The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift/Volume 11/From Matthew Prior to Jonathan Swift - 3

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JULY 30, 1717.

I HAVE the favour of four letters from you, of the ninth, thirteenth, sixteenth, and twentieth instant. They all came safe to me, however variously directed; but the last to me at my house in Duke street, is the rightest. I find myself equally comforted by your philosophy, and assisted by your friendship. You will easily imagine, that I have a hundred things to say to you, which for as many reasons I omit, and only touch upon that business, to which, in the pride of your heart, you give the epithet of sorry[2]. I return you the names of those, who have been kind enough to subscribe, that you may see if they are rightly spelt, and the just titles put to them, as likewise if it has happened that any has subscribed for more than one volume. You will please to look over the catalogue. You see that our calculation comes even, the gentleman's name that desired it being omitted. I am sensible that this has given you too much trouble; but it is too late now to make an apology. Let Mr. Lewis, who is now with me, do it for me, at what time, and in what manner, he pleases. I take it for granted, that whatever I write, as whatever is writ to me, will be broke open: so you will expect nothing from me, but what you may have as particularly from the postboy. We are all pretty well in health. I have my old whoreson cough, and I think I may call it mine for life. The earl[3] is semper idem. Lord Harley is in the country. Our brotherhood is extremely dispersed; but so as that we have been three or four times able to get as many of the society together, and drink to our absent friends. I have been made to believe, that we may see your reverend person this summer in England: if so, I shall be glad to meet you at any place; but, when you come to London, do not go to the Cocoa-tree, (as you sent your letter) but come immediately to Duke street, where you shall find a bed, a book, and a candle: so pray think of sojourning no where else. Pray give my service to all friends in general. I think, as you have ordered the matter, you have made the greater part of Ireland list themselves under that number. I do not know how you can recompense them, but by coming over to help me to correct the book which I promise them.

You will pardon my having used another hand, since it is so much better than my own; and, believe me, ever with the greatest truth, dear sir, yours,

  1. Endorsed, "Received Aug. 6, 1717. Answered the same day."
  2. Subscriptions for Mr. Prior's poems, procured by the dean. The subscription was two guineas.
  3. Of Oxford.