
The New International Encyclopædia/Götzen, Gustav Adolf, Count von

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Edition of 1905. See also Gustav Adolf von Götzen on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1379162The New International Encyclopædia — Götzen, Gustav Adolf, Count von

GÖTZEN, Gustav Adolf, Count von (1866—). A German traveler, born at the Castle of Scharfeneck, Silesia. He undertook a journey to the Kilimanjaro, which was highly successful, and on his second tour traversed the entire continent of Africa from Pangani, German East Africa, to the mouth of the Congo. The journey, undertaken in association with Drs. von Prittwitz and Kersting, was begun December 21, 1893, and was terminated, after almost incredible difficulties and hardships, November 29, 1894. The interesting discoveries made by Götzen on this tour are described by him in the volume entitled Durch Afrika von Ost nach West (1895). In 1896 he was sent to Washington as military and naval attaché, in 1900 was appointed Governor of German East Africa, and in 1901 major and commander of the defensive forces there stationed.