The New International Encyclopædia/Zumpt, August Wilhelm

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Edition of 1905. See also August Wilhelm Zumpt on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

4401631The New International Encyclopædia — Zumpt, August Wilhelm

ZUMPT, tso͞ompt, August Wilhelm (1815-77). A German classical philologist, born at Königsberg, nephew of the following. Educated at the University of Berlin, he spent his life in teaching at the Joachimsthal (1837-38), the Friedrich Werder (1838-51), and the Friedrich Wilhelm (1851-77), gymnasia of that city. His work dealt chiefly with Roman epigraphy. His publications include an edition of Rutilius Namatianus (1836-46); Honorum Gradus sub Imperatoribus Hadriano et Antonino Pio (1843); Ueber die Entstehung und historische Entwickelung des Kolonats (1843); an edition of the Monumentum Ancyranum (with Franz, 1845); Commentationes Epigraphicæ ad Antiquitates Romanas Pertinentes (2 vols., 1850-54); Studia Romana (1859); Das Kriminalrecht der römischen Republik (1865-69); De Monumento Ancyrano Supplendo (1869); and Der Kriminalprozess der römischen Republik (1871).