The Rock-cut Temples of India/The Caves of Ajunta/Lower Part of Façade of Chaitya No. 19—Ajunta

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THIS view represents the sculpture on the right-hand side of the lower part of the façade of Chaitya Cave No. 19. The principal figure on the right hand of the entrance represents Buddha giving alms. In the next compartment he is standing in front of a daghopa, richly ornamented and surmounted by the triple umbrella, standing on the tee, which is so universal an emblem in these times, and is, in fact, merely a repetition of what is seen inside the Cave itself. Above, on the upper right-hand corner of the picture, he is represented, in the most usual standing attitude, as preaching, his right hand hanging down, his left raised; but the style of the sculpture is so far inferior as to lead to the suspicion of a later date. Below this he is represented seated cross-legged, but this also is in an inferior style of art.