sable.
Crest. A greyhound sejant argent, collared gules.
Motto. Perseverando.
Fursdon, of Fursdon, Devenshire.—Argent; a chevron azure, between three fire-balls proper.
Crest. Out of a ducal coronet a plume of five ostrich feathers proper.
Gatacre, of Gatacre, Shropshire.—Quaterly gules and ermine; on the second and third quarters three piles of the first; over all on a fess azure, five bezants.
Crest. A raven proper.
Gent, of Moyns, Essex.—Ermine; a chief indented sable.
Crest. Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-eagle displayed ermine.
Glanville, of Catchfrench Cornwall.—Azure; three saltires or.
Crest. A buck passant proper.
Gregory, of Styvechall, Warwickshire.—Or; two bars, and in chief a lion passant azure.
Crest. Out of a mural coronet per pale or and azure, a demi-boar salient argent armed and unguled of the first, collared of the second, ruined in the breast proper, with an

arrow gold, flighted of the third.

*Greville, of Warwick Castle, Warwickshire.—Sable; on a cross engrailed or, five pellets, within a bordure engrailed of the second.
Crest. First: Out of a ducal coronet gules, a swan wings expanded argent, beaked and membered of the first. Second: A bear erect argent, muzzled gules, collared ad chained or, supporting a ragged staff of the first.
Motto. Vix ea nostra voco.
Gurney, of Keswick, Norfolk.—Argent; a cross engrailed gules, in the first quarter a cinquefoil azure.
Crest. On a chapeau gules, guarded ermine, a gurnet (fish) urinant proper.
Haggerston, of Ellington, Northumberland.—Azure; on a bend cotised argent, three billets sable.
Crest. A lion passant argent.
Harries, of Cruckton, Shropshire.—Ermine; three bars azure, over all as many annulets or.
Crest. A hawk argent, armed and belled or, preying on a curlew of the first.
Hazlerigg, of Noseley, Leistershire.—Argent; a chevron gules, between three hazel leaves slipped proper.
Crest. On a chapeau gules, guarded ermine, a Scot's head proper.
Motto. Pro aris et focis.
Heigham, of Hunston, Suffolk.—Sable; a fess checkée or and azure, between three horses' heads erased argent.
Crest. A horse's head as in the arms.
Hill, of Hawkestone, Shropshire.—Ermine; on a fess sable a castle argent.
Crest. A demi-tower argent, thereon a fawn at gaze proper, collared and chained or.
Motto. Qui uti scit ei bona.
Honywood), of Evington, Kent.—Argent; a chevron between three hawks' head erased azure.

Crest. A wolf's head couped ermine.
Motto. Omne bonum de super.
Hulton, of Hulton, Lancashire.—Argent; a lion rampant gules.
Crest. Issuant from a mural crown or, a stag's head, in the mouth a branch of hawthorn, all proper.
Motto. Mens flecti nescia.
Irton, of Irton, Cumberland.—Argent; a fess sable, and in chief three mullets gules.
Crest. A Saracen's head affrontée proper.
Motto. Semper constans et fidelis.
Isham, of Lamport, Northamptonshire.—Gules; a fess wavy, and in chief three piles also wavy, points meeting in fess, argent.
Crest. A demi-swan wings addorsed proper, over which the
Motto. Ostendo non ostento; and beneath the arms, On things transitory resteth no glory.
Kendall, of Pelyn, Cornwall.—Argent; a chevron between three dolphins embowed sable.
Crest. A lion passant gules.
Kingscote, of Kingscote, Gloucestershire.—Argent; ten escallops; four, three, two, and one, sable; on a canton gules, a mullet pierced or.
Crest. An escallop sable.
Knatchbull, of Mersham Hatch, Kent.—Azure; three crosses-crosslet fitchées in bend or, cotised of the same.
Crest. On a chapeau azure, guarded ermine, a leopard statant argent, pellettée.
Motto. In crucifixâ gloria mea.
Lane, of King's Bromley, Staffordshire.—Per fess or and azure; a chevron gules between three mullets counter-changed; on a canton of the third the royal lions of England.

