The Witch-Cult in Western Europe/Bibliography

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Abbotsford Club Miscellany, vol. i. Edinburgh, 1837.
Ady, Thomas. A Candle in the Dark. London, 1656.
Alse Gooderige, The most wonderfull and true Storie of. London, 1597.
Arnot, Hugo, Criminal Trials. Edinburgh, 1785.

Baines, Edward. History of the Coimty Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster. London, 1836.
Bannatyne Club. Memoirs of Sir James Melville. Edinburgh, 1827.
Historie and Life of King James the Sext. Edinburgh, 1825.
Diary of John Nicoll. Edinburgh, 1836.
Spottiswode's History of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1847-50.
Baxter, Richard. Certainty of Worlds cf Spirits. London, 1691.
Beaumont, John. Historical Treatise of Spirits. London, 1705.
Bede, Venerable. Ecclesiastical History (ed. Giles). London, 1843.
Bernard, Richard. Guide to Grand-Iury men. London, 1627.
Berwickshire Naturalists' Club, vol. xi. Alnwick, 1887.
Black, G. F. Scottish Antiquary, vol. ix. Edinburgh, 1895.
Blackwood' s Edinburgh Magazine, vol. i. Edinburgh, 181 7.
Bodin, Jean. De la Detnonomanie des Sorciers, Rouen, 1604.
Le Fleau des Demons et Sorciers, Nyort, 1616.
Boguet, Henri, Discours des Sorciers, Lyons, 1608.
Bourignon, Antoinette. La Parole de Dieu. Amsterdam, 1683.
La 7'ie exterieur. Amsterdam, 1683.
Bournon, Jacques. Chroniques de la Lorraine. Nancy, 1838.
Bovett, Richard. Pandaemonium, London, 1684.
Bower, Edmund. Dr. Lai/ib revived. London, 1653.
Bromhall, Thomas. Treatise of Spectres. London, 1658.
Burns Begg. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, New Series, vol. x. Edinburgh.
Burr, George Lincoln. Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases. New York, 1914.
Burton, John Hill. Criminal Trials. London, 1852.
History of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1873.

Calef, Robert. Moj-e Wonders of the divisible World. Salem, 1861.
Calendar of State Papers. Domestic, 1584. London, 1865.
Cambrensis, Giraldus. Itinerary (Bohn's edition). London, 1847.
Camden Society. Lady Alice Kytelcr. London, 1843.
Campbell, John Gregorson. Superstitions of the Highhuids. Glasgow, 1902.
Cannaert, J. B. Olim proces des Sorcieres eft Belgique. Gand, 1847.
Chambers, Robert. Domestic Annals of Scotlafid. Edinburgh, 1861.
Chartier, Jean. Chronique de Charles VII (ed. Vallet de Viriville). Paris, 1858.
Chetham Society. Moore Rental. Manchester, 1847.
Potts, Discoverie of Witchcraft. Manchester, 1858.
Chronicon de Lanercost (ed. Stevenson). Maitland Club. Glasgow, 1839.
Collection of rare and curious Tracts relating to Witchcraft. London, 1838.

Cooper, Thomas. Mystery of Witchcraft. London, 1617.
———Pleasant Treatise of Witches. London, 1673.
Cotta, John. Infallible, tnce and assured Witch. London, 1625.
———Trial of Witchcraft. London, 1616.
County Folklore, iii. Orkney. London, 1901.
Cunningham, Allan. Traditional Talcs of the English and Scottish Peasantry. London, 1874.

Dalyell, John Grahame. Darker Superstitions of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1834.
Danaeus, Lambert. Dialogue of Witches. [London ?], 1575.
Davenport, John. Ultches of Huntingdon. London, 1646.
Davies, J. Ceredig. Welsh Folklore. Aberystwith, 191 1.
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De Lancre, Pierre. H Incredulite et Mescreance du Sortilege. Paris, 1622.
———Tableau de V Inconstancc des mauvais Anges. Paris, 1613.
Denham Tracts. London, 1895.
Detection of damnable Drifts. 1579.

Elven, Henry van. La Tradition, vol. v. Paris, 1891.
Examination of certain Witches at Chelmsford. Philobiblon Society, viii. London, 1863-4.
Examination of A. Baker, Joane Jl'illimot, and Ellen Greene. London, 1619.
Examitiatiofi of foane Williford, Joan Cariden, and Jane Hott. (See Collection of rare and curious Tracts.) London, 1645.
Examination of John Walsh. London, 1566.

Fairfax, Edward. Demonologia {ed. W. Gmmge). Harrogate, 1882.
Flower, The Wonderful Discoverie of the Witchcrafts of Margaret and Philip. London, 1619.
Forbes, William. Institutes of the Law of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1722-30.
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Fountainhall, Lord. Decisions. Edinburgh, 1759.
Fournier, Alban. Epidemic de Sorcellerie en Lorraine. Nancy, 1891.
French Intelligencer, No. 21. Thomason Tracts. London, 1652.
Full Tryals of Notorious Witches at Wo7-cester. London, n. d.

