The New Student's Reference Work/Motley, John Lothrop

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2902749The New Student's Reference Work — Motley, John Lothrop

Mot′ley, John Lothrop, an American historical writer, was born at Dorchester (now part of Boston), Mass., April 15, 1814. As a boy he had Bancroft for a teacher. His higher education he obtained at Harvard and in German universities, where he made a friend of Bismarck. His first great work, The History of the Dutch Republic (1856), was the result of nearly ten years' labor, much of the time being spent in Berlin, Dresden and The Hague in searching for materials. It was translated into Dutch, French, German and Russian, and established his fame. His room is shown to visitors in the queen's palace at The Hague, where he worked by royal invitation. The History of the United Netherlands followed in 1860 and 1868. His last work was the Life and Death of John of Barneveldt, which is still another contribution to the history of Holland. His plan embraced a History of the Thirty Years' War, which was not finished. He also was a contributor to the Atlantic Monthly, and his letters to the London Times during the Civil War were effective in giving to the English people an understanding of the real question involved. He was United States minister to Austria from 1861 to 1867 and in 1869—70 minister to England. He died at the home of his daughter, who had married Sir Wm. Vernon Harcourt, in Dorsetshire, England, May 29, 1877. See Memoir by Oliver Wendell Holmes and Letters, edited by George William Curtis.