Crests. First: A strawberry roan horse salient couped at the flanks, bridled sable, bitted and garnished or, supporting between his feet a regal crown proper. Second: Out of a ducal coronet or, a pair of wings addorsed proper.
Motto. Garde le roy.
Langton, of Gunby, Lincolnshire.—Paly of six argent and sable; a bend or.
Lawley, of Spoonhill, Shropshire.—Argent; a cross formée checkée or and sable.
Crest. A wolf passant sable.
Motto. Auspice Christo.
Lawton, of Lawton, Cheshire.—Argent; on a fess between three crosses-crosslet fitchées sable, a cinquefoil of the field. .
Crest. A demi-wolf salient reguardant argent vulned in the breast gules.
Leche, of Carden, Cheshire.—Ermine; on a chief indented gules, three ducal coronets or.
Crest. Out of a ducal coronet or, an arm erect proper, grasping a leech or snake enveloped round the arm vert.
Lechemere, of Hanley, Worcestshire.—Gules; a fess, and in chief two pelicans or, vulning themselves proper.
Crest. A pelican azure, vulning herself proper.
Motto. Ducit amor patriæ.
Leigh, of Adlestrop, Gloucestershire.—Gules; a cross engrailed, in the first quarter a fusil argent.
Crest. A unicorn's head couped or.
Lister, of Gisburn, Yorkshire.—Ermine; on a fess sable, three annulets or.
Crest. A stag's head erased proper.
Loraine, of Kirk Harle, Northumberland.—Quaterly sable and argent a cross quaterly counterchanged.
Crest. A laurel tree couped, two branches sprouting proper, and fixed to the lower part thereof with a belt gules, edged and buckled or, an escutcheon azure.
Motto. Lauro scutoque resurgo.
Luttley, of Brockhampton, Herefordshire.—Quaterly or and azure; four lions counterchanged.
Meynell, of North Kilvington, Yorkshire.—Azure; three bars gemelles and a chief or.
Crest. A savage's head proper couped at the shoulders, and wreathed about the temples or and azure.
Motto. Deus non reliquit memoriam humilium.
*Monson, of Burton, Lincolnshire.—Or; two chevrons gules.
Crest. On a pillar argent, a lion rampant or.
Motto. Prêt pour mon pays.
Northcote, of Pynes, Devonshire.—Argent; three crosses-crosslet botonnées in bend sable.
Crest. On a chapeau gules guarded ermine, a stag tripping argent.
Motto. Christi crux eat mea lux.
Oakeley, of Oakely, Shropshire.—Argent; on a fess between three crescents gules, as many fleurs-de-lys or.
Crest. A dexter arm embowed vambraced, in the hand a scimetar, all proper, pommelled and hilted or.
*Onslow, of West Clandon, Surrey.—Argent; a fess gules, between six Cornish choughs proper.
Crest. An eagle sable, trussing (preying on) a partridge or.
Motto. Festina lente.
Ormerod, of Tyldesley, Lancashire.—Or; three bars, and in chief a lion passant gules.
Crest. A wolf's head couped at the neck, barry of four or and gules, holding in the mouth an ostrich feather erect proper.
Oxenden, of Dene, Kent.—Argent; a chevron gules, between three oxen passant sable.
Crest. Out of a ducal coronet gules, a lion's head affrontée or.
Palmer, of Carlton, Northamptonshire.—Sable; a chevron or, between three crescents argent.
Crest. A wivern or, armed and langued gules.
Motto. Par sit fortunam labori.
Palmes, of Naburn, Yorkshire.—Gules; three fleur-de-lys argent, and a chief vair.
Crest. A hand holding a branch, all proper.
Motto. Ut palma justus.
*Parker, of Sherburn Castle, Oxfordshire.—Gules; a chevron between three leopards' faces or.
Crest. A leopard's head affrontée erased or, ducally gorged gules.
Motto. Sapere aude.
Patten, of Bank Hall, Lancashire.—Lozengy ermine and sable; a canton gules.
Crest. A griffin's head erased vert.
Motto. Nullâ pallescere culpâ.
Pigott, of Edgmont, Shropshire.—Ermine; three fusils conjoined in fess sable.
Crest. A wolf's head erased argent, langued gules.
Plowden, of Plowden, Shropshire.—Azure; a fess dancettée, the two upper points terminating in fleur-de-lys, or.
Crest. On a mount vert, a buck tripping sable, attired or.
Polhill, of Howbury, Bedfordshire.—Or; on a bend gules, three crosses-crosslet of the field.
Crest. Out of a mural coronet or, a hind's head proper, between two oak branches vert, fructed of the first.
Polwhele, of Polwhele, Cornwall.—Sable; a saltire engrailed ermine.
Crest. A bull passant gules, armed and unguled or.
Rashleigh, of Menabilly, Cornwell.—Sable; a cross or, cantoned by in the first quarter a Cornish chough argent, beaked and membered gules; in the second a text T; in the third and forth a crescent argent.
Ridley, of Blagdon, Northumberland.—Gules; a chevron between three goshawks argent.
Crest. A greyhound courant argent.

