
The New International Encyclopædia/Zwickau

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Edition of 1905. See also Zwickau on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

ZWICKAU, tsvik'ou. A town in the Kingdom of Saxony, situated on the left bank of the Zwickau Mulde, 20 miles by rail southwest of Chemnitz (Map: Germany, E 3). It is a quaint old city. The Gothic Church of Mary, dating from 1453 and restored in late times, is a notable structure. Other features of Zwickau are the house where Schumann was born, several fine old edifices, and the ancient château used as a penitentiary. There are a mining school and a collection of paintings. The manufacturing interests are important. Machinery, paper, and glass are among the varied productions. Trade is active. The adjacent coal mines are extensively exploited. The annual output is $5,000,000. Population, in 1900, 55,825.