The Poetical Works of Jonathan E. Hoag/We Saw Them March Away

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We Saw Them March Away
Dedicated to the Soldiers Who Left for Camp one Friday

A crisp north breeze swept down the vale so fair,
  O'er gather'd clans that sunlit April day,
In rhythmic step to drum and bugle's blare.
  With buoyant heart we saw them march away!

A father's pride, a mother's teardrop starts;
  Their soldier boy must brave a foreign foe!
A pang sweeps through those loving parents' hearts,
  That none save such as they can ever know.

"My darling boy, be it on a foreign shore,
  Or be it on the dark and angry sea;
Fail not, when evening shadows hover o'er,
  To lift thy soul, and sink on bended knee!"

The stars and stripes that float with pride and grace,
  Inspire their hearts that long remembered day;
The parting kiss, the lingering, last embrace—
  We turn again to see them march away!