The New International Encyclopædia/Pierre

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Edition of 1905. See also Pierre, South Dakota on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

PIERRE, pēr. A city, the county-seat of Hughes County and the capital of South Dakota; situated near the centre of the State, on the Missouri River, and on the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad (Map: South Dakota, E 5). It has a Government industrial school for Indians, and is the commercial metropolis of an extensive stock-raising and farming district. It is the largest stock market in the State, the annual shipments of cattle averaging 1000 cars. Underlying the city are supplies of natural gas, which is used for lighting and heating and for industrial purposes. Pierre was settled in 1880, and incorporated three years later. It is governed under a charter of 1900, which provides for a mayor, elected biennially, and a council. The water-works, gas plant, and electric light plant are owned by the municipality. Population, in 1890, 3233; in 1900, 2306.