The Souvenir of Western Women/Killen cow

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2649547The Souvenir of Western Women — Killen cowGeorge H. Himes

John Killin and family came to Oregon from Iowa in 1845, and were the first to settle south of the Calapooia River, at a point about three miles below the present town of Brownsville. There were no neighbors but Indians, and they were troublesome on account of their thieving propensities. First one thing, then another disappeared, but Mr. Killin seemed reluctant to attempt to recover the stolen property. At length a milch cow was stolen, whereat Mrs. Killin, after vainly entreating her husband to seek its rescue, determined to take the initiative. Accordingly, she armed herself with a butcher knife, went to the chief's camp, found the cow, cut the retaining rope, brandished her weapon in the face of the astounded chief and his subjects, and drove the beast back to her cabin. From that time Mrs. Killin was known as a "Skookum Kloochman"—strong-hearted woman—and thereafter the property of the family was not molested. Mrs. Killin is still living, and is now in her ninety-third year.—(George H. Himes.)