The New International Encyclopædia/Reinick, Robert

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Edition of 1905. See also Robert Reinick on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2930805The New International Encyclopædia — Reinick, Robert

REINICK, rï'nïk, Robert (1805-52). A German painter, etcher, and poet, born and educated in Danzig. He studied painting under Begas in Berlin and at the Düsseldorf Academy, and settled at Dresden in 1844. Several pleasing pictures, either historical or romantic in subject, had come from his brush after 1830—for example, "Rachel and Jacob at the Well" (Stettin Museum), "Well Near Olevano," and several others (Danzig Museum)—but his most interesting productions are those in which his pictorial and poetic talents are blended, such as "Drei Umrisse nach Holzschnitten von Dürer mit erläuterndem Text und Gesängen" (1830). With Kugler he published the Liederbuch für deutsche Künstler (1833), with woodcuts by Gubitz, and then the Lieder eines Malers mit Randzeichnungen seiner Freunde (1838), with thirty-one etchings by himself and other Düsseldorf artists. He supplied the poetical text to Rethel's "Dance of Death." and was associated with Ludwig Richter in editing Hebel's Allemannische Gedichte (1851), of which he gave a High-German version. A sixth edition of his collected Lieder, with a biography by Auerbach, was published in Berlin in 1873. His natural ability as a juvenile poet is well exemplified by the Lieder und Fabeln für die Jugend (2d ed. 1849), the Illustriertes ABC-Buch für kleine und grosse Kinder (4th ed. 1876), and the fairy-tale Die Wurzelprinzessin (1848). The poetical works for young people appeared collected under the title Märchen-, Lieder- und Geschichtenbuch (11th ed., Leipzig, 1895).