The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift/Volume 17/The Happy Life of a Country Parson

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This work was probably written by Alexander Pope in imitation of Jonathan Swift. See The Works of Alexander Pope (1995). Wordsworth Edition Ltd. p.11.

1676910The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 17
— The Happy Life of a Country Parson
c. 1710-1730Jonathan Swift






PARSON, these things in thy possessing
Are better than the bishop's blessing:
A wife that makes conserves, a steed
That carries double when there's need;
October store, and best Virginia,
Tithe pig, and mortuary guinea;
Gazettes sent gratis down, and frank'd,
For which thy patron's weekly thank 'd;
A large Concordance, bound long since;
Sermons to Charles the First, when prince;
A chronicle of ancient standing;
A Chrysostom, to smooth thy band in;
The Polyglot, three parts, my text
Howbeit likewise now to my next
Lo here the Septuagint, and Paul,
To sum the whole, the close of all.
He that has these, may pass his life,
Drink with the 'squire, and kiss his wife;
On Sundays preach, and eat his fill;
And fast on Fridays, if he will;
Toast church and queen, explain the news,
Talk with churchwardens about pews,
Pray heartily for some new gift,
And shake his head at doctor Swift.