The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Liber Tertius/Fable 19

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The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Tertius (1889)
by Aesop, translated by William Caxton, edited by Joseph Jacobs
Fable 19: The Herte and the Oxe

Numbered 492 in the Perry Index. Translated from French by William Caxton and first published in 1484.

Aesop3795541The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Tertius — Fable 19: The Herte and the Oxe1889William Caxton

¶ The xix fable is of the herte and of the oxe

ONely for to flee is assured to scape the daunger wherfore he fleeth / As thow shalt nowe see by this fable / Of a herte whiche rane byfore the dogges / and to thende that he shold not be take / he fledde in to the fyrst toun that he found / & entryd in to a stable where as many oxen were / to whom he sayd the cause why he was come there / prayeng them swetely that they wold saue hym / And the oxen sayd then to hym / Allas poure herte thow arte amonge vs euylle adressyd / thow sholdest be more surely in the feldes  ¶ For yf thow be perceyued or sene of the oxeherd or els of the mayster / Certaynly thow arte but dede / Helas for god & for pyte I praye yow that ye wylle hyde me within your racke / and that ye deceyue me not / and at nyght next comynge / I shalle goo hens / and shalle putte my self in to a sure place /  ¶ And whanne the seruaunts came for to gyue hey to the oxen / they dyd cast heye before the oxen / and wente ageyne theyre waye and sawe not the hert / wherof the herte was gretely reioysshed wenynge to haue scaped the perylle of dethe / He thenne rendred thanke and grace to the oxen / and one of the oxen sayd to hym / It is facyle to scape out of the handes of the blynd but hit is not facyle to scape out of the handes of hym thet seeth wel / For yf oure mayster come hyther whiche hath more than an honderd eyen / Certayn thow arte deed yf he perceyue the   ¶ And yf he see the not / certaynly thow arte saued / and shalt goo forthe on thy waye surely / The mayster within a short whyle after entryd in to the stable / And after he commaunded to vysyte and see the hey / whiche was before his oxen / And hym self went and tasted / yf they had ynough of hit / And as he tasted thus the heye / he felt the hornes of the herte with his hand / and to hym self he sayd / what is that that I fele here / and beynge dredeful called alle his seruauntes / and demaunded of the manere how the herte was come thyder / And they sayd to hym / my lord I knowe nothynge therof / And the lord was full gladde and made the herte to be taken and slayne / and maade a grete feest for to haue ete hym / Therfore it happeth oftyme / that he whiche supposeth to flee is taken and hold within the lace or nette / For he that fleeth awey is in grete perylle / wherfore men ought wel to kepe them self to doo suche dede / that they must nedes flee therfore