The True Story of the Vatican Council/Books of Travel

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The True Story of the Vatican Council (1877)
by Henry Edward Manning
Advertisements — Books of Travel
2751710The True Story of the Vatican Council — Advertisements — Books of Travel1877Henry Edward Manning


Royal 4to, bevelled boards,

Travels in the Footsteps of Bruce in Algiers and Tunis. By Lieut-Col. R. L. Playfair. With numerous Facsimile Illustrations in Photogravure, from Drawings by Bruce, now first published.

New and Revised Edition, in 2 vols.,

Walks in Florence. By the Misses Horner.
Volume  I.—Churches, Streets, and Palaces. Price 10s. 6d.
Volume II.—Public Galleries and Museums. Price 5s.

Second Edition.

The Inner Life of Syria, Palestine, and the Holy Land. By Mrs Richard Burton. With Photographic Portraits of Captain Burton, and the Author, and with Coloured Illustrations and Map. 2 vols. Demy 8vo, cloth, price 24s.

This volume is intended to present a sketch of the vie intime of the Holy Land in general, and of Damascus in particular, and to convey an idea of the life which an Englishwoman may make for herself in the East.

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Eastern Experiences. By Lewin Bowring, C.S.I., Lord Canning's Private Secretary, and for many years Chief Commissioner of Mysore and Coorg. Illustrated with Maps and Diagrams. Demy 8vo, cloth, price 16s.

The sketches contained in this volume are based upon Notes made during the course of several tours through the provinces of Mysore and Coorg. Information has been added from published official reports and such other sources as could be comprised within moderate limits.

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Second and Cheaper Edition.

The Alps of Arabia; or, Travels through Egypt, Sinai, Arabia, and the Holy Land. By William Charles Maughan. With Map. Demy 8vo, cloth, price 5s,

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Second Edition.

The Nile without a Dragoman. By Frederick Eden. Crown 8vo, cloth, price 7s. 6d.

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Henry S. King & Co., London.