The Poetical Works of Jonathan E. Hoag/Papa Is Sleeping Somewhere Over There

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Papa Is Sleeping Somewhere Over There

A lowly home beside the grove we see,
  Where evening shadows darkly gather o'er,
And children gaze at mamma's placid face,
  While crepe hangs sadly by the cottage door.

"Why fall those crystal tears, my mamma dear?
  We have the home, where sway the leafy vines,
Where budding flowers bedeck the velvet lawn,
  And crimson climbing rose the trellis twines.

"Pray, then, what need we now, my mamma dear?
  We have the birds that sing in verdant bowers;
Among the blossoms buzz the busy bees,
  Whilst health and friends in bounteous store are ours.

"We list to baby's cooing song of joy,
  And watch her wave her little dimpled hand;
Each night in downy bed she sweetly sleeps,
  While Papa's somewhere in a foreign land."

"Yes, yes, my child, we have these blessings all;
  Home, friends and flowers, sunshine, birds and air;
But, oh, the pang of grief you ne'er may know—
  For Papa's sleeping somewhere over there!"