The Writings of Carl Schurz/From Rutherford B. Hayes, February 4th, 1877

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Columbus, O., Feb. 4, 1877.

I have your note of the 1st [2d]. It impresses me very strongly. My anxiety to do something to promote the pacification of the South is perhaps in danger of leading me too far. I do not reflect on the use of the military power in the least. But there is to be an end of all that, except in emergencies which I do not think of as possible again. We must do all we can to promote prosperity there. Education, emigration and immigration, improvements, occur to me. But the more I think of it, the more I see in what you say. We must go cautiously—slowly.

The result of the great lawsuit will, perhaps, relieve me from all responsibility. I am, fortunately, not anxious to assume it. If it comes I want to be ready. You will see from what I write you, that “the South” is more on my mind than anything else. Perhaps, we must be content to leave that to time—taking care not to obstruct time s healing processes by injudicious meddling. I will think of it. Thanks.