The Letters of Queen Victoria/Volume 2/Chapter 13/To King of Belgians 24 May 1844

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3288667The Letters of Queen Victoria/Volume 2, Volume II — Queen Victoria to the King of the Belgians
24th May 1844. The Prince de Joinville's
Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria to the King of the Belgians.

Claremont, 24th May 1844.

Dearest Uncle,—Though not my day I must write you a line to say how vexed we are at this most unfortunate and most imprudent brochure of Joinville’s;[1] it has made a very bad effect here, and will rouse all the envy and hatred between the two Navies again, which it was our great effort to subdue—and this all for nothing! I can’t tell you how angry people are, and how poor Hadjy will get abused. And this all after our having been on such intimate terms with him and having sailed with him! If he comes here, what shall we do? Receive with open arms one who has talked of ravaging our coasts and burning our towns? Indeed it is most lamentable; you know how we like him, and that therefore it must be very annoying to us to see him get himself into such a scrape. We shall overlook it, but the people here won't. It will blow over, but it will do immense harm. We who wish to become more and more closely united with the French family are, of course, much put out by this return. We shall forgive and forget, and feel it was not intended to be published—but the public here will not so easily, and will put the worst construction on it all.

Pray, dearest Uncle, tell me what could possess Joinville to write it, and still more to have it printed? Won't it annoy the King and Nemours very much? Enfin c'est malheureux, c'est indiscret au plus haut degré—and it provokes and vexes us sadly. Tell me all you know and think about it; for you can do so with perfect safety by our courier.

I have written dearest Louise an account of my old birthday, which will please you, I think. The weather is very fine. Ever your truly devoted Niece and Child, Victoria R.

  1. The brochure was entitled, Notes sur les forces navales de la France. The Prince de Joinville wrote as follows to the Queen: “Le malheureux éclat de ma brochure, le tracas que cela donne au Pére et a la Reine, me font regretter vivement de l’avoir faite. Comme je l’écris a ton Roi, je ne renvoie que mépris a toutes les interprétations qu’on y donne; ce que peuvent dire ministre et journaux ne me touche en rien, mais il n’y a pas de sacrifices que je ne suis disposé a faire pour l’intérieur de la Famille.”