The New Student's Reference Work/Index-C

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Contents: Front Matter - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Arithmetic - Outlines - Questions - Index
  1. C — Cable-Road, p. 300
  2. Cables — Cactus, p. 301
  3. Cade — Cædmon, p. 302
  4. Cæsar — Cæsarea Philippi, p. 303
  5. Cain — Caisson, p. 304
  6. Calais — Calcutta, p. 305
  7. Calderon — Calendar, p. 306
  8. Calgary — Calhoun, p. 307
  9. Calico — California, p. 308
  10. California, p. 309
  11. California, Gulf of — Caligula, p. 310
  12. Caloric — Calypso, p. 311
  13. Calyptra — Cambridge, p. 312
  14. Cambridge — Camel, p. 313
  15. Camelot — Cameo, p. 314
  16. Dromedary, Two-Humped Camel
  17. Alpaca, Llama, Vicuna
  18. Camera — Campania, p. 315
  19. Campbell — Canada, p. 316
  20. Canada, Map
  21. Canada, p. 317
  22. Canada, p. 318
  23. Bow River Valley, Alberta, Canada
  24. Canada, p. 319
  25. Canadian Northern Railway — Canal, p. 320
  26. Digging the Chicago Drainage Canal
  27. Canal — Canary Bird, p. 321
  28. Canary Islands — Cankerworm, p. 322
  29. Cannæ — Cannon, p. 323
  30. Cannon, p. 324
  31. Cannon — Cañon, p. 325
  32. Canossa — Canterbury Cathedral, p. 326
  33. Canton — Canute, p. 327
  34. Canvasback — Cape Colony, p. 328
  35. Cape Hatteras — Cape of Good Hope, p. 329
  36. Cape Town — Capillarity in Soils, p. 330
  37. Capitoline Hill — Carácas, p. 331
  38. Caracci — Carbonic Acid, p. 332
  39. Car-Building — Cardiff, p. 333
  40. Cardinal-Bird — Carlisle, p. 334
  41. Carlisle — Carlsbad, p. 335
  42. Carlyle — Carmichael, p. 336
  43. Carnation — Carnegie Libraries, p. 337
  44. Carnival — Carnot, p. 338
  45. Carob — Carpaccio, p. 339
  46. Carpathian Mountains — Carpet-Sweeper, p. 340
  47. Carpogonium — Carroll, p. 341
  48. Carson — Carthage, p. 342
  49. Carthage — Cartwright, p. 343
  50. Cartwright — Cascade Range, p. 344
  51. Cascade Tunnel — Casimir-Perier, p. 345
  52. Caspian Sea — Cassowary, p. 346
  53. Cast — Cat, p. 347
  54. Catacombs — Catalpa, p. 348
  55. Catania — Caterpillar, p. 349
  56. Catfish — Catherine of Aragon, p. 350
  57. Catherine II — Cato, p. 351
  58. Cato — Caucasian, p. 352
  59. Caucasus — Cavour, p. 353
  60. Cawnpore — Cedar Mountain, p. 354
  61. Cedar Rapid — Cell-Doctrine, p. 355
  62. Cell-Doctrine, p. 356
  63. Cellini — Cement, p. 357
  64. Cemetery — Cenci, p. 358
  65. Census — Central Africa Protectorate, p. 359
  66. Central America — Ceres, p. 360
  67. Cerro Gordo — Ceylon, p. 361
  68. Chad, Lake — Chaleurs, p. 362
  69. Chalk — Chambers, p. 363
  70. Chambersburg — Chamois, p. 364
  71. Chamouni — Champlain, p. 365
  72. Champs-Elysees — Channel Islands, p. 366
  73. Channing — Charity, Sisters of, p. 367
  74. Charlemagne — Charles II, p. 368
  75. Charles VII — Charles XII, p. 369
  76. Charles XIV — Charles, Law of, p. 370
  77. Charles Martel — Charlestown, p. 371
  78. Charlotte — Chatham, p. 372
  79. Chatham — Chaucer, p. 373
  80. Chaudiere — Chemistry, p. 374
  81. Chemistry, p. 375
  82. Chemotaxis — CHerokees, p. 376
  83. Cherry — Chesapeake, p. 377
  84. Chesapeake and Ohio Canal — Chestnut, p. 378
  85. Cheviot — Chicago, p. 379
  86. Chicago, p. 380
  87. Chicago, p. 381
  88. Chicago — Chickadee, p. 382
  89. Chickahominy — Chignecto Bay, p. 383
  90. Chi-Hoang-Ti — Child-Study, p. 384
  91. Child-Study, p. 385
  92. Child-Labor Laws — Chile, p. 386
  93. Chile, p. 387
  94. Chillicothe — China Sea, p. 388
  95. China-Ware — China, p. 389
  96. China, p. 390
  97. China — Chinese Wall, p. 391
  98. Chinooks — Chlorophyceæ, p. 392
  99. Chlorophyll — Choate, p. 393
  100. Choate — Christian Endeavor Movement, p. 394
  101. Christian Era — Christ's Hospital, p. 395
  102. Chronograph — Church-Councils, p. 396
  103. Churchill — Cicada, p. 397
  104. Cicero — Cid, p. 398
  105. Cider — Cincinnati, p. 399
  106. Cincinnati, Society of the — Circulation of Blood, p. 400
