The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Liber Primus/Fable 12

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The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Primus (1889)
by Aesop, translated by William Caxton, edited by Joseph Jacobs
Fable 12: The two Rats

Numbered 352 in the Perry Index. Translated from French by William Caxton and first published in 1484. An annotated version of this text is available.

Aesop3771700The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Primus — Fable 12: The two Rats1889William Caxton

¶ The xij fable is of the two rats

B Etter worthe is to lyue in pouerte surely / than to lyue rychely beyng euer in daunger / Wherof Esope tellelh suche a fable / There were two rats wherof the one was grete and fatte / and held hym in the celer of a Ryche man And the other was poure and lene /   ¶ On a daye this grete and fat ratte wente to sporte hym in the feldes and mette by the way the poure rat / of the whiche he was receyued as well as he coude in his poure cauerne or hole / and gaf from of suche mete as he had / Thenne sayd the fatte ratte come thow wyth me / And I shalle gyue the wel other metes / He went with hym in to the toune / and enterd bothe into the celer of the ryche man / the whiche celer was full of alle goodes / And when they were within the grete rat presented and gaf to the poure rat of the delycious metes / saying thus to hym / Be mery and make good chere / and ete and drynke Joyously /   ¶ And as they were etynge / the bouteler of the place came in to the celer / & the grete rat fled anon in to his hole / & the poure rat wist not whyther he shold goo ne flee / But hyd hym behynd the dore with grete fere and drede / and the bouteler turned ageyne and sawe hym not / And whan he was gone the fatte rat cam out of his cauerne or hole / and called the poure ratte / whiche yet was shakynge for fere / and said to hym / come hyder and be not aferd / & ete as moche as thou wylt / And the poure rat sayd to hym / for goddes loue lete me go oute of this celer / For I haue better ete some corne in the feldes and lyue surely / than to be ever in this torment / for thou arte here in grete doubte & lyuest not surely / And therfore hit is good to lyue pourely & surely   For the poure lyueth more surely than the ryche