Roper, of Linstead, Kent.—Per fess azure and or; a pale countercharged three bucks' heads erased of the second.

Crest. A lion rampant sable, holding in his dexter paw a ducal coronet proper.
Motto. Spes mea in Deo.
Roundell, of Screven, Yorkshire.—Or; a fess gules, between three olive branches proper.
Crest. A sword erect argent pommelled and hilted or, gripe gules.
Rous, of Dennington, Suffolk.—Sable; a fess dancettée or, between three crescents argent.
Crest. A bunch of bay leaves piled in the form of a cone vert.
Motto. Je vive en espoir.
Salwey, of Moor Park, Shropshire.—Sable; a saltire engrailed or.
Crest. A demi-Moor proper, wreathed about the temples argent and sable, across the breast a belt bend-sinisterwise azure.
Motto. Fiat voluntas Dei.
Sebright, of Besford, Worcestershire.—Argent; three cinquefoil pierced sable.
Crest. A tiger sejant argent, maned and ducally crowned or.
Sheldon, of Brailes, Warwickshire.—Sable; a fess between three sheldrakes argent.
Crest. A sheldrake (a kind of duck) proper.
Motto. Optimum pati.
Shuckburgh, of Shuckburgh, Warwickshire.—Sable; a chevon between three mullets pierced argent.
Crest. A demi-Moor holding in the dexter hand a dart bend-sinisterwise or.
Motto. Hæc manus ob patriam.
Sneyd, of Keel, Staffordshire.—Argent; a scythe, the blade in chief, the shed (handle) in bend sinister, sable; on the fess point a fleur-de-lys of the second.

Crest. A lion statant guardant, the tail extended sable.
Motto. Nec opprimere, nec opprimi.
Starkie, of Huntroyde, Lancashire.—Argent; a bend between six storks sable.
Crest. A stork proper.
Strode, of Newenham, Devonshire.—Argent; a chevron between three conies sable.
Crest. On a mount a savin tree vert, fructed gules.
Motto. Hyeme virens.
Tancred, of Borough Bridge, Yorkshire.—Argent; a chevron between three escallops gules.
Crest. An olive tree fructed proper.
Thornes, of Llwyntidman Hall, Shropshire.—Sable; a lion rampant guardant argent.
Crest. Out of a ducal coronet or, a mermaid proper, crined of the first, conjoined to a dolphin haurient of the last devouring her sinister hand.
Thornhill, of Stanton, Derbyshire.—Gules; two bars gemelles argent; on a chief of the last a mascle sable.
Crest. On a mount a thorn tree proper.
Motto.Amantes ardua dumos.
Thorold , of Marston, Lincolnshire.—Sable; three goats salient argent, attired or.
Crest. A stag tripping ermine, attired and unguled or.
Throckmorton, of Coughton, Warwickshire.—Gules; on a chevron argent, three bars gemelles sable.
Crest. An elephant's head proper.
Mottoes. First: Virtus sola nobilitas. Second: Moribus antiquis.
Thynne, of Longleate, Wiltshire.—Barry of ten or and sable.
Crest. A reindeer starant or.
Motto.J'ai bonne cause.
Toke, of Godington , Kent.—Party per chevron sable and argent; three griffins' heads erased counterchanged.
Crest. A griffin's head erased per chevron argent and sable, guttée counterchanged, holding in his mouth a sword proper, pommelled and hilted or.
Motto. Militia mea multiplex.
*Trefusis, of Trefusis, Cornwall.—Argent; a chevron between three spindles sable.
Crest. A griffin segreant or, resting his dexter foot on an escutcheon argent.
Motto. Tout vient de Dieu.
Tregonwell, of Anderston, Dorsenshire.—Argent; on a fess, cotised sable, between three Cornish choughs proper, as many plates.
Crest. A Cornish chough's head and neck proper, holding in its beak a chaplet ermine and sable.
Motto. Nosce teipsum.
Tremayne, of Helligan, Cornwall.—Gules; three dexter arms conjoined at the shoulder, flexed in triangle or, fists clenched proper.
Crest. Two arms embowed, holding between the hands a man's head, all proper, on the head a high-crowned hat sable.
Trevelyan, of Nettlecombe, Somersetshire.—Gules; a demi-horse argent, hoofed and maned or, issuant from the sea, party per fess wavy azure and of the second.
Crest. Two arms embowed proper, habited azure, holding in the hands a bezant.
Motto. Time tryeth troth.
Twysden, of Royden Hall, Kent.—Gyronny of four argent and gules; a saltire between four crosses-crosslet all counterchanged.
Crest. A cockatrice with wings expanded azure, armed jowlopped crested and winged or.
Motto. Prævisa mala pereunt.
Tyre, of Leckhampton Court, Gloucestershire.—Or; a bend azure.
*Upton, of Ashton Court, Somersetshire.—Sable; a cross moline argent.

