The New Student's Reference Work/Index-L

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Contents: Front Matter - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Arithmetic - Outlines - Questions - Index
  1. L — Labor Organization, p. 1015
  2. Labouchère — Labrador, p. 1016
  3. Labrador Current — Lace, p. 1017
  4. Lachine — La Crosse, p. 1018
  5. Lactometer — Ladybird, p. 1019
  6. Lady of the Lake, The — Lafayette, p. 1020
  7. La Follette — Lahore, p. 1021
  8. Lake District — Lamar, p. 1022
  9. Lamarck — Lamp, p. 1023
  10. Lampblack — Lancaster, p. 1024
  11. Lancaster Sound — Langevin, p. 1025
  12. Langevin — Language, Teaching of, p. 1026
  13. Language, Teaching of, p. 1027
  14. Languages of the World — Lannes, p. 1028
  15. Lansdowne — Lapis Lazuli, p. 1029
  16. Laplace — Laramie City, p. 1030
  17. Laramie — Larkspur, p. 1031
  18. La Rochefoucauld — La Salle, p. 1032
  19. Lassalle — Las Casas, p. 1033
  20. Lateran — Lathrop, p. 1034
  21. Latimer — Laurel, p. 1035
  22. Laurens — Laval-Montmorency, p. 1036
  23. Laval University — Law, p. 1037
  24. Law — Lawrence, p. 1038
  25. Lawrence — Lawton, p. 1039
  26. Lay of the Last Minstrel — Lead, p. 1040
  27. Leadville — Leap, p. 1041
  28. Leander — Least Action, p. 1042
  29. Leather — Leavensworth, p. 1043
  30. Lebanon — Le Conte, p. 1044
  31. Leconte de Lisle — Lee, p. 1045
  32. Lee, p. 1046
  33. General R. E. Lee and his War-Horse Traveler
  34. Lee, p. 1047
  35. Lee — Lefebvre, p. 1048
  36. Legal — Legion of Honor, p. 1049
  37. Legume — Leidy, p. 1050
  38. Leighton — Leisler, p. 1051
  39. Leith — Lemur, p. 1052
  40. Lena — Lens, p. 1053
  41. Lent — Leo III, p. 1054
  42. Leo X — Leonardo da Vinci, p. 1055
  43. Leonidas I — Leprosy, p. 1056
  44. Lepsius — Lesseps, p. 1057
  45. Lessing — Leutze, p. 1058
  46. Levant — Lever, p. 1059
  47. Leverrier — Lewis and Clark Expedition, p. 1060
  48. Lewiston — Lexington, p. 1061
  49. Lexington — Liberia, p. 1062
  50. Liberia — Libraries, p. 1063
  51. Libraries — Libraries, How to Use, p. 1064
  52. Library of Congress — Lichens, p. 1065
  53. Lick Observatory — Lifeboat, p. 1066
  54. Life-Preservers — Light, p. 1067
  55. Light-Horse Harry — Lighthouse, p. 1068
  56. Lightning — Lightning Rods, p. 1069
  57. Lignite — Lily, p. 1070
  58. Lille — Lime, p. 1071
  59. Lime — Limpet, p. 1072
  60. Lincoln, p. 1073
  61. Lincoln, p. 1074
  62. Lincoln — Lind, p. 1075
  63. Linden — Linen, p. 1076
  64. Lines of Force — Lion, p. 1077
  65. Lions, American — Liquid Air, p. 1078
  66. Liquorice — Liszt, p. 1079
  67. Literature — Literature (Assyrian), p. 1080
  68. Literature (Phœnician) — Literature (Jewish), p. 1081
  69. Literature (Egyptian) — Literature (Greek), p. 1082
  70. Literature (Roman) — Literature (Arabian), p. 1083
  71. Literature (Arabian) — Literature (Italian), p. 1084
  72. Literature (French), p. 1085
  73. Literature (Spanish) — Literature (Dutch), p. 1086
  74. Literature (Scandinavian) — Literature (German), p. 1087
  75. Literature (English), p. 1088
  76. Great English Writers Previous to the Eighteenth Century
  77. English Writers of the Eighteenth Century
  78. Literature (English), p. 1089
  79. Literature (English), p. 1090
  80. English Novelists and Prose Writers of the Nineteenth Century
  81. Literature (English) — , p. 1091
  82. Literature (English) — Literature (American), p. 1092
  83. Literature (American), p. 1093
  84. Literature (American), p. 1094
  85. Literature (American), p. 1095
  86. Literature (American), p. 1096
  87. Literature (American), p. 1097
  88. Literature (American) — Literature for Children, p. 1098
  89. Literature for Children, p. 1099
  90. Literature for Children — Lithography, p. 1100
  91. Lithuania — Little Rock, p. 1101
  92. Little Turtle — Liverpool, p. 1102
  93. Liverpool — Livingstone, p. 1103
  94. Livorno — Llama, p. 1104
  95. Lobster
  96. Lloyd's London Exchange — Lock, p. 1105
  97. Lock — Locust, p. 1106
  98. Locust — Lofoten, p. 1107
  99. Log — Logan, p. 1108
  100. Logan — Lombards, p. 1109
  101. Lombardy — London, p. 1110
  102. London — London, Ont., p. 1111
  103. London — Longfellow, p. 1112
  104. Longfellow, p. 1113
  105. Longitude — Loon, p. 1114
  106. Lope de Vega — Lorraine, p. 1115
  107. Los Angeles — Louis IX, p. 1116
  108. Louis XI — Louis XVI, p. 1117
  109. Louis XVII — Louisiana, p. 1118
  110. Louisiana — Louisville, p. 1119
  111. Lourenço Marques — Low, p. 1120
  112. Lowell, p. 1121
  113. Loyola — Lucian, p. 1122
  114. Lucifer — Lumbering, p. 1123
  115. Lundy's Lane — Luther, p. 1124
  116. Luxembourg — Lycurgus, p. 1125
  117. Lydia — Lyndhurst, p. 1126
  118. Lyne — Lyon, p. 1127
  119. Lyons — Lytton, p. 1128