Gaule, John. Select Cases of Conscience. London, 1646.
Garish, William Blyth. Relation of Mary Hall of Gadsden. 191 2.
———The Divel's Delusions. Bishops Stortford, 1914.
———The Severall Practices of Johane Harrison. 1909.
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Giraldus Cambrensis. Itinerary (Bohn's edition). London, 1847.
Glanvil, Joseph. Sadducismus Triumphatus. London, 1681.
Goldsmid, E. Confessions of Witches under Torture. Edinburgh, 1886.
Goodcole, Henry. Wonderfull Discoverie of Elizabeth Sawyer. London, 1621.
Gooderige, The most wonderfull and true storie, of a certaine Witch named Alse. London, 1597.

Green, Samuel Abbott. Groton in the Witchcraft Times. Cambridge, Mass., 1883.

Hale, John. A modest Enquiry (ed. Burr). New York, 1914.
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Harou, Alfred. La Tradition, vol. vi. Paris, 1892.
Hector, William. Judicial Records of Renfrewshire. Paisley, 1876.
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Holinshed, Raphael. Chronicles. London, 1587.
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Horneck, Anthony. Appendix to Glanvil's Sadducismus Triumphatus. London, 1681.
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James the Sext, Historie and Life of. Bannatyne Club. Edinburgh, 1825.
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Justiciary Court, Edinburgh, Records of the Proceedings of. Edinburgh, 1905.

Kinloch, George Ritchie. Reliquiae Antiquae Scoticae. Edinburgh, 1848.

Lamont, John. Diary. Maitland Club. Edinburgh, 1830.
Law, Robert. Memorialls (ed. Sharpe). Edinburgh, 1818.
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Lea, Henry Charles. History of the Inquisition. London, 1888.
Lemoine, Jules. La Tradition, vol. vi. Paris, 1892.

Mackenzie, Sir George. Laws and Customs of Scotland. Edinburgh. 1699.
Maitland Club. Chronicon de Lanercost. Glasgow, 1839.
———Lamont's Diary. Glasgow, 1830.
Maitland Club Miscellany, vol. ii. Glasgow, 1840.
Manchester Oriental Society's Journal. Manchester, 1916-17.
Mather, Cotton. Wonders of the Invisible World. London, 1862.
——— Increase. Remarkable Providences. London, 1890.
Melville, Sir James. Memoirs. Bannatyne Club. Edinburgh.
Michaelis, Sebastian. Admirable Historic of the Possession and Conversion of a Penitent Woman. London, 1613.
———A Discourse of Spirits. London, 1613.
Monoyer, Jules. La Sorcellerie en Hainault. Essais d'histoire et d'archeologie. Mons, 1886.
Monseur, Eugene. Le Folklore Wallon. Bruxelles (1892).
Moore Rental. Chetham Society, vol. xii. Manchester, 1847.
More, Henry. Antidote against Atheism. London, 1655.
 Moret, A. Mysteres Egyptiens. Paris, 1913.
Murray, T. Douglas. Jeanne d'Arc. London, 1902.

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Stevenson, J. Chronicon de Lanercost. Maitland Club. Glasgow, 1839.
Stewart, William Grant. Popular Superstitions of the Highlanders. Edinburgh, 1823.
Surtees Society, vol. xl. Durham, 1861.

Taylor, John. Tracts relating to Northamptonshire. Northampton, 1866.
Taylor, John. The Witchcraft Delusion in Colonial Connecticut. New York, n. d.
Thomson, H. A., and Miles, A. Manual of Surgery. Oxford, 1913.
Thorpe, Benjamin. Monumenta Ecclesiastica. [London] 1840.
Tradition, La, vol. v. van Elven's Les Proces de Sorcellerie au Moyen Age. Paris, 1891.
———vol. vi. Harou's Sorciers et Sotcieres. Paris, 1892.
———vol. vi. Lemoine's Sorcellerie contcniporaine. Paris, 1892.
True and exact Relation of the severall Informations, Examinations and Confessions of the late Witches executed in the County of Essex. London, 1645,
True and iust Recorde of all the Witches taken at St. Oses. By W. W. London, 1582.
Tryalls of Four Notorious Witches at Worcester. London, n.d.

Wagstaffe, John. Question of Witchcraft. London, 1671.
Walsh, Examination of John. London, 1566.
Webster, John. Displaying of Supposed Witchcraft. London, 1677.
Wellhausen, Julius. Reste arahisciicn Heideftthums. Berlin, 1897.
Whitaker, T. D. History of Whalley. London, 1818.
Wilson, Daniel. Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time. Edinburgh, 1891.
Witch of Wapping, The. Thomason Tracts. London, 1652.
Witchcraft, Collection of rare and curious tracts on. Edinburgh, 1820.
Witches of Northamptonshire. London, 1612.
Wonderfull Discouerie of Elizabeth Sawyer. London, 1621.
Wonderful Discoverie of Margaret and Philip Flower. London, 1619.


1324 Kilkenny, Ireland.

[This is the earliest record to give the names of all those who took part in the ceremonies. Two of the poorer women were burned; Dame Alice Kyteler returned to England; William Outlaw, her son, was imprisoned for a time. Nothing is known of the fate of the rest.]

1. Alice Kyteler
2. Alice, wife of Henry the Smith
3. Annota Lange
4. Eva de Brounstoun
5. Helena Galrussyn
6. John Galrussyn
7. Petronilla de Meath

8. Robert de Bristol
9. Robin, son of Artis (the Devil)
10. Sarah, daughter of Petronilla
11. Sysok Galrussyn
12. William Payn of Boly
13. William Outlaw.