Crest. On a ducal coronet or, a war-horse passant sable bridled saddled (sans stirrups) and accoutred of the first.
Motto. Virtutis avorum præmium.
Vincent, of Debden Hall, Essex.—Azure; three quatrefoils argent.
Crest. Out of a ducal coronet proper, a bear'a head argent, muzzled gules.
Motto. Vincenti dabitur.
Walcot, of Bittersley, Stropshire.—Argent; a chevron between three chess rooks ermine.
Crest. Out of a ducal coronet or, a buffalo's head erased argent, armed ducally gorged lined and winged of the first.
Waldron or Walrond, of Dulford, Devonshire.—Argent; three bulls' heads caboshed sable, armed or.
Crest. A heraldic tiger sable, pelletée.
Motto. Nec beneficii immemor, nec injuriæ.
Weld, of Lulworth Castle, Dorsetshire.—Azure; a fess nebulée between three crescents ermine.
Crest. A wyvem sable, guttée de sang, ducally gorged and chained or.
Motto. Nil sine numine.
Weston, of West Horsley, Surrey.—Sable; a chevron or, between three leopards' heads erased argent, crowned or.
Crest. A wolf passant argent, ducally crowned or.
Whichcote, of Aswarby, Lincolnshire.—Ermine; two boars pessant in pale gules, langued azure, armed and unguled or.
Crest. A boar's head erased and erect gules, langued azure, armed or.
Motto. Juste et droit
Whitgrave, of Mosely, Staffordshire.—Azure; on a cross quaterly pierced or, four chevrons gules.
Crest. Out of a ducal coronet gules a demi-antelope springing or.
Motto. Regem defendere victum.
Whitmore, of Apley, Stropshire.—Vert; fretty or.
Crest. A falcon sitting on the stump of a tree, with a branch springing from the dexter side, all proper.
Wollaston, of Shenton, Leiceshire.—Argent; three mullets pierced sable.
Crest. Out of a mural crown or, a demi-griffin segreant argent, holding a mullet pierced sable.
Motto. Ne quid falsi.
Wolseley, of Wolseley, Staffordshire.—Argent; a talbot passant gules.
Crest. Out of a ducal coronet or, a talbot's head erased proper.
Motto. Homo homini vulpes.
Wombwell, of Wombwell, Yorkshire.—Gules; a bend between six unicorns' heads couped, argent.
Crest. A unicorn's head as in the arms.
Motto. In well beware.
Wrey, of Trebigh, Cornwall.—Sable; a fess between three pole-axes argent, helved gules.
Crest. An arm embowed habated sable, the hand proper grasping a hatchet argent, helved gules.
Motto. Le bon temps viendra.
Wybergh, of Clifton, Westmoreland.—Sable; three bars or, in chief two etoilles of the last.
Crest. A griffin's head erased or.
Motto. Hominem te esse memento.