The New International Encyclopædia/Räuber, Die

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Edition of 1905. See also The Robbers on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2139793The New International Encyclopædia — Räuber, Die

RÄUBER, roi′bẽr, Die (Ger., The Robbers). An early play of Schiller (1781), which, with many imperfections, attained great success by reason of its dramatic power. The hero, Karl Moor, a student in Leipzig, is disowned by his father through the machinations of his brother, and in desperation becomes the captain of a band of robbers. His exploits are directed toward righting wrongs and punishing misdeeds, and he becomes famous as an outlaw. Finally he returns to his home, rescues his father from his brother's cruelty, and in expiation of his deeds delivers himself up to the law.