The New International Encyclopædia/Texarkana

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Edition of 1905. See also Texarkana, Texas and Texarkana, Arkansas on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

TEX′ARKAN′A. The name of two adjoining cities situated on each side of the boundary between Arkansas and Texas, 145 miles southwest of Little Rock; on the Texas and Pacific, the Saint Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern, the Saint Louis Southwestern, the Kansas City, Pittsburg and Gulf, and other railroads (Map: Texas, H 3). One of the municipalities is the county seat of Miller County, Ark., and the other is in Bowie County, Texas. They form, however, practically one industrial community. There are a fine post-office building, two city halls, and Saint Agnes Academy, besides several handsome residences and business blocks. Texarkana has considerable importance in commerce and manufactures. It is the centre of large timber interests, and ships also cotton, cottonseed oil, and hides. Foundries and machine shops, various plants connected with the cotton industry, railway shops, lumber mills, and furniture and pottery factories constitute the leading industrial establishments. Population, Texarkana in Texas, in 1890, 2852; in 1900, 5256; Texarkana in Arkansas, in 1890, 3528; in 1900, 4914.