  107. Circus — Citizenship, p. 401
  108. Citron — Civil Service, p. 402
  109. Civil War — Clan, p. 403
  110. Clarendon — Clark, p. 404
  111. Clark — Claudius, p. 405
  112. Clausius — Clay, p. 406
  113. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty — Clematis, p. 407
  114. Clemenceau — Cleopatra, p. 408
  115. Cleopatra's Needle — Cleveland, p. 409
  116. Cliff-Dwellers — Clinton, p. 410
  117. Clinton — Clock, p. 411
  118. Close Pollination — Clouds, p. 412
  119. Clover — Coal, p. 413
  120. Coal, p. 414
  121. Coast-Defence — Cobalt, p. 415
  122. Cobalt — Cobourg, p. 416
  123. Cobra de Capello — Cockatoo, p. 417
  124. Cockrell — Cod, p. 418
  125. Coffee plantation, Costa Rica
  126. Young coffee trees in bloom
  127. Coffee plantation, Brazil
  128. Near view of coffee tree showing fruit
  129. Picking coffee, Brazil
  130. Drying grounds (coffee)
  131. Cleansing (coffee)
  132. Preparing for shipment (coffee)
  133. Codlin-Moth — Coffee, p. 419
  134. Coffee Republic — Colborne, p. 420
  135. Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, Hops, Tobacco (plate)
  136. Peanut, Olive, Rubber Tree, Cocoanut, Palm, Oil Palm (plate)
  137. Cold Harbor — Coleridge, p. 421
  138. Colfax — Colleges, p. 422
  139. College examination — College, going to, p. 423
  140. College, going to — College of New York City, p. 424
  141. Collenchyma — Cologne, p. 425
  142. Colombia — Colombo, p. 426
  143. Colon — Color, p. 427
  144. Colorado — Colorado, p. 428
  145. Colorado — Colosseum, p. 429
  146. Colossus — Columbus, p. 430
  147. Columbus — Columbus, p. 431
  148. Columbus — Comets, p. 432
  149. Comets — Commerce, p. 433
  150. Commons, House of — Commutator, p. 434
  151. Como — Compositae, p. 435
  152. Composition in Fine Art, p. 436
  153. Dance of the Nymphs, Corot (plate)
  154. Composition in Fine Art, p. 437
  155. Compressed air — Comus, p. 438
  156. Conchology — Conde, p. 439
  157. Condor — Confederate States, p. 440
  158. Confucius — Congo Free State, p. 441
  159. Congo, French — Congress, p. 442
  160. Conidia — Connecticut, p. 443
  161. Connecticut, p. 444
  162. Connecticut River — Conservation of energy, p. 445
  163. Constable — Constantine I, p. 446
  164. Constantinople — Constantinople, p. 447
  165. Consul, Mercantile — Continuation-Schools, p. 448
  166. Convolvulus — Cooley, p. 449
  167. Cooper — Cooper, p. 450
  168. Coot — Copley, p. 451
  169. Copper — Copts, p. 452
  170. Copyright — Coquelin, p. 453
  171. Coral — Coral, p. 454
  172. Corday — Corinth, p. 455
  173. Corinth — Cormorant, p. 456
  174. Corn — Cornelius, p. 457
  175. Cornell — Cornwallis, p. 458
  176. Corolla — Corporations, p. 459
  177. Corpus Christi — Correlation of Studies, p. 460
  178. Correspondence-Schools — Cortelyou, p. 461
  179. Cortes — Cortland, p. 462
  180. Corwin — Cotes, p. 463
  181. Cotopaxi — Cotton, p. 464
  182. Cottonboll-Weevil — Coues, p. 465
  183. Coulter — Courts of justice, p. 466
  184. Courts of justice — Courts of justice, p. 467
  185. Courts-Martial — Covenanters, p. 468
  186. Coventry — Cowley, p. 469
  187. Cow-Peas — Cowslip, p. 470
  188. Cox — Crab, p. 471
  189. Crabbe — Craik, p. 472
  190. Cranberry — Cranmer, p. 473
  191. Cranston — Crawford, p. 474
  192. Crawford — Creation, p. 475
  193. Crecy — Creston, p. 476
  194. Crete — Cricket, p. 477
  195. Cricket on the Hearth — Crispi, p. 478
  196. Crittenden — Crocodile, p. 479
  197. Crocus — Cromer, p. 480
  198. Crompton — Crook, p. 481
  199. Crookes — Cruikshank, p. 482
  200. Crusades — Crustacea, p. 483
  201. Cryptograms — Cuba, p. 484
  202. Cuckoo — Cullom, p. 485
  203. Culpeper — Cuneiform, p. 486
  204. Cupid — Curran, p. 487
  205. Currant — Currency law, p. 488
  206. Curtis — Cushing, p. 489
  207. Cushing — Cutler, p. 490
  208. Cuttlefish — Cyanophyceae, p. 491
  209. Cycads — Cypress, p. 492
  210. Cyprus — Czar, p. 493
  211. Czechs — Czerny, p. 494